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134 lines
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// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace System.Data.SqlClient
public partial class SqlParameterCollection : DbParameterCollection , IDataParameterCollection, IList, ICollection, IEnumerable
const string EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection is not supported on the current platform.";
internal SqlParameterCollection () {}
protected override DbParameter GetParameter (int index)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
protected override DbParameter GetParameter (string parameterName)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
protected override void SetParameter (int index, DbParameter value)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
protected override void SetParameter (string parameterName, DbParameter value)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override int Add (object value)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public SqlParameter Add (SqlParameter value)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public SqlParameter AddWithValue (string parameterName, object value)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public SqlParameter Add (string parameterName, SqlDbType sqlDbType)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public SqlParameter Add (string parameterName, SqlDbType sqlDbType, int size)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public SqlParameter Add (string parameterName, SqlDbType sqlDbType, int size, string sourceColumn)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override void Clear ()
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override bool Contains (object value)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override bool Contains (string value)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public bool Contains (SqlParameter value)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override void CopyTo (Array array, int index)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override IEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override int IndexOf (object value)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override int IndexOf (string parameterName)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public int IndexOf (SqlParameter value)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override void Insert (int index, object value)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public void Insert (int index, SqlParameter value)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override void Remove (object value)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public void Remove (SqlParameter value)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override void RemoveAt (int index)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override void RemoveAt (string parameterName)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override void AddRange (Array values)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public void AddRange (SqlParameter [] values)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public void CopyTo (SqlParameter [] array, int index)
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override int Count
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override bool IsFixedSize
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override bool IsReadOnly
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override bool IsSynchronized
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public override object SyncRoot
=> throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public SqlParameter this [int index] {
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public SqlParameter this [string parameterName] {
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
internal bool IsDirty {
get => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
set => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);