Jo Shields 3c1f479b9d Imported Upstream version 4.0.0~alpha1
Former-commit-id: 806294f5ded97629b74c85c09952f2a74fe182d9
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00

311 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
namespace System.Activities.XamlIntegration
using System;
using System.Activities;
using System.Activities.Expressions;
using System.Activities.Runtime;
using System.Runtime;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections.Generic;
[DataContract(Name = XD.CompiledLocation.Name, Namespace = XD.Runtime.Namespace)]
internal class CompiledLocation<T> : Location<T>
Func<T> getMethod;
Action<T> setMethod;
int expressionId;
IList<LocationReference> locationReferences;
IList<Location> locations;
ActivityInstance rootInstance;
Activity compiledRootActivity;
byte[] compiledRootActivityQualifiedId;
Activity expressionActivity;
byte[] expressionActivityQualifiedId;
string expressionText;
bool forImplementation;
public CompiledLocation(Func<T> getMethod, Action<T> setMethod, IList<LocationReference> locationReferences, IList<Location> locations, int expressionId, Activity compiledRootActivity, ActivityContext currentActivityContext)
this.getMethod = getMethod;
this.setMethod = setMethod;
this.forImplementation = currentActivityContext.Activity.MemberOf != currentActivityContext.Activity.RootActivity.MemberOf;
this.locationReferences = locationReferences;
this.locations = locations;
this.expressionId = expressionId;
this.compiledRootActivity = compiledRootActivity;
this.expressionActivity = currentActivityContext.Activity;
// Save the root activity instance to get the root activity post persistence
// The root will always be alive as long as the location is valid, which is not
// true for the activity instance of the expression that is executing
this.rootInstance = currentActivityContext.CurrentInstance;
while (this.rootInstance.Parent != null)
this.rootInstance = this.rootInstance.Parent;
// Save the text of the expression for exception message
ITextExpression textExpression = currentActivityContext.Activity as ITextExpression;
if (textExpression != null)
this.expressionText = textExpression.ExpressionText;
public CompiledLocation(Func<T> getMethod, Action<T> setMethod)
// This is the constructor that is used to refresh the get/set methods during rehydration
// An instance of this class created with the constructor cannot be invoked.
this.getMethod = getMethod;
this.setMethod = setMethod;
public override T Value
if (this.getMethod == null)
return getMethod();
if (this.setMethod == null)
[DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false)]
public byte[] CompiledRootActivityQualifiedId
if (this.compiledRootActivityQualifiedId == null)
return this.compiledRootActivity.QualifiedId.AsByteArray();
return this.compiledRootActivityQualifiedId;
this.compiledRootActivityQualifiedId = value;
[DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false)]
public byte[] ExpressionActivityQualifiedId
if (this.expressionActivityQualifiedId == null)
return this.expressionActivity.QualifiedId.AsByteArray();
return this.expressionActivityQualifiedId;
this.expressionActivityQualifiedId = value;
[DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false)]
public IList<Tuple<string, Type>> locationReferenceCache
if (this.locationReferences == null || this.locationReferences.Count == 0)
return null;
List<Tuple<string, Type>> durableCache = new List<Tuple<string, Type>>(this.locationReferences.Count);
foreach (LocationReference reference in locationReferences)
durableCache.Add(new Tuple<string, Type>(reference.Name, reference.Type));
return durableCache;
if (value == null || value.Count == 0)
this.locationReferences = new List<LocationReference>();
this.locationReferences = new List<LocationReference>(value.Count);
foreach (Tuple<string, Type> reference in value)
this.locationReferences.Add(new CompiledLocationReference(reference.Item1, reference.Item2));
[DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false, Name = "expressionId")]
internal int SerializedExpressionId
get { return this.expressionId; }
set { this.expressionId = value; }
[DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false, Name = "locations")]
internal IList<Location> SerializedLocations
get { return this.locations; }
set { this.locations = value; }
[DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false, Name = "rootInstance")]
internal ActivityInstance SerializedRootInstance
get { return this.rootInstance; }
set { this.rootInstance = value; }
[DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false, Name = "expressionText")]
internal string SerializedExpressionText
get { return this.expressionText; }
set { this.expressionText = value; }
[DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false, Name = "forImplementation")]
internal bool SerializedForImplementation
get { return this.forImplementation; }
set { this.forImplementation = value; }
void RefreshAccessors()
// If we've gotten here is means that we have a location that has roundtripped through persistence
// CompiledDataContext & ICER don't round trip so we need to get them back from the current tree
// and get new pointers to the get/set methods for this expression
ICompiledExpressionRoot compiledRoot = GetCompiledExpressionRoot();
CompiledLocation<T> tempLocation = (CompiledLocation<T>)compiledRoot.InvokeExpression(this.expressionId, this.locations);
this.getMethod = tempLocation.getMethod;
this.setMethod = tempLocation.setMethod;
ICompiledExpressionRoot GetCompiledExpressionRoot()
if (this.rootInstance != null && this.rootInstance.Activity != null)
ICompiledExpressionRoot compiledExpressionRoot;
Activity rootActivity = this.rootInstance.Activity;
Activity compiledRootActivity = null;
Activity expressionActivity = null;
if (QualifiedId.TryGetElementFromRoot(rootActivity, this.compiledRootActivityQualifiedId, out compiledRootActivity) &&
QualifiedId.TryGetElementFromRoot(rootActivity, this.expressionActivityQualifiedId, out expressionActivity))
if (CompiledExpressionInvoker.TryGetCompiledExpressionRoot(expressionActivity, compiledRootActivity, out compiledExpressionRoot))
// Revalidate to make sure we didn't hit an ID shift
if (compiledExpressionRoot.CanExecuteExpression(this.expressionText, true /* this is always a reference */, this.locationReferences, out this.expressionId))
return compiledExpressionRoot;
// We were valid when this location was generated so an ID shift occurred (likely due to a dynamic update)
// Need to search all of the ICERs for one that can execute this expression.
if (FindCompiledExpressionRoot(rootActivity, out compiledExpressionRoot))
return compiledExpressionRoot;
throw FxTrace.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.UnableToLocateCompiledLocationContext(this.expressionText)));
bool FindCompiledExpressionRoot(Activity activity, out ICompiledExpressionRoot compiledExpressionRoot)
if (CompiledExpressionInvoker.TryGetCompiledExpressionRoot(activity, this.forImplementation, out compiledExpressionRoot))
if (compiledExpressionRoot.CanExecuteExpression(this.expressionText, true /* this is always a reference */, this.locationReferences, out this.expressionId))
return true;
foreach (Activity containedActivity in WorkflowInspectionServices.GetActivities(activity))
if (FindCompiledExpressionRoot(containedActivity, out compiledExpressionRoot))
return true;
compiledExpressionRoot = null;
return false;
class CompiledLocationReference : LocationReference
string name;
Type type;
public CompiledLocationReference(string name, Type type)
{ = name;
this.type = type;
protected override string NameCore
return name;
protected override Type TypeCore
return type;
public override Location GetLocation(ActivityContext context)
// We should never hit this, these references are strictly for preserving location names/types
// through persistence to allow for revalidation on the other side
// Actual execution occurs through the locations that were stored separately
throw FxTrace.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.CompiledLocationReferenceGetLocation));