1680 lines
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// System.Net.HttpWebRequest
// Authors:
// Lawrence Pit (loz@cable.a2000.nl)
// Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com)
// Martin Baulig <mabaul@microsoft.com>
// (c) 2002 Lawrence Pit
// (c) 2003 Ximian, Inc. (http://www.ximian.com)
// (c) 2004 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com)
// Copyright (c) 2017 Xamarin Inc. (http://www.xamarin.com)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
extern alias MonoSecurity;
using MonoSecurity::Mono.Security.Interface;
using Mono.Security.Interface;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Cache;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Mono.Net.Security;
namespace System.Net
public class HttpWebRequest : WebRequest, ISerializable
Uri requestUri;
Uri actualUri;
bool hostChanged;
bool allowAutoRedirect = true;
bool allowBuffering = true;
bool allowReadStreamBuffering;
X509CertificateCollection certificates;
string connectionGroup;
bool haveContentLength;
long contentLength = -1;
HttpContinueDelegate continueDelegate;
CookieContainer cookieContainer;
ICredentials credentials;
bool haveResponse;
bool requestSent;
WebHeaderCollection webHeaders;
bool keepAlive = true;
int maxAutoRedirect = 50;
string mediaType = String.Empty;
string method = "GET";
string initialMethod = "GET";
bool pipelined = true;
bool preAuthenticate;
bool usedPreAuth;
Version version = HttpVersion.Version11;
bool force_version;
Version actualVersion;
IWebProxy proxy;
bool sendChunked;
ServicePoint servicePoint;
int timeout = 100000;
int continueTimeout = 350;
WebRequestStream writeStream;
HttpWebResponse webResponse;
WebCompletionSource responseTask;
WebOperation currentOperation;
int aborted;
bool gotRequestStream;
int redirects;
bool expectContinue;
bool getResponseCalled;
object locker = new object ();
bool finished_reading;
DecompressionMethods auto_decomp;
int maxResponseHeadersLength;
static int defaultMaxResponseHeadersLength;
static int defaultMaximumErrorResponseLength;
static RequestCachePolicy defaultCachePolicy;
int readWriteTimeout = 300000; // ms
MonoTlsProvider tlsProvider;
MonoTlsSettings tlsSettings;
ServerCertValidationCallback certValidationCallback;
// stores the user provided Host header as Uri. If the user specified a default port explicitly we'll lose
// that information when converting the host string to a Uri. _HostHasPort will store that information.
bool hostHasPort;
Uri hostUri;
enum NtlmAuthState
AuthorizationState auth_state, proxy_auth_state;
internal Func<Stream, Task> ResendContentFactory;
// Constructors
static HttpWebRequest ()
defaultMaxResponseHeadersLength = 64;
defaultMaximumErrorResponseLength = 64;
defaultCachePolicy = new RequestCachePolicy (RequestCacheLevel.BypassCache);
#pragma warning disable 618
NetConfig config = ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig ("system.net/settings") as NetConfig;
#pragma warning restore 618
if (config != null)
defaultMaxResponseHeadersLength = config.MaxResponseHeadersLength;
HttpWebRequest (Uri uri)
this.requestUri = uri;
this.actualUri = uri;
this.proxy = InternalDefaultWebProxy;
this.webHeaders = new WebHeaderCollection (WebHeaderCollectionType.HttpWebRequest);
ThrowOnError = true;
ResetAuthorization ();
internal HttpWebRequest (Uri uri, MonoTlsProvider tlsProvider, MonoTlsSettings settings = null)
: this (uri)
this.tlsProvider = tlsProvider;
this.tlsSettings = settings;
[Obsolete ("Serialization is obsoleted for this type. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")]
protected HttpWebRequest (SerializationInfo serializationInfo, StreamingContext streamingContext)
// In CoreFX, attempting to serialize this class fails due to
// non-serializable fields, so this constructor never gets called.
// They're throwing PlatformNotSupportedException() in here.
throw new SerializationException ();
static int nextId;
internal readonly int ID = ++nextId;
internal readonly int ID;
void ResetAuthorization ()
auth_state = new AuthorizationState (this, false);
proxy_auth_state = new AuthorizationState (this, true);
// Properties
void SetSpecialHeaders (string HeaderName, string value)
value = WebHeaderCollection.CheckBadChars (value, true);
webHeaders.RemoveInternal (HeaderName);
if (value.Length != 0) {
webHeaders.AddInternal (HeaderName, value);
public string Accept {
get { return webHeaders["Accept"]; }
set {
CheckRequestStarted ();
SetSpecialHeaders ("Accept", value);
public Uri Address {
get { return actualUri; }
internal set { actualUri = value; } // Used by Ftp+proxy
public virtual bool AllowAutoRedirect {
get { return allowAutoRedirect; }
set { this.allowAutoRedirect = value; }
public virtual bool AllowWriteStreamBuffering {
get { return allowBuffering; }
set { allowBuffering = value; }
public virtual bool AllowReadStreamBuffering {
get { return allowReadStreamBuffering; }
set { allowReadStreamBuffering = value; }
static Exception GetMustImplement ()
return new NotImplementedException ();
public DecompressionMethods AutomaticDecompression {
get {
return auto_decomp;
set {
CheckRequestStarted ();
auto_decomp = value;
internal bool InternalAllowBuffering {
get {
return allowBuffering && MethodWithBuffer;
bool MethodWithBuffer {
get {
return method != "HEAD" && method != "GET" &&
method != "MKCOL" && method != "CONNECT" &&
method != "TRACE";
internal MonoTlsProvider TlsProvider {
get { return tlsProvider; }
internal MonoTlsSettings TlsSettings {
get { return tlsSettings; }
public X509CertificateCollection ClientCertificates {
get {
if (certificates == null)
certificates = new X509CertificateCollection ();
return certificates;
set {
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");
certificates = value;
public string Connection {
get { return webHeaders["Connection"]; }
set {
CheckRequestStarted ();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (value)) {
webHeaders.RemoveInternal ("Connection");
string val = value.ToLowerInvariant ();
if (val.Contains ("keep-alive") || val.Contains ("close"))
throw new ArgumentException (SR.net_connarg, nameof (value));
string checkedValue = HttpValidationHelpers.CheckBadHeaderValueChars (value);
webHeaders.CheckUpdate ("Connection", checkedValue);
public override string ConnectionGroupName {
get { return connectionGroup; }
set { connectionGroup = value; }
public override long ContentLength {
get { return contentLength; }
set {
CheckRequestStarted ();
if (value < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("value", "Content-Length must be >= 0");
contentLength = value;
haveContentLength = true;
internal long InternalContentLength {
set { contentLength = value; }
internal bool ThrowOnError { get; set; }
public override string ContentType {
get { return webHeaders["Content-Type"]; }
set {
SetSpecialHeaders ("Content-Type", value);
public HttpContinueDelegate ContinueDelegate {
get { return continueDelegate; }
set { continueDelegate = value; }
public CookieContainer CookieContainer {
get { return cookieContainer; }
set { cookieContainer = value; }
public override ICredentials Credentials {
get { return credentials; }
set { credentials = value; }
public DateTime Date {
get {
string date = webHeaders["Date"];
if (date == null)
return DateTime.MinValue;
return DateTime.ParseExact (date, "r", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToLocalTime ();
set {
SetDateHeaderHelper ("Date", value);
void SetDateHeaderHelper (string headerName, DateTime dateTime)
if (dateTime == DateTime.MinValue)
SetSpecialHeaders (headerName, null); // remove header
SetSpecialHeaders (headerName, HttpProtocolUtils.date2string (dateTime));
public static new RequestCachePolicy DefaultCachePolicy {
get { return defaultCachePolicy; }
set { defaultCachePolicy = value; }
public static int DefaultMaximumErrorResponseLength {
get { return defaultMaximumErrorResponseLength; }
set { defaultMaximumErrorResponseLength = value; }
public string Expect {
get { return webHeaders["Expect"]; }
set {
CheckRequestStarted ();
string val = value;
if (val != null)
val = val.Trim ().ToLower ();
if (val == null || val.Length == 0) {
webHeaders.RemoveInternal ("Expect");
if (val == "100-continue")
throw new ArgumentException ("100-Continue cannot be set with this property.",
webHeaders.CheckUpdate ("Expect", value);
public bool HaveResponse {
get { return haveResponse; }
public override WebHeaderCollection Headers {
get { return webHeaders; }
set {
CheckRequestStarted ();
WebHeaderCollection webHeaders = value;
WebHeaderCollection newWebHeaders = new WebHeaderCollection (WebHeaderCollectionType.HttpWebRequest);
// Copy And Validate -
// Handle the case where their object tries to change
// name, value pairs after they call set, so therefore,
// we need to clone their headers.
foreach (String headerName in webHeaders.AllKeys) {
newWebHeaders.Add (headerName, webHeaders[headerName]);
this.webHeaders = newWebHeaders;
public string Host {
get {
Uri uri = hostUri ?? Address;
return (hostUri == null || !hostHasPort) && Address.IsDefaultPort ?
uri.Host : uri.Host + ":" + uri.Port;
set {
CheckRequestStarted ();
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (value));
Uri uri;
if ((value.IndexOf ('/') != -1) || (!TryGetHostUri (value, out uri)))
throw new ArgumentException (SR.net_invalid_host, nameof (value));
hostUri = uri;
// Determine if the user provided string contains a port
if (!hostUri.IsDefaultPort) {
hostHasPort = true;
} else if (value.IndexOf (':') == -1) {
hostHasPort = false;
} else {
int endOfIPv6Address = value.IndexOf (']');
hostHasPort = endOfIPv6Address == -1 || value.LastIndexOf (':') > endOfIPv6Address;
bool TryGetHostUri (string hostName, out Uri hostUri)
string s = Address.Scheme + "://" + hostName + Address.PathAndQuery;
return Uri.TryCreate (s, UriKind.Absolute, out hostUri);
public DateTime IfModifiedSince {
get {
string str = webHeaders["If-Modified-Since"];
if (str == null)
return DateTime.Now;
try {
return MonoHttpDate.Parse (str);
} catch (Exception) {
return DateTime.Now;
set {
CheckRequestStarted ();
// rfc-1123 pattern
webHeaders.SetInternal ("If-Modified-Since",
value.ToUniversalTime ().ToString ("r", null));
// TODO: check last param when using different locale
public bool KeepAlive {
get {
return keepAlive;
set {
keepAlive = value;
public int MaximumAutomaticRedirections {
get { return maxAutoRedirect; }
set {
if (value <= 0)
throw new ArgumentException ("Must be > 0", "value");
maxAutoRedirect = value;
[MonoTODO ("Use this")]
public int MaximumResponseHeadersLength {
get { return maxResponseHeadersLength; }
set {
CheckRequestStarted ();
if (value < 0 && value != System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (nameof (value), SR.net_toosmall);
maxResponseHeadersLength = value;
[MonoTODO ("Use this")]
public static int DefaultMaximumResponseHeadersLength {
get { return defaultMaxResponseHeadersLength; }
set { defaultMaxResponseHeadersLength = value; }
public int ReadWriteTimeout {
get { return readWriteTimeout; }
set {
CheckRequestStarted ();
if (value <= 0 && value != System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (nameof (value), SR.net_io_timeout_use_gt_zero);
readWriteTimeout = value;
public int ContinueTimeout {
get {
return continueTimeout;
set {
CheckRequestStarted ();
if ((value < 0) && (value != System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (nameof (value), SR.net_io_timeout_use_ge_zero);
continueTimeout = value;
public string MediaType {
get { return mediaType; }
set {
mediaType = value;
public override string Method {
get { return this.method; }
set {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (value))
throw new ArgumentException (SR.net_badmethod, nameof (value));
if (HttpValidationHelpers.IsInvalidMethodOrHeaderString (value))
throw new ArgumentException (SR.net_badmethod, nameof (value));
method = value.ToUpperInvariant ();
if (method != "HEAD" && method != "GET" && method != "POST" && method != "PUT" &&
method != "DELETE" && method != "CONNECT" && method != "TRACE" &&
method != "MKCOL") {
method = value;
public bool Pipelined {
get { return pipelined; }
set { pipelined = value; }
public override bool PreAuthenticate {
get { return preAuthenticate; }
set { preAuthenticate = value; }
public Version ProtocolVersion {
get { return version; }
set {
if (value != HttpVersion.Version10 && value != HttpVersion.Version11)
throw new ArgumentException (SR.net_wrongversion, nameof (value));
force_version = true;
version = value;
public override IWebProxy Proxy {
get { return proxy; }
set {
CheckRequestStarted ();
proxy = value;
servicePoint = null; // we may need a new one
GetServicePoint ();
public string Referer {
get { return webHeaders["Referer"]; }
set {
CheckRequestStarted ();
if (value == null || value.Trim ().Length == 0) {
webHeaders.RemoveInternal ("Referer");
webHeaders.SetInternal ("Referer", value);
public override Uri RequestUri {
get { return requestUri; }
public bool SendChunked {
get { return sendChunked; }
set {
CheckRequestStarted ();
sendChunked = value;
public ServicePoint ServicePoint {
get { return GetServicePoint (); }
internal ServicePoint ServicePointNoLock {
get { return servicePoint; }
public virtual bool SupportsCookieContainer {
get {
// The managed implementation supports the cookie container
// it is only Silverlight that returns false here
return true;
public override int Timeout {
get { return timeout; }
set {
if (value < -1)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("value");
timeout = value;
public string TransferEncoding {
get { return webHeaders["Transfer-Encoding"]; }
set {
CheckRequestStarted ();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (value)) {
webHeaders.RemoveInternal ("Transfer-Encoding");
string val = value.ToLower ();
// prevent them from adding chunked, or from adding an Encoding without
// turning on chunked, the reason is due to the HTTP Spec which prevents
// additional encoding types from being used without chunked
if (val.Contains ("chunked"))
throw new ArgumentException (SR.net_nochunked, nameof (value));
else if (!SendChunked)
throw new InvalidOperationException (SR.net_needchunked);
string checkedValue = HttpValidationHelpers.CheckBadHeaderValueChars (value);
webHeaders.CheckUpdate ("Transfer-Encoding", checkedValue);
public override bool UseDefaultCredentials {
get { return CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials == Credentials; }
set { Credentials = value ? CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials : null; }
public string UserAgent {
get { return webHeaders["User-Agent"]; }
set { webHeaders.SetInternal ("User-Agent", value); }
bool unsafe_auth_blah;
public bool UnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharing {
get { return unsafe_auth_blah; }
set { unsafe_auth_blah = value; }
internal bool GotRequestStream {
get { return gotRequestStream; }
internal bool ExpectContinue {
get { return expectContinue; }
set { expectContinue = value; }
internal Uri AuthUri {
get { return actualUri; }
internal bool ProxyQuery {
get { return servicePoint.UsesProxy && !servicePoint.UseConnect; }
internal ServerCertValidationCallback ServerCertValidationCallback {
get { return certValidationCallback; }
public RemoteCertificateValidationCallback ServerCertificateValidationCallback {
get {
if (certValidationCallback == null)
return null;
return certValidationCallback.ValidationCallback;
set {
if (value == null)
certValidationCallback = null;
certValidationCallback = new ServerCertValidationCallback (value);
// Methods
internal ServicePoint GetServicePoint ()
lock (locker) {
if (hostChanged || servicePoint == null) {
servicePoint = ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint (actualUri, proxy);
hostChanged = false;
return servicePoint;
public void AddRange (int range)
AddRange ("bytes", (long)range);
public void AddRange (int from, int to)
AddRange ("bytes", (long)from, (long)to);
public void AddRange (string rangeSpecifier, int range)
AddRange (rangeSpecifier, (long)range);
public void AddRange (string rangeSpecifier, int from, int to)
AddRange (rangeSpecifier, (long)from, (long)to);
void AddRange (long range)
AddRange ("bytes", (long)range);
void AddRange (long from, long to)
AddRange ("bytes", from, to);
void AddRange (string rangeSpecifier, long range)
if (rangeSpecifier == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("rangeSpecifier");
if (!WebHeaderCollection.IsValidToken (rangeSpecifier))
throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid range specifier", "rangeSpecifier");
string r = webHeaders["Range"];
if (r == null)
r = rangeSpecifier + "=";
else {
string old_specifier = r.Substring (0, r.IndexOf ('='));
if (String.Compare (old_specifier, rangeSpecifier, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("A different range specifier is already in use");
r += ",";
string n = range.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (range < 0)
r = r + "0" + n;
r = r + n + "-";
webHeaders.ChangeInternal ("Range", r);
void AddRange (string rangeSpecifier, long from, long to)
if (rangeSpecifier == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("rangeSpecifier");
if (!WebHeaderCollection.IsValidToken (rangeSpecifier))
throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid range specifier", "rangeSpecifier");
if (from > to || from < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("from");
if (to < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("to");
string r = webHeaders["Range"];
if (r == null)
r = rangeSpecifier + "=";
r += ",";
r = String.Format ("{0}{1}-{2}", r, from, to);
webHeaders.ChangeInternal ("Range", r);
WebOperation SendRequest (bool redirecting, BufferOffsetSize writeBuffer, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
lock (locker) {
WebConnection.Debug ($"HWR SEND REQUEST: Req={ID} requestSent={requestSent} actualUri={actualUri} redirecting={redirecting}");
WebOperation operation;
if (!redirecting) {
if (requestSent) {
operation = currentOperation;
if (operation == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Should never happen!");
return operation;
operation = new WebOperation (this, writeBuffer, false, cancellationToken);
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange (ref currentOperation, operation, null) != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Invalid nested call.");
requestSent = true;
if (!redirecting)
redirects = 0;
servicePoint = GetServicePoint ();
servicePoint.SendRequest (operation, connectionGroup);
return operation;
Task<Stream> MyGetRequestStreamAsync (CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (Aborted)
throw CreateRequestAbortedException ();
bool send = !(method == "GET" || method == "CONNECT" || method == "HEAD" ||
method == "TRACE");
if (method == null || !send)
throw new ProtocolViolationException ("Cannot send data when method is: " + method);
if (contentLength == -1 && !sendChunked && !allowBuffering && KeepAlive)
throw new ProtocolViolationException ("Content-Length not set");
string transferEncoding = TransferEncoding;
if (!sendChunked && transferEncoding != null && transferEncoding.Trim () != "")
throw new ProtocolViolationException ("SendChunked should be true.");
WebOperation operation;
lock (locker) {
if (getResponseCalled)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("The operation cannot be performed once the request has been submitted.");
operation = currentOperation;
if (operation == null) {
initialMethod = method;
gotRequestStream = true;
operation = SendRequest (false, null, cancellationToken);
return operation.GetRequestStream ();
public override IAsyncResult BeginGetRequestStream (AsyncCallback callback, object state)
return TaskToApm.Begin (RunWithTimeout (MyGetRequestStreamAsync), callback, state);
public override Stream EndGetRequestStream (IAsyncResult asyncResult)
if (asyncResult == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("asyncResult");
try {
return TaskToApm.End<Stream> (asyncResult);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw FlattenException (e);
public override Stream GetRequestStream ()
try {
return GetRequestStreamAsync ().Result;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw FlattenException (e);
public Stream GetRequestStream (out TransportContext context)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public override Task<Stream> GetRequestStreamAsync ()
return RunWithTimeout (MyGetRequestStreamAsync);
internal static Task<T> RunWithTimeout<T> (
Func<CancellationToken, Task<T>> func, int timeout, Action abort)
// Call `func` here to propagate any potential exception that it
// might throw to our caller rather than returning a faulted task.
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource ();
var workerTask = func (cts.Token);
return RunWithTimeoutWorker (workerTask, timeout, abort, cts);
static async Task<T> RunWithTimeoutWorker<T> (
Task<T> workerTask, int timeout, Action abort,
CancellationTokenSource cts)
try {
if (await ServicePointScheduler.WaitAsync (workerTask, timeout).ConfigureAwait (false))
return workerTask.Result;
try {
cts.Cancel ();
abort ();
} catch {
// Ignore; we report the timeout.
throw new WebException (SR.net_timeout, WebExceptionStatus.Timeout);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw FlattenException (ex);
} finally {
cts.Dispose ();
Task<T> RunWithTimeout<T> (Func<CancellationToken, Task<T>> func)
return RunWithTimeout (func, timeout, Abort);
async Task<HttpWebResponse> MyGetResponseAsync (CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (Aborted)
throw CreateRequestAbortedException ();
if (method == null)
throw new ProtocolViolationException ("Method is null.");
string transferEncoding = TransferEncoding;
if (!sendChunked && transferEncoding != null && transferEncoding.Trim () != "")
throw new ProtocolViolationException ("SendChunked should be true.");
var completion = new WebCompletionSource ();
WebOperation operation;
lock (locker) {
getResponseCalled = true;
var oldCompletion = Interlocked.CompareExchange (ref responseTask, completion, null);
WebConnection.Debug ($"HWR GET RESPONSE: Req={ID} {oldCompletion != null}");
if (oldCompletion != null) {
oldCompletion.ThrowOnError ();
if (haveResponse && oldCompletion.Task.IsCompleted)
return webResponse;
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Cannot re-call start of asynchronous " +
"method while a previous call is still in progress.");
operation = currentOperation;
if (currentOperation != null)
writeStream = currentOperation.WriteStream;
initialMethod = method;
operation = SendRequest (false, null, cancellationToken);
while (true) {
WebException throwMe = null;
HttpWebResponse response = null;
WebResponseStream stream = null;
bool redirect = false;
bool mustReadAll = false;
WebOperation ntlm = null;
BufferOffsetSize writeBuffer = null;
try {
cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested ();
WebConnection.Debug ($"HWR GET RESPONSE LOOP: Req={ID} Op={operation?.ID} {auth_state.NtlmAuthState}");
writeStream = await operation.GetRequestStreamInternal ();
await writeStream.WriteRequestAsync (cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait (false);
stream = await operation.GetResponseStream ();
WebConnection.Debug ($"HWR RESPONSE LOOP #0: Req={ID} Op={operation?.ID} - {stream?.Headers != null}");
(response, redirect, mustReadAll, writeBuffer, ntlm) = await GetResponseFromData (
stream, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait (false);
} catch (Exception e) {
throwMe = GetWebException (e);
WebConnection.Debug ($"HWR GET RESPONSE LOOP #1: Req={ID} Op={operation?.ID} - redirect={redirect} mustReadAll={mustReadAll} writeBuffer={writeBuffer != null} ntlm={ntlm != null} - {throwMe != null}");
lock (locker) {
if (throwMe != null) {
WebConnection.Debug ($"HWR GET RESPONSE LOOP #1 EX: Req={ID} {throwMe.Status} {throwMe.InnerException?.GetType ()}");
haveResponse = true;
completion.TrySetException (throwMe);
throw throwMe;
if (!redirect) {
haveResponse = true;
webResponse = response;
completion.TrySetCompleted ();
return response;
finished_reading = false;
haveResponse = false;
webResponse = null;
currentOperation = ntlm;
WebConnection.Debug ($"HWR GET RESPONSE LOOP #2: Req={ID} {mustReadAll} {ntlm}");
try {
if (mustReadAll)
await stream.ReadAllAsync (redirect || ntlm != null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait (false);
operation.Finish (true);
response.Close ();
} catch (Exception e) {
throwMe = GetWebException (e);
lock (locker) {
WebConnection.Debug ($"HWR GET RESPONSE LOOP #3: Req={ID} {writeBuffer != null} {ntlm != null}");
if (throwMe != null) {
WebConnection.Debug ($"HWR GET RESPONSE LOOP #3 EX: Req={ID} {throwMe.Status} {throwMe.InnerException?.GetType ()}");
haveResponse = true;
stream?.Close ();
completion.TrySetException (throwMe);
throw throwMe;
if (ntlm == null) {
operation = SendRequest (true, writeBuffer, cancellationToken);
} else {
operation = ntlm;
async Task<(HttpWebResponse response, bool redirect, bool mustReadAll, BufferOffsetSize writeBuffer, WebOperation ntlm)>
GetResponseFromData (WebResponseStream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
* WebConnection has either called SetResponseData() or SetResponseError().
var response = new HttpWebResponse (actualUri, method, stream, cookieContainer);
WebException throwMe = null;
bool redirect = false;
bool mustReadAll = false;
WebOperation ntlm = null;
Task<BufferOffsetSize> rewriteHandler = null;
BufferOffsetSize writeBuffer = null;
lock (locker) {
(redirect, mustReadAll, rewriteHandler, throwMe) = CheckFinalStatus (response);
if (throwMe != null) {
if (mustReadAll)
await stream.ReadAllAsync (false, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait (false);
throw throwMe;
if (rewriteHandler != null) {
writeBuffer = await rewriteHandler.ConfigureAwait (false);
lock (locker) {
bool isProxy = ProxyQuery && proxy != null && !proxy.IsBypassed (actualUri);
if (!redirect) {
if ((isProxy ? proxy_auth_state : auth_state).IsNtlmAuthenticated && (int)response.StatusCode < 400) {
stream.Connection.NtlmAuthenticated = true;
// clear internal buffer so that it does not
// hold possible big buffer (bug #397627)
if (writeStream != null)
writeStream.KillBuffer ();
return (response, false, false, writeBuffer, null);
if (sendChunked) {
sendChunked = false;
webHeaders.RemoveInternal ("Transfer-Encoding");
bool isChallenge;
(ntlm, isChallenge) = HandleNtlmAuth (stream, response, writeBuffer, cancellationToken);
WebConnection.Debug ($"HWR REDIRECT: {ntlm} {isChallenge} {mustReadAll}");
return (response, true, mustReadAll, writeBuffer, ntlm);
internal static Exception FlattenException (Exception e)
if (e is AggregateException ae) {
ae = ae.Flatten ();
if (ae.InnerExceptions.Count == 1)
return ae.InnerException;
return e;
WebException GetWebException (Exception e)
e = FlattenException (e);
if (e is WebException wexc) {
if (!Aborted || wexc.Status == WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled || wexc.Status == WebExceptionStatus.Timeout)
return wexc;
if (Aborted || e is OperationCanceledException || e is ObjectDisposedException)
return CreateRequestAbortedException ();
return new WebException (e.Message, e, WebExceptionStatus.UnknownError, null);
internal static WebException CreateRequestAbortedException ()
return new WebException (SR.Format (SR.net_reqaborted, WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled), WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled);
public override IAsyncResult BeginGetResponse (AsyncCallback callback, object state)
if (Aborted)
throw CreateRequestAbortedException ();
return TaskToApm.Begin (RunWithTimeout (MyGetResponseAsync), callback, state);
public override WebResponse EndGetResponse (IAsyncResult asyncResult)
if (asyncResult == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (asyncResult));
try {
return TaskToApm.End<HttpWebResponse> (asyncResult);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw FlattenException (e);
public Stream EndGetRequestStream (IAsyncResult asyncResult, out TransportContext context)
if (asyncResult == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (asyncResult));
context = null;
return EndGetRequestStream (asyncResult);
public override WebResponse GetResponse ()
try {
return GetResponseAsync ().Result;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw FlattenException (e);
internal bool FinishedReading {
get { return finished_reading; }
set { finished_reading = value; }
internal bool Aborted {
get { return Interlocked.CompareExchange (ref aborted, 0, 0) == 1; }
public override void Abort ()
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange (ref aborted, 1, 0) == 1)
WebConnection.Debug ($"HWR ABORT: Req={ID}");
haveResponse = true;
var operation = currentOperation;
if (operation != null)
operation.Abort ();
responseTask?.TrySetCanceled ();
if (webResponse != null) {
try {
webResponse.Close ();
webResponse = null;
} catch { }
void ISerializable.GetObjectData (SerializationInfo serializationInfo,
StreamingContext streamingContext)
throw new SerializationException ();
protected override void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo serializationInfo,
StreamingContext streamingContext)
throw new SerializationException ();
void CheckRequestStarted ()
if (requestSent)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("request started");
internal void DoContinueDelegate (int statusCode, WebHeaderCollection headers)
if (continueDelegate != null)
continueDelegate (statusCode, headers);
void RewriteRedirectToGet ()
method = "GET";
webHeaders.RemoveInternal ("Transfer-Encoding");
sendChunked = false;
bool Redirect (HttpStatusCode code, WebResponse response)
Exception e = null;
string uriString = null;
switch (code) {
case HttpStatusCode.Ambiguous: // 300
e = new WebException ("Ambiguous redirect.");
case HttpStatusCode.MovedPermanently: // 301
case HttpStatusCode.Redirect: // 302
if (method == "POST")
RewriteRedirectToGet ();
case HttpStatusCode.TemporaryRedirect: // 307
case HttpStatusCode.SeeOther: //303
RewriteRedirectToGet ();
case HttpStatusCode.NotModified: // 304
return false;
case HttpStatusCode.UseProxy: // 305
e = new NotImplementedException ("Proxy support not available.");
case HttpStatusCode.Unused: // 306
e = new ProtocolViolationException ("Invalid status code: " + (int)code);
if (method != "GET" && !InternalAllowBuffering && ResendContentFactory == null &&
(writeStream.WriteBufferLength > 0 || contentLength > 0))
e = new WebException ("The request requires buffering data to succeed.", null, WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError, response);
if (e != null)
throw e;
if (AllowWriteStreamBuffering || method == "GET")
contentLength = -1;
uriString = response.Headers["Location"];
if (uriString == null)
throw new WebException ($"No Location header found for {(int)code}", null,
WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError, response);
Uri prev = actualUri;
try {
actualUri = new Uri (actualUri, uriString);
} catch (Exception) {
throw new WebException ($"Invalid URL ({uriString}) for {(int)code}",
null, WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError, response);
hostChanged = (actualUri.Scheme != prev.Scheme || Host != prev.Authority);
return true;
string GetHeaders ()
bool continue100 = false;
if (sendChunked) {
continue100 = true;
webHeaders.ChangeInternal ("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked");
webHeaders.RemoveInternal ("Content-Length");
} else if (contentLength != -1) {
if (auth_state.NtlmAuthState == NtlmAuthState.Challenge || proxy_auth_state.NtlmAuthState == NtlmAuthState.Challenge) {
// We don't send any body with the NTLM Challenge request.
if (haveContentLength || gotRequestStream || contentLength > 0)
webHeaders.SetInternal ("Content-Length", "0");
webHeaders.RemoveInternal ("Content-Length");
} else {
if (contentLength > 0)
continue100 = true;
if (haveContentLength || gotRequestStream || contentLength > 0)
webHeaders.SetInternal ("Content-Length", contentLength.ToString ());
webHeaders.RemoveInternal ("Transfer-Encoding");
} else {
webHeaders.RemoveInternal ("Content-Length");
if (actualVersion == HttpVersion.Version11 && continue100 &&
servicePoint.SendContinue) { // RFC2616 8.2.3
webHeaders.ChangeInternal ("Expect", "100-continue");
expectContinue = true;
} else {
webHeaders.RemoveInternal ("Expect");
expectContinue = false;
bool proxy_query = ProxyQuery;
string connectionHeader = (proxy_query) ? "Proxy-Connection" : "Connection";
webHeaders.RemoveInternal ((!proxy_query) ? "Proxy-Connection" : "Connection");
Version proto_version = servicePoint.ProtocolVersion;
bool spoint10 = (proto_version == null || proto_version == HttpVersion.Version10);
if (keepAlive && (version == HttpVersion.Version10 || spoint10)) {
if (webHeaders[connectionHeader] == null
|| webHeaders[connectionHeader].IndexOf ("keep-alive", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1)
webHeaders.ChangeInternal (connectionHeader, "keep-alive");
} else if (!keepAlive && version == HttpVersion.Version11) {
webHeaders.ChangeInternal (connectionHeader, "close");
string host;
if (hostUri != null) {
if (hostHasPort)
host = hostUri.GetComponents (UriComponents.HostAndPort, UriFormat.Unescaped);
host = hostUri.GetComponents (UriComponents.Host, UriFormat.Unescaped);
} else if (Address.IsDefaultPort) {
host = Address.GetComponents (UriComponents.Host, UriFormat.Unescaped);
} else {
host = Address.GetComponents (UriComponents.HostAndPort, UriFormat.Unescaped);
webHeaders.SetInternal ("Host", host);
if (cookieContainer != null) {
string cookieHeader = cookieContainer.GetCookieHeader (actualUri);
if (cookieHeader != "")
webHeaders.ChangeInternal ("Cookie", cookieHeader);
webHeaders.RemoveInternal ("Cookie");
string accept_encoding = null;
if ((auto_decomp & DecompressionMethods.GZip) != 0)
accept_encoding = "gzip";
if ((auto_decomp & DecompressionMethods.Deflate) != 0)
accept_encoding = accept_encoding != null ? "gzip, deflate" : "deflate";
if (accept_encoding != null)
webHeaders.ChangeInternal ("Accept-Encoding", accept_encoding);
if (!usedPreAuth && preAuthenticate)
DoPreAuthenticate ();
return webHeaders.ToString ();
void DoPreAuthenticate ()
bool isProxy = (proxy != null && !proxy.IsBypassed (actualUri));
ICredentials creds = (!isProxy || credentials != null) ? credentials : proxy.Credentials;
Authorization auth = AuthenticationManager.PreAuthenticate (this, creds);
if (auth == null)
webHeaders.RemoveInternal ("Proxy-Authorization");
webHeaders.RemoveInternal ("Authorization");
string authHeader = (isProxy && credentials == null) ? "Proxy-Authorization" : "Authorization";
webHeaders[authHeader] = auth.Message;
usedPreAuth = true;
internal byte[] GetRequestHeaders ()
StringBuilder req = new StringBuilder ();
string query;
if (!ProxyQuery) {
query = actualUri.PathAndQuery;
} else {
query = String.Format ("{0}://{1}{2}", actualUri.Scheme,
if (!force_version && servicePoint.ProtocolVersion != null && servicePoint.ProtocolVersion < version) {
actualVersion = servicePoint.ProtocolVersion;
} else {
actualVersion = version;
req.AppendFormat ("{0} {1} HTTP/{2}.{3}\r\n", method, query,
actualVersion.Major, actualVersion.Minor);
req.Append (GetHeaders ());
string reqstr = req.ToString ();
return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (reqstr);
(WebOperation, bool) HandleNtlmAuth (WebResponseStream stream, HttpWebResponse response,
BufferOffsetSize writeBuffer, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
bool isProxy = response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.ProxyAuthenticationRequired;
if ((isProxy ? proxy_auth_state : auth_state).NtlmAuthState == NtlmAuthState.None)
return (null, false);
var isChallenge = auth_state.NtlmAuthState == NtlmAuthState.Challenge || proxy_auth_state.NtlmAuthState == NtlmAuthState.Challenge;
var operation = new WebOperation (this, writeBuffer, isChallenge, cancellationToken);
stream.Operation.SetPriorityRequest (operation);
var creds = (!isProxy || proxy == null) ? credentials : proxy.Credentials;
if (creds != null) {
stream.Connection.NtlmCredential = creds.GetCredential (requestUri, "NTLM");
stream.Connection.UnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharing = unsafe_auth_blah;
return (operation, isChallenge);
struct AuthorizationState
readonly HttpWebRequest request;
readonly bool isProxy;
bool isCompleted;
NtlmAuthState ntlm_auth_state;
public bool IsCompleted {
get { return isCompleted; }
public NtlmAuthState NtlmAuthState {
get { return ntlm_auth_state; }
public bool IsNtlmAuthenticated {
get { return isCompleted && ntlm_auth_state != NtlmAuthState.None; }
public AuthorizationState (HttpWebRequest request, bool isProxy)
this.request = request;
this.isProxy = isProxy;
isCompleted = false;
ntlm_auth_state = NtlmAuthState.None;
public bool CheckAuthorization (WebResponse response, HttpStatusCode code)
isCompleted = false;
if (code == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized && request.credentials == null)
return false;
// FIXME: This should never happen!
if (isProxy != (code == HttpStatusCode.ProxyAuthenticationRequired))
return false;
if (isProxy && (request.proxy == null || request.proxy.Credentials == null))
return false;
string[] authHeaders = response.Headers.GetValues (isProxy ? "Proxy-Authenticate" : "WWW-Authenticate");
if (authHeaders == null || authHeaders.Length == 0)
return false;
ICredentials creds = (!isProxy) ? request.credentials : request.proxy.Credentials;
Authorization auth = null;
foreach (string authHeader in authHeaders) {
auth = AuthenticationManager.Authenticate (authHeader, request, creds);
if (auth != null)
if (auth == null)
return false;
request.webHeaders[isProxy ? "Proxy-Authorization" : "Authorization"] = auth.Message;
isCompleted = auth.Complete;
bool is_ntlm = (auth.ModuleAuthenticationType == "NTLM");
if (is_ntlm)
ntlm_auth_state = (NtlmAuthState)((int)ntlm_auth_state + 1);
return true;
public void Reset ()
isCompleted = false;
ntlm_auth_state = NtlmAuthState.None;
request.webHeaders.RemoveInternal (isProxy ? "Proxy-Authorization" : "Authorization");
public override string ToString ()
return string.Format ("{0}AuthState [{1}:{2}]", isProxy ? "Proxy" : "", isCompleted, ntlm_auth_state);
bool CheckAuthorization (WebResponse response, HttpStatusCode code)
bool isProxy = code == HttpStatusCode.ProxyAuthenticationRequired;
return isProxy ? proxy_auth_state.CheckAuthorization (response, code) : auth_state.CheckAuthorization (response, code);
(Task<BufferOffsetSize> task, WebException throwMe) GetRewriteHandler (HttpWebResponse response, bool redirect)
if (redirect) {
if (!MethodWithBuffer)
return (null, null);
if (writeStream.WriteBufferLength == 0 || contentLength == 0)
return (null, null);
// Keep the written body, so it can be rewritten in the retry
if (AllowWriteStreamBuffering)
return (Task.FromResult (writeStream.GetWriteBuffer ()), null);
if (ResendContentFactory == null)
return (null, new WebException (
"The request requires buffering data to succeed.", null, WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError, response));
Func<Task<BufferOffsetSize>> handleResendContentFactory = async () => {
using (var ms = new MemoryStream ()) {
await ResendContentFactory (ms).ConfigureAwait (false);
var buffer = ms.ToArray ();
return new BufferOffsetSize (buffer, 0, buffer.Length, false);
// Buffering is not allowed but we have alternative way to get same content (we
// need to resent it due to NTLM Authentication).
return (handleResendContentFactory (), null);
// Returns true if redirected
(bool redirect, bool mustReadAll, Task<BufferOffsetSize> writeBuffer, WebException throwMe) CheckFinalStatus (HttpWebResponse response)
WebException throwMe = null;
bool mustReadAll = false;
HttpStatusCode code = 0;
Task<BufferOffsetSize> rewriteHandler = null;
code = response.StatusCode;
if ((!auth_state.IsCompleted && code == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized && credentials != null) ||
(ProxyQuery && !proxy_auth_state.IsCompleted && code == HttpStatusCode.ProxyAuthenticationRequired)) {
if (!usedPreAuth && CheckAuthorization (response, code)) {
mustReadAll = true;
if (!MethodWithBuffer)
return (true, mustReadAll, null, null);
(rewriteHandler, throwMe) = GetRewriteHandler (response, false);
if (throwMe == null)
return (true, mustReadAll, rewriteHandler, null);
if (!ThrowOnError)
return (false, mustReadAll, null, null);
writeStream.InternalClose ();
writeStream = null;
response.Close ();
return (false, mustReadAll, null, throwMe);
if ((int)code >= 400) {
string err = String.Format ("The remote server returned an error: ({0}) {1}.",
(int)code, response.StatusDescription);
throwMe = new WebException (err, null, WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError, response);
mustReadAll = true;
} else if ((int)code == 304 && allowAutoRedirect) {
string err = String.Format ("The remote server returned an error: ({0}) {1}.",
(int)code, response.StatusDescription);
throwMe = new WebException (err, null, WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError, response);
} else if ((int)code >= 300 && allowAutoRedirect && redirects >= maxAutoRedirect) {
throwMe = new WebException ("Max. redirections exceeded.", null,
WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError, response);
mustReadAll = true;
if (throwMe == null) {
int c = (int)code;
bool b = false;
if (allowAutoRedirect && c >= 300) {
b = Redirect (code, response);
(rewriteHandler, throwMe) = GetRewriteHandler (response, true);
if (b && !unsafe_auth_blah) {
auth_state.Reset ();
proxy_auth_state.Reset ();
if (c >= 300 && c != 304)
mustReadAll = true;
if (throwMe == null)
return (b, mustReadAll, rewriteHandler, null);
if (!ThrowOnError)
return (false, mustReadAll, null, null);
if (writeStream != null) {
writeStream.InternalClose ();
writeStream = null;
return (false, mustReadAll, null, throwMe);
internal bool ReuseConnection {
#region referencesource
internal static StringBuilder GenerateConnectionGroup(string connectionGroupName, bool unsafeConnectionGroup, bool isInternalGroup)
StringBuilder connectionLine = new StringBuilder(connectionGroupName);
connectionLine.Append(unsafeConnectionGroup ? "U>" : "S>");
if (isInternalGroup)
return connectionLine;