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* The MIT License
* Copyright (c) 2003 Novell Inc. www.novell.com
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the Software), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// Novell.Directory.Ldap.Connection.cs
// Author:
// Sunil Kumar (Sunilk@novell.com)
// (C) 2003 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
using System;
using System.Threading;
using Novell.Directory.Ldap.Asn1;
using Novell.Directory.Ldap.Rfc2251;
using Novell.Directory.Ldap.Utilclass;
using Mono.Security.X509.Extensions;
using Syscert = System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Mono.Security.X509;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
namespace Novell.Directory.Ldap
public delegate bool CertificateValidationCallback(
Syscert.X509Certificate certificate,
SslPolicyErrors certificateErrors);
/// <summary> The class that creates a connection to the Ldap server. After the
/// connection is made, a thread is created that reads data from the
/// connection.
/// The application's thread sends a request to the MessageAgent class, which
/// creates a Message class. The Message class calls the writeMessage method
/// of this class to send the request to the server. The application thread
/// will then query the MessageAgent class for a response.
/// The reader thread multiplexes response messages received from the
/// server to the appropriate Message class. Each Message class
/// has its own message queue.
/// Unsolicited messages are process separately, and if the application
/// has registered a handler, a separate thread is created for that
/// application's handler to process the message.
/// Note: the reader thread must not be a "selfish" thread, since some
/// operating systems do not time slice.
/// </summary>
sealed class Connection
public event CertificateValidationCallback OnCertificateValidation;
public enum CertificateProblem : long
CertEXPIRED = 0x800B0101,
CertROLE = 0x800B0103,
CertPATHLENCONST = 0x800B0104,
CertCRITICAL = 0x800B0105,
CertPURPOSE = 0x800B0106,
CertISSUERCHAINING = 0x800B0107,
CertMALFORMED = 0x800B0108,
CertUNTRUSTEDROOT = 0x800B0109,
CertCHAINING = 0x800B010A,
CertREVOKED = 0x800B010C,
CertCN_NO_MATCH = 0x800B010F,
CertWRONG_USAGE = 0x800B0110,
CertUNTRUSTEDCA = 0x800B0112
private static String GetProblemMessage(CertificateProblem Problem)
String ProblemMessage = "";
String ProblemCodeName = CertificateProblem.GetName(typeof(CertificateProblem), Problem);
if(ProblemCodeName != null)
ProblemMessage = ProblemMessage + ProblemCodeName;
ProblemMessage = "Unknown Certificate Problem";
return ProblemMessage;
private ArrayList handshakeProblemsEncountered = new ArrayList();
private void InitBlock()
writeSemaphore = new System.Object();
encoder = new LBEREncoder();
decoder = new LBERDecoder();
stopReaderMessageID = CONTINUE_READING;
messages = new MessageVector(5, 5);
unsolicitedListeners = new System.Collections.ArrayList(3);
/// <summary> Indicates whether clones exist for LdapConnection
/// </summary>
/// <returns> true if clones exist, false otherwise.
/// </returns>
internal bool Cloned
/* package */
return (cloneCount > 0);
internal bool Ssl
return ssl;
/// <summary> gets the host used for this connection</summary>
internal System.String Host
/* package */
return host;
/// <summary> gets the port used for this connection</summary>
internal int Port
/* package */
return port;
/// <summary> gets the writeSemaphore id used for active bind operation</summary>
/// <summary> sets the writeSemaphore id used for active bind operation</summary>
internal int BindSemId
/* package */
return bindSemaphoreId;
/* package */
bindSemaphoreId = value;
return ;
/// <summary> checks if the writeSemaphore id used for active bind operation is clear</summary>
internal bool BindSemIdClear
/* package */
if (bindSemaphoreId == 0)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary> Return whether the application is bound to this connection.
/// Note: an anonymous bind returns false - not bound
/// </summary>
internal bool Bound
/* package */
if (bindProperties != null)
// Bound if not anonymous
return (!bindProperties.Anonymous);
return false;
/// <summary> Return whether a connection has been made</summary>
internal bool Connected
/* package */
return (in_Renamed != null);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the authentication credentials in the object
/// and set flag indicating successful bind.
/// </summary>
/// <returns> The BindProperties object for this connection.
/// </returns>
/// <summary>
/// Sets the authentication credentials in the object
/// and set flag indicating successful bind.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bindProps"> The BindProperties object to set.
/// </param>
internal BindProperties BindProperties
/* package */
return bindProperties;
/* package */
bindProperties = value;
return ;
/// <summary> Gets the current referral active on this connection if created to
/// follow referrals.
/// </summary>
/// <returns> the active referral url
/// </returns>
/// <summary> Sets the current referral active on this connection if created to
/// follow referrals.
/// </summary>
internal ReferralInfo ActiveReferral
return activeReferral;
activeReferral = value;
return ;
/// <summary> Returns the name of this Connection, used for debug only
/// </summary>
/// <returns> the name of this connection
/// </returns>
internal System.String ConnectionName
return name;
private System.Object writeSemaphore;
private int writeSemaphoreOwner = 0;
private int writeSemaphoreCount = 0;
// We need a message number for disconnect to grab the semaphore,
// but may not have one, so we invent a unique one.
private int ephemeralId = - 1;
private BindProperties bindProperties = null;
private int bindSemaphoreId = 0; // 0 is never used by to lock a semaphore
private Thread reader = null; // New thread that reads data from the server.
private Thread deadReader = null; // Identity of last reader thread
private System.IO.IOException deadReaderException = null; // Last exception of reader
private LBEREncoder encoder;
private LBERDecoder decoder;
* socket is the current socket being used.
* nonTLSBackup is the backup socket if startTLS is called.
* if nonTLSBackup is null then startTLS has not been called,
* or stopTLS has been called to end TLS protection
private System.Net.Sockets.Socket sock = null;
private System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient socket = null;
private System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient nonTLSBackup = null;
private System.IO.Stream in_Renamed = null;
private System.IO.Stream out_Renamed = null;
// When set to true the client connection is up and running
private bool clientActive = true;
private bool ssl = false;
// Indicates we have received a server shutdown unsolicited notification
private bool unsolSvrShutDnNotification = false;
// Ldap message IDs are all positive numbers so we can use negative
// numbers as flags. This are flags assigned to stopReaderMessageID
// to tell the reader what state we are in.
private const int CONTINUE_READING = - 99;
private const int STOP_READING = - 98;
// Stops the reader thread when a Message with the passed-in ID is read.
// This parameter is set by stopReaderOnReply and stopTLS
private int stopReaderMessageID;
// Place to save message information classes
private MessageVector messages;
// Connection created to follow referral
private ReferralInfo activeReferral = null;
// Place to save unsolicited message listeners
private System.Collections.ArrayList unsolicitedListeners;
// The LdapSocketFactory to be used as the default to create new connections
// private static LdapSocketFactory socketFactory = null;
// The LdapSocketFactory used for this connection
// private LdapSocketFactory mySocketFactory;
private System.String host = null;
private int port = 0;
// Number of clones in addition to original LdapConnection using this
// connection.
private int cloneCount = 0;
// Connection number & name used only for debug
private System.String name = "";
private static System.Object nameLock; // protect connNum
private static int connNum = 0;
// These attributes can be retreived using the getProperty
// method in LdapConnection. Future releases might require
// these to be local variables that can be modified using
// the setProperty method.
/* package */
internal static System.String sdk;
/* package */
internal static System.Int32 protocol;
/* package */
internal static System.String security = "simple";
/// <summary> Create a new Connection object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="factory">specifies the factory to use to produce SSL sockets.
/// </param>
/* package */
// internal Connection(LdapSocketFactory factory)
internal Connection()
return ;
/// <summary> Copy this Connection object.
/// This is not a true clone, but creates a new object encapsulating
/// part of the connection information from the original object.
/// The new object will have the same default socket factory,
/// designated socket factory, host, port, and protocol version
/// as the original object.
/// The new object is NOT be connected to the host.
/// </summary>
/// <returns> a shallow copy of this object
/// </returns>
/* package */
internal System.Object copy()
Connection c = new Connection();
c.host = this.host;
c.port = this.port;
Novell.Directory.Ldap.Connection.protocol = Connection.protocol;
return c;
/// <summary> Acquire a simple counting semaphore that synchronizes state affecting
/// bind. This method generates an ephemeral message id (negative number).
/// We bind using the message ID because a different thread may unlock
/// the semaphore than the one that set it. It is cleared when the
/// response to the bind is processed, or when the bind operation times out.
/// Returns when the semaphore is acquired
/// </summary>
/// <returns> the ephemeral message id that identifies semaphore's owner
/// </returns>
/* package */
internal int acquireWriteSemaphore()
return acquireWriteSemaphore(0);
/// <summary> Acquire a simple counting semaphore that synchronizes state affecting
/// bind. The semaphore is held by setting a value in writeSemaphoreOwner.
/// We bind using the message ID because a different thread may unlock
/// the semaphore than the one that set it. It is cleared when the
/// response to the bind is processed, or when the bind operation times out.
/// Returns when the semaphore is acquired.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="msgId">a value that identifies the owner of this semaphore. A
/// value of zero means assign a unique semaphore value.
/// </param>
/// <returns> the semaphore value used to acquire the lock
/// </returns>
/* package */
internal int acquireWriteSemaphore(int msgId)
int id = msgId;
lock (writeSemaphore)
if (id == 0)
ephemeralId = ((ephemeralId == System.Int32.MinValue)?(ephemeralId = - 1):--ephemeralId);
id = ephemeralId;
while (true)
if (writeSemaphoreOwner == 0)
// we have acquired the semahpore
writeSemaphoreOwner = id;
if (writeSemaphoreOwner == id)
// we already own the semahpore
// Keep trying for the lock
catch (System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException ex)
// Keep trying for the lock
return id;
/// <summary> Release a simple counting semaphore that synchronizes state affecting
/// bind. Frees the semaphore when number of acquires and frees for this
/// thread match.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="msgId">a value that identifies the owner of this semaphore
/// </param>
/* package */
internal void freeWriteSemaphore(int msgId)
lock (writeSemaphore)
if (writeSemaphoreOwner == 0)
throw new System.SystemException("Connection.freeWriteSemaphore(" + msgId + "): semaphore not owned by any thread");
else if (writeSemaphoreOwner != msgId)
throw new System.SystemException("Connection.freeWriteSemaphore(" + msgId + "): thread does not own the semaphore, owned by " + writeSemaphoreOwner);
// if all instances of this semaphore for this thread are released,
// wake up all threads waiting.
if (--writeSemaphoreCount == 0)
writeSemaphoreOwner = 0;
return ;
* Wait until the reader thread ID matches the specified parameter.
* Null = wait for the reader to terminate
* Non Null = wait for the reader to start
* Returns when the ID matches, i.e. reader stopped, or reader started.
* @param the thread id to match
private void waitForReader(Thread thread)
// wait for previous reader thread to terminate
System.Threading.Thread rInst;
System.Threading.Thread tInst;
// while (reader != thread)
while (!Object.Equals(rInst,tInst))
// Don't initialize connection while previous reader thread still
// active.
* The reader thread may start and immediately terminate.
* To prevent the waitForReader from waiting forever
* for the dead to rise, we leave traces of the deceased.
* If the thread is already gone, we throw an exception.
if (thread == deadReader)
if (thread == null)
/* then we wanted a shutdown */
return ;
System.IO.IOException lex = deadReaderException;
deadReaderException = null;
deadReader = null;
// Reader thread terminated
throw new LdapException(ExceptionMessages.CONNECTION_READER, LdapException.CONNECT_ERROR, null, lex);
lock (this)
System.Threading.Monitor.Wait(this, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5));
catch (System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException ex)
deadReaderException = null;
deadReader = null;
return ;
/// <summary> Constructs a TCP/IP connection to a server specified in host and port.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="host">The host to connect to.
/// </param>
/// <param name="port">The port on the host to connect to.
/// </param>
/* package */
internal void connect(System.String host, int port)
connect(host, port, 0);
return ;
public bool ServerCertificateValidation(
Syscert.X509Certificate certificate,
Syscert.X509Chain chain,
SslPolicyErrors errors)
if (null != OnCertificateValidation)
return OnCertificateValidation(certificate, errors);
return DefaultCertificateValidationHandler(certificate, chain, errors);
public bool DefaultCertificateValidationHandler(
Syscert.X509Certificate certificate,
Syscert.X509Chain chain,
SslPolicyErrors errors)
switch (errors) {
case SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNameMismatch:
// The erorr code -2146762481 means SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNameMismatch.
return true;
case SslPolicyErrors.None:
return true;
return false;
/// <summary> Constructs a TCP/IP connection to a server specified in host and port.
/// Starts the reader thread.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="host">The host to connect to.
/// </param>
/// <param name="port">The port on the host to connect to.
/// </param>
/// <param name="semaphoreId">The write semaphore ID to use for the connect
/// </param>
private void connect(System.String host, int port, int semaphoreId)
/* Synchronized so all variables are in a consistant state and
* so that another thread isn't doing a connect, disconnect, or clone
* at the same time.
// Wait for active reader to terminate
// Clear the server shutdown notification flag. This should already
// be false unless of course we are reusing the same Connection object
// after a server shutdown notification
unsolSvrShutDnNotification = false;
int semId = acquireWriteSemaphore(semaphoreId);
try {
// Make socket connection to specified host and port
if (port == 0)
port = 389;//LdapConnection.DEFAULT_PORT;
if ((in_Renamed == null) || (out_Renamed == null))
this.host = host;
this.port = port;
this.sock = new Socket ( AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.IP);
IPAddress hostadd = Dns.Resolve(host).AddressList[0];
IPEndPoint ephost = new IPEndPoint(hostadd,port);
NetworkStream nstream = new NetworkStream(sock,true);
// Load Mono.Security.dll
Assembly a;
a = Assembly.LoadWithPartialName("Mono.Security");
throw new LdapException(ExceptionMessages.SSL_PROVIDER_MISSING, LdapException.SSL_PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND, null);
// FIXME: Pass the custom validation callback.
// The erorr code -2146762481 means SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNameMismatch.
var stream = new SslStream (nstream, false);
stream.AuthenticateAsClient (host);
// Get the in and out streams
in_Renamed = stream;
out_Renamed = stream;
socket = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient(host, port);
in_Renamed = (System.IO.Stream) socket.GetStream();
out_Renamed = (System.IO.Stream) socket.GetStream();
Console.WriteLine( "connect input/out Stream specified");
catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException se)
// Unable to connect to server host:port
sock = null;
socket = null;
throw new LdapException(ExceptionMessages.CONNECTION_ERROR, new System.Object[] { host, port }, LdapException.CONNECT_ERROR, null, se);
catch (System.IO.IOException ioe)
// Unable to connect to server host:port
sock = null;
socket = null;
throw new LdapException(ExceptionMessages.CONNECTION_ERROR, new System.Object[]{host, port}, LdapException.CONNECT_ERROR, null, ioe);
// Set host and port
this.host = host;
this.port = port;
// start the reader thread
clientActive = true; // Client is up
} finally {
/// <summary> Increments the count of cloned connections</summary>
/* package */
internal void incrCloneCount()
lock (this)
return ;
/// <summary> Destroys a clone of <code>LdapConnection</code>.
/// This method first determines if only one <code>LdapConnection</code>
/// object is associated with this connection, i.e. if no clone exists.
/// If no clone exists, the socket is closed, and the current
/// <code>Connection</code> object is returned.
/// If multiple <code>LdapConnection</code> objects are associated
/// with this connection, i.e. clones exist, a {@link #copy} of the
/// this object is made, but is not connected to any host. This
/// disassociates that clone from the original connection. The new
/// <code>Connection</code> object is returned.
/// Only one destroyClone instance is allowed to run at any one time.
/// If the connection is closed, any threads waiting for operations
/// on that connection will wake with an LdapException indicating
/// the connection is closed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="apiCall"><code>true</code> indicates the application is closing the
/// connection or or creating a new one by calling either the
/// <code>connect</code> or <code>disconnect</code> methods
/// of <code>LdapConnection</code>. <code>false</code>
/// indicates that <code>LdapConnection</code> is being finalized.
/// </param>
/// <returns> a Connection object or null if finalizing.
/// </returns>
/* package */
internal Connection destroyClone(bool apiCall)
lock (this)
Connection conn = this;
if (cloneCount > 0)
// This is a clone, set a new connection object.
if (apiCall)
conn = (Connection) this.copy();
conn = null;
if (in_Renamed != null)
// Not a clone and connected
* Either the application has called disconnect or connect
* resulting in the current connection being closed. If the
* application has any queues waiting on messages, we
* need wake these up so the application does not hang.
* The boolean flag indicates whether the close came
* from an API call or from the object being finalized.
InterThreadException notify = new InterThreadException((apiCall?ExceptionMessages.CONNECTION_CLOSED:ExceptionMessages.CONNECTION_FINALIZED), null, LdapException.CONNECT_ERROR, null, null);
// Destroy old connection
shutdown("destroy clone", 0, notify);
return conn;
/// <summary> sets the default socket factory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="factory">the default factory to set
/// </param>
/* package */
/// <summary> gets the socket factory used for this connection
/// </summary>
/// <returns> the default factory for this connection
/// </returns>
/* package */
/// <summary> clears the writeSemaphore id used for active bind operation</summary>
/* package */
internal void clearBindSemId()
bindSemaphoreId = 0;
return ;
/// <summary> Writes an LdapMessage to the Ldap server over a socket.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="info">the Message containing the message to write.
/// </param>
/* package */
internal void writeMessage(Message info)
ExceptionMessages em = new ExceptionMessages();
System.Object [][]contents = em.getContents();
// For bind requests, if not connected, attempt to reconnect
if (info.BindRequest && (Connected == false) && ((System.Object) host != null))
connect(host, port, info.MessageID);
if(Connected == true)
LdapMessage msg = info.Request;
return ;
int errorcount=0;
throw new LdapException(ExceptionMessages.CONNECTION_CLOSED, new System.Object[]{host, port}, LdapException.CONNECT_ERROR, (String)contents[errorcount][1]);
/// <summary> Writes an LdapMessage to the Ldap server over a socket.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="msg">the message to write.
/// </param>
/* package */
internal void writeMessage(LdapMessage msg)
int id;
// Get the correct semaphore id for bind operations
if (bindSemaphoreId == 0)
// Semaphore id for normal operations
id = msg.MessageID;
// Semaphore id for sasl bind operations
id = bindSemaphoreId;
System.IO.Stream myOut = out_Renamed;
if (myOut == null)
throw new System.IO.IOException("Output stream not initialized");
if (!(myOut.CanWrite))
sbyte[] ber = msg.Asn1Object.getEncoding(encoder);
myOut.Write(SupportClass.ToByteArray(ber), 0, ber.Length);
catch (System.IO.IOException ioe)
if ((msg.Type == LdapMessage.BIND_REQUEST) &&
string strMsg = "Following problem(s) occurred while establishing SSL based Connection : ";
if (handshakeProblemsEncountered.Count > 0)
strMsg += GetProblemMessage((CertificateProblem)handshakeProblemsEncountered[0]);
for (int nProbIndex = 1; nProbIndex < handshakeProblemsEncountered.Count; nProbIndex++)
strMsg += ", " + GetProblemMessage((CertificateProblem)handshakeProblemsEncountered[nProbIndex]);
strMsg += "Unknown Certificate Problem";
throw new LdapException(strMsg, new System.Object[]{host, port}, LdapException.SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILED, null, ioe);
* IOException could be due to a server shutdown notification which
* caused our Connection to quit. If so we send back a slightly
* different error message. We could have checked this a little
* earlier in the method but that would be an expensive check each
* time we send out a message. Since this shutdown request is
* going to be an infrequent occurence we check for it only when
* we get an IOException. shutdown() will do the cleanup.
if (clientActive)
// We beliefe the connection was alive
if (unsolSvrShutDnNotification)
// got server shutdown
throw new LdapException(ExceptionMessages.SERVER_SHUTDOWN_REQ, new System.Object[]{host, port}, LdapException.CONNECT_ERROR, null, ioe);
// Other I/O Exceptions on host:port are reported as is
throw new LdapException(ExceptionMessages.IO_EXCEPTION, new System.Object[]{host, port}, LdapException.CONNECT_ERROR, null, ioe);
return ;
/// <summary> Returns the message agent for this msg ID</summary>
/* package */
internal MessageAgent getMessageAgent(int msgId)
Message info = messages.findMessageById(msgId);
return info.MessageAgent;
/// <summary> Removes a Message class from the Connection's list
/// </summary>
/// <param name="info">the Message class to remove from the list
/// </param>
/* package */
internal void removeMessage(Message info)
bool done = SupportClass.VectorRemoveElement(messages, info);
return ;
/// <summary> Cleans up resources associated with this connection.</summary>
shutdown("Finalize", 0, null);
return ;
/// <summary> Cleans up resources associated with this connection.
/// This method may be called by finalize() for the connection, or it may
/// be called by LdapConnection.disconnect().
/// Should not have a writeSemaphore lock in place, as deadlock can occur
/// while abandoning connections.
/// </summary>
private void shutdown(System.String reason, int semaphoreId, InterThreadException notifyUser)
Message info = null;
if (!clientActive)
return ;
clientActive = false;
while (true)
// remove messages from connection list and send abandon
System.Object temp_object;
temp_object = messages[0];
info = (Message) temp_object;
catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex)
// No more messages
info.Abandon(null, notifyUser); // also notifies the application
int semId = acquireWriteSemaphore(semaphoreId);
// Now send unbind if socket not closed
if ((bindProperties != null) && (out_Renamed != null) && (out_Renamed.CanWrite) && (!bindProperties.Anonymous))
LdapMessage msg = new LdapUnbindRequest(null);
sbyte[] ber = msg.Asn1Object.getEncoding(encoder);
out_Renamed.Write(SupportClass.ToByteArray(ber), 0, ber.Length);
catch (System.Exception ex)
; // don't worry about error
bindProperties = null;
if (socket != null || sock != null)
// Just before closing the sockets, abort the reader thread
if ((reader != null) && (reason != "reader: thread stopping"))
// Close the socket
try {
} catch {}
if(in_Renamed != null)
catch (Exception)
// ignore problem closing socket
socket = null;
sock = null;
return ;
/// <summary> This tests to see if there are any outstanding messages. If no messages
/// are in the queue it returns true. Each message will be tested to
/// verify that it is complete.
/// <I>The writeSemaphore must be set for this method to be reliable!</I>
/// </summary>
/// <returns> true if no outstanding messages
/// </returns>
/* package */
internal bool areMessagesComplete()
System.Object[] messages = this.messages.ObjectArray;
int length = messages.Length;
// Check if SASL bind in progress
if (bindSemaphoreId != 0)
return false;
// Check if any messages queued
if (length == 0)
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (((Message) messages[i]).Complete == false)
return false;
return true;
/// <summary> The reader thread will stop when a reply is read with an ID equal
/// to the messageID passed in to this method. This is used by
/// LdapConnection.StartTLS.
/// </summary>
/* package */
internal void stopReaderOnReply(int messageID)
this.stopReaderMessageID = messageID;
return ;
/// <summary>startReader
/// startReader should be called when socket and io streams have been
/// set or changed. In particular after client.Connection.startTLS()
/// It assumes the reader thread is not running.
/// </summary>
/* package */
internal void startReader()
// Start Reader Thread
Thread r = new Thread(new ThreadStart(new ReaderThread(this).Run));
r.IsBackground = true; // If the last thread running, allow exit.
return ;
/// <summary> Indicates if the conenction is using TLS protection
/// Return true if using TLS protection
/// </summary>
internal bool TLS
return (this.nonTLSBackup != null);
/// <summary> StartsTLS, in this package, assumes the caller has:
/// 1) Acquired the writeSemaphore
/// 2) Stopped the reader thread
/// 3) checked that no messages are outstanding on this connection.
/// After calling this method upper layers should start the reader
/// by calling startReader()
/// In the client.Connection, StartTLS assumes Ldap.LdapConnection will
/// stop and start the reader thread. Connection.StopTLS will stop
/// and start the reader thread.
/// </summary>
/* package */
internal void startTLS()
this.nonTLSBackup = this.socket;
/* this.sock = new Socket ( AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.IP);
IPAddress hostadd = Dns.Resolve(host).AddressList[0];
IPEndPoint ephost = new IPEndPoint(hostadd,port);
// FIXME: Pass the custom validation callback.
// The erorr code -2146762481 means SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNameMismatch.
var stream = new SslStream (socket.GetStream (), false);
stream.AuthenticateAsClient (host);
// Get the in and out streams
in_Renamed = stream;
out_Renamed = stream;
catch (System.IO.IOException ioe)
this.nonTLSBackup = null;
throw new LdapException("Could not negotiate a secure connection", LdapException.CONNECT_ERROR, null, ioe);
catch (System.Exception uhe)
this.nonTLSBackup = null;
throw new LdapException("The host is unknown", LdapException.CONNECT_ERROR, null, uhe);
return ;
* Stops TLS.
* StopTLS, in this package, assumes the caller has:
* 1) blocked writing (acquireWriteSemaphore).
* 2) checked that no messages are outstanding.
* StopTLS Needs to do the following:
* 1) close the current socket
* - This stops the reader thread
* - set STOP_READING flag on stopReaderMessageID so that
* the reader knows that the IOException is planned.
* 2) replace the current socket with nonTLSBackup,
* 3) and set nonTLSBackup to null;
* 4) reset input and outputstreams
* 5) start the reader thread by calling startReader
* Note: Sun's JSSE doesn't allow the nonTLSBackup socket to be
* used any more, even though autoclose was false: you get an IOException.
* IBM's JSSE hangs when you close the JSSE socket.
/* package */
internal void stopTLS()
this.stopReaderMessageID = Connection.STOP_READING;
// this.sock.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both);
// this.sock.Close();
this.socket = this.nonTLSBackup;
this.in_Renamed = (System.IO.Stream) this.socket.GetStream();
this.out_Renamed = (System.IO.Stream) this.socket.GetStream();
// Allow the new reader to start
this.stopReaderMessageID = Connection.CONTINUE_READING;
catch (System.IO.IOException ioe)
throw new LdapException(ExceptionMessages.STOPTLS_ERROR, LdapException.CONNECT_ERROR, null, ioe);
this.nonTLSBackup = null;
return ;
///TLS not supported in first release
internal Stream InputStream
get { return in_Renamed; }
internal Stream OutputStream
get { return out_Renamed; }
internal void ReplaceStreams(Stream newIn, Stream newOut)
// wait for reader to stop, see LdapConnection.Bind
in_Renamed = newIn;
out_Renamed = newOut;
public class ReaderThread
private void InitBlock(Connection enclosingInstance)
this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance;
private Connection enclosingInstance;
public Connection Enclosing_Instance
return enclosingInstance;
public ReaderThread(Connection enclosingInstance)
return ;
/// <summary> This thread decodes and processes RfcLdapMessage's from the server.
/// Note: This thread needs a graceful shutdown implementation.
/// </summary>
public virtual void Run()
System.String reason = "reader: thread stopping";
InterThreadException notify = null;
Message info = null;
System.IO.IOException ioex = null;
this.enclosingInstance.reader = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread;
// Enclosing_Instance.reader = SupportClass.ThreadClass.Current();
// Console.WriteLine("Inside run:" + this.enclosingInstance.reader.Name);
for (; ; )
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Decode an RfcLdapMessage directly from the socket.
// -------------------------------------------------------
Asn1Identifier asn1ID;
System.IO.Stream myIn;
/* get current value of in, keep value consistant
* though the loop, i.e. even during shutdown
myIn = this.enclosingInstance.in_Renamed;
if (myIn == null)
asn1ID = new Asn1Identifier(myIn);
int tag = asn1ID.Tag;
if (asn1ID.Tag != Asn1Sequence.TAG)
continue; // loop looking for an RfcLdapMessage identifier
// Turn the message into an RfcMessage class
Asn1Length asn1Len = new Asn1Length(myIn);
RfcLdapMessage msg = new RfcLdapMessage(this.enclosingInstance.decoder, myIn, asn1Len.Length);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Process the decoded RfcLdapMessage.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
int msgId = msg.MessageID;
// Find the message which requested this response.
// It is possible to receive a response for a request which
// has been abandoned. If abandoned, throw it away
info = this.enclosingInstance.messages.findMessageById(msgId);
info.putReply(msg); // queue & wake up waiting thread
catch (System.FieldAccessException ex)
* We get the NoSuchFieldException when we could not find
* a matching message id. First check to see if this is
* an unsolicited notification (msgID == 0). If it is not
* we throw it away. If it is we call any unsolicited
* listeners that might have been registered to listen for these
* messages.
/* Note the location of this code. We could have required
* that message ID 0 be just like other message ID's but
* since message ID 0 has to be treated specially we have
* a separate check for message ID 0. Also note that
* this test is after the regular message list has been
* checked for. We could have always checked the list
* of messages after checking if this is an unsolicited
* notification but that would have inefficient as
* message ID 0 is a rare event (as of this time).
if (msgId == 0)
// Notify any listeners that might have been registered
* Was this a server shutdown unsolicited notification.
* IF so we quit. Actually calling the return will
* first transfer control to the finally clause which
* will do the necessary clean up.
if (this.enclosingInstance.unsolSvrShutDnNotification)
notify = new InterThreadException(ExceptionMessages.SERVER_SHUTDOWN_REQ, new System.Object[]{this.enclosingInstance.host, this.enclosingInstance.port}, LdapException.CONNECT_ERROR, null, null);
return ;
if ((this.enclosingInstance.stopReaderMessageID == msgId) || (this.enclosingInstance.stopReaderMessageID == Novell.Directory.Ldap.Connection.STOP_READING))
// Stop the reader Thread.
return ;
catch(ThreadAbortException tae)
// Abort has been called on reader
// before closing sockets, from shutdown
catch (System.IO.IOException ioe)
ioex = ioe;
if ((this.enclosingInstance.stopReaderMessageID != Novell.Directory.Ldap.Connection.STOP_READING) && this.enclosingInstance.clientActive)
// Connection lost waiting for results from host:port
notify = new InterThreadException(ExceptionMessages.CONNECTION_WAIT, new System.Object[]{this.enclosingInstance.host, this.enclosingInstance.port}, LdapException.CONNECT_ERROR, ioe, info);
// The connection is no good, don't use it any more
this.enclosingInstance.in_Renamed = null;
this.enclosingInstance.out_Renamed = null;
* There can be four states that the reader can be in at this point:
* 1) We are starting TLS and will be restarting the reader
* after we have negotiated TLS.
* - Indicated by whether stopReaderMessageID does not
* - Don't call Shutdown.
* 2) We are stoping TLS and will be restarting after TLS is
* stopped.
* - Indicated by an IOException AND stopReaderMessageID equals
* STOP_READING - in which case notify will be null.
* - Don't call Shutdown
* 3) We receive a Server Shutdown notification.
* - Indicated by messageID equal to 0.
* - call Shutdown.
* 4) Another error occured
* - Indicated by an IOException AND notify is not NULL
* - call Shutdown.
if ((!this.enclosingInstance.clientActive) || (notify != null))
//#3 & 4
this.enclosingInstance.shutdown(reason, 0, notify);
this.enclosingInstance.stopReaderMessageID = Novell.Directory.Ldap.Connection.CONTINUE_READING;
this.enclosingInstance.deadReaderException = ioex;
this.enclosingInstance.deadReader = this.enclosingInstance.reader;
this.enclosingInstance.reader = null;
return ;
} // End class ReaderThread
/// <summary>Add the specific object to the list of listeners that want to be
/// notified when an unsolicited notification is received.
/// </summary>
/* package */
internal void AddUnsolicitedNotificationListener(LdapUnsolicitedNotificationListener listener)
return ;
/// <summary>Remove the specific object from current list of listeners</summary>
/* package */
internal void RemoveUnsolicitedNotificationListener(LdapUnsolicitedNotificationListener listener)
SupportClass.VectorRemoveElement(unsolicitedListeners, listener);
return ;
/// <summary>Inner class defined so that we can spawn off each unsolicited
/// listener as a seperate thread. We did not want to call the
/// unsolicited listener method directly as this would have tied up our
/// deamon listener thread in the applications unsolicited listener method.
/// Since we do not know what the application unsolicited listener
/// might be doing and how long it will take to process the uncoslicited
/// notification. We use this class to spawn off the unsolicited
/// notification as a separate thread
/// </summary>
private class UnsolicitedListenerThread:SupportClass.ThreadClass
private void InitBlock(Connection enclosingInstance)
this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance;
private Connection enclosingInstance;
public Connection Enclosing_Instance
return enclosingInstance;
private LdapUnsolicitedNotificationListener listenerObj;
private LdapExtendedResponse unsolicitedMsg;
/* package */
internal UnsolicitedListenerThread(Connection enclosingInstance, LdapUnsolicitedNotificationListener l, LdapExtendedResponse m)
this.listenerObj = l;
this.unsolicitedMsg = m;
return ;
public override void Run()
return ;
private void notifyAllUnsolicitedListeners(RfcLdapMessage message)
// MISSING: If this is a shutdown notification from the server
// set a flag in the Connection class so that we can throw an
// appropriate LdapException to the application
LdapMessage extendedLdapMessage = new LdapExtendedResponse(message);
System.String notificationOID = ((LdapExtendedResponse) extendedLdapMessage).ID;
if (notificationOID.Equals(LdapConnection.SERVER_SHUTDOWN_OID))
unsolSvrShutDnNotification = true;
int numOfListeners = unsolicitedListeners.Count;
// Cycle through all the listeners
for (int i = 0; i < numOfListeners; i++)
// Get next listener
LdapUnsolicitedNotificationListener listener = (LdapUnsolicitedNotificationListener) unsolicitedListeners[i];
// Create a new ExtendedResponse each time as we do not want each listener
// to have its own copy of the message
LdapExtendedResponse tempLdapMessage = new LdapExtendedResponse(message);
// Spawn a new thread for each listener to go process the message
// The reason we create a new thread rather than just call the
// the messageReceived method directly is beacuse we do not know
// what kind of processing the notification listener class will
// do. We do not want our deamon thread to block waiting for
// the notification listener method to return.
UnsolicitedListenerThread u = new UnsolicitedListenerThread(this, listener, tempLdapMessage);
return ;
static Connection()
nameLock = new System.Object();
sdk = new System.Text.StringBuilder("2.1.8").ToString();
protocol = 3;