859 lines
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859 lines
28 KiB
// The ecmaspec provider is for ECMA specifications
// Authors:
// John Luke (jluke@cfl.rr.com)
// Ben Maurer (bmaurer@users.sourceforge.net)
// Use like this:
// mono assembler.exe --ecmaspec DIRECTORY --out name
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Lucene.Net.Index;
using Lucene.Net.Documents;
using Monodoc.Ecma;
using Mono.Utilities;
namespace Monodoc.Providers
public interface IEcmaProviderFileSource {
XmlReader GetIndexReader(string path);
XDocument GetTypeDocument(string path);
XElement GetNamespaceElement(string path);
string GetTypeXmlPath(string basePath, string nsName, string typeName);
string GetNamespaceXmlPath(string basePath, string ns);
XElement ExtractNamespaceSummary (string path);
internal class DefaultEcmaProviderFileSource : IEcmaProviderFileSource {
public static readonly IEcmaProviderFileSource Default = new DefaultEcmaProviderFileSource();
public XmlReader GetIndexReader(string path) {
return XmlReader.Create (File.OpenRead (path));
public XElement GetNamespaceElement(string path) {
return XElement.Load (path);
public string GetTypeXmlPath(string basePath, string nsName, string typeName) {
string finalPath = Path.Combine (basePath, nsName, Path.ChangeExtension (typeName, ".xml"));
return finalPath;
public XDocument GetTypeDocument(string path) {
return XDocument.Load (path);
public string GetNamespaceXmlPath(string basePath, string ns) {
string finalPath = Path.Combine(basePath, String.Format("ns-{0}.xml", ns));
return finalPath;
public XElement ExtractNamespaceSummary (string path)
using (var reader = XmlReader.Create (path)) {
reader.ReadToFollowing ("Namespace");
var name = reader.GetAttribute ("Name");
var summary = reader.ReadToFollowing ("summary") ? XElement.Load (reader.ReadSubtree ()) : new XElement ("summary");
var remarks = reader.ReadToFollowing ("remarks") ? XElement.Load (reader.ReadSubtree ()) : new XElement ("remarks");
return new XElement ("namespace",
new XAttribute ("ns", name ?? string.Empty),
public class EcmaProvider : Provider
HashSet<string> directories = new HashSet<string> ();
IEcmaProviderFileSource fileSource;
public EcmaProvider ()
public EcmaProvider (string baseDir)
AddDirectory (baseDir);
public IEcmaProviderFileSource FileSource {
get {
if (fileSource == null) {
fileSource = new DefaultEcmaProviderFileSource();
return fileSource;
set { fileSource = value; }
public void AddDirectory (string directory)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (directory))
throw new ArgumentNullException ("directory");
directories.Add (directory);
public override void PopulateTree (Tree tree)
var storage = tree.HelpSource.Storage;
var nsSummaries = new Dictionary<string, XElement> ();
int resID = 0;
foreach (var asm in directories) {
var indexFilePath = Path.Combine (asm, "index.xml");
if (!File.Exists (indexFilePath)) {
Console.Error.WriteLine ("Warning: couldn't process directory `{0}' as it has no index.xml file", asm);
EcmaDoc.PopulateTreeFromIndexFile (indexFilePath, EcmaHelpSource.EcmaPrefix, tree, storage, nsSummaries, _ => resID++.ToString (), FileSource);
foreach (var summary in nsSummaries)
storage.Store ("xml.summary." + summary.Key, summary.Value.ToString ());
var masterSummary = new XElement ("elements",
.SelectMany (d => Directory.EnumerateFiles (d, "ns-*.xml"))
.Select (FileSource.ExtractNamespaceSummary));
storage.Store ("mastersummary.xml", masterSummary.ToString ());
public override void CloseTree (HelpSource hs, Tree tree)
AddImages (hs);
AddExtensionMethods (hs);
void AddEcmaXml (HelpSource hs)
var xmls = directories
.SelectMany (Directory.EnumerateDirectories) // Assemblies
.SelectMany (Directory.EnumerateDirectories) // Namespaces
.SelectMany (Directory.EnumerateFiles)
.Where (f => f.EndsWith (".xml")); // Type XML files
int resID = 0;
foreach (var xml in xmls)
using (var file = File.OpenRead (xml))
hs.Storage.Store ((resID++).ToString (), file);
void AddImages (HelpSource hs)
var imgs = directories
.SelectMany (Directory.EnumerateDirectories)
.Select (d => Path.Combine (d, "_images"))
.Where (Directory.Exists)
.SelectMany (Directory.EnumerateFiles);
foreach (var img in imgs)
using (var file = File.OpenRead (img))
hs.Storage.Store (Path.GetFileName (img), file);
void AddExtensionMethods (HelpSource hs)
var extensionMethods = directories
.SelectMany (Directory.EnumerateDirectories)
.Select (d => Path.Combine (d, "index.xml"))
.Where (File.Exists)
.Select (f => {
using (var file = File.OpenRead (f)) {
var reader = XmlReader.Create (file);
reader.ReadToFollowing ("ExtensionMethods");
return reader.ReadInnerXml ();
.DefaultIfEmpty (string.Empty);
hs.Storage.Store ("ExtensionMethods.xml",
"<ExtensionMethods>" + extensionMethods.Aggregate (string.Concat) + "</ExtensionMethods>");
IEnumerable<string> GetEcmaXmls ()
return directories
.SelectMany (Directory.EnumerateDirectories) // Assemblies
.SelectMany (Directory.EnumerateDirectories) // Namespaces
.SelectMany (Directory.EnumerateFiles)
.Where (f => f.EndsWith (".xml")); // Type XML files
public class EcmaHelpSource : HelpSource
internal const string EcmaPrefix = "ecma:";
LRUCache<string, Node> cache = new LRUCache<string, Node> (4);
public EcmaHelpSource (string base_file, bool create) : base (base_file, create)
protected EcmaHelpSource () : base ()
protected override string UriPrefix {
get {
return EcmaPrefix;
public override bool CanHandleUrl (string url)
if (url.Length > 2 && url[1] == ':') {
switch (url[0]) {
case 'T':
case 'M':
case 'C':
case 'P':
case 'E':
case 'F':
case 'N':
case 'O':
return true;
return base.CanHandleUrl (url);
// Clean the extra paramers in the id
public override Stream GetHelpStream (string id)
var idParts = id.Split ('?');
var name = idParts[0];
if (name == "root:")
name = "mastersummary.xml";
return base.GetHelpStream (name);
public override Stream GetCachedHelpStream (string id)
var idParts = id.Split ('?');
return base.GetCachedHelpStream (idParts[0]);
public override DocumentType GetDocumentTypeForId (string id)
return DocumentType.EcmaXml;
public override string GetPublicUrl (Node node)
string url = string.Empty;
var type = EcmaDoc.GetNodeType (node);
//Console.WriteLine ("GetPublicUrl {0} : {1} [{2}]", node.Element, node.Caption, type.ToString ());
switch (type) {
case EcmaNodeType.Namespace:
return node.Element; // A namespace node has already a well formated internal url
case EcmaNodeType.Type:
return MakeTypeNodeUrl (node);
case EcmaNodeType.Meta:
return MakeTypeNodeUrl (GetNodeTypeParent (node)) + GenerateMetaSuffix (node);
case EcmaNodeType.Member:
var typeChar = EcmaDoc.GetNodeMemberTypeChar (node);
var parentNode = GetNodeTypeParent (node);
var typeNode = MakeTypeNodeUrl (parentNode).Substring (2);
return typeChar + ":" + typeNode + MakeMemberNodeUrl (typeChar, node);
return null;
string MakeTypeNodeUrl (Node node)
// A Type node has a Element property of the form: 'ecma:{number}#{typename}/'
var hashIndex = node.Element.IndexOf ('#');
var typeName = node.Element.Substring (hashIndex + 1, node.Element.Length - hashIndex - 2);
return "T:" + node.Parent.Caption + '.' + typeName.Replace ('.', '+');
string MakeMemberNodeUrl (char typeChar, Node node)
// We clean inner type ctor name which may contain the outer type name
var caption = node.Caption;
// Sanitize constructor caption of inner types
if (typeChar == 'C') {
int lastDot = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < caption.Length && caption[i] != '('; i++)
lastDot = caption[i] == '.' ? i : lastDot;
return lastDot == -1 ? '.' + caption : caption.Substring (lastDot);
/* We handle type conversion operator by checking if the name contains " to "
* (as in 'foo to bar') and we generate a corresponding conversion signature
if (typeChar == 'O' && caption.IndexOf (" to ") != -1) {
var parts = caption.Split (' ');
return "." + node.Parent.Caption + "(" + parts[0] + ", " + parts[2] + ")";
/* The goal here is to treat method which are explicit interface definition
* such as 'void IDisposable.Dispose ()' for which the caption is a dot
* expression thus colliding with the ecma parser.
* If the first non-alpha character in the caption is a dot then we have an
* explicit member implementation (we assume the interface has namespace)
var firstNonAlpha = caption.FirstOrDefault (c => !char.IsLetterOrDigit (c));
if (firstNonAlpha == '.')
return "$" + caption;
return "." + caption;
Node GetNodeTypeParent (Node node)
// Type nodes are always at level 2 so we just need to get there
while (node != null && node.Parent != null
&& !node.Parent.Parent.Element.StartsWith ("root:/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && node.Parent.Parent.Parent != null)
node = node.Parent;
return node;
string GenerateMetaSuffix (Node node)
string suffix = string.Empty;
// A meta node has always a type element to begin with
while (EcmaDoc.GetNodeType (node) != EcmaNodeType.Type) {
suffix = '/' + node.Element + suffix;
node = node.Parent;
return suffix;
public override string GetInternalIdForUrl (string url, out Node node, out Dictionary<string, string> context)
var id = string.Empty;
node = null;
context = null;
if (!url.StartsWith (UriPrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
node = MatchNode (url);
if (node == null)
return null;
id = node.GetInternalUrl ();
string hash;
id = GetInternalIdForInternalUrl (id, out hash);
context = EcmaDoc.GetContextForEcmaNode (hash, SourceID.ToString (), node);
return id;
public string GetInternalIdForInternalUrl (string internalUrl, out string hash)
var id = internalUrl;
if (id.StartsWith (UriPrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
id = id.Substring (UriPrefix.Length);
else if (id.StartsWith ("N:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
id = "xml.summary." + id.Substring ("N:".Length);
var hashIndex = id.IndexOf ('#');
hash = string.Empty;
if (hashIndex != -1) {
hash = id.Substring (hashIndex + 1);
id = id.Substring (0, hashIndex);
return id;
public override Node MatchNode (string url)
Node node = null;
if ((node = cache.Get (url)) == null) {
node = EcmaDoc.MatchNodeWithEcmaUrl (url, Tree);
if (node != null)
cache.Put (url, node);
return node;
public override void PopulateIndex (IndexMaker index_maker)
foreach (Node ns_node in Tree.RootNode.ChildNodes){
foreach (Node type_node in ns_node.ChildNodes){
string typename = type_node.Caption.Substring (0, type_node.Caption.IndexOf (' '));
string full = ns_node.Caption + "." + typename;
string doc_tag = GetKindFromCaption (type_node.Caption);
string url = type_node.PublicUrl;
// Add MonoMac/MonoTouch [Export] attributes, those live only in classes
XDocument type_doc = null;
ILookup<string, XElement> prematchedMembers = null;
bool hasExports = doc_tag == "Class" && (ns_node.Caption.StartsWith ("MonoTouch") || ns_node.Caption.StartsWith ("MonoMac"));
if (hasExports) {
try {
string rest, hash;
var id = GetInternalIdForInternalUrl (type_node.GetInternalUrl (), out hash);
type_doc = XDocument.Load (GetHelpStream (id));
prematchedMembers = type_doc.Root.Element ("Members").Elements ("Member").ToLookup (n => (string)n.Attribute ("MemberName"), n => n);
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine ("Problem processing {0} for MonoTouch/MonoMac exports\n\n{0}", e);
hasExports = false;
if (doc_tag == "Class" || doc_tag == "Structure" || doc_tag == "Interface"){
index_maker.Add (type_node.Caption, typename, url);
index_maker.Add (full + " " + doc_tag, full, url);
foreach (Node c in type_node.ChildNodes){
switch (c.Caption){
case "Constructors":
index_maker.Add (" constructors", typename+"0", url + "/C");
case "Fields":
index_maker.Add (" fields", typename+"1", url + "/F");
case "Events":
index_maker.Add (" events", typename+"2", url + "/E");
case "Properties":
index_maker.Add (" properties", typename+"3", url + "/P");
case "Methods":
index_maker.Add (" methods", typename+"4", url + "/M");
case "Operators":
index_maker.Add (" operators", typename+"5", url + "/O");
// Now repeat, but use a different sort key, to make sure we come after
// the summary data above, start the counter at 6
string keybase = typename + "6.";
foreach (Node c in type_node.ChildNodes){
var type = c.Caption[0];
foreach (Node nc in c.ChildNodes) {
string res = nc.Caption;
string nurl = nc.PublicUrl;
// Process exports
if (hasExports && (type == 'C' || type == 'M' || type == 'P')) {
try {
var member = GetMemberFromCaption (type_doc, type == 'C' ? ".ctor" : res, false, prematchedMembers);
var exports = member.Descendants ("AttributeName").Where (a => a.Value.Contains ("Foundation.Export"));
foreach (var exportNode in exports) {
var parts = exportNode.Value.Split ('"');
if (parts.Length != 3) {
Console.WriteLine ("Export attribute not found or not usable in {0}", exportNode);
} else {
var export = parts[1];
index_maker.Add (export + " selector", export, nurl);
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine ("Problem processing {0}/{1} for MonoTouch/MonoMac exports\n\n{2}", nurl, res, e);
switch (type){
case 'C':
case 'F':
index_maker.Add (String.Format ("{0}.{1} field", typename, res),
keybase + res, nurl);
index_maker.Add (String.Format ("{0} field", res), res, nurl);
case 'E':
index_maker.Add (String.Format ("{0}.{1} event", typename, res),
keybase + res, nurl);
index_maker.Add (String.Format ("{0} event", res), res, nurl);
case 'P':
index_maker.Add (String.Format ("{0}.{1} property", typename, res),
keybase + res, nurl);
index_maker.Add (String.Format ("{0} property", res), res, nurl);
case 'M':
index_maker.Add (String.Format ("{0}.{1} method", typename, res),
keybase + res, nurl);
index_maker.Add (String.Format ("{0} method", res), res, nurl);
case 'O':
index_maker.Add (String.Format ("{0}.{1} operator", typename, res),
keybase + res, nurl);
} else if (doc_tag == "Enumeration"){
// Enumerations: add the enumeration values
index_maker.Add (type_node.Caption, typename, url);
index_maker.Add (full + " " + doc_tag, full, url);
// Now, pull the values.
string rest, hash;
var id = GetInternalIdForInternalUrl (type_node.GetInternalUrl (), out hash);
var xdoc = XDocument.Load (GetHelpStream (id));
if (xdoc == null)
var members = xdoc.Root.Element ("Members").Elements ("Members");
if (members == null)
foreach (var member_node in members){
string enum_value = member_node.Attribute ("MemberName").Value;
string caption = enum_value + " value";
index_maker.Add (caption, caption, url);
} else if (doc_tag == "Delegate"){
index_maker.Add (type_node.Caption, typename, url);
index_maker.Add (full + " " + doc_tag, full, url);
public override void PopulateSearchableIndex (IndexWriter writer)
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
SearchableDocument searchDoc = new SearchableDocument ();
foreach (Node ns_node in Tree.RootNode.ChildNodes) {
foreach (Node type_node in ns_node.ChildNodes) {
string typename = type_node.Caption.Substring (0, type_node.Caption.IndexOf (' '));
string full = ns_node.Caption + "." + typename;
string url = type_node.PublicUrl;
string doc_tag = GetKindFromCaption (type_node.Caption);
string rest, hash;
var id = GetInternalIdForInternalUrl (type_node.GetInternalUrl (), out hash);
var xdoc = XDocument.Load (GetHelpStream (id));
if (xdoc == null)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (doc_tag))
// For classes, structures or interfaces add a doc for the overview and
// add a doc for every constructor, method, event, ...
// doc_tag == "Class" || doc_tag == "Structure" || doc_tag == "Interface"
if (doc_tag[0] == 'C' || doc_tag[0] == 'S' || doc_tag[0] == 'I') {
// Adds a doc for every overview of every type
SearchableDocument doc = searchDoc.Reset ();
doc.Title = type_node.Caption;
doc.HotText = typename;
doc.Url = url;
doc.FullTitle = full;
var node_sel = xdoc.Root.Element ("Docs");
text.Clear ();
GetTextFromNode (node_sel, text);
doc.Text = text.ToString ();
text.Clear ();
GetExamples (node_sel, text);
doc.Examples = text.ToString ();
writer.AddDocument (doc.LuceneDoc);
var exportParsable = doc_tag[0] == 'C' && (ns_node.Caption.StartsWith ("MonoTouch") || ns_node.Caption.StartsWith ("MonoMac"));
//Add docs for contructors, methods, etc.
foreach (Node c in type_node.ChildNodes) { // c = Constructors || Fields || Events || Properties || Methods || Operators
if (c.Element == "*")
const float innerTypeBoost = 0.2f;
IEnumerable<Node> ncnodes = c.ChildNodes;
// The rationale is that we need to properly handle method overloads
// so for those method node which have children, flatten them
if (c.Caption == "Methods") {
ncnodes = ncnodes
.Where (n => n.ChildNodes == null || n.ChildNodes.Count == 0)
.Concat (ncnodes.Where (n => n.ChildNodes.Count > 0).SelectMany (n => n.ChildNodes));
} else if (c.Caption == "Operators") {
ncnodes = ncnodes
.Where (n => !n.Caption.EndsWith ("Conversion"))
.Concat (ncnodes.Where (n => n.Caption.EndsWith ("Conversion")).SelectMany (n => n.ChildNodes));
var prematchedMembers = xdoc.Root.Element ("Members").Elements ("Member").ToLookup (n => (string)n.Attribute ("MemberName"), n => n);
foreach (Node nc in ncnodes) {
XElement docsNode = null;
try {
docsNode = GetDocsFromCaption (xdoc, c.Caption[0] == 'C' ? ".ctor" : nc.Caption, c.Caption[0] == 'O', prematchedMembers);
} catch {}
if (docsNode == null) {
Console.Error.WriteLine ("Problem: {0}", nc.PublicUrl);
SearchableDocument doc_nod = searchDoc.Reset ();
doc_nod.Title = LargeName (nc) + " " + EcmaDoc.EtcKindToCaption (c.Caption[0]);
doc_nod.FullTitle = ns_node.Caption + '.' + typename + "::" + nc.Caption;
doc_nod.HotText = string.Empty;
/* Disable constructors hottext indexing as it's often "polluting" search queries
because it has the same hottext than standard types */
if (c.Caption != "Constructors") {
//dont add the parameters to the hottext
int ppos = nc.Caption.IndexOf ('(');
doc_nod.HotText = ppos != -1 ? nc.Caption.Substring (0, ppos) : nc.Caption;
var urlnc = nc.PublicUrl;
doc_nod.Url = urlnc;
text.Clear ();
GetTextFromNode (docsNode, text);
doc_nod.Text = text.ToString ();
text.Clear ();
GetExamples (docsNode, text);
doc_nod.Examples = text.ToString ();
Document lucene_doc = doc_nod.LuceneDoc;
lucene_doc.Boost = innerTypeBoost;
writer.AddDocument (lucene_doc);
// Objective-C binding specific parsing of [Export] attributes
if (exportParsable) {
try {
var exports = docsNode.Parent.Elements ("Attributes").Elements ("Attribute").Elements ("AttributeName")
.Select (a => (string)a).Where (txt => txt.Contains ("Foundation.Export"));
foreach (var exportNode in exports) {
var parts = exportNode.Split ('"');
if (parts.Length != 3) {
Console.WriteLine ("Export attribute not found or not usable in {0}", exportNode);
var export = parts[1];
var export_node = searchDoc.Reset ();
export_node.Title = export + " Export";
export_node.FullTitle = ns_node.Caption + '.' + typename + "::" + export;
export_node.Url = urlnc;
export_node.HotText = export;
export_node.Text = string.Empty;
export_node.Examples = string.Empty;
lucene_doc = export_node.LuceneDoc;
lucene_doc.Boost = innerTypeBoost;
writer.AddDocument (lucene_doc);
} catch (Exception e){
Console.WriteLine ("Problem processing {0} for MonoTouch/MonoMac exports\n\n{0}", e);
// doc_tag == "Enumeration"
} else if (doc_tag[0] == 'E'){
var members = xdoc.Root.Element ("Members").Elements ("Member");
if (members == null)
text.Clear ();
foreach (var member_node in members) {
string enum_value = (string)member_node.Attribute ("MemberName");
text.Append (enum_value);
text.Append (" ");
GetTextFromNode (member_node.Element ("Docs"), text);
text.AppendLine ();
SearchableDocument doc = searchDoc.Reset ();
text.Clear ();
GetExamples (xdoc.Root.Element ("Docs"), text);
doc.Examples = text.ToString ();
doc.Title = type_node.Caption;
doc.HotText = (string)xdoc.Root.Attribute ("Name");
doc.FullTitle = full;
doc.Url = url;
doc.Text = text.ToString();
writer.AddDocument (doc.LuceneDoc);
// doc_tag == "Delegate"
} else if (doc_tag[0] == 'D'){
SearchableDocument doc = searchDoc.Reset ();
doc.Title = type_node.Caption;
doc.HotText = (string)xdoc.Root.Attribute ("Name");
doc.FullTitle = full;
doc.Url = url;
var node_sel = xdoc.Root.Element ("Docs");
text.Clear ();
GetTextFromNode (node_sel, text);
doc.Text = text.ToString();
text.Clear ();
GetExamples (node_sel, text);
doc.Examples = text.ToString();
writer.AddDocument (doc.LuceneDoc);
string GetKindFromCaption (string s)
int p = s.LastIndexOf (' ');
if (p > 0)
return s.Substring (p + 1);
return null;
// Extract the interesting text from the docs node
void GetTextFromNode (XElement n, StringBuilder sb)
// Include the text content of the docs
sb.AppendLine (n.Value);
foreach (var tag in n.Descendants ())
//include the url to which points the see tag and the name of the parameter
if ((tag.Name.LocalName.Equals ("see", StringComparison.Ordinal) || tag.Name.LocalName.Equals ("paramref", StringComparison.Ordinal))
&& tag.HasAttributes)
sb.AppendLine ((string)tag.Attributes ().First ());
// Extract the code nodes from the docs
void GetExamples (XElement n, StringBuilder sb)
foreach (var code in n.Descendants ("code"))
sb.Append ((string)code);
// Extract a large name for the Node
static string LargeName (Node matched_node)
string[] parts = matched_node.GetInternalUrl ().Split('/', '#');
if (parts.Length == 3 && parts[2] != String.Empty) //List of Members, properties, events, ...
return parts[1] + ": " + matched_node.Caption;
else if(parts.Length >= 4) //Showing a concrete Member, property, ...
return parts[1] + "." + matched_node.Caption;
return matched_node.Caption;
XElement GetMemberFromCaption (XDocument xdoc, string caption, bool isOperator, ILookup<string, XElement> prematchedMembers)
string name;
IList<string> args;
var doc = xdoc.Root.Element ("Members").Elements ("Member");
if (isOperator) {
// The first case are explicit and implicit conversion operators which are grouped specifically
if (caption.IndexOf (" to ") != -1) {
var convArgs = caption.Split (new[] { " to " }, StringSplitOptions.None);
return doc
.First (n => (AttrEq (n, "MemberName", "op_Explicit") || AttrEq (n, "MemberName", "op_Implicit"))
&& ((string)n.Element ("ReturnValue").Element ("ReturnType")).Equals (convArgs[1], StringComparison.Ordinal)
&& AttrEq (n.Element ("Parameters").Element ("Parameter"), "Type", convArgs[0]));
} else {
return doc.First (m => AttrEq (m, "MemberName", "op_" + caption));
TryParseCaption (caption, out name, out args);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (name)) { // Filter member by name
var prematched = prematchedMembers[name];
doc = prematched.Any () ? prematched : doc.Where (m => AttrEq (m, "MemberName", name));
if (args != null && args.Count > 0) // Filter member by its argument list
doc = doc.Where (m => m.Element ("Parameters").Elements ("Parameter").Attributes ("Type").Select (a => (string)a).SequenceEqual (args));
return doc.First ();
XElement GetDocsFromCaption (XDocument xdoc, string caption, bool isOperator, ILookup<string, XElement> prematchedMembers)
return GetMemberFromCaption (xdoc, caption, isOperator, prematchedMembers).Element ("Docs");
// A simple stack-based parser to detect single type definition separated by commas
IEnumerable<string> ExtractArguments (string rawArgList)
var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder ();
int genericDepth = 0;
int arrayDepth = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rawArgList.Length; i++) {
char c = rawArgList[i];
switch (c) {
case ',':
if (genericDepth == 0 && arrayDepth == 0) {
yield return sb.ToString ();
sb.Clear ();
case '<':
case '>':
case '[':
case ']':
sb.Append (c);
if (sb.Length > 0)
yield return sb.ToString ();
void TryParseCaption (string caption, out string name, out IList<string> argList)
name = null;
argList = null;
int parenIdx = caption.IndexOf ('(');
// In case of simple name, there is no need for processing
if (parenIdx == -1) {
name = caption;
name = caption.Substring (0, parenIdx);
// Now we gather the argument list if there is any
var rawArgList = caption.Substring (parenIdx + 1, caption.Length - parenIdx - 2); // Only take what's inside the parens
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (rawArgList))
argList = ExtractArguments (rawArgList).Select (arg => arg.Trim ()).ToList ();
bool AttrEq (XElement element, string attributeName, string expectedValue)
return ((string)element.Attribute (attributeName)).Equals (expectedValue, StringComparison.Ordinal);