431 lines
13 KiB
431 lines
13 KiB
// project created on 09/05/2003 at 18:07
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001;
using System.IO;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MonoTests.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap {
internal class NonSerializableObject {
public delegate void TrucDlg(string s);
public class MoreComplexObject {
public event TrucDlg TrucEvent;
private string _string;
private string[] _strings = new string[]{};
private Queue _queue = new Queue();
public Hashtable _table = new Hashtable();
public string ObjString {
get { return _string; }
public MoreComplexObject() {
TrucEvent += new TrucDlg(WriteString);
_table['c'] = "barr";
_table["barr"] = 1234567890;
public void OnTrucEvent(string s) {
public void WriteString(string s) {
_string = s;
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
MoreComplexObject objReturn = obj as MoreComplexObject;
if(objReturn == null) return false;
if(objReturn._string != this._string) return false;
IEnumerator myEnum = this._table.GetEnumerator();
foreach(DictionaryEntry e in objReturn._table) {
DictionaryEntry s = (DictionaryEntry) myEnum.Current;
Assertion.AssertEquals("#_table", s.Key, e.Key);
Assertion.AssertEquals("#_table", s.Value, e.Value);
if(s.Key.ToString() != e.Key.ToString() || s.Value.ToString() != e.Value.ToString()) return false;
// Assertion.Assert("#_table is null", objReturn._table != null);
// Console.WriteLine("_table[foo]: {0}", objReturn._table["foo"]);
// Assertion.AssertEquals("#_table[\"foo\"]", "barr", objReturn._table["foo"]);
// Console.WriteLine("_table[1]: {0}", objReturn._table[1]);
// Assertion.AssertEquals("#_table[1]", "foo", objReturn._table[1]);
// Console.WriteLine("_table['c']: {0}", objReturn._table['c']);
// Assertion.AssertEquals("#_table['c']", "barr", objReturn._table['c']);
// Console.WriteLine("_table[barr]: {0}", objReturn._table["barr"]);
// Assertion.AssertEquals("#_table[\"barr\"]", 1234567890, objReturn._table["barr"]);
return SoapFormatterTest.CheckArray(this._queue.ToArray(), objReturn._queue.ToArray());
internal class MarshalObject: MarshalByRefObject {
private string _name;
private long _id;
public MarshalObject() {
public MarshalObject(string name, long id) {
_name = name;
_id = id;
internal class SimpleObject {
private string _name;
private int _id;
public SimpleObject(string name, int id) {
_name = name;
_id = id;
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
SimpleObject objCmp = obj as SimpleObject;
if(objCmp == null) return false;
if(objCmp._name != this._name) return false;
if(objCmp._id != this._id) return false;
return true;
internal class Version1 {
public int _value;
public Version1(int value) {
_value = value;
internal class Version2: ISerializable {
public int _value;
public string _foo;
public Version2(int value, string foo) {
_value = value;
_foo = foo;
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) {
info.AddValue("_value", _value);
info.AddValue("_foo", _foo);
private Version2(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) {
_value = info.GetInt32("_value");
_foo = info.GetString("_foo");
catch(SerializationException) {
_foo = "Default value";
public class Version1ToVersion2Binder: SerializationBinder {
public override Type BindToType (string assemblyName, string typeName) {
Type returnType = null;
string typeVersion1 = "MonoTests.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.Version1";
string assemName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName;
if(typeName == typeVersion1) {
typeName = "MonoTests.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.Version2";
string typeFormat = String.Format("{0}, {1}", typeName, assemName);
returnType = Type.GetType( typeFormat);
return returnType;
public class SoapFormatterTest
private SoapFormatter _soapFormatter;
private SoapFormatter _soapFormatterDeserializer;
private RemotingSurrogateSelector _surrogate;
private void Out(MemoryStream stream, object objGraph) {
Console.WriteLine("\n---------------------\n{0}\n", objGraph.ToString());
stream.Position = 0;
StreamReader r = new StreamReader(stream);
private object Serialize(object objGraph) {
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
Assertion.Assert(objGraph != null);
Assertion.Assert(stream != null);
_soapFormatter.SurrogateSelector = _surrogate;
_soapFormatter.Serialize(stream, objGraph);
Out(stream, objGraph);
stream.Position = 0;
object objReturn = _soapFormatterDeserializer.Deserialize(stream);
Assertion.Assert(objReturn != null);
Assertion.AssertEquals("#Tests "+objGraph.GetType(), objGraph.GetType(), objReturn.GetType());
stream = new MemoryStream();
_soapFormatter.Serialize(stream, objReturn);
stream.Position = 0;
return objReturn;
public void GetReady() {
StreamingContext context = new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.All);
_surrogate = new RemotingSurrogateSelector();
_soapFormatter = new SoapFormatter(_surrogate, context);
_soapFormatterDeserializer = new SoapFormatter(null, context);
public void Clean() {
public void TestValueTypes() {
object objReturn;
objReturn = Serialize((short)1);
Assertion.AssertEquals("#int16", objReturn, 1);
objReturn = Serialize(1);
Assertion.AssertEquals("#int32", objReturn, 1);
objReturn = Serialize((Single)0.1234);
Assertion.AssertEquals("#Single", objReturn, 0.123400003f);
objReturn = Serialize((Double)1234567890.0987654321);
Assertion.AssertEquals("#iDouble", objReturn, 1234567890.0987654321);
objReturn = Serialize(true);
Assertion.AssertEquals("#Bool", objReturn, true);
objReturn = Serialize((Int64) 1234567890);
Assertion.AssertEquals("#Int64", objReturn, 1234567890);
objReturn = Serialize('c');
Assertion.AssertEquals("#Char", objReturn, 'c');
public void TestObjects() {
object objReturn;
objReturn = Serialize("");
objReturn = Serialize("hello world!");
Assertion.AssertEquals("#string", "hello world!", objReturn);
SoapMessage soapMsg = new SoapMessage();
soapMsg.Headers = new Header[0];
soapMsg.MethodName = "Equals";
soapMsg.ParamNames = new String[0];
soapMsg.ParamTypes = new Type[0];
soapMsg.ParamValues = new object[0];
soapMsg.XmlNameSpace = SoapServices.CodeXmlNamespaceForClrTypeNamespace("String", "System");
_soapFormatterDeserializer.TopObject = new SoapMessage();
objReturn = Serialize(soapMsg);
_soapFormatterDeserializer.TopObject = null;
SimpleObject obj = new SimpleObject("simple object", 1);
objReturn = Serialize(obj);
Assertion.AssertEquals("#SimpleObject", obj, objReturn);
objReturn = Serialize(typeof(SimpleObject));
Assertion.AssertEquals("#Type", typeof(SimpleObject), (Type)objReturn);
objReturn = Serialize(obj.GetType().Assembly);
Assertion.AssertEquals("#Assembly", obj.GetType().Assembly, objReturn);
public static bool CheckArray(object objTest, object objReturn) {
Array objTestAsArray = objTest as Array;
Array objReturnAsArray = objReturn as Array;
Assertion.Assert("#Not an Array "+objTest, objReturnAsArray != null);
Assertion.AssertEquals("#Different lengths "+objTest, objTestAsArray.Length, objReturnAsArray.Length);
IEnumerator iEnum = objReturnAsArray.GetEnumerator();
object obj2;
foreach(object obj1 in objTestAsArray) {
obj2 = iEnum.Current;
Assertion.AssertEquals("#The content of the 2 arrays is different", obj1, obj2);
return true;
public void TestArray() {
object objReturn;
object objTest;
objReturn = Serialize(new int[]{});
objTest = new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4};
objReturn = Serialize(objTest);
CheckArray(objTest, objReturn);
objReturn = Serialize(new long[]{1, 2, 3, 4});
objTest = new object[]{1, null, ":-)", 1234567890};
objReturn = Serialize(objTest);
objTest = new int[,]{{0, 1}, {2, 3}, {123, 4}};
objReturn = Serialize(objTest);
CheckArray(objTest, objReturn);
objTest = new string[]{};
objReturn = Serialize(objTest);
CheckArray(objTest, objReturn);
object[,,] objArray = new object[3,2,1];
objArray[0,0,0] = 1;
objArray[2,1,0] = "end";
objReturn = Serialize(objArray);
CheckArray(objArray, objReturn);
public void TestMarshalByRefObject() {
Serialize(new MarshalObject("thing", 1234567890));
public void TestNullObject() {
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
_soapFormatter.Serialize(stream, null);
public void TestNonSerialisable() {
Serialize(new NonSerializableObject());
public void TestMoreComplexObject() {
MoreComplexObject objReturn;
MoreComplexObject objTest = new MoreComplexObject();
objReturn = (MoreComplexObject) Serialize(objTest);
Assertion.AssertEquals("#Equals", objTest, objReturn);
Assertion.AssertEquals("#dlg", "bidule", objReturn.ObjString);
public void TestSerializationbinder() {
Object objReturn;
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
Version1 objVer1 = new Version1(123);
_soapFormatter.SurrogateSelector = _surrogate;
_soapFormatter.Serialize(stream, objVer1);
stream.Position = 0;
_soapFormatterDeserializer.Binder = new Version1ToVersion2Binder();
objReturn = _soapFormatterDeserializer.Deserialize(stream);
Assertion.AssertEquals("#Version1 Version2", "Version2", objReturn.GetType().Name);
Assertion.AssertEquals("#_value", 123, ((Version2) objReturn)._value);
Assertion.AssertEquals("#_foo", "Default value", ((Version2) objReturn)._foo);
public void TestMethodSignatureSerialization ()
Header h = new Header ("__MethodSignature", new Type [] { typeof(string),typeof(SignatureTest[]) }, false, "http://schemas.microsoft.com/clr/soap/messageProperties");
SoapMessage msg = new SoapMessage ();
msg.MethodName = "Run";
msg.ParamNames = new string [] { "nom" };
msg.ParamTypes = new Type [] { typeof(SignatureTest) };
msg.ParamValues = new object[] { new SignatureTest () };
msg.Headers = new Header[] { h};
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream ();
SoapFormatter sf = new SoapFormatter ();
sf.Serialize (ms, msg);
ms.Position = 0;
SoapMessage t = new SoapMessage ();
sf.TopObject = t;
t = (SoapMessage) sf.Deserialize (ms);
Assertion.AssertNotNull ("#1", t.Headers[0].Value);
Assertion.AssertEquals ("#2", t.Headers[0].Value.GetType (), typeof(Type[]));
Type[] ts = (Type[]) t.Headers[0].Value;
Assertion.AssertEquals ("#3", 2, ts.Length);
Assertion.AssertNotNull ("#4", ts[0]);
Assertion.AssertNotNull ("#5", ts[1]);
Console.WriteLine ("PPP:" + ts[0].GetType());
Assertion.AssertEquals ("#6", typeof(string), ts[0]);
Assertion.AssertEquals ("#7", typeof(SignatureTest[]), ts[1]);
public void TestCulture ()
var currentCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
try {
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo ("de-DE");
var ms = new MemoryStream ();
var test = new CultureTest ();
_soapFormatter.Serialize(ms, test);
ms.Position = 0;
} finally {
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = currentCulture;
public class CultureTest
public void OnDeserialization (StreamingContext context)
var ci = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
Assertion.AssertEquals("#1", "German (Germany)", ci.EnglishName);
public void OnSerialized (StreamingContext context)
var ci = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
Assertion.AssertEquals("#2", "German (Germany)", ci.EnglishName);
public class SignatureTest
public SoapQName qn = new SoapQName ("e", "name", "espai");