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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Formatting;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Extensions;
using Assert = Microsoft.TestCommon.AssertEx;
namespace System.Web.Http.ModelBinding
public class FormDataCollectionExtensionsTest
[InlineData("", null)]
[InlineData("", "")] // empty
[InlineData("x", "x")] // normal key
[InlineData("", "[]")] // trim []
[InlineData("x", "x[]")] // trim []
[InlineData("x[234]", "x[234]")] // array index
[InlineData("x.y", "x[y]")] // field lookup
[InlineData("x.y.z", "x[y][z]")] // nested field lookup
[InlineData("x.y[234].x", "x[y][234][x]")] // compound
public void TestNormalize(string expectedMvc, string jqueryString)
Assert.Equal(expectedMvc, FormDataCollectionExtensions.NormalizeJQueryToMvc(jqueryString));
private static HttpContent FormContent(string s)
HttpContent content = new StringContent(s);
content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
return content;
private T ParseJQuery<T>(string jquery)
HttpContent content = FormContent(jquery);
FormDataCollection fd = content.ReadAsAsync<FormDataCollection>().Result;
T result = fd.ReadAs<T>();
return result;
public void ReadIntArray()
// No key name means the top level object is an array
int[] result = ParseJQuery<int[]>("=30&=40&=50");
Assert.Equal(new int[] { 30,40,50 } , result);
public void ReadIntArrayWithBrackets()
// brackets for explicit array
int[] result = ParseJQuery<int[]>("[]=30&[]=40&[]=50");
Assert.Equal(new int[] { 30, 40, 50 }, result);
public void ReadIntArrayFromSingleElement()
// No key name means the top level object is an array
int[] result = ParseJQuery<int[]>("=30");
Assert.Equal(new int[] { 30 }, result);
public class ClassWithArrayField
public int[] x { get; set; }
public void ReadClassWithIntArray()
// specifying key name 'x=30' means that we have a field named x.
// multiple x keys mean that field is an array.
var result = ParseJQuery<ClassWithArrayField>("x=30&x=40&x=50");
Assert.Equal(new int[] { 30, 40, 50 }, result.x);
public class ComplexType
public string Str { get; set; }
public int I { get; set; }
public Point P { get; set; }
public class Point
public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }
public void ReadClassWithFields()
// Basic container class with multiple fields
var result = ParseJQuery<Point>("X=3&Y=4");
Assert.Equal(3, result.X);
Assert.Equal(4, result.Y);
public void ReadClassWithFieldsFromUri()
var uri = new Uri("http://foo.com/?X=3&Y=4&Z=5");
FormDataCollection fd = new FormDataCollection(uri);
var result = fd.ReadAs<Point>();
Assert.Equal(3, result.X);
Assert.Equal(4, result.Y);
public void ReadClassWithFieldsAndPartialBind()
// Basic container class with multiple fields
// Extra Z=5 field, ignored since we're reading point.
var result = ParseJQuery<Point>("X=3&Y=4&Z=5");
Assert.Equal(3, result.X);
Assert.Equal(4, result.Y);
public class ClassWithPointArray
public Point[] Data { get; set; }
public void ReadArrayOfClasses()
// Array of classes.
string s = "Data[0][X]=10&Data[0][Y]=20&Data[1][X]=30&Data[1][Y]=40";
var result = ParseJQuery<ClassWithPointArray>(s);
Assert.Equal(2, result.Data.Length);
Assert.Equal(10, result.Data[0].X);
Assert.Equal(20, result.Data[0].Y);
Assert.Equal(30, result.Data[1].X);
Assert.Equal(40, result.Data[1].Y);
public void ReadComplexNestedType()
var result = ParseJQuery<ComplexType>("Str=Hello+world&I=123&P[X]=3&P[Y]=4");
Assert.Equal("Hello world", result.Str);
Assert.Equal(123, result.I);
Assert.NotNull(result.P); // failed to find P
Assert.Equal(3, result.P.X);
Assert.Equal(4, result.P.Y);
class ComplexType2
public class Epsilon
public int[] f { get; set; }
public class Beta
public int c { get; set; }
public int d { get; set; }
public int[] a { get; set; }
public Beta[] b { get; set; }
public Epsilon e { get; set; }
public void ReadComplexNestedType2()
// Jquery encoding from this JSON: "{a:[1,2],b:[{c:3,d:4},{c:5,d:6}],e:{f:[7,8,9]}}";
string s = "a[]=1&a[]=2&b[0][c]=3&b[0][d]=4&b[1][c]=5&b[1][d]=6&e[f][]=7&e[f][]=8&e[f][]=9";
var result = ParseJQuery<ComplexType2>(s);
Assert.Equal(new int[] { 1, 2 }, result.a);
Assert.Equal(2, result.b.Length);
Assert.Equal(3, result.b[0].c);
Assert.Equal(4, result.b[0].d);
Assert.Equal(5, result.b[1].c);
Assert.Equal(6, result.b[1].d);
Assert.Equal(new int[] { 7, 8, 9 }, result.e.f);
public void ReadJaggedArray()
string s = "[0][]=9&[0][]=10&[1][]=11&[1][]=12&[2][]=13&[2][]=14";
var result = ParseJQuery<int[][]>(s);
Assert.Equal(9, result[0][0]);
Assert.Equal(10, result[0][1]);
Assert.Equal(11, result[1][0]);
Assert.Equal(12, result[1][1]);
Assert.Equal(13, result[2][0]);
Assert.Equal(14, result[2][1]);
public void ReadMultipleParameters()
// Basic container class with multiple fields
HttpContent content = FormContent("X=3&Y=4");
FormDataCollection fd = content.ReadAsAsync<FormDataCollection>().Result;
Assert.Equal(3, fd.ReadAs<int>("X", requiredMemberSelector: null, formatterLogger: null));
Assert.Equal("3", fd.ReadAs<string>("X", requiredMemberSelector: null, formatterLogger: null));
Assert.Equal(4, fd.ReadAs<int>("Y", requiredMemberSelector: null, formatterLogger: null));