Jo Shields 3c1f479b9d Imported Upstream version 4.0.0~alpha1
Former-commit-id: 806294f5ded97629b74c85c09952f2a74fe182d9
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00

394 lines
16 KiB

// <copyright file="ExpressServerConfig.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
namespace System.Web.Configuration {
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Web.Caching;
using System.Web.Util;
using System.Web.Hosting;
// Uses IIS Express native config
internal sealed class ExpressServerConfig : IServerConfig, IServerConfig2, IConfigMapPath, IConfigMapPath2, IDisposable {
static object s_initLock = new Object();
static ExpressServerConfig s_instance;
NativeConfig _nativeConfig;
string _currentAppSiteName;
// called by HostingEnvironment to initiliaze the singleton config
// instance for the domain
static internal IServerConfig GetInstance(string version) {
if (s_instance == null) {
lock (s_initLock) {
if (s_instance == null) {
if (Thread.GetDomain().IsDefaultAppDomain()) {
throw new InvalidOperationException();
s_instance = new ExpressServerConfig(version);
return s_instance;
static ExpressServerConfig() {
private ExpressServerConfig() {
// hidden
internal ExpressServerConfig(string version) {
if (version == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("version");
_nativeConfig = new NativeConfig(version);
string CurrentAppSiteName {
get {
string name = _currentAppSiteName;
if (name == null) {
name = HostingEnvironment.SiteNameNoDemand;
if (name == null) {
name = _nativeConfig.GetSiteNameFromId(ProcessHostConfigUtils.DEFAULT_SITE_ID_UINT);
_currentAppSiteName = name;
return name;
void IDisposable.Dispose() {
NativeConfig nativeConfig = _nativeConfig;
_nativeConfig = null;
if (nativeConfig != null) {
string IServerConfig.GetSiteNameFromSiteID(string siteID) {
uint siteIDValue;
if (!UInt32.TryParse(siteID, out siteIDValue)) {
Debug.Assert(false, "siteID is not numeric");
return String.Empty;
return _nativeConfig.GetSiteNameFromId(siteIDValue);
// if appHost is null, we use the site name for the current application
string IServerConfig.MapPath(IApplicationHost appHost, VirtualPath path) {
string siteName = (appHost == null) ? CurrentAppSiteName : appHost.GetSiteName();
string physicalPath = _nativeConfig.MapPathDirect(siteName, path);
if (FileUtil.IsSuspiciousPhysicalPath(physicalPath)) {
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_map_path, path.VirtualPathString));
return physicalPath;
string[] IServerConfig.GetVirtualSubdirs(VirtualPath path, bool inApp) {
// WOS 1956227: PERF: inactive applications on the web server degrade Working Set by 10%
// It is very expensive to get a list of subdirs not in the application if there are a lot of applications,
// so instead, use ProcessHostServerConfig.IsWithinApp to check if a particular path is in the app.
if (inApp == false) {
throw new NotSupportedException();
string vpath = path.VirtualPathString;
string [] dirList = null;
int dirListCount = 0;
IntPtr pAppCollection = IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr pBstr = IntPtr.Zero;
int cBstr = 0;
try {
int count = 0;
int result = _nativeConfig.MgdGetAppCollection(CurrentAppSiteName, vpath, out pBstr, out cBstr, out pAppCollection, out count);
if (result < 0 || pBstr == IntPtr.Zero) {
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.Cant_Enumerate_NativeDirs, result));
string appRoot = StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(pBstr, cBstr);
pBstr = IntPtr.Zero;
cBstr = 0;
dirList = new string[count];
int lenNoTrailingSlash = vpath.Length;
if (vpath[lenNoTrailingSlash - 1] == '/') {
int lenAppRoot = appRoot.Length;
string appRootRelativePath = (lenNoTrailingSlash > lenAppRoot) ? vpath.Substring(lenAppRoot, lenNoTrailingSlash - lenAppRoot) : String.Empty;
for (uint index = 0; index < count; index++) {
result = UnsafeIISMethods.MgdGetNextVPath(pAppCollection, index, out pBstr, out cBstr);
if (result < 0 || pBstr == IntPtr.Zero) {
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.Cant_Enumerate_NativeDirs, result));
// if cBstr = 1, then pBstr = "/" and can be ignored
string subVdir = (cBstr > 1) ? StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(pBstr, cBstr) : null;
pBstr = IntPtr.Zero;
cBstr = 0;
// only put the subVdir in our list if it is a subdirectory of the specified vpath
if (subVdir != null && subVdir.Length > appRootRelativePath.Length) {
if (appRootRelativePath.Length == 0) {
if (subVdir.IndexOf('/', 1) == -1) {
dirList[dirListCount++] = subVdir.Substring(1);
else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(appRootRelativePath, 0, subVdir, 0, appRootRelativePath.Length)) {
int nextSlashIndex = subVdir.IndexOf('/', 1 + appRootRelativePath.Length);
if (nextSlashIndex > -1) {
dirList[dirListCount++] = subVdir.Substring(appRootRelativePath.Length + 1, nextSlashIndex - appRootRelativePath.Length);
else {
dirList[dirListCount++] = subVdir.Substring(appRootRelativePath.Length + 1);
finally {
if (pAppCollection != IntPtr.Zero) {
pAppCollection = IntPtr.Zero;
if (pBstr != IntPtr.Zero) {
pBstr = IntPtr.Zero;
string[] subdirs = null;
if (dirListCount > 0) {
subdirs = new string[dirListCount];
for (int i = 0; i < subdirs.Length; i++) {
subdirs[i] = dirList[i];
return subdirs;
bool IServerConfig2.IsWithinApp(string virtualPath) {
return _nativeConfig.MgdIsWithinApp(CurrentAppSiteName, HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPathString, virtualPath);
bool IServerConfig.GetUncUser(IApplicationHost appHost, VirtualPath path, out string username, out string password) {
bool foundCreds = false;
username = null;
password = null;
IntPtr pBstrUserName = IntPtr.Zero;
int cBstrUserName = 0;
IntPtr pBstrPassword = IntPtr.Zero;
int cBstrPassword = 0;
try {
int result = _nativeConfig.MgdGetVrPathCreds( appHost.GetSiteName(),
out pBstrUserName,
out cBstrUserName,
out pBstrPassword,
out cBstrPassword);
if (result == 0) {
username = (cBstrUserName > 0) ? StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(pBstrUserName, cBstrUserName) : null;
password = (cBstrPassword > 0) ? StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(pBstrPassword, cBstrPassword) : null;
foundCreds = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(username) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(password));
finally {
if (pBstrUserName != IntPtr.Zero) {
if (pBstrPassword != IntPtr.Zero) {
return foundCreds;
long IServerConfig.GetW3WPMemoryLimitInKB() {
long limit = 0;
int result = UnsafeIISMethods.MgdGetMemoryLimitKB( out limit );
if (result < 0)
return 0;
return limit;
// IConfigMapPath
string IConfigMapPath.GetMachineConfigFilename() {
return HttpConfigurationSystem.MachineConfigurationFilePath;
string IConfigMapPath.GetRootWebConfigFilename() {
return HttpConfigurationSystem.RootWebConfigurationFilePath;
private void GetPathConfigFilenameWorker(string siteID, VirtualPath path, out string directory, out string baseName) {
directory = MapPathCaching(siteID, path);
if (directory != null) {
baseName = HttpConfigurationSystem.WebConfigFileName;
else {
baseName = null;
void IConfigMapPath.GetPathConfigFilename(
string siteID, string path, out string directory, out string baseName) {
GetPathConfigFilenameWorker(siteID, VirtualPath.Create(path), out directory, out baseName);
// IConfigMapPath2 VirtualPath variant
void IConfigMapPath2.GetPathConfigFilename(
string siteID,
VirtualPath path,
out string directory,
out string baseName) {
GetPathConfigFilenameWorker(siteID, path, out directory, out baseName);
void IConfigMapPath.GetDefaultSiteNameAndID(out string siteName, out string siteID) {
siteID = ProcessHostConfigUtils.DEFAULT_SITE_ID_STRING;
siteName = _nativeConfig.GetSiteNameFromId(ProcessHostConfigUtils.DEFAULT_SITE_ID_UINT);
void IConfigMapPath.ResolveSiteArgument(string siteArgument, out string siteName, out string siteID) {
if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty(siteArgument) ||
StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(siteArgument, ProcessHostConfigUtils.DEFAULT_SITE_ID_STRING) ||
StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(siteArgument, _nativeConfig.GetSiteNameFromId(ProcessHostConfigUtils.DEFAULT_SITE_ID_UINT))) {
siteName = _nativeConfig.GetSiteNameFromId(ProcessHostConfigUtils.DEFAULT_SITE_ID_UINT);
siteID = ProcessHostConfigUtils.DEFAULT_SITE_ID_STRING;
else {
siteName = String.Empty;
siteID = String.Empty;
string resolvedName = null;
if (IISMapPath.IsSiteId(siteArgument)) {
uint id;
if (UInt32.TryParse(siteArgument, out id)) {
resolvedName = _nativeConfig.GetSiteNameFromId(id);
// try to resolve the string
else {
uint id = _nativeConfig.MgdResolveSiteName(siteArgument);
if (id != 0) {
siteID = id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
siteName = siteArgument;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(resolvedName)) {
siteName = resolvedName;
siteID = siteArgument;
else {
siteName = siteArgument;
siteID = String.Empty;
Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(siteName), "!String.IsNullOrEmpty(siteName), siteArg=" + siteArgument);
private string MapPathWorker(string siteID, VirtualPath path) {
return MapPathCaching(siteID, path);
// IConfigMapPath2 variant with VirtualPath
string IConfigMapPath2.MapPath(string siteID, VirtualPath path) {
return MapPathWorker(siteID, path);
string IConfigMapPath.MapPath(string siteID, string path) {
return MapPathWorker(siteID, VirtualPath.Create(path));
string IConfigMapPath.GetAppPathForPath(string siteID, string path) {
VirtualPath resolved = GetAppPathForPathWorker(siteID, VirtualPath.Create(path));
return resolved.VirtualPathString;
// IConfigMapPath2 variant with VirtualPath
VirtualPath IConfigMapPath2.GetAppPathForPath(string siteID, VirtualPath path) {
return GetAppPathForPathWorker(siteID, path);
VirtualPath GetAppPathForPathWorker(string siteID, VirtualPath path) {
uint siteValue = 0;
if (!UInt32.TryParse(siteID, out siteValue)) {
return VirtualPath.RootVirtualPath;
IntPtr pBstr = IntPtr.Zero;
int cBstr = 0;
string appPath;
try {
int result = _nativeConfig.MgdGetAppPathForPath(siteValue, path.VirtualPathString, out pBstr, out cBstr);
appPath = (result == 0 && cBstr > 0) ? StringUtil.StringFromWCharPtr(pBstr, cBstr) : null;
finally {
if (pBstr != IntPtr.Zero) {
return (appPath != null) ? VirtualPath.Create(appPath) : VirtualPath.RootVirtualPath;
private string MapPathCaching(string siteID, VirtualPath path) {
// do we need caching for the designer?
string physicalPath = _nativeConfig.MapPathDirect(((IServerConfig)this).GetSiteNameFromSiteID(siteID), path);
if (physicalPath != null && physicalPath.Length == 2 && physicalPath[1] == ':')
physicalPath += "\\";
// Throw if the resulting physical path is not canonical, to prevent potential
// security issues (VSWhidbey 418125)
if (HttpRuntime.IsMapPathRelaxed) {
physicalPath = HttpRuntime.GetRelaxedMapPathResult(physicalPath);
if (FileUtil.IsSuspiciousPhysicalPath(physicalPath)) {
if (HttpRuntime.IsMapPathRelaxed) {
physicalPath = HttpRuntime.GetRelaxedMapPathResult(null);
} else {
throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_map_path, path));
return physicalPath;