1198 lines
31 KiB
1198 lines
31 KiB
// XmlBinaryDictionaryReader.cs
// Author:
// Atsushi Enomoto <atsushi@ximian.com>
// Copyright (C) 2005, 2007 Novell, Inc. http://www.novell.com
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using QName = System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName;
using BF = System.Xml.XmlBinaryFormat;
namespace System.Xml
// - support XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas.
internal class XmlBinaryDictionaryReader : XmlDictionaryReader, IXmlNamespaceResolver
internal interface ISource
int Position { get; }
int ReadByte ();
int Read (byte [] data, int offset, int count);
BinaryReader Reader { get; }
internal class StreamSource : ISource
BinaryReader reader;
public StreamSource (Stream stream)
this.reader = new BinaryReader (stream);
public int Position {
get { return (int) reader.BaseStream.Position; }
public BinaryReader Reader {
get { return reader; }
public int ReadByte ()
return reader.BaseStream.ReadByte ();
public int Read (byte [] data, int offset, int count)
return reader.BaseStream.Read (data, offset, count);
class NodeInfo
public NodeInfo ()
public NodeInfo (bool isAttr)
IsAttributeValue = isAttr;
public bool IsAttributeValue;
public int Position;
public string Prefix;
public XmlDictionaryString DictLocalName;
public XmlDictionaryString DictNS;
public XmlDictionaryString DictValue; // BF.TextIndex
public XmlNodeType NodeType;
public object TypedValue;
public byte ValueType;
// -1 for nothing,
// -2 for that of element (only for attribute),
// 0 or more to fill later
public int NSSlot;
string name = String.Empty;
string local_name = String.Empty;
string ns = String.Empty;
string value;
public string LocalName {
get { return DictLocalName != null ? DictLocalName.Value : local_name; }
set {
DictLocalName = null;
local_name = value;
public string NS {
get { return DictNS != null ? DictNS.Value : ns; }
set {
DictNS = null;
ns = value;
public string Name {
get {
if (name.Length == 0)
name = Prefix.Length > 0 ?
String.Concat (Prefix, ":", LocalName) :
return name;
public virtual string Value {
get {
switch (ValueType) {
case 0:
case BF.Comment:
case BF.Chars8:
case BF.Chars16:
case BF.Chars32:
case BF.EmptyText:
case BF.Utf16_8:
case BF.Utf16_16:
case BF.Utf16_32:
return value;
case BF.TextIndex:
return DictValue.Value;
case BF.Zero:
return "0";
case BF.One:
return "1";
case BF.BoolTrue:
return "true";
case BF.BoolFalse:
return "false";
case BF.Int8:
return XmlConvert.ToString ((byte) TypedValue);
case BF.Int16:
return XmlConvert.ToString ((short) TypedValue);
case BF.Int32:
return XmlConvert.ToString ((int) TypedValue);
case BF.Int64:
return XmlConvert.ToString ((long) TypedValue);
case BF.Single:
return XmlConvert.ToString ((float) TypedValue);
case BF.Double:
return XmlConvert.ToString ((double) TypedValue);
case BF.Decimal:
return XmlConvert.ToString ((decimal) TypedValue);
case BF.DateTime:
return XmlConvert.ToString ((DateTime) TypedValue, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.RoundtripKind);
case BF.TimeSpan:
return XmlConvert.ToString ((TimeSpan) TypedValue);
case BF.Guid:
return XmlConvert.ToString ((Guid) TypedValue);
case BF.UniqueId:
return TypedValue.ToString ();
case BF.Bytes8:
case BF.Bytes16:
case BF.Bytes32:
return Convert.ToBase64String ((byte []) TypedValue);
case BF.QNameIndex:
return Name;
throw new NotImplementedException ("ValueType " + ValueType + " on node " + NodeType);
set { this.value = value; }
public virtual void Reset ()
Position = 0;
DictLocalName = DictNS = null;
LocalName = NS = Prefix = Value = name = String.Empty;
NodeType = XmlNodeType.None;
TypedValue = null;
ValueType = 0;
NSSlot = -1;
class AttrNodeInfo : NodeInfo
public AttrNodeInfo (XmlBinaryDictionaryReader owner)
this.owner = owner;
XmlBinaryDictionaryReader owner;
public int ValueIndex;
public override void Reset ()
base.Reset ();
ValueIndex = -1;
NodeType = XmlNodeType.Attribute;
public override string Value {
get { return owner.attr_values [ValueIndex].Value; }
ISource source;
IXmlDictionary dictionary;
XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quota;
XmlBinaryReaderSession session;
OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose on_close;
XmlParserContext context;
ReadState state = ReadState.Initial;
NodeInfo node;
NodeInfo current;
List<AttrNodeInfo> attributes = new List<AttrNodeInfo> ();
List<NodeInfo> attr_values = new List<NodeInfo> ();
List<NodeInfo> node_stack = new List<NodeInfo> ();
List<QName> ns_store = new List<QName> ();
Dictionary<int,XmlDictionaryString> ns_dict_store =
new Dictionary<int,XmlDictionaryString> ();
int attr_count;
int attr_value_count;
int current_attr = -1;
int depth = 0;
// used during Read()
int ns_slot;
// next byte in the source (one byte token ahead always
// happens because there is no "end of start element" mark).
int next = -1;
bool is_next_end_element;
// temporary buffer for utf8enc.GetString()
byte [] tmp_buffer = new byte [128];
UTF8Encoding utf8enc = new UTF8Encoding ();
// See comment at Read()
int array_item_remaining;
byte array_item_type;
XmlNodeType array_state;
public XmlBinaryDictionaryReader (byte [] buffer, int offset,
int count, IXmlDictionary dictionary,
XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quota,
XmlBinaryReaderSession session,
OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose onClose)
source = /*new ArraySource (buffer, offset, count);*/
new StreamSource (new MemoryStream (buffer, offset, count));
Initialize (dictionary, quota, session, onClose);
public XmlBinaryDictionaryReader (Stream stream,
IXmlDictionary dictionary,
XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quota,
XmlBinaryReaderSession session,
OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose onClose)
source = new StreamSource (stream);
Initialize (dictionary, quota, session, onClose);
private void Initialize (IXmlDictionary dictionary,
XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas,
XmlBinaryReaderSession session,
OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose onClose)
if (quotas == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("quotas");
if (dictionary == null)
dictionary = new XmlDictionary ();
this.dictionary = dictionary;
this.quota = quotas;
if (session == null)
session = new XmlBinaryReaderSession ();
this.session = session;
on_close = onClose;
NameTable nt = new NameTable ();
this.context = new XmlParserContext (nt,
new XmlNamespaceManager (nt),
null, XmlSpace.None);
current = node = new NodeInfo ();
current.Reset ();
node_stack.Add (node);
public override int AttributeCount {
get { return attr_count; }
public override string BaseURI {
get { return context.BaseURI; }
public override int Depth {
get { return current == node ? depth : NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute ? depth + 1 : depth + 2; }
public override bool EOF {
get { return state == ReadState.EndOfFile || state == ReadState.Error; }
public override bool HasValue {
get { return Value.Length > 0; }
public override bool IsEmptyElement {
get { return false; }
public override XmlNodeType NodeType {
get { return current.NodeType; }
public override string Prefix {
get { return current_attr >= 0 ? attributes [current_attr].Prefix : current.Prefix; }
// looks like it may return attribute's name even if it is on its value node.
public override string LocalName {
get { return current_attr >= 0 ? attributes [current_attr].LocalName : current.LocalName; }
public override string Name {
get { return current_attr >= 0 ? attributes [current_attr].Name : current.Name; }
public override string NamespaceURI {
get { return current_attr >= 0 ? attributes [current_attr].NS : current.NS; }
public override XmlNameTable NameTable {
get { return context.NameTable; }
public override XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas Quotas {
get { return quota; }
public override ReadState ReadState {
get { return state; }
public override string Value {
get { return current.Value; }
public override void Close ()
if (on_close != null)
on_close (this);
public override string GetAttribute (int i)
if (i >= attr_count)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (String.Format ("Specified attribute index is {0} and should be less than {1}", i, attr_count));
return attributes [i].Value;
public override string GetAttribute (string name)
for (int i = 0; i < attr_count; i++)
if (attributes [i].Name == name)
return attributes [i].Value;
return null;
public override string GetAttribute (string localName, string ns)
for (int i = 0; i < attr_count; i++)
if (attributes [i].LocalName == localName &&
attributes [i].NS == ns)
return attributes [i].Value;
return null;
public IDictionary<string,string> GetNamespacesInScope (
XmlNamespaceScope scope)
return context.NamespaceManager.GetNamespacesInScope (scope);
public string LookupPrefix (string ns)
return context.NamespaceManager.LookupPrefix (NameTable.Get (ns));
public override string LookupNamespace (string prefix)
return context.NamespaceManager.LookupNamespace (
NameTable.Get (prefix));
public override bool IsArray (out Type type)
if (array_state == XmlNodeType.Element) {
type = GetArrayType (array_item_type);
return true;
} else {
type = null;
return false;
public override bool MoveToElement ()
bool ret = current_attr >= 0;
current_attr = -1;
current = node;
return ret;
public override bool MoveToFirstAttribute ()
if (attr_count == 0)
return false;
current_attr = 0;
current = attributes [current_attr];
return true;
public override bool MoveToNextAttribute ()
if (++current_attr < attr_count) {
current = attributes [current_attr];
return true;
} else {
return false;
public override void MoveToAttribute (int i)
if (i >= attr_count)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (String.Format ("Specified attribute index is {0} and should be less than {1}", i, attr_count));
current_attr = i;
current = attributes [i];
public override bool MoveToAttribute (string name)
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++) {
if (attributes [i].Name == name) {
MoveToAttribute (i);
return true;
return false;
public override bool MoveToAttribute (string localName, string ns)
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++) {
if (attributes [i].LocalName == localName &&
attributes [i].NS == ns) {
MoveToAttribute (i);
return true;
return false;
public override bool ReadAttributeValue ()
if (current_attr < 0)
return false;
int start = attributes [current_attr].ValueIndex;
int end = current_attr + 1 == attr_count ? attr_value_count : attributes [current_attr + 1].ValueIndex;
if (start == end)
return false;
if (!current.IsAttributeValue) {
current = attr_values [start];
return true;
// Actually there is no case for attribute whose value is split to more than two nodes. We could simplify the node structure.
return false;
// When reading an array (0x03), it requires extraneously
// complex procedure for XmlReader. First, it reads element,
// type of operation and length of the items. And this XmlReader
// has to return Element state. On the next Read(), it proceeds
// to the value node of the first item of the array, so it
// reads the value stream. On the next Read(), it proceeds to
// EndElement, so it should not read anything from stream while
// it has to move to the node state to EndElement.
public override bool Read ()
switch (state) {
case ReadState.Closed:
case ReadState.EndOfFile:
case ReadState.Error:
return false;
// clear.
state = ReadState.Interactive;
MoveToElement ();
attr_count = 0;
attr_value_count = 0;
ns_slot = 0;
if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) {
// push element scope
if (node_stack.Count <= ++depth) {
if (depth == quota.MaxDepth)
throw new XmlException (String.Format ("Binary XML stream quota exceeded. Depth must be less than {0}", quota.MaxDepth));
node = new NodeInfo ();
node_stack.Add (node);
} else {
node = node_stack [depth]; // reuse
node.Reset ();
current = node;
if (is_next_end_element) {
is_next_end_element = false;
node.Reset ();
ProcessEndElement ();
return true;
// process array node after preparing node stack.
switch (array_state) {
case XmlNodeType.Element:
ReadArrayItem ();
return true;
case XmlNodeType.Text:
ShiftToArrayItemEndElement ();
return true;
case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
if (--array_item_remaining == 0) {
array_state = XmlNodeType.None;
} else {
ShiftToArrayItemElement ();
return true;
// array consumer does not expect Reset whlie it's on reading. So call it later than array check.
node.Reset ();
int ident = next >= 0 ? next : source.ReadByte ();
next = -1;
// check end of source.
if (ident < 0) {
state = ReadState.EndOfFile;
current.Reset ();
return false;
is_next_end_element = ident > 0x80 && (ident & 1) == 1;
ident -= is_next_end_element ? 1 : 0;
switch (ident) {
case BF.EndElement:
ProcessEndElement ();
case BF.Comment:
node.Value = ReadUTF8 ();
node.ValueType = BF.Comment;
node.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Comment;
case BF.ElemString:
case BF.ElemStringPrefix:
case BF.ElemIndex:
case BF.ElemIndexPrefix:
ReadElementBinary ((byte) ident);
case BF.Array:
ident = ReadByteOrError ();
ReadElementBinary ((byte) ident);
ident = ReadByteOrError ();
if (ident != 0x01)
throw new XmlException (String.Format ("EndElement is expected after element in an array. The actual byte was {0:X} in hexadecimal", ident));
ident = ReadByteOrError () - 1; // -1 becauseit contains EndElement
VerifyValidArrayItemType (ident);
if (ident < 0)
throw new XmlException ("The stream has ended where the array item type is expected");
array_item_type = (byte) ident;
array_item_remaining = ReadVariantSize ();
if (array_item_remaining > quota.MaxArrayLength)
throw new Exception (String.Format ("Binary xml stream exceeded max array length quota. Items are {0} and should be less than quota.MaxArrayLength", quota.MaxArrayLength));
array_state = XmlNodeType.Element;
if (BF.PrefixNElemIndexStart <= ident && ident <= BF.PrefixNElemIndexEnd ||
BF.PrefixNElemStringStart <= ident && ident <= BF.PrefixNElemStringEnd)
goto case BF.ElemString;
ReadTextOrValue ((byte) ident, node, false);
return true;
void ReadArrayItem ()
ReadTextOrValue (array_item_type, node, false);
array_state = XmlNodeType.Text;
void ShiftToArrayItemEndElement ()
ProcessEndElement ();
array_state = XmlNodeType.EndElement;
void ShiftToArrayItemElement ()
node.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Element;
context.NamespaceManager.PushScope ();
array_state = XmlNodeType.Element;
void VerifyValidArrayItemType (int ident)
if (GetArrayType (ident) == null)
throw new XmlException (String.Format ("Unexpected array item type {0:X} in hexadecimal", ident));
Type GetArrayType (int ident)
switch (ident) {
case BF.Bool:
return typeof (bool);
case BF.Int16:
return typeof (short);
case BF.Int32:
return typeof (int);
case BF.Int64:
return typeof (long);
case BF.Single:
return typeof (float);
case BF.Double:
return typeof (double);
case BF.Decimal:
return typeof (decimal);
case BF.DateTime:
return typeof (DateTime);
case BF.TimeSpan:
return typeof (TimeSpan);
case BF.Guid:
return typeof (Guid);
return null;
private void ProcessEndElement ()
if (depth == 0)
throw new XmlException ("Unexpected end of element while there is no element started.");
current = node = node_stack [--depth];
node.NodeType = XmlNodeType.EndElement;
context.NamespaceManager.PopScope ();
private void ReadElementBinary (int ident)
// element
node.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Element;
node.Prefix = String.Empty;
context.NamespaceManager.PushScope ();
switch (ident) {
case BF.ElemString:
node.LocalName = ReadUTF8 ();
case BF.ElemStringPrefix:
node.Prefix = ReadUTF8 ();
node.NSSlot = ns_slot++;
goto case BF.ElemString;
case BF.ElemIndex:
node.DictLocalName = ReadDictName ();
case BF.ElemIndexPrefix:
node.Prefix = ReadUTF8 ();
node.NSSlot = ns_slot++;
goto case BF.ElemIndex;
if (BF.PrefixNElemIndexStart <= ident && ident <= BF.PrefixNElemIndexEnd) {
node.Prefix = ((char) (ident - BF.PrefixNElemIndexStart + 'a')).ToString ();
node.DictLocalName = ReadDictName ();
} else if (BF.PrefixNElemStringStart <= ident && ident <= BF.PrefixNElemStringEnd) {
node.Prefix = ((char) (ident - BF.PrefixNElemStringStart + 'a')).ToString ();
node.LocalName = ReadUTF8 ();
throw new XmlException (String.Format ("Invalid element node type {0:X02} in hexadecimal", ident));
bool loop = true;
do {
ident = ReadByteOrError ();
switch (ident) {
case BF.AttrString:
case BF.AttrStringPrefix:
case BF.AttrIndex:
case BF.AttrIndexPrefix:
ReadAttribute ((byte) ident);
case BF.DefaultNSString:
case BF.PrefixNSString:
case BF.DefaultNSIndex:
case BF.PrefixNSIndex:
ReadNamespace ((byte) ident);
if (BF.PrefixNAttrStringStart <= ident && ident <= BF.PrefixNAttrStringEnd ||
BF.PrefixNAttrIndexStart <= ident && ident <= BF.PrefixNAttrIndexEnd)
ReadAttribute ((byte) ident);
else {
next = ident;
loop = false;
} while (loop);
node.NS = context.NamespaceManager.LookupNamespace (node.Prefix) ?? String.Empty;
foreach (AttrNodeInfo a in attributes)
if (a.Prefix.Length > 0)
a.NS = context.NamespaceManager.LookupNamespace (a.Prefix);
ns_store.Clear ();
ns_dict_store.Clear ();
private void ReadAttribute (byte ident)
if (attributes.Count == attr_count)
attributes.Add (new AttrNodeInfo (this));
AttrNodeInfo a = attributes [attr_count++];
a.Reset ();
a.Position = source.Position;
switch (ident) {
case BF.AttrString:
a.LocalName = ReadUTF8 ();
case BF.AttrStringPrefix:
a.Prefix = ReadUTF8 ();
a.NSSlot = ns_slot++;
goto case BF.AttrString;
case BF.AttrIndex:
a.DictLocalName = ReadDictName ();
case BF.AttrIndexPrefix:
a.Prefix = ReadUTF8 ();
a.NSSlot = ns_slot++;
goto case BF.AttrIndex;
if (BF.PrefixNAttrStringStart <= ident && ident <= BF.PrefixNAttrStringEnd) {
a.Prefix = ((char) ('a' + ident - BF.PrefixNAttrStringStart)).ToString ();
a.LocalName = ReadUTF8 ();
else if (BF.PrefixNAttrIndexStart <= ident && ident <= BF.PrefixNAttrIndexEnd) {
a.Prefix = ((char) ('a' + ident - BF.PrefixNAttrIndexStart)).ToString ();
a.DictLocalName = ReadDictName ();
else throw new XmlException (String.Format ("Unexpected attribute node type: 0x{0:X02}", ident));
ReadAttributeValueBinary (a);
private void ReadNamespace (byte ident)
// create attrubute slot.
if (attributes.Count == attr_count)
attributes.Add (new AttrNodeInfo (this));
AttrNodeInfo a = attributes [attr_count++];
a.Reset ();
a.Position = source.Position;
string prefix = null, ns = null;
XmlDictionaryString dns = null;
switch (ident) {
case BF.DefaultNSString:
prefix = String.Empty;
ns = ReadUTF8 ();
case BF.PrefixNSString:
prefix = ReadUTF8 ();
ns = ReadUTF8 ();
case BF.DefaultNSIndex:
prefix = String.Empty;
dns = ReadDictName ();
ns_dict_store.Add (ns_store.Count, dns);
ns = dns.Value;
case BF.PrefixNSIndex:
prefix = ReadUTF8 ();
dns = ReadDictName ();
ns_dict_store.Add (ns_store.Count, dns);
ns = dns.Value;
// fill attribute slot.
a.Prefix = prefix.Length > 0 ? "xmlns" : String.Empty;
a.LocalName = prefix.Length > 0 ? prefix : "xmlns";
a.NS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/";
a.ValueIndex = attr_value_count;
if (attr_value_count == attr_values.Count)
attr_values.Add (new NodeInfo (true));
NodeInfo v = attr_values [attr_value_count++];
v.Reset ();
v.Value = ns;
v.ValueType = BF.Chars8;
v.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Text;
ns_store.Add (new QName (prefix, ns));
context.NamespaceManager.AddNamespace (prefix, ns);
private void ReadAttributeValueBinary (AttrNodeInfo a)
a.ValueIndex = attr_value_count;
if (attr_value_count == attr_values.Count)
attr_values.Add (new NodeInfo (true));
NodeInfo v = attr_values [attr_value_count++];
v.Reset ();
int ident = ReadByteOrError ();
bool end = ident > 0x80 && (ident & 1) == 1;
ident -= end ? 1 : 0;
ReadTextOrValue ((byte) ident, v, true);
private bool ReadTextOrValue (byte ident, NodeInfo node, bool canSkip)
node.Value = null;
node.ValueType = ident;
node.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Text;
switch (ident) {
case BF.Zero:
node.TypedValue = 0;
case BF.One:
node.TypedValue = 1;
case BF.BoolFalse:
node.TypedValue = false;
case BF.BoolTrue:
node.TypedValue = true;
case BF.Int8:
node.TypedValue = ReadByteOrError ();
case BF.Int16:
node.TypedValue = source.Reader.ReadInt16 ();
case BF.Int32:
node.TypedValue = source.Reader.ReadInt32 ();
case BF.Int64:
node.TypedValue = source.Reader.ReadInt64 ();
case BF.Single:
node.TypedValue = source.Reader.ReadSingle ();
case BF.Double:
node.TypedValue = source.Reader.ReadDouble ();
case BF.Decimal:
int [] bits = new int [4];
bits [3] = source.Reader.ReadInt32 ();
bits [2] = source.Reader.ReadInt32 ();
bits [0] = source.Reader.ReadInt32 ();
bits [1] = source.Reader.ReadInt32 ();
node.TypedValue = new Decimal (bits);
case BF.DateTime:
node.TypedValue = DateTime.FromBinary (source.Reader.ReadInt64 ());
//case BF.UniqueId: // identical to .Text
case BF.Bytes8:
case BF.Bytes16:
case BF.Bytes32:
int size =
(ident == BF.Bytes8) ? source.Reader.ReadByte () :
(ident == BF.Bytes16) ? source.Reader.ReadUInt16 () :
source.Reader.ReadInt32 ();
byte [] base64 = Alloc (size);
source.Reader.Read (base64, 0, base64.Length);
node.TypedValue = base64;
case BF.TimeSpan:
node.TypedValue = new TimeSpan (source.Reader.ReadInt64 ());
case BF.UniqueId:
byte [] guid = new byte [16];
source.Reader.Read (guid, 0, guid.Length);
node.TypedValue = new UniqueId (new Guid (guid));
case BF.Guid:
guid = new byte [16];
source.Reader.Read (guid, 0, guid.Length);
node.TypedValue = new Guid (guid);
case BF.Chars8:
case BF.Chars16:
case BF.Chars32:
case BF.Utf16_8:
case BF.Utf16_16:
case BF.Utf16_32:
Encoding enc = ident <= BF.Chars32 ? Encoding.UTF8 : Encoding.Unicode;
size =
(ident == BF.Chars8 || ident == BF.Utf16_8) ? source.Reader.ReadByte () :
(ident == BF.Chars16 || ident == BF.Utf16_16) ? source.Reader.ReadUInt16 () :
source.Reader.ReadInt32 ();
byte [] bytes = Alloc (size);
source.Reader.Read (bytes, 0, size);
node.Value = enc.GetString (bytes, 0, size);
node.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Text;
case BF.EmptyText:
node.Value = String.Empty;
node.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Text;
case BF.TextIndex:
node.DictValue = ReadDictName ();
node.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Text;
case BF.QNameIndex:
node.Prefix = ((char) (ReadByteOrError () + 'a')).ToString ();
node.DictLocalName = ReadDictName();
if (!canSkip)
throw new ArgumentException (String.Format ("Unexpected binary XML data at position {1}: {0:X}", ident + (is_next_end_element ? 1 : 0), source.Position));
next = ident;
return false;
return true;
byte [] Alloc (int size)
if (size > quota.MaxStringContentLength || size < 0)
throw new XmlException (String.Format ("Text content buffer exceeds the quota limitation at {2}. {0} bytes and should be less than {1} bytes", size, quota.MaxStringContentLength, source.Position));
return new byte [size];
private int ReadVariantSize ()
int size = 0;
// If sizeSpec < 0, then it is variant size specifier.
// Otherwise it is fixed size s = sizeSpec + 1 byte(s).
int d = 0;
do {
byte got = ReadByteOrError ();
size += (got & 0x7F) << d;
d += 7;
if (got < 0x80)
} while (true);
return size;
private string ReadUTF8 ()
int size = ReadVariantSize ();
if (size == 0)
return String.Empty;
if (tmp_buffer.Length < size) {
int extlen = tmp_buffer.Length * 2;
tmp_buffer = Alloc (size < extlen ? extlen : size);
size = source.Read (tmp_buffer, 0, size);
return utf8enc.GetString (tmp_buffer, 0, size);
private XmlDictionaryString ReadDictName ()
int key = ReadVariantSize ();
XmlDictionaryString s;
if ((key & 1) == 1) {
if (session.TryLookup (key >> 1, out s))
return s;
} else {
if (dictionary.TryLookup (key >> 1, out s))
return s;
throw new XmlException (String.Format ("Input XML binary stream is invalid. No matching XML dictionary string entry at {0}. Binary stream position at {1}", key, source.Position));
private byte ReadByteOrError ()
if (next >= 0) {
byte b = (byte) next;
next = -1;
return b;
int ret = source.ReadByte ();
if (ret < 0)
throw new XmlException (String.Format ("Unexpected end of binary stream. Position is at {0}", source.Position));
return (byte) ret;
public override void ResolveEntity ()
throw new NotSupportedException ("this XmlReader does not support ResolveEntity.");
public override bool TryGetBase64ContentLength (out int length)
length = 0;
switch (current.ValueType) {
case BF.Bytes8:
case BF.Bytes16:
case BF.Bytes32:
length = ((byte []) current.TypedValue).Length;
return true;
return false;
public override string ReadContentAsString ()
string value = String.Empty;
do {
switch (NodeType) {
case XmlNodeType.Element:
case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
return value;
case XmlNodeType.Text:
value += Value;
} while (Read ());
return value;
#region read typed content
public override int ReadContentAsInt ()
int ret = GetIntValue ();
Read ();
return ret;
int GetIntValue ()
switch (node.ValueType) {
case BF.Zero:
return 0;
case BF.One:
return 1;
case BF.Int8:
return (byte) current.TypedValue;
case BF.Int16:
return (short) current.TypedValue;
case BF.Int32:
return (int) current.TypedValue;
throw new InvalidOperationException (String.Format ("Current content is not an integer. (Internal value type:{0:X02})", (int) node.ValueType));
public override long ReadContentAsLong ()
if (node.ValueType == BF.Int64) {
long v = (long) current.TypedValue;
Read ();
return v;
return ReadContentAsInt ();
public override float ReadContentAsFloat ()
if (node.ValueType != BF.Single)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Current content is not a single");
float v = (float) current.TypedValue;
Read ();
return v;
public override double ReadContentAsDouble ()
if (node.ValueType != BF.Double)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Current content is not a double");
double v = (double) current.TypedValue;
Read ();
return v;
bool IsBase64Node (byte b)
switch (b) {
case BF.Bytes8:
case BF.Bytes16:
case BF.Bytes32:
return true;
return false;
// FIXME: this is not likely to consume sequential base64 nodes.
public override byte [] ReadContentAsBase64 ()
byte [] ret = null;
if (!IsBase64Node (node.ValueType))
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Current content is not base64");
while (NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text && IsBase64Node (node.ValueType)) {
if (ret == null)
ret = (byte []) node.TypedValue;
else {
byte [] tmp = (byte []) node.TypedValue;
byte [] tmp2 = Alloc (ret.Length + tmp.Length);
Array.Copy (ret, tmp2, ret.Length);
Array.Copy (tmp, 0, tmp2, ret.Length, tmp.Length);
ret = tmp2;
Read ();
//MoveToContent ();
return ret;
public override Guid ReadContentAsGuid ()
if (node.ValueType != BF.Guid)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Current content is not a Guid");
Guid ret = (Guid) node.TypedValue;
Read ();
return ret;
public override UniqueId ReadContentAsUniqueId ()
switch (node.ValueType) {
case BF.Chars8:
case BF.Chars16:
case BF.Chars32:
case BF.Utf16_8:
case BF.Utf16_16:
case BF.Utf16_32:
UniqueId ret = new UniqueId (node.Value);
Read ();
return ret;
case BF.UniqueId:
ret = (UniqueId) node.TypedValue;
Read ();
return ret;
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Current content is not a UniqueId");