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// <copyright file="WebSocketPipe.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
namespace System.Web.WebSockets {
using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Net.WebSockets;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web.Util;
// Used to send and receive messages over a WebSocket connection
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, UnmanagedCode = true)]
internal sealed class WebSocketPipe : IWebSocketPipe {
// Managed representation (bindable as an anonymous delegate) of work that can be called by the thunk
private delegate void CompletionCallback(int hrError, int cbIO, bool fUtf8Encoded, bool fFinalFragment, bool fClose);
// Corresponds to the unmanaged PFN_WEBSOCKET_COMPLETION delegate
private delegate void CompletionCallbackThunk(int hrError, IntPtr pvCompletionContext, int cbIO, bool fUtf8Encoded, bool fFinalFragment, bool fClose);
private static readonly CompletionCallbackThunk _asyncThunk = AsyncCallbackThunk; // need to root the delegate itself so not collected while unmanaged code executing
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2006:UseSafeHandleToEncapsulateNativeResources", Justification = @"This is a function pointer whose lifetime lasts for the entire duration of this AppDomain. We never need to release it.")]
private static readonly IntPtr _asyncThunkAddress = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(_asyncThunk);
private readonly IUnmanagedWebSocketContext _context;
private readonly IPerfCounters _perfCounters;
internal WebSocketPipe(IUnmanagedWebSocketContext context, IPerfCounters perfCounters) {
_context = context;
_perfCounters = perfCounters;
public Task WriteFragmentAsync(ArraySegment<byte> buffer, bool isUtf8Encoded, bool isFinalFragment) {
TaskCompletionSource<object> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
// The buffer will be read from asynchronously by unmanaged code, so we require that it remain pinned
PinnedArraySegment<byte> pinnedBuffer = new PinnedArraySegment<byte>(buffer);
// Callback will always be called (since it is responsible for cleanup), even if completed synchronously
CompletionCallback callback = (hrError, cbIO, fUtf8Encoded, fFinalFragment, fClose) => {
try {
tcs.TrySetResult(null); // regular completion
catch (Exception ex) {
tcs.TrySetException(ex); // exceptional completion
finally {
// Always free the buffer to prevent a memory leak
IntPtr completionContext = GCUtil.RootObject(callback);
// update perf counter with count of data written to wire
_perfCounters.IncrementCounter(AppPerfCounter.REQUEST_BYTES_OUT_WEBSOCKETS, pinnedBuffer.Count);
// Call the underlying implementation; WriteFragment should never throw an exception
int bytesSent = pinnedBuffer.Count;
bool completionExpected;
int hr = _context.WriteFragment(
pData: pinnedBuffer.Pointer,
pcbSent: ref bytesSent,
fAsync: true,
fUtf8Encoded: isUtf8Encoded,
fFinalFragment: isFinalFragment,
pfnCompletion: _asyncThunkAddress,
pvCompletionContext: completionContext,
pfCompletionExpected: out completionExpected);
if (!completionExpected) {
// Completed synchronously or error; the thunk and callback together handle cleanup
AsyncCallbackThunk(hr, completionContext, bytesSent, isUtf8Encoded, isFinalFragment, fClose: false);
return tcs.Task;
public Task WriteCloseFragmentAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus closeStatus, string statusDescription) {
TaskCompletionSource<object> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
// Callback will always be called (since it is responsible for cleanup), even if completed synchronously
CompletionCallback callback = (hrError, cbIO, fUtf8Encoded, fFinalFragment, fClose) => {
try {
tcs.TrySetResult(null); // regular completion
catch (Exception ex) {
tcs.TrySetException(ex); // exceptional completion
IntPtr completionContext = GCUtil.RootObject(callback);
// Call the underlying implementation; SendConnectionClose should never throw an exception
bool completionExpected;
int hr = _context.SendConnectionClose(
fAsync: true,
uStatusCode: (ushort)closeStatus,
szReason: statusDescription, // don't need to pin string: CLR marshaler handles managed to unmanaged conversion, and IIS makes local copy for duration of async operation
pfnCompletion: _asyncThunkAddress,
pvCompletionContext: completionContext,
pfCompletionExpected: out completionExpected);
if (!completionExpected) {
// Completed synchronously or error; the thunk and callback together handle cleanup
AsyncCallbackThunk(hr, completionContext, cbIO: 0, fUtf8Encoded: true, fFinalFragment: true, fClose: false);
return tcs.Task;
public Task<WebSocketReceiveResult> ReadFragmentAsync(ArraySegment<byte> buffer) {
TaskCompletionSource<WebSocketReceiveResult> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<WebSocketReceiveResult>();
// The buffer will be written to asynchronously by unmanaged code, so we require that it remain pinned
PinnedArraySegment<byte> pinnedBuffer = new PinnedArraySegment<byte>(buffer);
// Callback will always be called (since it is responsible for cleanup), even if completed synchronously
CompletionCallback callback = (hrError, cbIO, fUtf8Encoded, fFinalFragment, fClose) => {
try {
WebSocketCloseStatus? closeStatus = null;
string closeStatusDescription = null;
WebSocketMessageType messageType = (fUtf8Encoded) ? WebSocketMessageType.Text : WebSocketMessageType.Binary;
if (fClose) {
// this is a CLOSE frame
messageType = WebSocketMessageType.Close;
WebSocketCloseStatus statusCode;
GetCloseStatus(out statusCode, out closeStatusDescription);
closeStatus = statusCode;
else {
// this is a data frame, so update perf counter with count of data read from wire
_perfCounters.IncrementCounter(AppPerfCounter.REQUEST_BYTES_IN_WEBSOCKETS, cbIO);
tcs.TrySetResult(new WebSocketReceiveResult(
count: cbIO,
messageType: messageType,
endOfMessage: fFinalFragment,
closeStatus: closeStatus,
closeStatusDescription: closeStatusDescription));
catch (Exception ex) {
tcs.TrySetException(ex); // exceptional completion
finally {
// Always free the buffer to prevent a memory leak
IntPtr completionContext = GCUtil.RootObject(callback);
// Call the underlying implementation; ReadFragment should never throw an exception
int bytesRead = pinnedBuffer.Count;
bool isUtf8Encoded;
bool isFinalFragment;
bool isConnectionClose;
bool completionExpected;
int hr = _context.ReadFragment(
pData: pinnedBuffer.Pointer,
pcbData: ref bytesRead,
fAsync: true,
pfUtf8Encoded: out isUtf8Encoded,
pfFinalFragment: out isFinalFragment,
pfConnectionClose: out isConnectionClose,
pfnCompletion: _asyncThunkAddress,
pvCompletionContext: completionContext,
pfCompletionExpected: out completionExpected);
if (!completionExpected) {
// Completed synchronously or error; the thunk and callback together handle cleanup
AsyncCallbackThunk(hr, completionContext, bytesRead, isUtf8Encoded, isFinalFragment, isConnectionClose);
return tcs.Task;
// Gets the reason (numeric + textual) the client sent a CLOSE frame to the server.
// Returns false if no reason was given.
private void GetCloseStatus(out WebSocketCloseStatus closeStatus, out string closeStatusDescription) {
ushort statusCode;
IntPtr reasonPtr;
ushort reasonLength;
int hr = _context.GetCloseStatus(out statusCode, out reasonPtr, out reasonLength);
if (hr == HResults.E_NOT_SET) {
// This HRESULT is special-cased to mean that a status code has not been provided.
statusCode = 0;
reasonPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
else {
// Any other HRESULTs must be treated as exceptional.
// convert the status code and description string
closeStatus = (WebSocketCloseStatus)statusCode;
if (reasonPtr != IntPtr.Zero) {
unsafe {
// return a managed copy of the string (IIS will free the original memory)
closeStatusDescription = new String((char*)reasonPtr, 0, reasonLength);
else {
closeStatusDescription = null;
public void CloseTcpConnection() {
// This thunk dispatches to the appropriate instance continuation when an asynchronous event completes
private static void AsyncCallbackThunk(int hrError, IntPtr pvCompletionContext, int cbIO, bool fUtf8Encoded, bool fFinalFragment, bool fClose) {
// Calling UnrootObject also makes the callback and everything it references eligible for garbage collection
CompletionCallback callback = (CompletionCallback)GCUtil.UnrootObject(pvCompletionContext);
callback(hrError, cbIO, fUtf8Encoded, fFinalFragment, fClose);
private static void ThrowExceptionForHR(int hrError) {
// We should homogenize errors coming from the native layer into a WebSocketException.
if (hrError < 0) {
throw new WebSocketException(hrError);