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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Type Name="WebPartsSection" FullName="System.Web.Configuration.WebPartsSection">
<TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public sealed class WebPartsSection : System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection" />
<Interfaces />
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>The webParts configuration file section allows you to specify a Web Parts personalization provider, set personalization authorizations, and add custom classes that extend the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPartTransformer" /> class for use by Web Parts connections.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Provides programmatic access to the webParts configuration file section. This class cannot be inherited.</para>
<Member MemberName=".ctor">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public WebPartsSection ();" />
<Parameters />
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>The <see cref="M:System.Web.Configuration.WebPartsSection.#ctor" /> constructor is not intended to be used directly from your code. It is called by the ASP.NET configuration system. You obtain an instance of the <see cref="T:System.Web.Configuration.WebPartsSection" /> class by using the <see cref="M:System.Configuration.Configuration.GetSection(System.String)" /> method.</para>
<para>This constructor is not intended to be used directly from your code. It is called by the ASP.NET configuration system.</para>
<para>The following table shows the default settings that are used for this constructor.</para>
<list type="table">
<para>Default Value</para>
<see cref="P:System.Web.Configuration.WebPartsSection.Personalization" />
<para>An empty <see cref="T:System.Web.Configuration.WebPartsPersonalization" /> object.</para>
<see cref="P:System.Web.Configuration.WebPartsSection.Transformers" />
<para>A <see cref="T:System.Web.Configuration.TransformerInfoCollection" /> collection containing a default <see cref="T:System.Web.Configuration.TransformerInfo" /> object.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Web.Configuration.WebPartsSection" /> class using default settings.</para>
<Member MemberName="EnableExport">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public bool EnableExport { set; get; }" />
<AttributeName>System.Configuration.ConfigurationProperty("enableExport", DefaultValue="False")</AttributeName>
<value>To be added.</value>
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable the export of control data to an XML description file.</para>
<Member MemberName="GetRuntimeObject">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected override object GetRuntimeObject ();" />
<Parameters />
<summary>To be added.</summary>
<returns>To be added.</returns>
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<Member MemberName="Personalization">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public System.Web.Configuration.WebPartsPersonalization Personalization { get; }" />
<value>To be added.</value>
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Gets a <see cref="T:System.Web.Configuration.WebPartsPersonalization" /> object that allows you to specify the Web Parts personalization provider and set Web Parts personalization authorizations.</para>
<Member MemberName="Properties">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected override System.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyCollection Properties { get; }" />
<summary>To be added.</summary>
<value>To be added.</value>
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<Member MemberName="Transformers">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public System.Web.Configuration.TransformerInfoCollection Transformers { get; }" />
<value>To be added.</value>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<see cref="T:System.Web.Configuration.TransformerInfo" /> objects specify custom classes that extend the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPartTransformer" /> class for use by Web Part connections for the ASP.NET applications affected by the configuration file. These transformer classes act as bridges between connected Web Parts, translating data between Web Parts with incompatible connection points.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Gets a collection of <see cref="T:System.Web.Configuration.TransformerInfo" /> objects.</para>
</Type> |