159 lines
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159 lines
5.5 KiB
/// <reference path="../Scripts/References.js" />
(function (global, upshot, undefined) {
function getEntitySet() {
upshot.metadata("Employee", {
key: ["Id"],
fields: {
Name: {
type: "String:#System"
Manager: {
type: "Employee",
association: {
name: "Employee_Employee",
thisKey: ["ManagerId"],
otherKey: ["Id"],
isForeignKey: true
Reports: {
type: "Employee",
array: true,
association: {
name: "Employee_Employee2",
thisKey: ["Id"],
otherKey: ["ManagerId"],
isForeignKey: false
Id: {
type: "Int32:#System"
ManagerId: {
type: "Int32:#System"
var context = new upshot.DataContext();
{ Id:1, Name: "Fred", ManagerId: 2 },
{ Id:2, Name: "Bob" },
{ Id:3, Name: "Jane" }
], "Employee");
return context.getEntitySet("Employee");
test("AssociatedEntitiesView wrt FK update and revert", 6, function () {
var entitySet = getEntitySet(),
entities = entitySet.getEntities();
ok(entities[1].Reports.length === 1, "Bob should have Fred as a report");
ok(entities[2].Reports.length === 0, "Jane has no reports");
$.observable(entities[0]).property("ManagerId", 3);
ok(entities[1].Reports.length === 0, "Bob should have no reports");
ok(entities[2].Reports.length === 1, "Jane should have Fred as a report");
ok(entities[1].Reports.length === 1, "Bob should have Fred as a report");
ok(entities[2].Reports.length === 0, "Jane has no reports");
test("AssociatedEntitiesView wrt insert and revert", 3, function () {
var entitySet = getEntitySet(),
entities = entitySet.getEntities();
ok(entities[1].Reports.length === 1, "Bob should have Fred as a report");
ok(entities[1].Reports.length === 2, "Bob should have Fred and Jane as reports");
ok(entities[1].Reports.length === 1, "Bob should have Fred as a report");
test("LocalDataSource auto-refresh over AssociatedEntitiesView", 9, function () {
var entitySet = getEntitySet(),
entities = entitySet.getEntities();
ok(entities[1].Reports.length === 1, "Bob should have Fred as a report");
ok(entities[2].Reports.length === 0, "Jane has no reports");
var localDataSource = new upshot.LocalDataSource({
source: entities[1].Reports,
autoRefresh: true,
filter: { property: "Name", operator: "!=", value: "Joan" }
localDataSource.refresh(function () {
ok(localDataSource.getEntities().length === 1, "Bob should have Fred as a report");
$.observable(entities[0]).property("ManagerId", 3);
ok(entities[1].Reports.length === 0, "Bob should have no reports");
ok(entities[2].Reports.length === 1, "Jane should have Fred as a report");
ok(localDataSource.getEntities().length === 0, "Bob should have no reports");
ok(entities[1].Reports.length === 1, "Bob should have Fred as a report");
ok(entities[2].Reports.length === 0, "Jane has no reports");
ok(localDataSource.getEntities().length === 1, "Bob should have Fred as a report");
test("LocalDataSource auto-refresh over EntitySet wrt property updates and revert", 3, function () {
var entitySet = getEntitySet();
var localDataSource = new upshot.LocalDataSource({
source: entitySet,
autoRefresh: true,
filter: { property: "Name", value: "Fred" }
localDataSource.refresh(function () {
ok(localDataSource.getEntities().length === 1, "We have an employee named Fred");
$.observable(localDataSource.getEntities()[0]).property("Name", "Fredrick");
ok(localDataSource.getEntities().length === 0, "We have no employees named Fred");
ok(localDataSource.getEntities().length === 1, "We have an employee named Fred");
test("EntitySet wrt insert and revert", 4, function () {
var entitySet = getEntitySet();
ok(entitySet.getEntities().length === 3, "Have 3 entities");
var newEmployee = { Name: "Barb" };
ok(entitySet.getEntities().length === 4, "Now 4 entities");
ok(entitySet.getEntities().length === 3, "Have 3 entities");
ok((entitySet.getEntityState(newEmployee) || upshot.EntityState.Deleted) === upshot.EntityState.Deleted);
})(this, upshot);