1256 lines
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1256 lines
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// HttpWebResponseTest.cs - NUnit Test Cases for System.Net.HttpWebResponse
// Authors:
// Gert Driesen (drieseng@users.sourceforge.net)
// Copyright (c) 2008 Gert Driesen
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using MonoTests.Helpers;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MonoTests.System.Net
public class HttpWebResponseTest
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void CharacterSet_Disposed ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ();
((IDisposable) resp).Dispose ();
try {
string charset = resp.CharacterSet;
Assert.Fail ("#1:" + charset);
} catch (ObjectDisposedException ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ObjectDisposedException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (HttpWebResponse).FullName, ex.ObjectName, "#5");
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void Close_Disposed ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ();
((IDisposable) resp).Dispose ();
resp.Close ();
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void ContentEncoding_Disposed ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ();
((IDisposable) resp).Dispose ();
try {
string enc = resp.ContentEncoding;
Assert.Fail ("#1:" + enc);
} catch (ObjectDisposedException ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ObjectDisposedException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (HttpWebResponse).FullName, ex.ObjectName, "#5");
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void ContentLength_Disposed ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ();
((IDisposable) resp).Dispose ();
Assert.AreEqual (9, resp.ContentLength);
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void ContentType_Disposed ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ();
((IDisposable) resp).Dispose ();
try {
string contentType = resp.ContentType;
Assert.Fail ("#1:" + contentType);
} catch (ObjectDisposedException ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ObjectDisposedException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (HttpWebResponse).FullName, ex.ObjectName, "#5");
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void Cookies_Disposed ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ();
((IDisposable) resp).Dispose ();
try {
CookieCollection cookies = resp.Cookies;
Assert.Fail ("#A1:" + cookies);
} catch (ObjectDisposedException ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ObjectDisposedException), ex.GetType (), "#A2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#A3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#A4");
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (HttpWebResponse).FullName, ex.ObjectName, "#A5");
try {
resp.Cookies = new CookieCollection ();
Assert.Fail ("#B1");
} catch (ObjectDisposedException ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ObjectDisposedException), ex.GetType (), "#B2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#B3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#B4");
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (HttpWebResponse).FullName, ex.ObjectName, "#B5");
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void GetResponseHeader_Disposed ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ();
((IDisposable) resp).Dispose ();
try {
string server = resp.GetResponseHeader ("Server");
Assert.Fail ("#1:" + server);
} catch (ObjectDisposedException ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ObjectDisposedException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (HttpWebResponse).FullName, ex.ObjectName, "#5");
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void GetResponseStream_Disposed ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ();
((IDisposable) resp).Dispose ();
try {
Stream s = resp.GetResponseStream ();
Assert.Fail ("#1:" + s);
} catch (ObjectDisposedException ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ObjectDisposedException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (HttpWebResponse).FullName, ex.ObjectName, "#5");
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void Headers_Disposed ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ();
((IDisposable) resp).Dispose ();
WebHeaderCollection headers = resp.Headers;
Assert.AreEqual (6, headers.Count, "#1");
Assert.AreEqual ("9", headers ["Content-Length"], "#2");
Assert.AreEqual ("identity", headers ["Content-Encoding"], "#3");
Assert.AreEqual ("text/xml; charset=UTF-8", headers ["Content-Type"], "#4");
Assert.AreEqual ("Wed, 08 Jan 2003 23:11:55 GMT", headers ["Last-Modified"], "#5");
Assert.AreEqual ("UserID=Miguel,StoreProfile=true", headers ["Set-Cookie"], "#6");
Assert.AreEqual ("Mono/Test", headers ["Server"], "#7");
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void LastModified_Disposed ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ();
((IDisposable) resp).Dispose ();
try {
DateTime lastMod = resp.LastModified;
Assert.Fail ("#1:" + lastMod);
} catch (ObjectDisposedException ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ObjectDisposedException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (HttpWebResponse).FullName, ex.ObjectName, "#5");
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void Method_Disposed ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ();
((IDisposable) resp).Dispose ();
try {
string method = resp.Method;
Assert.Fail ("#1:" + method);
} catch (ObjectDisposedException ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ObjectDisposedException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (HttpWebResponse).FullName, ex.ObjectName, "#5");
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void ProtocolVersion_Disposed ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ();
((IDisposable) resp).Dispose ();
try {
Version protocolVersion = resp.ProtocolVersion;
Assert.Fail ("#1:" + protocolVersion);
} catch (ObjectDisposedException ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ObjectDisposedException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (HttpWebResponse).FullName, ex.ObjectName, "#5");
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void ResponseUri_Disposed ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ();
((IDisposable) resp).Dispose ();
try {
Uri respUri = resp.ResponseUri;
Assert.Fail ("#1:" + respUri);
} catch (ObjectDisposedException ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ObjectDisposedException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (HttpWebResponse).FullName, ex.ObjectName, "#5");
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void Server_Disposed ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ();
((IDisposable) resp).Dispose ();
try {
string server = resp.Server;
Assert.Fail ("#1:" + server);
} catch (ObjectDisposedException ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ObjectDisposedException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (HttpWebResponse).FullName, ex.ObjectName, "#5");
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void StatusCode_Disposed ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ();
((IDisposable) resp).Dispose ();
Assert.AreEqual (HttpStatusCode.OK, resp.StatusCode);
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void StatusDescription_Disposed ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ();
((IDisposable) resp).Dispose ();
try {
string statusDesc = resp.StatusDescription;
Assert.Fail ("#1:" + statusDesc);
} catch (ObjectDisposedException ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ObjectDisposedException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (HttpWebResponse).FullName, ex.ObjectName, "#5");
internal static byte [] FullResponseHandler (Socket socket)
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter ();
sw.NewLine = "\r\n";
sw.WriteLine ("HTTP/1.0 200 OK");
sw.WriteLine ("Server: Mono/Test");
sw.WriteLine ("Last-Modified: Wed, 08 Jan 2003 23:11:55 GMT");
sw.WriteLine ("Content-Encoding: identity");
sw.WriteLine ("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8");
sw.WriteLine ("Content-Length: 9");
sw.WriteLine ("Set-Cookie: UserID=Miguel");
sw.WriteLine ("Set-Cookie: StoreProfile=true");
sw.WriteLine ();
sw.Write ("<dummy />");
sw.Flush ();
return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (sw.ToString ());
internal static byte [] GzipResponseHandler (Socket socket)
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter ();
sw.NewLine = "\r\n";
sw.WriteLine ("HTTP/1.0 200 OK");
sw.WriteLine ("Server: Mono/Test");
sw.WriteLine ("Content-Encoding: gzip");
sw.WriteLine ("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8");
sw.WriteLine ();
sw.Flush ();
var gzipDummyXml = new byte[] {
0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x08, 0xb6, 0xb1, 0xd3, 0x58, 0x00, 0x03, 0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x67, 0x7a,
0x00, 0xb3, 0x49, 0x29, 0xcd, 0xcd, 0xad, 0x54, 0xd0, 0xb7, 0x03, 0x00, 0xed, 0x55, 0x32, 0xec,
0x09, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
var header = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (sw.ToString ());
var response = new byte[gzipDummyXml.Length + header.Length];
header.CopyTo(response, 0);
gzipDummyXml.CopyTo(response, header.Length);
return response;
public class HttpResponseStreamTest
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void BeginRead_Buffer_Null ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => HttpWebResponseTest.FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ()) {
Stream rs = resp.GetResponseStream ();
byte [] buffer = null;
try {
try {
rs.BeginRead (buffer, 0, 0, null, null);
Assert.Fail ("#A1");
} catch (ArgumentNullException ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentNullException), ex.GetType (), "#A2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#A3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#A4");
Assert.AreEqual ("buffer", ex.ParamName, "#A5");
// read full response
buffer = new byte [24];
Assert.AreEqual (9, rs.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length));
buffer = null;
try {
rs.BeginRead (buffer, 0, 0, null, null);
Assert.Fail ("#B1");
} catch (ArgumentNullException ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentNullException), ex.GetType (), "#B2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#B3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#B4");
Assert.AreEqual ("buffer", ex.ParamName, "#B5");
} finally {
rs.Close ();
req.Abort ();
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void BeginWrite ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => HttpWebResponseTest.FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ()) {
Stream rs = resp.GetResponseStream ();
byte [] buffer = new byte [5];
try {
rs.BeginWrite (buffer, 0, buffer.Length, null, null);
Assert.Fail ("#1");
} catch (NotSupportedException ex) {
// The stream does not support writing
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (NotSupportedException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
} finally {
rs.Close ();
req.Abort ();
[Category ("NotWorking")]
public void CanRead ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => HttpWebResponseTest.FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ()) {
Stream rs = resp.GetResponseStream ();
try {
Assert.IsTrue (rs.CanRead, "#1");
rs.Close ();
Assert.IsFalse (rs.CanRead, "#2");
} finally {
rs.Close ();
req.Abort ();
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void CanSeek ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => HttpWebResponseTest.FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ()) {
Stream rs = resp.GetResponseStream ();
try {
Assert.IsFalse (rs.CanSeek, "#1");
rs.Close ();
Assert.IsFalse (rs.CanSeek, "#2");
} finally {
rs.Close ();
req.Abort ();
[Test] // bug #324182
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void CanTimeout ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => HttpWebResponseTest.FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ()) {
Stream rs = resp.GetResponseStream ();
try {
Assert.IsTrue (rs.CanTimeout, "#1");
rs.Close ();
Assert.IsTrue (rs.CanTimeout, "#2");
} finally {
rs.Close ();
req.Abort ();
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void CanWrite ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => HttpWebResponseTest.FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ()) {
Stream rs = resp.GetResponseStream ();
try {
Assert.IsFalse (rs.CanWrite, "#1");
rs.Close ();
Assert.IsFalse (rs.CanWrite, "#2");
} finally {
rs.Close ();
req.Abort ();
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void Read ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => HttpWebResponseTest.FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ()) {
Stream rs = resp.GetResponseStream ();
byte [] buffer = new byte [5];
try {
Assert.AreEqual (1, rs.Read (buffer, 4, 1), "#A1");
Assert.AreEqual (new byte [] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3c }, buffer, "#A2");
Assert.AreEqual (2, rs.Read (buffer, 0, 2), "#B1");
Assert.AreEqual (new byte [] { 0x64, 0x75, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3c }, buffer, "#B2");
Assert.AreEqual (4, rs.Read (buffer, 1, 4), "#C1");
Assert.AreEqual (new byte [] { 0x64, 0x6d, 0x6d, 0x79, 0x20 }, buffer, "#C2");
Assert.AreEqual (2, rs.Read (buffer, 0, 3), "#D1");
Assert.AreEqual (new byte [] { 0x2f, 0x3e, 0x6d, 0x79, 0x20 }, buffer, "#D2");
Assert.AreEqual (0, rs.Read (buffer, 1, 3), "#E1");
Assert.AreEqual (new byte [] { 0x2f, 0x3e, 0x6d, 0x79, 0x20 }, buffer, "#E2");
Assert.AreEqual (0, rs.Read (buffer, buffer.Length, 0), "#G1");
Assert.AreEqual (new byte [] { 0x2f, 0x3e, 0x6d, 0x79, 0x20 }, buffer, "#G2");
} finally {
rs.Close ();
req.Abort ();
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void Read_Buffer_Null ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => HttpWebResponseTest.FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ()) {
Stream rs = resp.GetResponseStream ();
byte [] buffer = null;
try {
try {
rs.Read (buffer, 0, 0);
Assert.Fail ("#A1");
} catch (ArgumentNullException ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentNullException), ex.GetType (), "#A2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#A3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#A4");
Assert.AreEqual ("buffer", ex.ParamName, "#A5");
// read full response
buffer = new byte [24];
Assert.AreEqual (9, rs.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length));
buffer = null;
try {
rs.Read (buffer, 0, 0);
Assert.Fail ("#B1");
} catch (ArgumentNullException ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentNullException), ex.GetType (), "#B2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#B3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#B4");
Assert.AreEqual ("buffer", ex.ParamName, "#B5");
} finally {
rs.Close ();
req.Abort ();
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void Read_Count_Negative ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => HttpWebResponseTest.FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ()) {
Stream rs = resp.GetResponseStream ();
byte [] buffer = new byte [5];
try {
try {
rs.Read (buffer, 1, -1);
Assert.Fail ("#A1");
} catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) {
// Specified argument was out of the range of valid values
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException), ex.GetType (), "#A2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#A3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#A4");
Assert.AreEqual ("size", ex.ParamName, "#A5");
// read full response
buffer = new byte [24];
Assert.AreEqual (9, rs.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length));
try {
rs.Read (buffer, 1, -1);
Assert.Fail ("#B1");
} catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) {
// Specified argument was out of the range of valid values
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException), ex.GetType (), "#B2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#B3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#B4");
Assert.AreEqual ("size", ex.ParamName, "#B5");
} finally {
rs.Close ();
req.Abort ();
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void Read_Count_Overflow ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => HttpWebResponseTest.FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ()) {
Stream rs = resp.GetResponseStream ();
byte [] buffer = new byte [5];
try {
try {
rs.Read (buffer, buffer.Length - 2, 3);
Assert.Fail ("#A1");
} catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) {
// Specified argument was out of the range of valid values
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException), ex.GetType (), "#A2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#A3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#A4");
Assert.AreEqual ("size", ex.ParamName, "#A5");
// read full response
buffer = new byte [24];
Assert.AreEqual (9, rs.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length));
try {
rs.Read (buffer, buffer.Length - 2, 3);
Assert.Fail ("#B1");
} catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) {
// Specified argument was out of the range of valid values
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException), ex.GetType (), "#B2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#B3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#B4");
Assert.AreEqual ("size", ex.ParamName, "#B5");
} finally {
rs.Close ();
req.Abort ();
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void Read_Offset_Negative ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => HttpWebResponseTest.FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ()) {
Stream rs = resp.GetResponseStream ();
byte [] buffer = new byte [5];
try {
try {
rs.Read (buffer, -1, 0);
Assert.Fail ("#A1");
} catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) {
// Specified argument was out of the range of valid values
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException), ex.GetType (), "#A2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#A3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#A4");
Assert.AreEqual ("offset", ex.ParamName, "#A5");
// read full response
buffer = new byte [24];
Assert.AreEqual (9, rs.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length));
try {
rs.Read (buffer, -1, 0);
Assert.Fail ("#B1");
} catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) {
// Specified argument was out of the range of valid values
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException), ex.GetType (), "#B2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#B3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#B4");
Assert.AreEqual ("offset", ex.ParamName, "#B5");
} finally {
rs.Close ();
req.Abort ();
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void Read_Offset_Overflow ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => HttpWebResponseTest.FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ()) {
Stream rs = resp.GetResponseStream ();
byte [] buffer = new byte [5];
try {
try {
rs.Read (buffer, buffer.Length + 1, 0);
Assert.Fail ("#A1");
} catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) {
// Specified argument was out of the range of valid values
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException), ex.GetType (), "#A2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#A3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#A4");
Assert.AreEqual ("offset", ex.ParamName, "#A5");
// read full response
buffer = new byte [24];
Assert.AreEqual (9, rs.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length));
try {
rs.Read (buffer, buffer.Length + 1, 0);
Assert.Fail ("#B1");
} catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) {
// Specified argument was out of the range of valid values
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException), ex.GetType (), "#B2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#B3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#B4");
Assert.AreEqual ("offset", ex.ParamName, "#B5");
} finally {
rs.Close ();
req.Abort ();
[Category ("NotWorking")]
public void Read_Stream_Closed ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => HttpWebResponseTest.FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req;
req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ()) {
Stream rs = resp.GetResponseStream ();
rs.Close ();
try {
rs.Read (new byte [0], 0, 0);
Assert.Fail ("#A1");
} catch (WebException ex) {
// The request was aborted: The connection was closed unexpectedly
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (WebException), ex.GetType (), "#A2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#A3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#A4");
Assert.IsNull (ex.Response, "#A5");
Assert.AreEqual (WebExceptionStatus.ConnectionClosed, ex.Status, "#A6");
} finally {
rs.Close ();
req.Abort ();
req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ()) {
Stream rs = resp.GetResponseStream ();
byte [] buffer = new byte [24];
Assert.AreEqual (9, rs.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length));
rs.Close ();
try {
rs.Read (new byte [0], 0, 0);
Assert.Fail ("#B1");
} catch (WebException ex) {
// The request was aborted: The connection was closed unexpectedly
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (WebException), ex.GetType (), "#B2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#B3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#B4");
Assert.IsNull (ex.Response, "#B5");
Assert.AreEqual (WebExceptionStatus.ConnectionClosed, ex.Status, "#B6");
} finally {
rs.Close ();
req.Abort ();
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void ReadTimeout ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => HttpWebResponseTest.FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ()) {
Stream rs = resp.GetResponseStream ();
try {
Assert.AreEqual (2000, rs.ReadTimeout, "#1");
rs.Close ();
Assert.AreEqual (2000, rs.ReadTimeout, "#2");
} finally {
rs.Close ();
req.Abort ();
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void Write ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => HttpWebResponseTest.FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ()) {
Stream rs = resp.GetResponseStream ();
byte [] buffer = new byte [5];
try {
rs.Write (buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
Assert.Fail ("#1");
} catch (NotSupportedException ex) {
// The stream does not support writing
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (NotSupportedException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
} finally {
rs.Close ();
req.Abort ();
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void WriteTimeout ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => HttpWebResponseTest.FullResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ()) {
Stream rs = resp.GetResponseStream ();
try {
Assert.AreEqual (2000, rs.WriteTimeout, "#1");
rs.Close ();
Assert.AreEqual (2000, rs.WriteTimeout, "#2");
} finally {
rs.Close ();
req.Abort ();
[Category ("StaticLinkedAotNotWorking")] // Native MPH loading issues
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void AutomaticDecompression ()
IPEndPoint ep = NetworkHelpers.LocalEphemeralEndPoint();
string url = "http://" + ep.ToString () + "/test/";
using (SocketResponder responder = new SocketResponder (ep, s => HttpWebResponseTest.GzipResponseHandler (s))) {
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);
req.Method = "GET";
req.Timeout = 2000;
req.ReadWriteTimeout = 2000;
req.KeepAlive = false;
req.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip;
using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse ()) {
Stream rs = resp.GetResponseStream ();
byte [] buffer = new byte [24];
try {
// read full response
Assert.AreEqual (9, rs.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length));
Assert.IsNull (resp.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentEncoding]);
} finally {
rs.Close ();
req.Abort ();