44 lines
976 B
44 lines
976 B
.assembly extern mscorlib
.publickeytoken = (B7 7A 5C 56 19 34 E0 89 )
.ver 2:0:0:0
.assembly MethodSpecs
.module MethodSpecs.dll
.class private auto ansi beforefieldinit Tamtam
extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.method private hidebysig static void Foo<TFoo>(!!TFoo tf) cil managed
// Code size 1 (0x1)
.maxstack 8
IL_0000: ret
} // end of method Tamtam::Foo
.method private hidebysig static void Bar() cil managed
// Code size 7 (0x7)
.maxstack 8
IL_0000: ldc.i4.2
IL_0001: call void Tamtam::Foo<int32>(!!0)
IL_0006: ret
} // end of method Tamtam::Bar
.method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname
instance void .ctor() cil managed
// Code size 7 (0x7)
.maxstack 8
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: call instance void [mscorlib]System.Object::.ctor()
IL_0006: ret
} // end of method Tamtam::.ctor
} // end of class Tamtam