815 lines
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815 lines
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/* ****************************************************************************
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
* copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution. If
* you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
* dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
* by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
* You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
* ***************************************************************************/
using System; using Microsoft;
#if !SILVERLIGHT // ComObject
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using ComTypes = System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes;
namespace System.Dynamic {
namespace Microsoft.Scripting {
internal static class ComRuntimeHelpers {
#if CLR2
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2201:DoNotRaiseReservedExceptionTypes")]
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1045:DoNotPassTypesByReference", MessageId = "1#")]
public static void CheckThrowException(int hresult, ref ExcepInfo excepInfo, uint argErr, string message) {
if (ComHresults.IsSuccess(hresult)) {
switch (hresult) {
// The number of elements provided to DISPPARAMS is different from the number of arguments
// accepted by the method or property.
throw Error.DispBadParamCount(message);
case ComHresults.DISP_E_BADVARTYPE:
//One of the arguments in rgvarg is not a valid variant type.
case ComHresults.DISP_E_EXCEPTION:
// The application needs to raise an exception. In this case, the structure passed in pExcepInfo
// should be filled in.
throw excepInfo.GetException();
// The requested member does not exist, or the call to Invoke tried to set the value of a
// read-only property.
throw Error.DispMemberNotFound(message);
case ComHresults.DISP_E_NONAMEDARGS:
// This implementation of IDispatch does not support named arguments.
throw Error.DispNoNamedArgs(message);
case ComHresults.DISP_E_OVERFLOW:
// One of the arguments in rgvarg could not be coerced to the specified type.
throw Error.DispOverflow(message);
// One of the parameter DISPIDs does not correspond to a parameter on the method. In this case,
// puArgErr should be set to the first argument that contains the error.
// One or more of the arguments could not be coerced. The index within rgvarg of the first
// parameter with the incorrect type is returned in the puArgErr parameter.
throw Error.DispTypeMismatch(argErr, message);
// The interface identifier passed in riid is not IID_NULL.
case ComHresults.DISP_E_UNKNOWNLCID:
// The member being invoked interprets string arguments according to the LCID, and the
// LCID is not recognized.
// A required parameter was omitted.
throw Error.DispParamNotOptional(message);
internal static void GetInfoFromType(ComTypes.ITypeInfo typeInfo, out string name, out string documentation) {
int dwHelpContext;
string strHelpFile;
typeInfo.GetDocumentation(-1, out name, out documentation, out dwHelpContext, out strHelpFile);
internal static string GetNameOfMethod(ComTypes.ITypeInfo typeInfo, int memid) {
int cNames;
string[] rgNames = new string[1];
typeInfo.GetNames(memid, rgNames, 1, out cNames);
return rgNames[0];
internal static string GetNameOfLib(ComTypes.ITypeLib typeLib) {
string name;
string strDocString;
int dwHelpContext;
string strHelpFile;
typeLib.GetDocumentation(-1, out name, out strDocString, out dwHelpContext, out strHelpFile);
return name;
internal static string GetNameOfType(ComTypes.ITypeInfo typeInfo) {
string name;
string documentation;
GetInfoFromType(typeInfo, out name, out documentation);
return name;
/// <summary>
/// Look for typeinfo using IDispatch.GetTypeInfo
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dispatch"></param>
/// <param name="throwIfMissingExpectedTypeInfo">
/// Some COM objects just dont expose typeinfo. In these cases, this method will return null.
/// Some COM objects do intend to expose typeinfo, but may not be able to do so if the type-library is not properly
/// registered. This will be considered as acceptable or as an error condition depending on throwIfMissingExpectedTypeInfo</param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal static ComTypes.ITypeInfo GetITypeInfoFromIDispatch(IDispatch dispatch, bool throwIfMissingExpectedTypeInfo) {
uint typeCount;
int hresult = dispatch.TryGetTypeInfoCount(out typeCount);
Debug.Assert(typeCount <= 1);
if (typeCount == 0) {
return null;
IntPtr typeInfoPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
hresult = dispatch.TryGetTypeInfo(0, 0, out typeInfoPtr);
if (!ComHresults.IsSuccess(hresult)) {
CheckIfMissingTypeInfoIsExpected(hresult, throwIfMissingExpectedTypeInfo);
return null;
if (typeInfoPtr == IntPtr.Zero) { // be defensive against components that return IntPtr.Zero
if (throwIfMissingExpectedTypeInfo) {
return null;
ComTypes.ITypeInfo typeInfo = null;
try {
typeInfo = Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(typeInfoPtr) as ComTypes.ITypeInfo;
} finally {
return typeInfo;
/// <summary>
/// This method should be called when typeinfo is not available for an object. The function
/// will check if the typeinfo is expected to be missing. This can include error cases where
/// the same error is guaranteed to happen all the time, on all machines, under all circumstances.
/// In such cases, we just have to operate without the typeinfo.
/// However, if accessing the typeinfo is failing in a transient way, we might want to throw
/// an exception so that we will eagerly predictably indicate the problem.
/// </summary>
private static void CheckIfMissingTypeInfoIsExpected(int hresult, bool throwIfMissingExpectedTypeInfo) {
// Word.Basic always returns this because of an incorrect implementation of IDispatch.GetTypeInfo
// Any implementation that returns E_NOINTERFACE is likely to do so in all environments
if (hresult == ComHresults.E_NOINTERFACE) {
// This assert is potentially over-restrictive since COM components can behave in quite unexpected ways.
// However, asserting the common expected cases ensures that we find out about the unexpected scenarios, and
// can investigate the scenarios to ensure that there is no bug in our own code.
Debug.Assert(hresult == ComHresults.TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED);
if (throwIfMissingExpectedTypeInfo) {
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2201:DoNotRaiseReservedExceptionTypes")]
internal static ComTypes.TYPEATTR GetTypeAttrForTypeInfo(ComTypes.ITypeInfo typeInfo) {
IntPtr pAttrs = IntPtr.Zero;
typeInfo.GetTypeAttr(out pAttrs);
// GetTypeAttr should never return null, this is just to be safe
if (pAttrs == IntPtr.Zero) {
throw Error.CannotRetrieveTypeInformation();
try {
return (ComTypes.TYPEATTR)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pAttrs, typeof(ComTypes.TYPEATTR));
} finally {
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2201:DoNotRaiseReservedExceptionTypes")]
internal static ComTypes.TYPELIBATTR GetTypeAttrForTypeLib(ComTypes.ITypeLib typeLib) {
IntPtr pAttrs = IntPtr.Zero;
typeLib.GetLibAttr(out pAttrs);
// GetTypeAttr should never return null, this is just to be safe
if (pAttrs == IntPtr.Zero) {
throw Error.CannotRetrieveTypeInformation();
try {
return (ComTypes.TYPELIBATTR)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pAttrs, typeof(ComTypes.TYPELIBATTR));
} finally {
public static BoundDispEvent CreateComEvent(object rcw, Guid sourceIid, int dispid) {
return new BoundDispEvent(rcw, sourceIid, dispid);
public static DispCallable CreateDispCallable(IDispatchComObject dispatch, ComMethodDesc method) {
return new DispCallable(dispatch, method.Name, method.DispId);
/// <summary>
/// This class contains methods that either cannot be expressed in C#, or which require writing unsafe code.
/// Callers of these methods need to use them extremely carefully as incorrect use could cause GC-holes
/// and other problems.
/// </summary>
internal static class UnsafeMethods {
#region public members
#region Generated ConvertByrefToPtr
// generated by function: gen_ConvertByrefToPtr from: generate_comdispatch.py
#if CLR2
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1045:DoNotPassTypesByReference")]
internal static unsafe IntPtr ConvertSByteByrefToPtr(ref SByte value) {
fixed (SByte *x = &value) {
AssertByrefPointsToStack(new IntPtr(x));
return new IntPtr(x);
#if CLR2
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1045:DoNotPassTypesByReference")]
internal static unsafe IntPtr ConvertInt16ByrefToPtr(ref Int16 value) {
fixed (Int16 *x = &value) {
AssertByrefPointsToStack(new IntPtr(x));
return new IntPtr(x);
#if CLR2
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1045:DoNotPassTypesByReference")]
public static unsafe IntPtr ConvertInt32ByrefToPtr(ref Int32 value) {
fixed (Int32 *x = &value) {
AssertByrefPointsToStack(new IntPtr(x));
return new IntPtr(x);
#if CLR2
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1045:DoNotPassTypesByReference")]
internal static unsafe IntPtr ConvertInt64ByrefToPtr(ref Int64 value) {
fixed (Int64 *x = &value) {
AssertByrefPointsToStack(new IntPtr(x));
return new IntPtr(x);
#if CLR2
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1045:DoNotPassTypesByReference")]
internal static unsafe IntPtr ConvertByteByrefToPtr(ref Byte value) {
fixed (Byte *x = &value) {
AssertByrefPointsToStack(new IntPtr(x));
return new IntPtr(x);
#if CLR2
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1045:DoNotPassTypesByReference")]
internal static unsafe IntPtr ConvertUInt16ByrefToPtr(ref UInt16 value) {
fixed (UInt16 *x = &value) {
AssertByrefPointsToStack(new IntPtr(x));
return new IntPtr(x);
#if CLR2
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1045:DoNotPassTypesByReference")]
internal static unsafe IntPtr ConvertUInt32ByrefToPtr(ref UInt32 value) {
fixed (UInt32 *x = &value) {
AssertByrefPointsToStack(new IntPtr(x));
return new IntPtr(x);
#if CLR2
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1045:DoNotPassTypesByReference")]
internal static unsafe IntPtr ConvertUInt64ByrefToPtr(ref UInt64 value) {
fixed (UInt64 *x = &value) {
AssertByrefPointsToStack(new IntPtr(x));
return new IntPtr(x);
#if CLR2
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1045:DoNotPassTypesByReference")]
internal static unsafe IntPtr ConvertIntPtrByrefToPtr(ref IntPtr value) {
fixed (IntPtr *x = &value) {
AssertByrefPointsToStack(new IntPtr(x));
return new IntPtr(x);
#if CLR2
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1045:DoNotPassTypesByReference")]
internal static unsafe IntPtr ConvertUIntPtrByrefToPtr(ref UIntPtr value) {
fixed (UIntPtr *x = &value) {
AssertByrefPointsToStack(new IntPtr(x));
return new IntPtr(x);
#if CLR2
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1045:DoNotPassTypesByReference")]
internal static unsafe IntPtr ConvertSingleByrefToPtr(ref Single value) {
fixed (Single *x = &value) {
AssertByrefPointsToStack(new IntPtr(x));
return new IntPtr(x);
#if CLR2
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1045:DoNotPassTypesByReference")]
internal static unsafe IntPtr ConvertDoubleByrefToPtr(ref Double value) {
fixed (Double *x = &value) {
AssertByrefPointsToStack(new IntPtr(x));
return new IntPtr(x);
#if CLR2
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1045:DoNotPassTypesByReference")]
internal static unsafe IntPtr ConvertDecimalByrefToPtr(ref Decimal value) {
fixed (Decimal *x = &value) {
AssertByrefPointsToStack(new IntPtr(x));
return new IntPtr(x);
#if CLR2
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1045:DoNotPassTypesByReference")]
public static unsafe IntPtr ConvertVariantByrefToPtr(ref Variant value) {
fixed (Variant* x = &value) {
AssertByrefPointsToStack(new IntPtr(x));
return new IntPtr(x);
#if CLR2
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
internal static Variant GetVariantForObject(object obj) {
Variant variant = default(Variant);
if (obj == null) {
return variant;
InitVariantForObject(obj, ref variant);
return variant;
#if CLR2
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
internal static void InitVariantForObject(object obj, ref Variant variant) {
Debug.Assert(obj != null);
// GetNativeVariantForObject is very expensive for values that marshal as VT_DISPATCH
// also is is extremely common scenario when object at hand is an RCW.
// Therefore we are going to test for IDispatch before defaulting to GetNativeVariantForObject.
IDispatch disp = obj as IDispatch;
if (disp != null) {
variant.AsDispatch = obj;
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetNativeVariantForObject(obj, UnsafeMethods.ConvertVariantByrefToPtr(ref variant));
#if CLR2
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
[Obsolete("do not use this method", true)]
public static object GetObjectForVariant(Variant variant) {
IntPtr ptr = UnsafeMethods.ConvertVariantByrefToPtr(ref variant);
return System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetObjectForNativeVariant(ptr);
[Obsolete("do not use this method", true)]
public static int IUnknownRelease(IntPtr interfacePointer) {
return _IUnknownRelease(interfacePointer);
[Obsolete("do not use this method", true)]
public static void IUnknownReleaseNotZero(IntPtr interfacePointer) {
if (interfacePointer != IntPtr.Zero) {
#if CLR2
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1045:DoNotPassTypesByReference")]
[Obsolete("do not use this method", true)]
public static int IDispatchInvoke(
IntPtr dispatchPointer,
int memberDispId,
ComTypes.INVOKEKIND flags,
ref ComTypes.DISPPARAMS dispParams,
out Variant result,
out ExcepInfo excepInfo,
out uint argErr
) {
int hresult = _IDispatchInvoke(
ref dispParams,
out result,
out excepInfo,
out argErr
if (hresult == ComHresults.DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND
&& (flags & ComTypes.INVOKEKIND.INVOKE_FUNC) != 0
// Re-invoke with no result argument to accomodate Word
hresult = _IDispatchInvokeNoResult(
ref dispParams,
out result,
out excepInfo,
out argErr);
return hresult;
[Obsolete("do not use this method", true)]
#if CLR2
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
public static IntPtr GetIdsOfNamedParameters(IDispatch dispatch, string[] names, int methodDispId, out GCHandle pinningHandle) {
pinningHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(null, GCHandleType.Pinned);
int[] dispIds = new int[names.Length];
Guid empty = Guid.Empty;
int hresult = dispatch.TryGetIDsOfNames(ref empty, names, (uint)names.Length, 0, dispIds);
if (hresult < 0) {
if (methodDispId != dispIds[0]) {
throw Error.GetIDsOfNamesInvalid(names[0]);
int[] keywordArgDispIds = dispIds.RemoveFirst(); // Remove the dispId of the method name
pinningHandle.Target = keywordArgDispIds;
return Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(keywordArgDispIds, 0);
#region non-public members
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1810:InitializeReferenceTypeStaticFieldsInline")]
static UnsafeMethods() {
private static void EmitLoadArg(ILGenerator il, int index) {
ContractUtils.Requires(index >= 0, "index");
switch (index) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
if (index <= Byte.MaxValue) {
il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_S, (byte)index);
} else {
il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, index);
/// <summary>
/// Ensure that "value" is a local variable in some caller's frame. So converting
/// the byref to an IntPtr is a safe operation. Alternatively, we could also allow
/// allowed "value" to be a pinned object.
/// </summary>
private static void AssertByrefPointsToStack(IntPtr ptr) {
if (Marshal.ReadInt32(ptr) == _dummyMarker) {
// Prevent recursion
int dummy = _dummyMarker;
IntPtr ptrToLocal = ConvertInt32ByrefToPtr(ref dummy);
Debug.Assert(ptrToLocal.ToInt64() < ptr.ToInt64());
Debug.Assert((ptr.ToInt64() - ptrToLocal.ToInt64()) < (16 * 1024));
private static readonly object _lock = new object();
private static ModuleBuilder _dynamicModule;
internal static ModuleBuilder DynamicModule {
get {
if (_dynamicModule != null) {
return _dynamicModule;
lock (_lock) {
if (_dynamicModule == null) {
var attributes = new[] {
new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeof(UnverifiableCodeAttribute).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), new object[0]),
//PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Demand, Unrestricted = true)
new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeof(PermissionSetAttribute).GetConstructor(new Type[]{typeof(SecurityAction)}),
new object[]{SecurityAction.Demand},
new PropertyInfo[]{typeof(PermissionSetAttribute).GetProperty("Unrestricted")},
new object[] {true})
string name = typeof(VariantArray).Namespace + ".DynamicAssembly";
var assembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(new AssemblyName(name), AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run, attributes);
_dynamicModule = assembly.DefineDynamicModule(name);
return _dynamicModule;
private const int _dummyMarker = 0x10101010;
/// <summary>
/// We will emit an indirect call to an unmanaged function pointer from the vtable of the given interface pointer.
/// This approach can take only ~300 instructions on x86 compared with ~900 for Marshal.Release. We are relying on
/// the JIT-compiler to do pinvoke-stub-inlining and calling the pinvoke target directly.
/// </summary>
private delegate int IUnknownReleaseDelegate(IntPtr interfacePointer);
private static readonly IUnknownReleaseDelegate _IUnknownRelease = Create_IUnknownRelease();
private static IUnknownReleaseDelegate Create_IUnknownRelease() {
DynamicMethod dm = new DynamicMethod("IUnknownRelease", typeof(int), new Type[] { typeof(IntPtr) }, DynamicModule);
ILGenerator method = dm.GetILGenerator();
// return functionPtr(...)
// functionPtr = *(IntPtr*)(*(interfacePointer) + VTABLE_OFFSET)
int iunknownReleaseOffset = ((int)IDispatchMethodIndices.IUnknown_Release) * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr));
method.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, iunknownReleaseOffset);
SignatureHelper signature = SignatureHelper.GetMethodSigHelper(CallingConvention.Winapi, typeof(int));
method.Emit(OpCodes.Calli, signature);
return (IUnknownReleaseDelegate)dm.CreateDelegate(typeof(IUnknownReleaseDelegate));
internal static readonly IntPtr NullInterfaceId = GetNullInterfaceId();
private static IntPtr GetNullInterfaceId() {
int size = Marshal.SizeOf(Guid.Empty);
IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Marshal.WriteByte(ptr, i, 0);
return ptr;
/// <summary>
/// We will emit an indirect call to an unmanaged function pointer from the vtable of the given IDispatch interface pointer.
/// It is not possible to express this in C#. Using an indirect pinvoke call allows us to do our own marshalling.
/// We can allocate the Variant arguments cheaply on the stack. We are relying on the JIT-compiler to do
/// pinvoke-stub-inlining and calling the pinvoke target directly.
/// The alternative of calling via a managed interface declaration of IDispatch would have a performance
/// penalty of going through a CLR stub that would have to re-push the arguments on the stack, etc.
/// Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer could be used here, but its too expensive (~2000 instructions on x86).
/// </summary>
private delegate int IDispatchInvokeDelegate(
IntPtr dispatchPointer,
int memberDispId,
ComTypes.INVOKEKIND flags,
ref ComTypes.DISPPARAMS dispParams,
out Variant result,
out ExcepInfo excepInfo,
out uint argErr
private static readonly IDispatchInvokeDelegate _IDispatchInvoke = Create_IDispatchInvoke(true);
private static IDispatchInvokeDelegate _IDispatchInvokeNoResultImpl;
private static IDispatchInvokeDelegate _IDispatchInvokeNoResult {
get {
if (_IDispatchInvokeNoResultImpl == null) {
lock (_IDispatchInvoke) {
if (_IDispatchInvokeNoResultImpl == null) {
_IDispatchInvokeNoResultImpl = Create_IDispatchInvoke(false);
return _IDispatchInvokeNoResultImpl;
private static IDispatchInvokeDelegate Create_IDispatchInvoke(bool returnResult) {
const int dispatchPointerIndex = 0;
const int memberDispIdIndex = 1;
const int flagsIndex = 2;
const int dispParamsIndex = 3;
const int resultIndex = 4;
const int exceptInfoIndex = 5;
const int argErrIndex = 6;
Debug.Assert(argErrIndex + 1 == typeof(IDispatchInvokeDelegate).GetMethod("Invoke").GetParameters().Length);
Type[] paramTypes = new Type[argErrIndex + 1];
paramTypes[dispatchPointerIndex] = typeof(IntPtr);
paramTypes[memberDispIdIndex] = typeof(int);
paramTypes[flagsIndex] = typeof(ComTypes.INVOKEKIND);
paramTypes[dispParamsIndex] = typeof(ComTypes.DISPPARAMS).MakeByRefType();
paramTypes[resultIndex] = typeof(Variant).MakeByRefType();
paramTypes[exceptInfoIndex] = typeof(ExcepInfo).MakeByRefType();
paramTypes[argErrIndex] = typeof(uint).MakeByRefType();
// Define the dynamic method in our assembly so we skip verification
DynamicMethod dm = new DynamicMethod("IDispatchInvoke", typeof(int), paramTypes, DynamicModule);
ILGenerator method = dm.GetILGenerator();
// return functionPtr(...)
EmitLoadArg(method, dispatchPointerIndex);
EmitLoadArg(method, memberDispIdIndex);
// burn the address of our empty IID in directly. This is never freed, relocated, etc...
// Note passing this as a Guid directly results in a ~30% perf hit for IDispatch invokes so
// we also pass it directly as an IntPtr instead.
if (IntPtr.Size == 4) {
method.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, UnsafeMethods.NullInterfaceId.ToInt32()); // riid
} else {
method.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I8, UnsafeMethods.NullInterfaceId.ToInt64()); // riid
method.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0); // lcid
EmitLoadArg(method, flagsIndex);
EmitLoadArg(method, dispParamsIndex);
if (returnResult) {
EmitLoadArg(method, resultIndex);
} else {
method.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, typeof(IntPtr).GetField("Zero"));
EmitLoadArg(method, exceptInfoIndex);
EmitLoadArg(method, argErrIndex);
// functionPtr = *(IntPtr*)(*(dispatchPointer) + VTABLE_OFFSET)
int idispatchInvokeOffset = ((int)IDispatchMethodIndices.IDispatch_Invoke) * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr));
EmitLoadArg(method, dispatchPointerIndex);
method.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, idispatchInvokeOffset);
SignatureHelper signature = SignatureHelper.GetMethodSigHelper(CallingConvention.Winapi, typeof(int));
Type[] invokeParamTypes = new Type[] {
typeof(IntPtr), // dispatchPointer
typeof(int), // memberDispId
typeof(IntPtr), // riid
typeof(int), // lcid
typeof(ushort), // flags
typeof(IntPtr), // dispParams
typeof(IntPtr), // result
typeof(IntPtr), // excepInfo
typeof(IntPtr), // argErr
signature.AddArguments(invokeParamTypes, null, null);
method.Emit(OpCodes.Calli, signature);
return (IDispatchInvokeDelegate)dm.CreateDelegate(typeof(IDispatchInvokeDelegate));
internal static class NativeMethods {
[System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceConsumption(System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceScope.Process, System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceScope.Process)]
[DllImport("oleaut32.dll", PreserveSig = false)]
internal static extern void VariantClear(IntPtr variant);