Jo Shields 3c1f479b9d Imported Upstream version 4.0.0~alpha1
Former-commit-id: 806294f5ded97629b74c85c09952f2a74fe182d9
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00

277 lines
9.6 KiB

// <copyright file="SoapServerMethod.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
namespace System.Web.Services.Protocols {
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Web.Services.Description;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Security.Policy;
using System.Web.Services.Diagnostics;
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Name = "FullTrust")]
public sealed class SoapServerMethod {
// Internal field visibility is maintained for
// compatibility with existing code.
internal LogicalMethodInfo methodInfo;
internal XmlSerializer returnSerializer;
internal XmlSerializer parameterSerializer;
internal XmlSerializer inHeaderSerializer;
internal XmlSerializer outHeaderSerializer;
internal SoapHeaderMapping[] inHeaderMappings;
internal SoapHeaderMapping[] outHeaderMappings;
internal SoapReflectedExtension[] extensions;
internal object[] extensionInitializers;
internal string action;
internal bool oneWay;
internal bool rpc;
internal SoapBindingUse use;
internal SoapParameterStyle paramStyle;
internal WsiProfiles wsiClaims;
public SoapServerMethod() {
public SoapServerMethod(Type serverType, LogicalMethodInfo methodInfo) {
this.methodInfo = methodInfo;
// Set up the XmlImporter, the SoapImporter, and acquire
// the ServiceAttribute on the serverType for use in
// creating a SoapReflectedMethod.
WebServiceAttribute serviceAttribute = WebServiceReflector.GetAttribute(serverType);
string serviceNamespace = serviceAttribute.Namespace;
bool serviceDefaultIsEncoded = SoapReflector.ServiceDefaultIsEncoded(serverType);
SoapReflectionImporter soapImporter = SoapReflector.CreateSoapImporter(serviceNamespace, serviceDefaultIsEncoded);
XmlReflectionImporter xmlImporter = SoapReflector.CreateXmlImporter(serviceNamespace, serviceDefaultIsEncoded);
// Add some types relating to the methodInfo into the two importers
SoapReflector.IncludeTypes(methodInfo, soapImporter);
WebMethodReflector.IncludeTypes(methodInfo, xmlImporter);
// Create a SoapReflectedMethod by reflecting on the
// LogicalMethodInfo passed to us.
SoapReflectedMethod soapMethod = SoapReflector.ReflectMethod(methodInfo, false, xmlImporter, soapImporter, serviceNamespace);
// Most of the fields in this class are ----ed in from the reflected information
ImportSerializers(soapMethod, GetServerTypeEvidence(serverType));
public LogicalMethodInfo MethodInfo {
get {
return methodInfo;
public XmlSerializer ReturnSerializer {
get {
return returnSerializer;
public XmlSerializer ParameterSerializer {
get {
return parameterSerializer;
public XmlSerializer InHeaderSerializer {
get {
return inHeaderSerializer;
public XmlSerializer OutHeaderSerializer {
get {
return outHeaderSerializer;
public SoapHeaderMapping[] InHeaderMappings {
get {
return inHeaderMappings;
public SoapHeaderMapping[] OutHeaderMappings {
get {
return outHeaderMappings;
* WSE3 does not require access to Extension data
public SoapReflectedExtension[] Extensions
return extensions;
public object[] ExtensionInitializers
return extensionInitializers;
public string Action {
get {
return action;
public bool OneWay {
get {
return oneWay;
public bool Rpc {
get {
return rpc;
public SoapBindingUse BindingUse {
get {
return use;
public SoapParameterStyle ParameterStyle {
get {
return paramStyle;
public WsiProfiles WsiClaims {
get {
return wsiClaims;
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, ControlEvidence = true)]
private Evidence GetServerTypeEvidence(Type type) {
return type.Assembly.Evidence;
private List<XmlMapping> GetXmlMappingsForMethod(SoapReflectedMethod soapMethod) {
List<XmlMapping> mappings = new List<XmlMapping>();
if (soapMethod.responseMappings != null) {
if (soapMethod.outHeaderMappings != null) {
return mappings;
private void ImportReflectedMethod(SoapReflectedMethod soapMethod) {
this.action = soapMethod.action;
this.extensions = soapMethod.extensions;
this.extensionInitializers = SoapReflectedExtension.GetInitializers(this.methodInfo, soapMethod.extensions);
this.oneWay = soapMethod.oneWay;
this.rpc = soapMethod.rpc;
this.use = soapMethod.use;
this.paramStyle = soapMethod.paramStyle;
this.wsiClaims = soapMethod.binding == null ? WsiProfiles.None : soapMethod.binding.ConformsTo;
private void ImportHeaderSerializers(SoapReflectedMethod soapMethod) {
List<SoapHeaderMapping> inHeaders = new List<SoapHeaderMapping>();
List<SoapHeaderMapping> outHeaders = new List<SoapHeaderMapping>();
for (int j = 0; j < soapMethod.headers.Length; j++) {
SoapHeaderMapping mapping = new SoapHeaderMapping();
SoapReflectedHeader soapHeader = soapMethod.headers[j];
mapping.memberInfo = soapHeader.memberInfo;
mapping.repeats = soapHeader.repeats;
mapping.custom = soapHeader.custom;
mapping.direction = soapHeader.direction;
mapping.headerType = soapHeader.headerType;
if (mapping.direction == SoapHeaderDirection.In)
else if (mapping.direction == SoapHeaderDirection.Out)
else {
this.inHeaderMappings = inHeaders.ToArray();
if (this.outHeaderSerializer != null)
this.outHeaderMappings = outHeaders.ToArray();
private void ImportSerializers(SoapReflectedMethod soapMethod, Evidence serverEvidence) {
// Keep track of all XmlMapping instances we need for this method.
List<XmlMapping> mappings = GetXmlMappingsForMethod(soapMethod);
// Generate serializers from those XmlMappings
XmlMapping[] xmlMappings = mappings.ToArray();
TraceMethod caller = Tracing.On ? new TraceMethod(this, "ImportSerializers") : null;
if (Tracing.On) Tracing.Enter(Tracing.TraceId(Res.TraceCreateSerializer), caller, new TraceMethod(typeof(XmlSerializer), "FromMappings", xmlMappings, serverEvidence));
XmlSerializer[] serializers = null;
if (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.IsHomogenous) {
serializers = XmlSerializer.FromMappings(xmlMappings);
else {
#pragma warning disable 618 // If we're in a non-homogenous domain, legacy CAS mode is enabled, so passing through evidence will not fail
serializers = XmlSerializer.FromMappings(xmlMappings, serverEvidence);
#pragma warning restore 618
if (Tracing.On) Tracing.Exit(Tracing.TraceId(Res.TraceCreateSerializer), caller);
int i = 0;
this.parameterSerializer = serializers[i++];
if (soapMethod.responseMappings != null) {
this.returnSerializer = serializers[i++];
this.inHeaderSerializer = serializers[i++];
if (soapMethod.outHeaderMappings != null) {
this.outHeaderSerializer = serializers[i++];