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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Type Name="RegularExpressionValidator" FullName="System.Web.UI.WebControls.RegularExpressionValidator">
<TypeSignature Language="C#" Maintainer="auto" Value="public class RegularExpressionValidator : System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseValidator" />
<ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
<AttributeName>System.Web.UI.ToolboxData("<{0}:RegularExpressionValidator runat="server" ErrorMessage="RegularExpressionValidator"></{0}:RegularExpressionValidator>")</AttributeName>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>The <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.RegularExpressionValidator" /> control checks whether the value of an input control matches a pattern defined by a regular expression. This type of validation allows you to check for predictable sequences of characters, such as those in e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, and postal codes.</para>
<block subset="none" type="note">
<para>Validation succeeds if the input control is empty. If a value is required for the associated input control, use a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator" /> control in addition to the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.RegularExpressionValidator" /> control.</para>
<para>Both server-side and client-side validation are performed unless the browser does not support client-side validation or client-side validation is explicitly disabled (by setting the <see cref="P:System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseValidator.EnableClientScript" /> property to false).</para>
<para>The regular-expression validation implementation is slightly different on the client than on the server. On the client, JScript regular-expression syntax is used. On the server, <see cref="T:System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex" /> syntax is used. Since JScript regular expression syntax is a subset of <see cref="T:System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex" /> syntax, it is recommended that JScript regular-expression syntax be used in order to yield the same results on both the client and the server.</para>
<block subset="none" type="note">
<para>When you use the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.RegularExpressionValidator" /> control inside an <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.UpdatePanel" /> control, make sure that the validator control and the control it is associated with are in the same panel. For more information about using the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.UpdatePanel" /> control for partial-page updates, see <format type="text/html"><a href="5c12736d-d9e9-464a-9388-3fe0f9f49e49">Partial-Page Rendering Overview</a></format>.</para>
<para>For additional information about validation controls, see <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseValidator" />. For more information on regular expressions, see <format type="text/html"><a href="521b3f6d-f869-42e1-93e5-158c54a6895d">.NET Framework Regular Expressions</a></format>.</para>
<format type="text/html">
<para>For information about how to configure this control so that it generates markup that conforms to accessibility standards, see <format type="text/html"><a href="7e3ce9c4-6b7d-4fb1-94b5-72cf2a44fe13">Accessibility in Visual Studio 2010 and ASP.NET 4</a></format> and <format type="text/html"><a href="847a37e3-ce20-41da-b0d3-7dfb0fdae9a0">ASP.NET Controls and Accessibility</a></format>.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Validates whether the value of an associated input control matches the pattern specified by a regular expression.</para>
<Member MemberName=".ctor">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public RegularExpressionValidator ();" />
<ReturnValue />
<Parameters />
<remarks>To be added</remarks>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.RegularExpressionValidator" /> class. </para>
<Member MemberName="AddAttributesToRender">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected override void AddAttributesToRender (System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter w);" />
<Parameter Name="w" Type="System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter" />
<param name="w">a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter" /></param>
<remarks>To be added</remarks>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Adds to the specified <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter" /> object the HTML attributes and styles that need to be rendered for the control. </para>
<Member MemberName="EvaluateIsValid">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected override bool EvaluateIsValid ();" />
<Parameters />
<remarks>To be added</remarks>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Indicates whether the value in the input control is valid.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>true if the value in the input control is valid; otherwise, false.</para>
<Member MemberName="ValidationExpression">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public string ValidationExpression { set; get; }" />
<Parameters />
<value>To be added: an object of type 'string'</value>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Use this property to specify the pattern used to check for predictable sequences of characters, such as those in social security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, and postal codes.</para>
<para>The <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.RegularExpressionValidator" /> does not perform validation on an empty string. If the string you are testing might be empty, use the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator" /> as well as the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.RegularExpressionValidator" />.</para>
<para>For more information on regular expressions, see <format type="text/html"><a href="521b3f6d-f869-42e1-93e5-158c54a6895d">.NET Framework Regular Expressions</a></format>.</para>
<block subset="none" type="note">
<para>If you experience problems with pattern matching constructs, try wrapping the expression with "^(" and ")$". For example, "a|ab" becomes "^(a|ab)$".</para>
<para>This property cannot be set by themes or style sheet themes. For more information, see <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.ThemeableAttribute" /> and <format type="text/html"><a href="5df3ebbd-d46c-4502-9406-02f9df4ef2c3">ASP.NET Themes Overview</a></format>.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Gets or sets the regular expression that determines the pattern used to validate a field.</para>
<AttributeName>System.ComponentModel.Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.RegexTypeEditor, System.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", typeof(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))</AttributeName>
</Type> |