710 lines
28 KiB
710 lines
28 KiB
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
public static class Program {
public static int Main (string[] _args) {
var args = new List<string> (_args);
bool useStdout = false, showHelp = false, strictMode = false;
string baseDir = null;
for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++) {
var arg = args[i];
if (!arg.StartsWith ("-"))
string argValue = null;
var offset = arg.IndexOf(':');
if (offset >= 0) {
argValue = arg.Substring (offset + 1);
arg = arg.Substring (0, offset);
switch (arg) {
case "-?":
case "--help":
case "-h":
showHelp = true;
case "--trace":
if (argValue != null)
SourcesParser.TraceLevel = int.Parse(argValue);
SourcesParser.TraceLevel = 1;
case "--stdout":
useStdout = true;
case "--strict":
strictMode = true;
case "--basedir":
baseDir = argValue;
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// Unrecognized switch {arg}. Aborting.");
return 1;
args.RemoveAt (i);
if ((args.Count < 3) || (args.Count > 4))
showHelp = true;
if (showHelp) {
Console.Error.WriteLine ("Usage: mcs/build/gensources.exe [options] (outputFileName|--stdout) libraryDirectoryAndName platformName profileName");
Console.Error.WriteLine ("or mcs/build/gensources.exe [options] (outputFileName|--stdout) (--baseDir:<dir>) sourcesFile exclusionsFile");
Console.Error.WriteLine ("You can specify * for platformName and profileName to read all sources files");
Console.Error.WriteLine ("Available options:");
Console.Error.WriteLine ("--help -h -?");
Console.Error.WriteLine (" Show command line info");
Console.Error.WriteLine ("--trace:n");
Console.Error.WriteLine (" Enable diagnostic output, at tracing level n (1-4)");
Console.Error.WriteLine ("--stdout");
Console.Error.WriteLine (" Writes results to standard output (omit outputFileName if you use this)");
Console.Error.WriteLine ("--strict");
Console.Error.WriteLine (" Produces an error exit code if files or directories are invalid/missing or other warnings occur");
Console.Error.WriteLine ("--basedir:<dir>");
Console.Error.WriteLine (" Sets the base directory when reading a single sources/exclusions pair (default is the directory containing the sources file)");
return 1;
var myAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ();
var codeBase = new Uri (myAssembly.CodeBase);
var executablePath = Path.GetFullPath (codeBase.LocalPath);
var executableDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName (executablePath);
var outFile = Path.GetFullPath (args[0]);
var platformsFolder = Path.Combine (executableDirectory, "platforms");
var profilesFolder = Path.Combine (executableDirectory, "profiles");
if (!Directory.Exists (platformsFolder) || !Directory.Exists (profilesFolder)) {
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// Platforms and/or profiles folders are missing: '{platformsFolder}' '{profilesFolder}'. Aborting.");
return 1;
var parser = new SourcesParser (platformsFolder, profilesFolder);
ParseResult result;
if (args.Count == 3) {
var sourcesFile = Path.GetFullPath (args[1]);
var excludesFile = Path.GetFullPath (args[2]);
var directory = Path.GetDirectoryName (sourcesFile);
if ((Path.GetDirectoryName (excludesFile) != directory) && (baseDir == null)) {
Console.Error.WriteLine ("// Sources and exclusions files are in different directories. Aborting.");
return 1;
result = parser.Parse (baseDir ?? directory, sourcesFile, excludesFile);
if (SourcesParser.TraceLevel > 0)
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// Writing sources from {sourcesFile} minus {excludesFile}, to {outFile}.");
} else if (args.Count == 4) {
if (baseDir != null)
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// WARNING: baseDir has no effect in this mode");
var libraryFullName = Path.GetFullPath (args[1]);
var platformName = args[2].Trim ();
var profileName = args[3].Trim ();
var libraryDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName (libraryFullName);
var libraryName = Path.GetFileName (libraryFullName);
result = parser.Parse (libraryDirectory, libraryName, platformName, profileName);
if (SourcesParser.TraceLevel > 0)
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// Writing sources for platform {platformName} and profile {profileName}, relative to {libraryDirectory}, to {outFile}.");
} else {
throw new Exception ();
var fileNames = result.GetMatches ()
.OrderBy (e => e.RelativePath, StringComparer.Ordinal)
.Select (e => e.RelativePath)
.Distinct ()
.ToList ();
var unexpectedEmptyResult = (fileNames.Count == 0);
// HACK: We have sources files that are literally empty, so as long as *some* sources files were
// parsed during this invocation and they are all empty, producing no matching file names is not
// an error.
if ((result.SourcesFiles.Count > 0) && result.SourcesFiles.Values.All(sf => sf.Sources.Count == 0))
unexpectedEmptyResult = false;
if ((result.ErrorCount > 0) || unexpectedEmptyResult) {
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// gensources produced {result.ErrorCount} error(s) and a set of {fileNames.Count} filename(s)");
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// Invoked with '{Environment.CommandLine}'");
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// Working directory was '{Environment.CurrentDirectory}'");
if (strictMode) {
// HACK: Make ignores non-zero exit codes so we need to delete the sources file ???
if (!useStdout && File.Exists (outFile))
File.Delete (outFile);
return result.ErrorCount + 1;
TextWriter output;
if (useStdout)
output = Console.Out;
output = new StreamWriter (outFile);
using (output) {
foreach (var fileName in fileNames)
output.WriteLine (fileName);
return 0;
public class SourcesFile {
public readonly string FileName;
public readonly bool IsExclusion;
public readonly List<ParseEntry> Sources = new List<ParseEntry> ();
public readonly List<ParseEntry> Exclusions = new List<ParseEntry> ();
public readonly List<SourcesFile> Includes = new List<SourcesFile> ();
public SourcesFile (string fileName, bool isExclusion) {
FileName = fileName;
IsExclusion = isExclusion;
public struct ParseEntry {
public string Directory;
public string Pattern;
public struct MatchEntry {
public SourcesFile SourcesFile;
public string RelativePath;
public class TargetParseResult {
public (string hostPlatform, string profile) Key;
public SourcesFile Sources, Exclusions;
public bool IsFallback;
public override string ToString () {
var fallbackString = IsFallback ? " fallback" : "";
return $"{Key}{fallbackString} -> [{Sources?.FileName}, {Exclusions?.FileName}]";
public class ParseResult {
public readonly string LibraryDirectory;
public readonly Dictionary<(string hostPlatform, string profile), TargetParseResult> TargetDictionary = new Dictionary<(string hostPlatform, string profile), TargetParseResult> ();
public readonly Dictionary<string, SourcesFile> SourcesFiles = new Dictionary<string, SourcesFile> ();
public readonly Dictionary<string, SourcesFile> ExclusionFiles = new Dictionary<string, SourcesFile> ();
// FIXME: This is a bad spot for this value but enumerators don't have outparam support
public int ErrorCount = 0;
public ParseResult (string libraryDirectory) {
LibraryDirectory = Path.GetFullPath (libraryDirectory);
public IEnumerable<TargetParseResult> Targets {
get {
return TargetDictionary.Values;
private string GetRelativePath (string fullPath, string relativeToDirectory) {
fullPath = fullPath.Replace ("\\", "/");
relativeToDirectory = relativeToDirectory.Replace ("\\", "/");
if (!relativeToDirectory.EndsWith ("/"))
relativeToDirectory += "/";
try {
var dirUri = new Uri (relativeToDirectory);
var pathUri = new Uri (fullPath);
var relativePath = Uri.UnescapeDataString (
dirUri.MakeRelativeUri (pathUri).OriginalString
).Replace ("/", SourcesParser.DirectorySeparator)
.Replace (SourcesParser.DirectorySeparator + SourcesParser.DirectorySeparator, SourcesParser.DirectorySeparator);
return relativePath;
} catch (Exception) {
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// Parse error when treating '{fullPath}' as a URI relative to directory '{relativeToDirectory}'");
ErrorCount += 1;
return fullPath;
if (SourcesParser.TraceLevel >= 4)
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// {fullPath} -> {relativePath}");
public IEnumerable<MatchEntry> EnumerateMatches (
SourcesFile sourcesFile,
IEnumerable<ParseEntry> entries,
bool forExclusionsList
) {
var patternChars = new [] { '*', '?' };
var isFirstError = true;
foreach (var entry in entries) {
var absolutePath = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (entry.Directory, entry.Pattern));
var absoluteDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName (absolutePath);
var absolutePattern = Path.GetFileName (absolutePath);
if (SourcesParser.TraceLevel >= 4) {
if ((absolutePattern != entry.Pattern) || (absoluteDirectory != entry.Directory))
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// {entry.Directory} / {entry.Pattern} -> {absoluteDirectory} / {absolutePattern}");
if (!Directory.Exists (absoluteDirectory)) {
if (isFirstError) {
isFirstError = false;
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// Error(s) in file {sourcesFile.FileName}:");
if (forExclusionsList) {
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"(ignored) Directory does not exist: '{Path.GetFullPath (absoluteDirectory)}'");
} else {
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"Directory does not exist: '{Path.GetFullPath (absoluteDirectory)}'");
ErrorCount += 1;
if (absolutePattern.IndexOfAny (patternChars) >= 0) {
var matchingFiles = Directory.GetFiles (absoluteDirectory, absolutePattern);
if (matchingFiles.Length == 0) {
if (SourcesParser.TraceLevel > 0)
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// No matches for pattern '{absolutePattern}'");
foreach (var fileName in matchingFiles) {
var relativePath = GetRelativePath (fileName, LibraryDirectory);
yield return new MatchEntry {
SourcesFile = sourcesFile,
RelativePath = relativePath,
} else {
if (!File.Exists (absolutePath)) {
if (isFirstError) {
isFirstError = false;
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// Error(s) in file {sourcesFile.FileName}:");
if (forExclusionsList) {
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"(ignored) File does not exist: '{absolutePath}'");
} else {
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"File does not exist: '{absolutePath}'");
ErrorCount += 1;
} else {
var relativePath = GetRelativePath (absolutePath, LibraryDirectory);
yield return new MatchEntry {
SourcesFile = sourcesFile,
RelativePath = relativePath,
private IEnumerable<MatchEntry> GetMatchesFromFile (
SourcesFile sourcesFile, HashSet<string> excludedFiles = null
) {
if (sourcesFile == null)
yield break;
if (excludedFiles == null)
excludedFiles = new HashSet<string> (StringComparer.Ordinal);
foreach (var m in EnumerateMatches (sourcesFile, sourcesFile.Exclusions, true))
excludedFiles.Add (m.RelativePath);
foreach (var include in sourcesFile.Includes) {
foreach (var m in GetMatchesFromFile (include, excludedFiles))
yield return m;
// FIXME: This is order-sensitive
foreach (var entry in EnumerateMatches (sourcesFile, sourcesFile.Sources, false)) {
if (excludedFiles.Contains (entry.RelativePath)) {
if (SourcesParser.TraceLevel >= 3)
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// Excluding {entry.RelativePath}");
yield return entry;
public IEnumerable<MatchEntry> GetMatches (TargetParseResult target = null) {
var excludedFiles = new HashSet<string> (StringComparer.Ordinal);
if (target == null) {
if (TargetDictionary.Count == 0)
yield break;
target = Targets.First ();
if (target == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("target");
if (SourcesParser.TraceLevel >= 3)
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// Scanning sources file tree for {target.Key}");
int count = 0;
foreach (var m in GetMatchesFromFile (target.Exclusions, excludedFiles))
excludedFiles.Add (m.RelativePath);
foreach (var m in GetMatchesFromFile (target.Sources, excludedFiles)) {
yield return m;
if (SourcesParser.TraceLevel >= 3)
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// Scan complete. Generated {count} successful matches.");
public class SourcesParser {
public static readonly string DirectorySeparator = new String (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, 1);
public static int TraceLevel = 0;
private class State {
public ParseResult Result;
public string HostPlatform;
public string ProfileName;
public int SourcesFilesParsed, ExclusionsFilesParsed;
public readonly string[] AllHostPlatformNames;
public readonly string[] AllProfileNames;
private int ParseDepth = 0;
public SourcesParser (
string platformsFolder, string profilesFolder
) {
AllHostPlatformNames = Directory.GetFiles (platformsFolder, "*.make")
.Select (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension)
.ToArray ();
AllProfileNames = Directory.GetFiles (profilesFolder, "*.make")
.Select (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension)
.ToArray ();
public ParseResult Parse (string libraryDirectory, string sourcesFileName, string exclusionsFileName) {
var state = new State {
Result = new ParseResult (libraryDirectory)
var tpr = new TargetParseResult {
Key = (hostPlatform: null, profile: null)
var parsedTarget = ParseIntoTarget (state, tpr, sourcesFileName, exclusionsFileName, null, overrideDirectory: libraryDirectory);
PrintSummary (state, sourcesFileName);
return state.Result;
public ParseResult Parse (string libraryDirectory, string libraryName, string hostPlatform, string profile) {
var state = new State {
Result = new ParseResult (libraryDirectory),
ProfileName = profile,
HostPlatform = hostPlatform
var testPath = Path.Combine (libraryDirectory, $"{hostPlatform}_{profile}_{libraryName}");
var ok = TryParseTargetInto (state, testPath);
if (ok) {
PrintSummary (state, testPath);
return state.Result;
state.HostPlatform = null;
testPath = Path.Combine (libraryDirectory, $"{profile}_{libraryName}");
ok = TryParseTargetInto (state, testPath);
if (ok) {
PrintSummary (state, testPath);
return state.Result;
testPath = Path.Combine (libraryDirectory, $"{hostPlatform}_defaultprofile_{libraryName}");
ok = TryParseTargetInto (state, testPath);
if (ok) {
PrintSummary (state, testPath);
return state.Result;
state.ProfileName = null;
testPath = Path.Combine (libraryDirectory, libraryName);
ok = TryParseTargetInto (state, testPath);
PrintSummary (state, testPath);
return state.Result;
private void StripFallbackTargetsOrDefaultTarget (
State state, TargetParseResult defaultTarget, List<TargetParseResult> fallbackTargets, int maximumCount
) {
if (fallbackTargets.Count == maximumCount) {
// If we didn't find any platform specific targets, remove them and just leave one single
// platform-specific target entry
foreach (var target in fallbackTargets)
state.Result.TargetDictionary.Remove (target.Key);
} else if (defaultTarget != null) {
// Otherwise, strip the non-platform-specific target
state.Result.TargetDictionary.Remove (defaultTarget.Key);
public ParseResult Parse (string libraryDirectory, string libraryName) {
var state = new State {
Result = new ParseResult (libraryDirectory)
string originalTestPath = Path.Combine (libraryDirectory, libraryName);
var defaultTarget = ParseTarget (state, originalTestPath, null);
var profileFallbackTargets = new List<TargetParseResult> ();
foreach (var profile in AllProfileNames) {
state.ProfileName = profile;
state.HostPlatform = null;
var testPath = Path.Combine (libraryDirectory, $"{profile}_{libraryName}");
var profileTarget = ParseTarget (state, testPath, defaultTarget);
if ((profileTarget != null) && profileTarget.IsFallback)
profileFallbackTargets.Add (profileTarget);
var fallbackTargets = new List<TargetParseResult> ();
foreach (var hostPlatform in AllHostPlatformNames) {
state.HostPlatform = hostPlatform;
testPath = Path.Combine (libraryDirectory, $"{hostPlatform}_{profile}_{libraryName}");
var target = ParseTarget (state, testPath, profileTarget ?? defaultTarget);
if ((target != null) && target.IsFallback)
fallbackTargets.Add (target);
StripFallbackTargetsOrDefaultTarget (state, profileTarget, fallbackTargets, AllHostPlatformNames.Length);
StripFallbackTargetsOrDefaultTarget (state, defaultTarget, profileFallbackTargets, AllProfileNames.Length);
var platformFallbackTargets = new List<TargetParseResult> ();
var ambiguousSourcesNames = new List<string> ();
foreach (var hostPlatform in AllHostPlatformNames) {
state.ProfileName = null;
state.HostPlatform = hostPlatform;
var testPath = Path.Combine (libraryDirectory, $"{hostPlatform}_defaultprofile_{libraryName}");
var target = ParseTarget (state, testPath, defaultTarget);
if ((target != null) && target.IsFallback)
platformFallbackTargets.Add (target);
if ((target == null) || target.IsFallback) {
var oldTestPath = Path.Combine (libraryDirectory, $"{hostPlatform}_{libraryName}.sources");
if (File.Exists (oldTestPath))
ambiguousSourcesNames.Add (oldTestPath);
oldTestPath = Path.Combine (libraryDirectory, $"{hostPlatform}_{libraryName}.exclude.sources");
if (File.Exists (oldTestPath))
ambiguousSourcesNames.Add (oldTestPath);
StripFallbackTargetsOrDefaultTarget (state, defaultTarget, platformFallbackTargets, AllHostPlatformNames.Length);
foreach (var path in ambiguousSourcesNames) {
if (!state.Result.SourcesFiles.ContainsKey (path) && !state.Result.ExclusionFiles.ContainsKey (path)) {
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// The file '{path}' was found but not used by sources parsing. Did you mean hostPlatform_defaultprofile_{libraryName}?");
state.Result.ErrorCount += 1;
PrintSummary (state, originalTestPath);
return state.Result;
private void PrintSummary (State state, string testPath) {
if (TraceLevel > 0)
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// Parsed {state.SourcesFilesParsed} sources file(s) and {state.ExclusionsFilesParsed} exclusions file(s) from path '{testPath}'.");
private void HandleMetaDirective (
State state, SourcesFile file,
string pathDirectory, string includeDirectory,
bool asExclusionsList, string directive
) {
var include = "#include ";
if (directive.StartsWith (include)) {
var includeName = directive.Substring (include.Length).Trim ();
var fileName = Path.Combine (includeDirectory, includeName);
if (!File.Exists (fileName)) {
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// Include does not exist: {fileName}");
var newFile = ParseSingleFile (state, fileName, asExclusionsList, overrideDirectory: pathDirectory);
if (newFile == null) {
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// Failed to parse included file: {fileName}");
file.Includes.Add (newFile);
private bool TryParseTargetInto (State state, string prefix) {
var result = ParseTarget (state, prefix, null);
return (result != null);
private TargetParseResult ParseTarget (State state, string prefix, TargetParseResult fallbackTarget) {
// FIXME: We determine the prefix for the pair of sources and exclusions,
// which may not match intended behavior:
// if linux_net_4_x_foo.sources is present, but linux_net_4_x_foo.exclude.sources is not present,
// should net_4_x_foo.exclude.sources be used as a fallback? Maybe it should.
// This won't do that though.
var tpr = new TargetParseResult {
Key = (hostPlatform: state.HostPlatform, profile: state.ProfileName)
var sourcesFileName = prefix + ".sources";
var exclusionsFileName = prefix + ".exclude.sources";
return ParseIntoTarget (state, tpr, sourcesFileName, exclusionsFileName, fallbackTarget);
private TargetParseResult ParseIntoTarget (
State state, TargetParseResult tpr,
string sourcesFileName, string exclusionsFileName,
TargetParseResult fallbackTarget, string overrideDirectory = null
) {
if (!File.Exists (sourcesFileName)) {
if (fallbackTarget != null) {
if (TraceLevel >= 2)
Console.Error.WriteLine($"// Not found: {sourcesFileName}, falling back to {fallbackTarget}");
tpr.Sources = fallbackTarget.Sources;
tpr.Exclusions = fallbackTarget.Exclusions;
tpr.IsFallback = true;
state.Result.TargetDictionary.Add (tpr.Key, tpr);
return tpr;
} else {
if (TraceLevel >= 1)
Console.Error.WriteLine($"// Not found: {sourcesFileName}");
return null;
tpr.Sources = ParseSingleFile (state, sourcesFileName, false, overrideDirectory: overrideDirectory);
if (File.Exists (exclusionsFileName))
tpr.Exclusions = ParseSingleFile (state, exclusionsFileName, true, overrideDirectory: overrideDirectory);
state.Result.TargetDictionary.Add (tpr.Key, tpr);
return tpr;
private SourcesFile ParseSingleFile (State state, string fileName, bool asExclusionsList, string overrideDirectory = null) {
var fileTable = asExclusionsList ? state.Result.ExclusionFiles : state.Result.SourcesFiles;
var nullStr = "<none>";
if (fileTable.ContainsKey (fileName)) {
if (TraceLevel >= 2)
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// {new String (' ', ParseDepth * 2)}{fileName} (already parsed)");
return fileTable[fileName];
} else {
if (TraceLevel >= 2)
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// {new String (' ', ParseDepth * 2)}{fileName} [{state.HostPlatform ?? nullStr}] [{state.ProfileName ?? nullStr}]");
ParseDepth += 1;
var includeDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName (fileName);
var pathDirectory = overrideDirectory ?? includeDirectory;
var result = new SourcesFile (fileName, asExclusionsList);
fileTable.Add (fileName, result);
using (var sr = new StreamReader (fileName)) {
if (asExclusionsList)
string line;
while ((line = sr.ReadLine ()) != null) {
if (line.StartsWith ("#")) {
HandleMetaDirective (state, result, pathDirectory, includeDirectory, asExclusionsList, line);
line = line.Trim ();
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (line))
var parts = line.Split (':');
if (parts.Length > 1) {
var explicitExclusions = parts[1].Split (',');
// gensources.sh implemented these explicit exclusions like so:
// ../foo/bar/*.cs:A.cs,B.cs
// This would generate exclusions for ../foo/bar/A.cs and ../foo/bar/B.cs,
// not ./A.cs and ./B.cs as you might expect
var mainPatternDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName (parts[0]);
foreach (var pattern in explicitExclusions) {
result.Exclusions.Add (new ParseEntry {
Directory = pathDirectory,
Pattern = Path.Combine (mainPatternDirectory, pattern)
(asExclusionsList ? result.Exclusions : result.Sources)
.Add (new ParseEntry {
Directory = pathDirectory,
Pattern = parts[0]
ParseDepth -= 1;
return result;
} |