Xamarin Public Jenkins (auto-signing) 7d4706c3d7 Imported Upstream version
Former-commit-id: 066e1c5ebb0cc420bd293e60a01325420779fdd1
2020-09-12 08:45:37 +00:00

133 lines
4.2 KiB

Install native tool
Install cmake native tool from Azure blob storage
.PARAMETER InstallPath
Base directory to install native tool to
Base file directory or Url from which to acquire tool archives
.PARAMETER CommonLibraryDirectory
Path to folder containing common library modules
Force install of tools even if they previously exist
Don't install the tool, just clean up the current install of the tool
.PARAMETER DownloadRetries
Total number of retry attempts
.PARAMETER RetryWaitTimeInSeconds
Wait time between retry attempts in seconds
Returns 0 if install succeeds, 1 otherwise
Param (
[string] $ToolName,
[string] $InstallPath,
[string] $BaseUri,
[string] $Version,
[string] $CommonLibraryDirectory = $PSScriptRoot,
[switch] $Force = $False,
[switch] $Clean = $False,
[int] $DownloadRetries = 5,
[int] $RetryWaitTimeInSeconds = 30
. $PSScriptRoot\..\pipeline-logging-functions.ps1
# Import common library modules
Import-Module -Name (Join-Path $CommonLibraryDirectory "CommonLibrary.psm1")
try {
# Define verbose switch if undefined
$Verbose = $VerbosePreference -Eq "Continue"
$Arch = CommonLibrary\Get-MachineArchitecture
$ToolOs = "win64"
if($Arch -Eq "x32") {
$ToolOs = "win32"
$ToolNameMoniker = "$ToolName-$Version-$ToolOs-$Arch"
$ToolInstallDirectory = Join-Path $InstallPath "$ToolName\$Version\"
$Uri = "$BaseUri/windows/$ToolName/$ToolNameMoniker.zip"
$ShimPath = Join-Path $InstallPath "$ToolName.exe"
if ($Clean) {
Write-Host "Cleaning $ToolInstallDirectory"
if (Test-Path $ToolInstallDirectory) {
Remove-Item $ToolInstallDirectory -Force -Recurse
Write-Host "Cleaning $ShimPath"
if (Test-Path $ShimPath) {
Remove-Item $ShimPath -Force
$ToolTempPath = CommonLibrary\Get-TempPathFilename -Path $Uri
Write-Host "Cleaning $ToolTempPath"
if (Test-Path $ToolTempPath) {
Remove-Item $ToolTempPath -Force
exit 0
# Install tool
if ((Test-Path $ToolInstallDirectory) -And (-Not $Force)) {
Write-Verbose "$ToolName ($Version) already exists, skipping install"
else {
$InstallStatus = CommonLibrary\DownloadAndExtract -Uri $Uri `
-InstallDirectory $ToolInstallDirectory `
-Force:$Force `
-DownloadRetries $DownloadRetries `
-RetryWaitTimeInSeconds $RetryWaitTimeInSeconds `
if ($InstallStatus -Eq $False) {
Write-PipelineTelemetryError "Installation failed" -Category "NativeToolsetBootstrapping"
exit 1
$ToolFilePath = Get-ChildItem $ToolInstallDirectory -Recurse -Filter "$ToolName.exe" | % { $_.FullName }
if (@($ToolFilePath).Length -Gt 1) {
Write-Error "There are multiple copies of $ToolName in $($ToolInstallDirectory): `n$(@($ToolFilePath | out-string))"
exit 1
} elseif (@($ToolFilePath).Length -Lt 1) {
Write-Host "$ToolName was not found in $ToolFilePath."
exit 1
# Generate shim
# Always rewrite shims so that we are referencing the expected version
$GenerateShimStatus = CommonLibrary\New-ScriptShim -ShimName $ToolName `
-ShimDirectory $InstallPath `
-ToolFilePath "$ToolFilePath" `
-BaseUri $BaseUri `
-Force:$Force `
if ($GenerateShimStatus -Eq $False) {
Write-PipelineTelemetryError "Generate shim failed" -Category "NativeToolsetBootstrapping"
return 1
exit 0
catch {
Write-Host $_.ScriptStackTrace
Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category "NativeToolsetBootstrapping" -Message $_
exit 1