241 lines
5.5 KiB
241 lines
5.5 KiB
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MonoTests.Remoting.Http
//Test for Bug 324362 - SoapFormatter cannot deserialize the same MBR twice
public class Bug324362
// [Category ("NotWorking")] // the assertion fails, and if it's removed, there's an exception
[Ignore ("This test somehow keeps http channel registered and then blocks any further http tests working. This also happens under .NET, so this test itself is wrong with nunit 2.4.8.")]
public void Test ()
new HttpChannel (8086);
RemotingServices.Marshal (new Service (), "test");
Service remObj = (Service) RemotingServices.Connect (
typeof (Service), "http://localhost:8086/test");
ArrayList list;
remObj.Test (out list);
// it's of type 'ObjRef' instead of 'Service':
Assert.IsTrue (list [0] is Service);
Service [] array;
remObj.Test (out array);
public class Service : MarshalByRefObject
public Service Test (out Service[] a)
Service obj = new Service ();
a = new Service [] { obj };
return obj;
// return null or return otherObj works
public Service Test (out ArrayList a)
a = new ArrayList ();
Service obj = new Service ();
a.Add (obj);
return obj;
// return null or return otherObj works
//Bug 321420 - SoapReader fails to deserialize some method calls
public class Bug321420 : MarshalByRefObject
HttpChannel channel;
public void Method (string p1, string p2)
public void Main ()
channel = new HttpChannel (3344);
ChannelServices.RegisterChannel (channel);
(typeof (Bug321420),"Server.soap", WellKnownObjectMode.Singleton);
Bug321420 s = (Bug321420) Activator.GetObject (typeof
(Bug321420), "http://localhost:3344/Server.soap");
// this works: s.Method ("a", "b");
s.Method ("a", "a");
public void Stop ()
if (channel != null)
ChannelServices.UnregisterChannel (channel);
//Bug 315570 - Remoting over HTTP fails when returning a null reference.
public class Bug315570
Server server;
[Ignore ("This test somehow keeps http channel registered and then blocks any further http tests working. This also happens under .NET, so this test itself is wrong with nunit 2.4.8.")]
public void Main ()
Foo foo = (Foo) Activator.GetObject (typeof (Foo),
Bar bar = foo.Login ();
if (bar != null)
bar.Foobar ();
public void Start ()
AppDomain domain = BaseCallTest.CreateDomain ("testdomain");
server = (Server) domain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap
(typeof (Server).Assembly.FullName, typeof (Server).FullName);
server.Start ();
public void Stop ()
server.Stop ();
public class Foo: MarshalByRefObject
public Bar Login ()
return null;
public class Bar: MarshalByRefObject
public void Foobar ()
// Console.WriteLine("Bar::foo()");
public class Server : MarshalByRefObject
HttpChannel c;
public void Start ()
c = new HttpChannel (4321);
ChannelServices.RegisterChannel (c);
Type t = typeof(Foo);
RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType (t, "Test",
public void Stop ()
c.StopListening (null);
ChannelServices.UnregisterChannel (c);
//Bug 315170 - exception thrown in remoting if interface parameter names differ from the impelmentation method parameter names
public class Bug315170
Server server;
HttpChannel channel;
public void Main ()
channel = new HttpChannel (0);
ChannelServices.RegisterChannel (channel);
MarshalByRefObject obj = (MarshalByRefObject) RemotingServices.Connect (
typeof (IFactorial),
IFactorial cal = (IFactorial) obj;
Assert.AreEqual (cal.CalculateFactorial (4), 24);
public void Start ()
AppDomain domain = BaseCallTest.CreateDomain ("testdomain");
server = (Server) domain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap
(typeof (Server).Assembly.FullName, typeof (Server).FullName);
server.Start ();
public void Stop ()
server.Stop ();
if (channel != null)
ChannelServices.UnregisterChannel (channel);
public interface IFactorial
// With this line everything works
//ulong CalculateFactorial(uint a);
// With this line it doesn't
ulong CalculateFactorial(uint b);
public class Server : MarshalByRefObject
HttpChannel c;
public void Start ()
c = new HttpChannel (60000);
ChannelServices.RegisterChannel (c);
Type t = typeof(Calculator);
RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType (t, "MyEndPoint",
public void Stop ()
c.StopListening (null);
ChannelServices.UnregisterChannel (c);
public class Calculator : MarshalByRefObject, IFactorial
public ulong CalculateFactorial (uint a)
ulong res = 1;
for (uint i=1 ; i<=a; i++)
res = res * i;
return res;