Former-commit-id: 806294f5ded97629b74c85c09952f2a74fe182d9
635 lines
19 KiB
635 lines
19 KiB
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
namespace System.Runtime
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Text;
//copied from System.Web.HttpUtility code (renamed here) to remove dependency on System.Web.dll
static class UrlUtility
// Query string parsing support
public static NameValueCollection ParseQueryString(string query)
return ParseQueryString(query, Encoding.UTF8);
public static NameValueCollection ParseQueryString(string query, Encoding encoding)
if (query == null)
throw Fx.Exception.ArgumentNull("query");
if (encoding == null)
throw Fx.Exception.ArgumentNull("encoding");
if (query.Length > 0 && query[0] == '?')
query = query.Substring(1);
return new HttpValueCollection(query, encoding);
public static string UrlEncode(string str)
if (str == null)
return null;
return UrlEncode(str, Encoding.UTF8);
// URL encodes a path portion of a URL string and returns the encoded string.
public static string UrlPathEncode(string str)
if (str == null)
return null;
// recurse in case there is a query string
int i = str.IndexOf('?');
if (i >= 0)
return UrlPathEncode(str.Substring(0, i)) + str.Substring(i);
// encode DBCS characters and spaces only
return UrlEncodeSpaces(UrlEncodeNonAscii(str, Encoding.UTF8));
public static string UrlEncode(string str, Encoding encoding)
if (str == null)
return null;
return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(UrlEncodeToBytes(str, encoding));
public static string UrlEncodeUnicode(string str)
if (str == null)
return null;
return UrlEncodeUnicodeStringToStringInternal(str, false);
private static string UrlEncodeUnicodeStringToStringInternal(string s, bool ignoreAscii)
int l = s.Length;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(l);
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
char ch = s[i];
if ((ch & 0xff80) == 0)
{ // 7 bit?
if (ignoreAscii || IsSafe(ch))
else if (ch == ' ')
sb.Append(IntToHex((ch >> 4) & 0xf));
sb.Append(IntToHex((ch) & 0xf));
{ // arbitrary Unicode?
sb.Append(IntToHex((ch >> 12) & 0xf));
sb.Append(IntToHex((ch >> 8) & 0xf));
sb.Append(IntToHex((ch >> 4) & 0xf));
sb.Append(IntToHex((ch) & 0xf));
return sb.ToString();
// Helper to encode the non-ASCII url characters only
static string UrlEncodeNonAscii(string str, Encoding e)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
return str;
if (e == null)
e = Encoding.UTF8;
byte[] bytes = e.GetBytes(str);
bytes = UrlEncodeBytesToBytesInternalNonAscii(bytes, 0, bytes.Length, false);
return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes);
// Helper to encode spaces only
static string UrlEncodeSpaces(string str)
if (str != null && str.IndexOf(' ') >= 0)
str = str.Replace(" ", "%20");
return str;
public static byte[] UrlEncodeToBytes(string str, Encoding e)
if (str == null)
return null;
byte[] bytes = e.GetBytes(str);
return UrlEncodeBytesToBytesInternal(bytes, 0, bytes.Length, false);
//public static string UrlDecode(string str)
// if (str == null)
// return null;
// return UrlDecode(str, Encoding.UTF8);
public static string UrlDecode(string str, Encoding e)
if (str == null)
return null;
return UrlDecodeStringFromStringInternal(str, e);
// Implementation for encoding
static byte[] UrlEncodeBytesToBytesInternal(byte[] bytes, int offset, int count, bool alwaysCreateReturnValue)
int cSpaces = 0;
int cUnsafe = 0;
// count them first
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
char ch = (char)bytes[offset + i];
if (ch == ' ')
else if (!IsSafe(ch))
// nothing to expand?
if (!alwaysCreateReturnValue && cSpaces == 0 && cUnsafe == 0)
return bytes;
// expand not 'safe' characters into %XX, spaces to +s
byte[] expandedBytes = new byte[count + cUnsafe * 2];
int pos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
byte b = bytes[offset + i];
char ch = (char)b;
if (IsSafe(ch))
expandedBytes[pos++] = b;
else if (ch == ' ')
expandedBytes[pos++] = (byte)'+';
expandedBytes[pos++] = (byte)'%';
expandedBytes[pos++] = (byte)IntToHex((b >> 4) & 0xf);
expandedBytes[pos++] = (byte)IntToHex(b & 0x0f);
return expandedBytes;
static bool IsNonAsciiByte(byte b)
return (b >= 0x7F || b < 0x20);
static byte[] UrlEncodeBytesToBytesInternalNonAscii(byte[] bytes, int offset, int count, bool alwaysCreateReturnValue)
int cNonAscii = 0;
// count them first
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (IsNonAsciiByte(bytes[offset + i]))
// nothing to expand?
if (!alwaysCreateReturnValue && cNonAscii == 0)
return bytes;
// expand not 'safe' characters into %XX, spaces to +s
byte[] expandedBytes = new byte[count + cNonAscii * 2];
int pos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
byte b = bytes[offset + i];
if (IsNonAsciiByte(b))
expandedBytes[pos++] = (byte)'%';
expandedBytes[pos++] = (byte)IntToHex((b >> 4) & 0xf);
expandedBytes[pos++] = (byte)IntToHex(b & 0x0f);
expandedBytes[pos++] = b;
return expandedBytes;
static string UrlDecodeStringFromStringInternal(string s, Encoding e)
int count = s.Length;
UrlDecoder helper = new UrlDecoder(count, e);
// go through the string's chars collapsing %XX and %uXXXX and
// appending each char as char, with exception of %XX constructs
// that are appended as bytes
for (int pos = 0; pos < count; pos++)
char ch = s[pos];
if (ch == '+')
ch = ' ';
else if (ch == '%' && pos < count - 2)
if (s[pos + 1] == 'u' && pos < count - 5)
int h1 = HexToInt(s[pos + 2]);
int h2 = HexToInt(s[pos + 3]);
int h3 = HexToInt(s[pos + 4]);
int h4 = HexToInt(s[pos + 5]);
if (h1 >= 0 && h2 >= 0 && h3 >= 0 && h4 >= 0)
{ // valid 4 hex chars
ch = (char)((h1 << 12) | (h2 << 8) | (h3 << 4) | h4);
pos += 5;
// only add as char
int h1 = HexToInt(s[pos + 1]);
int h2 = HexToInt(s[pos + 2]);
if (h1 >= 0 && h2 >= 0)
{ // valid 2 hex chars
byte b = (byte)((h1 << 4) | h2);
pos += 2;
// don't add as char
if ((ch & 0xFF80) == 0)
helper.AddByte((byte)ch); // 7 bit have to go as bytes because of Unicode
return helper.GetString();
// Private helpers for URL encoding/decoding
static int HexToInt(char h)
return (h >= '0' && h <= '9') ? h - '0' :
(h >= 'a' && h <= 'f') ? h - 'a' + 10 :
(h >= 'A' && h <= 'F') ? h - 'A' + 10 :
static char IntToHex(int n)
//WCF CHANGE: CHANGED FROM Debug.Assert() to Fx.Assert()
Fx.Assert(n < 0x10, "n < 0x10");
if (n <= 9)
return (char)(n + (int)'0');
return (char)(n - 10 + (int)'a');
// Set of safe chars, from RFC 1738.4 minus '+'
internal static bool IsSafe(char ch)
if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
return true;
switch (ch)
case '-':
case '_':
case '.':
case '!':
case '*':
case '\'':
case '(':
case ')':
return true;
return false;
// Internal class to facilitate URL decoding -- keeps char buffer and byte buffer, allows appending of either chars or bytes
class UrlDecoder
int _bufferSize;
// Accumulate characters in a special array
int _numChars;
char[] _charBuffer;
// Accumulate bytes for decoding into characters in a special array
int _numBytes;
byte[] _byteBuffer;
// Encoding to convert chars to bytes
Encoding _encoding;
void FlushBytes()
if (_numBytes > 0)
_numChars += _encoding.GetChars(_byteBuffer, 0, _numBytes, _charBuffer, _numChars);
_numBytes = 0;
internal UrlDecoder(int bufferSize, Encoding encoding)
_bufferSize = bufferSize;
_encoding = encoding;
_charBuffer = new char[bufferSize];
// byte buffer created on demand
internal void AddChar(char ch)
if (_numBytes > 0)
_charBuffer[_numChars++] = ch;
internal void AddByte(byte b)
// if there are no pending bytes treat 7 bit bytes as characters
// this optimization is temp disable as it doesn't work for some encodings
//if (_numBytes == 0 && ((b & 0x80) == 0)) {
// AddChar((char)b);
if (_byteBuffer == null)
_byteBuffer = new byte[_bufferSize];
_byteBuffer[_numBytes++] = b;
internal string GetString()
if (_numBytes > 0)
if (_numChars > 0)
return new String(_charBuffer, 0, _numChars);
return string.Empty;
class HttpValueCollection : NameValueCollection
internal HttpValueCollection(string str, Encoding encoding)
: base(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
FillFromString(str, true, encoding);
IsReadOnly = false;
protected HttpValueCollection(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
: base(info, context)
internal void FillFromString(string s, bool urlencoded, Encoding encoding)
int l = (s != null) ? s.Length : 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < l)
// find next & while noting first = on the way (and if there are more)
int si = i;
int ti = -1;
while (i < l)
char ch = s[i];
if (ch == '=')
if (ti < 0)
ti = i;
else if (ch == '&')
// extract the name / value pair
string name = null;
string value = null;
if (ti >= 0)
name = s.Substring(si, ti - si);
value = s.Substring(ti + 1, i - ti - 1);
value = s.Substring(si, i - si);
// add name / value pair to the collection
if (urlencoded)
UrlUtility.UrlDecode(name, encoding),
UrlUtility.UrlDecode(value, encoding));
base.Add(name, value);
// trailing '&'
if (i == l - 1 && s[i] == '&')
base.Add(null, string.Empty);
public override string ToString()
return ToString(true, null);
string ToString(bool urlencoded, IDictionary excludeKeys)
int n = Count;
if (n == 0)
return string.Empty;
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
string key, keyPrefix, item;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
key = GetKey(i);
if (excludeKeys != null && key != null && excludeKeys[key] != null)
if (urlencoded)
key = UrlUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode(key);
keyPrefix = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) ? (key + "=") : string.Empty;
ArrayList values = (ArrayList)BaseGet(i);
int numValues = (values != null) ? values.Count : 0;
if (s.Length > 0)
if (numValues == 1)
item = (string)values[0];
if (urlencoded)
item = UrlUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode(item);
else if (numValues == 0)
for (int j = 0; j < numValues; j++)
if (j > 0)
item = (string)values[j];
if (urlencoded)
item = UrlUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode(item);
return s.ToString();