2636 lines
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2636 lines
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// System.Convert.cs
// Authors:
// Derek Holden (dholden@draper.com)
// Duncan Mak (duncan@ximian.com)
// Marek Safar (marek.safar@gmail.com)
// (C) Ximian, Inc. http://www.ximian.com
// Copyright (C) 2013 Xamarin Inc (http://www.xamarin.com)
// System.Convert class. This was written word for word off the
// Library specification for System.Convert in the ECMA TC39 TG2
// and TG3 working documents. The first page of which has a table
// for all legal conversion scenerios.
// This header and the one above it can be formatted however, just trying
// to keep it consistent w/ the existing mcs headers.
// This Convert class could be written another way, with each type
// implementing IConvertible and defining their own conversion functions,
// and this class just calling the type's implementation. Or, they can
// be defined here and the implementing type can use these functions when
// defining their IConvertible interface. Byte's ToBoolean() calls
// Convert.ToBoolean(byte), or Convert.ToBoolean(byte) calls
// byte.ToBoolean(). The first case is what is done here.
// See http://lists.ximian.com/archives/public/mono-list/2001-July/000525.html
// There are also conversion functions that are not defined in
// the ECMA draft, such as there is no bool ToBoolean(DateTime value),
// and placing that somewhere won't compile w/ this Convert since the
// function doesn't exist. However calling that when using Microsoft's
// System.Convert doesn't produce any compiler errors, it just throws
// an InvalidCastException at runtime.
// Whenever a decimal, double, or single is converted to an integer
// based type, it is even rounded. This uses Math.Round which only
// has Round(decimal) and Round(double), so in the Convert from
// single cases the value is passed to Math as a double. This
// may not be completely necessary.
// The .NET Framework SDK lists DBNull as a member of this class
// as 'public static readonly object DBNull;'.
// It should also be decided if all the cast return values should be
// returned as unchecked or not.
// All the XML function comments were auto generated which is why they
// sound someone redundant.
// -----+--------------------------------------------------------------------
// BOOL | X X X X X X X X X X X X X
// BYTE | X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
// CHAR | X X X X X X X X X X
// DT | X X
// DEC | X X X X X X X X X X X X X
// DBL | X X X X X X X X X X X X X
// I16 | X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
// I32 | X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
// I64 | X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
// SBYT | X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
// SNGL | X X X X X X X X X X X X X
// STR | X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
// UI16 | X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
// UI32 | X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
// UI64 | X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
// Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace System {
// [CLSCompliant(false)]
public static class Convert {
// Fields
public static readonly object DBNull = System.DBNull.Value;
[MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
extern static byte [] InternalFromBase64String (string str, bool allowWhitespaceOnly);
[MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
extern static byte [] InternalFromBase64CharArray (char [] arr, int offset, int length);
public static byte[] FromBase64CharArray (char[] inArray, int offset, int length)
if (inArray == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("inArray");
if (offset < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset < 0");
if (length < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("length < 0");
// avoid integer overflow
if (offset > inArray.Length - length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset + length > array.Length");
return InternalFromBase64CharArray (inArray, offset, length);
public static byte[] FromBase64String (string s)
if (s == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("s");
if (s.Length == 0) {
return EmptyArray<byte>.Value;
return InternalFromBase64String (s, true);
public static TypeCode GetTypeCode (object value)
if (value == null)
return TypeCode.Empty;
return Type.GetTypeCode (value.GetType ());
public static bool IsDBNull (object value)
if (value is DBNull)
return true;
return false;
public static int ToBase64CharArray (byte[] inArray, int offsetIn, int length,
char[] outArray, int offsetOut)
if (inArray == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("inArray");
if (outArray == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("outArray");
if (offsetIn < 0 || length < 0 || offsetOut < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offsetIn, length, offsetOut < 0");
// avoid integer overflow
if (offsetIn > inArray.Length - length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offsetIn + length > array.Length");
// note: normally ToBase64Transform doesn't support multiple block processing
byte[] outArr = Base64Helper.TransformFinalBlock (inArray, offsetIn, length);
char[] cOutArr = new ASCIIEncoding ().GetChars (outArr);
// avoid integer overflow
if (offsetOut > outArray.Length - cOutArr.Length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offsetOut + cOutArr.Length > outArray.Length");
Array.Copy (cOutArr, 0, outArray, offsetOut, cOutArr.Length);
return cOutArr.Length;
public static string ToBase64String (byte[] inArray)
if (inArray == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("inArray");
return ToBase64String (inArray, 0, inArray.Length);
public static string ToBase64String (byte[] inArray, int offset, int length)
if (inArray == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("inArray");
if (offset < 0 || length < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset < 0 || length < 0");
// avoid integer overflow
if (offset > inArray.Length - length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset + length > array.Length");
// note: normally ToBase64Transform doesn't support multiple block processing
byte[] outArr = Base64Helper.TransformFinalBlock (inArray, offset, length);
return (new ASCIIEncoding ().GetString (outArr));
[ComVisible (false)]
public static string ToBase64String (byte[] inArray, Base64FormattingOptions options)
if (inArray == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("inArray");
return ToBase64String (inArray, 0, inArray.Length, options);
[ComVisible (false)]
public static string ToBase64String (byte[] inArray, int offset, int length, Base64FormattingOptions options)
if (inArray == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("inArray");
if (offset < 0 || length < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset < 0 || length < 0");
// avoid integer overflow
if (offset > inArray.Length - length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset + length > array.Length");
if (length == 0)
return String.Empty;
if (options == Base64FormattingOptions.InsertLineBreaks)
return ToBase64StringBuilderWithLine (inArray, offset, length).ToString ();
return Encoding.ASCII.GetString (Base64Helper.TransformFinalBlock (inArray, offset, length));
[ComVisible (false)]
public static int ToBase64CharArray (byte[] inArray, int offsetIn, int length,
char[] outArray, int offsetOut, Base64FormattingOptions options)
if (inArray == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("inArray");
if (outArray == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("outArray");
if (offsetIn < 0 || length < 0 || offsetOut < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offsetIn, length, offsetOut < 0");
// avoid integer overflow
if (offsetIn > inArray.Length - length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offsetIn + length > array.Length");
if (length == 0)
return 0;
// note: normally ToBase64Transform doesn't support multiple block processing
if (options == Base64FormattingOptions.InsertLineBreaks) {
StringBuilder sb = ToBase64StringBuilderWithLine (inArray, offsetIn, length);
sb.CopyTo (0, outArray, offsetOut, sb.Length);
return sb.Length;
} else {
byte[] outArr = Base64Helper.TransformFinalBlock (inArray, offsetIn, length);
char[] cOutArr = Encoding.ASCII.GetChars (outArr);
// avoid integer overflow
if (offsetOut > outArray.Length - cOutArr.Length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offsetOut + cOutArr.Length > outArray.Length");
Array.Copy (cOutArr, 0, outArray, offsetOut, cOutArr.Length);
return cOutArr.Length;
private const int MaxBytesPerLine = 57;
static StringBuilder ToBase64StringBuilderWithLine (byte [] inArray, int offset, int length)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
int remainder;
int full = Math.DivRem (length, MaxBytesPerLine, out remainder);
for (int i = 0; i < full; i ++) {
byte[] data = Base64Helper.TransformFinalBlock (inArray, offset, MaxBytesPerLine);
sb.AppendLine (Encoding.ASCII.GetString (data));
offset += MaxBytesPerLine;
// we never complete (i.e. the last line) with a new line
if (remainder == 0) {
int nll = Environment.NewLine.Length;
sb.Remove (sb.Length - nll, nll);
} else {
byte[] data = Base64Helper.TransformFinalBlock (inArray, offset, remainder);
sb.Append (Encoding.ASCII.GetString (data));
return sb;
// ========== Boolean Conversions ========== //
public static bool ToBoolean (bool value)
return value;
public static bool ToBoolean (byte value)
return (value != 0);
public static bool ToBoolean (char value)
throw new InvalidCastException (Locale.GetText ("Can't convert char to bool"));
public static bool ToBoolean (DateTime value)
throw new InvalidCastException (Locale.GetText ("Can't convert date to bool"));
public static bool ToBoolean (decimal value)
return (value != 0M);
public static bool ToBoolean (double value)
return (value != 0);
public static bool ToBoolean (float value)
return (value != 0f);
public static bool ToBoolean (int value)
return (value != 0);
public static bool ToBoolean (long value)
return (value != 0);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static bool ToBoolean (sbyte value)
return (value != 0);
public static bool ToBoolean (short value)
return (value != 0);
public static bool ToBoolean (string value)
if (value == null)
return false; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return Boolean.Parse (value);
public static bool ToBoolean (string value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return false; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return Boolean.Parse (value); // provider is ignored.
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static bool ToBoolean (uint value)
return (value != 0);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static bool ToBoolean (ulong value)
return (value != 0);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static bool ToBoolean (ushort value)
//if (value == null)
// return false;
return (value != 0);
public static bool ToBoolean (object value)
if (value == null)
return false;
return ToBoolean (value, null);
public static bool ToBoolean (object value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return false;
return ((IConvertible) value).ToBoolean (provider);
// ========== Byte Conversions ========== //
public static byte ToByte (bool value)
return (byte)(value ? 1 : 0);
public static byte ToByte (byte value)
return value;
public static byte ToByte (char value)
return checked ((byte) value);
public static byte ToByte (DateTime value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static byte ToByte (decimal value)
// Returned Even-Rounded
return checked ((byte) Math.Round (value));
public static byte ToByte (double value)
// Returned Even-Rounded
return checked ((byte) Math.Round (value));
public static byte ToByte (float value)
// Returned Even-Rounded, pass it as a double, could have this
// method just call Convert.ToByte ( (double)value)
return checked ((byte) Math.Round (value));
public static byte ToByte (int value)
return checked ((byte) value);
public static byte ToByte (long value)
return checked ((byte) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static byte ToByte (sbyte value)
return checked ((byte) value);
public static byte ToByte (short value)
return checked ((byte) value);
public static byte ToByte (string value)
if (value == null)
return 0; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return Byte.Parse (value);
public static byte ToByte (string value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return 0; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return Byte.Parse (value, provider);
public static byte ToByte (string value, int fromBase)
int retVal = ConvertFromBase (value, fromBase, true);
return checked ((byte) retVal);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static byte ToByte (uint value)
return checked ((byte) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static byte ToByte (ulong value)
return checked ((byte) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static byte ToByte (ushort value)
return checked ((byte) value);
public static byte ToByte (object value)
if (value == null)
return 0;
return ToByte (value, null);
public static byte ToByte (object value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return 0;
return ((IConvertible) value).ToByte (provider);
// ========== Char Conversions ========== //
public static char ToChar (bool value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static char ToChar (byte value)
return (char)value;
public static char ToChar (char value)
return value;
public static char ToChar (DateTime value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static char ToChar (decimal value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static char ToChar (double value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static char ToChar (int value)
return checked ((char) value);
public static char ToChar (long value)
return checked ((char) value);
public static char ToChar (float value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static char ToChar (sbyte value)
return checked ((char) value);
public static char ToChar (short value)
return checked ((char) value);
public static char ToChar (string value)
return Char.Parse (value);
public static char ToChar (string value, IFormatProvider provider)
return Char.Parse (value); // provider is ignored.
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static char ToChar (uint value)
return checked ((char) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static char ToChar (ulong value)
return checked ((char) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static char ToChar (ushort value)
return (char)value;
public static char ToChar (object value)
if (value == null)
return '\0';
return ToChar (value, null);
public static char ToChar (object value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return '\0';
return ((IConvertible) value).ToChar (provider);
// ========== DateTime Conversions ========== //
public static DateTime ToDateTime (string value)
if (value == null)
return DateTime.MinValue; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return DateTime.Parse (value);
public static DateTime ToDateTime (string value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return DateTime.MinValue; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return DateTime.Parse (value, provider);
public static DateTime ToDateTime (bool value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static DateTime ToDateTime (byte value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static DateTime ToDateTime (char value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static DateTime ToDateTime (DateTime value)
return value;
public static DateTime ToDateTime (decimal value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static DateTime ToDateTime (double value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static DateTime ToDateTime (short value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static DateTime ToDateTime (int value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static DateTime ToDateTime (long value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static DateTime ToDateTime (float value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static DateTime ToDateTime (object value)
if (value == null)
return DateTime.MinValue;
return ToDateTime (value, null);
public static DateTime ToDateTime (object value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return DateTime.MinValue;
return ((IConvertible) value).ToDateTime (provider);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static DateTime ToDateTime (sbyte value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static DateTime ToDateTime (ushort value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static DateTime ToDateTime (uint value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static DateTime ToDateTime (ulong value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
// ========== Decimal Conversions ========== //
public static decimal ToDecimal (bool value)
return value ? 1 : 0;
public static decimal ToDecimal (byte value)
return (decimal)value;
public static decimal ToDecimal (char value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static decimal ToDecimal (DateTime value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static decimal ToDecimal (decimal value)
return value;
public static decimal ToDecimal (double value)
return (decimal) value;
public static decimal ToDecimal (float value)
return (decimal) value;
public static decimal ToDecimal (int value)
return (decimal)value;
public static decimal ToDecimal (long value)
return (decimal)value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static decimal ToDecimal (sbyte value)
return (decimal)value;
public static decimal ToDecimal (short value)
return (decimal)value;
public static decimal ToDecimal (string value)
if (value == null)
return new Decimal (0); // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return Decimal.Parse (value);
public static decimal ToDecimal (string value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return new Decimal (0); // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return Decimal.Parse (value, provider);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static decimal ToDecimal (uint value)
return (decimal)value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static decimal ToDecimal (ulong value)
return (decimal)value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static decimal ToDecimal (ushort value)
return (decimal)value;
public static decimal ToDecimal (object value)
if (value == null)
return new Decimal (0);
return ToDecimal (value, null);
public static decimal ToDecimal (object value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return new Decimal (0);
return ((IConvertible) value).ToDecimal (provider);
// ========== Double Conversions ========== //
public static double ToDouble (bool value)
return value ? 1 : 0;
public static double ToDouble (byte value)
return (double) value;
public static double ToDouble (char value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static double ToDouble (DateTime value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static double ToDouble (decimal value)
return (double)value;
public static double ToDouble (double value)
return value;
public static double ToDouble (float value)
return (double) value;
public static double ToDouble (int value)
return (double)value;
public static double ToDouble (long value)
return (double)value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static double ToDouble (sbyte value)
return (double)value;
public static double ToDouble (short value)
return (double)value;
public static double ToDouble (string value)
if (value == null)
return 0.0; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return Double.Parse (value);
public static double ToDouble (string value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return 0.0; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return Double.Parse (value, provider);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static double ToDouble (uint value)
return (double)value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static double ToDouble (ulong value)
return (double)value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static double ToDouble (ushort value)
return (double)value;
public static double ToDouble (object value)
if (value == null)
return 0.0;
return ToDouble (value, null);
public static double ToDouble (object value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return 0.0;
return ((IConvertible) value).ToDouble (provider);
// ========== Int16 Conversions ========== //
public static short ToInt16 (bool value)
return (short)(value ? 1 : 0);
public static short ToInt16 (byte value)
return (short)value;
public static short ToInt16 (char value)
return checked ((short) value);
public static short ToInt16 (DateTime value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static short ToInt16 (decimal value)
// Returned Even-Rounded
return checked ((short) Math.Round (value));
public static short ToInt16 (double value)
// Returned Even-Rounded
return checked ((short) Math.Round (value));
public static short ToInt16 (float value)
// Returned Even-Rounded, use Math.Round pass as a double.
return checked ((short) Math.Round (value));
public static short ToInt16 (int value)
return checked ((short) value);
public static short ToInt16 (long value)
return checked ((short) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static short ToInt16 (sbyte value)
return value;
public static short ToInt16 (short value)
return value;
public static short ToInt16 (string value)
if (value == null)
return 0; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return Int16.Parse (value);
public static short ToInt16 (string value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return 0; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return Int16.Parse (value, provider);
public static short ToInt16 (string value, int fromBase)
int result = ConvertFromBase (value, fromBase, false);
if (fromBase != 10) {
if (result > ushort.MaxValue) {
throw new OverflowException ("Value was either too large or too small for an Int16.");
// note: no sign are available to detect negatives
if (result > Int16.MaxValue) {
// return negative 2's complement
return Convert.ToInt16 (-(65536 - result));
return Convert.ToInt16 (result);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static short ToInt16 (uint value)
return checked ((short) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static short ToInt16 (ulong value)
return checked ((short) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static short ToInt16 (ushort value)
return checked ((short) value);
public static short ToInt16 (object value)
if (value == null)
return 0;
return ToInt16 (value, null);
public static short ToInt16 (object value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return 0;
return ((IConvertible) value).ToInt16 (provider);
// ========== Int32 Conversions ========== //
public static int ToInt32 (bool value)
return value ? 1 : 0;
public static int ToInt32 (byte value)
return (int)value;
public static int ToInt32 (char value)
return (int)value;
public static int ToInt32 (DateTime value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static int ToInt32 (decimal value)
// Returned Even-Rounded
return checked ((int) Math.Round (value));
public static int ToInt32 (double value)
// Returned Even-Rounded
checked {
return (int)(Math.Round (value));
public static int ToInt32 (float value)
if (value > Int32.MaxValue || value < Int32.MinValue)
throw new OverflowException (Locale.GetText (
"Value is greater than Int32.MaxValue or less than Int32.MinValue"));
// Returned Even-Rounded, pass as a double, could just call
// Convert.ToInt32 ( (double)value);
checked {
return (int)(Math.Round ( (double)value));
public static int ToInt32 (int value)
return value;
public static int ToInt32 (long value)
return checked ((int) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static int ToInt32 (sbyte value)
return (int)value;
public static int ToInt32 (short value)
return (int)value;
public static int ToInt32 (string value)
if (value == null)
return 0; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return Int32.Parse (value);
public static int ToInt32 (string value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return 0; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return Int32.Parse (value, provider);
public static int ToInt32 (string value, int fromBase)
return ConvertFromBase (value, fromBase, false);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static int ToInt32 (uint value)
return checked ((int) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static int ToInt32 (ulong value)
return checked ((int) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static int ToInt32 (ushort value)
return (int)value;
public static int ToInt32 (object value)
if (value == null)
return 0;
return ToInt32 (value, null);
public static int ToInt32 (object value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return 0;
return ((IConvertible) value).ToInt32 (provider);
// ========== Int64 Conversions ========== //
public static long ToInt64 (bool value)
return value ? 1 : 0;
public static long ToInt64 (byte value)
return (long)(ulong)value;
public static long ToInt64 (char value)
return (long)value;
public static long ToInt64 (DateTime value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static long ToInt64 (decimal value)
// Returned Even-Rounded
return checked ((long) Math.Round (value));
public static long ToInt64 (double value)
// Returned Even-Rounded
return checked ((long) Math.Round (value));
public static long ToInt64 (float value)
// Returned Even-Rounded, pass to Math as a double, could
// just call Convert.ToInt64 ( (double)value);
return checked ((long) Math.Round (value));
public static long ToInt64 (int value)
return (long)value;
public static long ToInt64 (long value)
return value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static long ToInt64 (sbyte value)
return (long)value;
public static long ToInt64 (short value)
return (long)value;
public static long ToInt64 (string value)
if (value == null)
return 0; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return Int64.Parse (value);
public static long ToInt64 (string value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return 0; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return Int64.Parse (value, provider);
public static long ToInt64 (string value, int fromBase)
return ConvertFromBase64 (value, fromBase, false);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static long ToInt64 (uint value)
return (long)(ulong)value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static long ToInt64 (ulong value)
return checked ((long) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static long ToInt64 (ushort value)
return (long)(ulong)value;
public static long ToInt64 (object value)
if (value == null)
return 0;
return ToInt64 (value, null);
public static long ToInt64 (object value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return 0;
return ((IConvertible) value).ToInt64 (provider);
// ========== SByte Conversions ========== //
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static sbyte ToSByte (bool value)
return (sbyte)(value ? 1 : 0);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static sbyte ToSByte (byte value)
return checked ((sbyte) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static sbyte ToSByte (char value)
return checked ((sbyte) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static sbyte ToSByte (DateTime value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static sbyte ToSByte (decimal value)
// Returned Even-Rounded
return checked ((sbyte) Math.Round (value));
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static sbyte ToSByte (double value)
// Returned Even-Rounded
return checked ((sbyte) Math.Round (value));
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static sbyte ToSByte (float value)
// Returned Even-Rounded, pass as double to Math
return checked ((sbyte) Math.Round (value));
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static sbyte ToSByte (int value)
return checked ((sbyte) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static sbyte ToSByte (long value)
return checked ((sbyte) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static sbyte ToSByte (sbyte value)
return value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static sbyte ToSByte (short value)
return checked ((sbyte) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static sbyte ToSByte (string value)
if (value == null)
return 0; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return SByte.Parse (value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static sbyte ToSByte (string value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");
return SByte.Parse (value, provider);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static sbyte ToSByte (string value, int fromBase)
int result = ConvertFromBase (value, fromBase, false);
if (fromBase != 10) {
// note: no sign are available to detect negatives
if (result > SByte.MaxValue) {
// return negative 2's complement
return Convert.ToSByte (-(256 - result));
return Convert.ToSByte (result);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static sbyte ToSByte (uint value)
return checked ((sbyte) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static sbyte ToSByte (ulong value)
return checked ((sbyte) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static sbyte ToSByte (ushort value)
return checked ((sbyte) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static sbyte ToSByte (object value)
if (value == null)
return 0;
return ToSByte (value, null);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static sbyte ToSByte (object value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return 0;
return ((IConvertible) value).ToSByte (provider);
// ========== Single Conversions ========== //
public static float ToSingle (bool value)
return value ? 1 : 0;
public static float ToSingle (byte value)
return (float)value;
public static float ToSingle (Char value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static float ToSingle (DateTime value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
public static float ToSingle (decimal value)
return (float)value;
public static float ToSingle (double value)
return (float)value;
public static float ToSingle (float value)
return value;
public static float ToSingle (int value)
return (float)value;
public static float ToSingle (long value)
return (float)value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static float ToSingle (sbyte value)
return (float)value;
public static float ToSingle (short value)
return (float)value;
public static float ToSingle (string value)
if (value == null)
return 0.0f; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return Single.Parse (value);
public static float ToSingle (string value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return 0.0f; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return Single.Parse (value, provider);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static float ToSingle (uint value)
return (float)value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static float ToSingle (ulong value)
return (float)value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static float ToSingle (ushort value)
return (float)value;
public static float ToSingle (object value)
if (value == null)
return 0.0f;
return ToSingle (value, null);
// [CLSCompliant (false)]
public static float ToSingle (object value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return 0.0f;
return ((IConvertible) value).ToSingle (provider);
// ========== String Conversions ========== //
public static string ToString (bool value)
return value.ToString ();
public static string ToString (bool value, IFormatProvider provider)
return value.ToString (); // the same as ToString (bool).
public static string ToString (byte value)
return value.ToString ();
public static string ToString (byte value, IFormatProvider provider)
return value.ToString (provider);
public static string ToString (byte value, int toBase)
if (value == 0)
return "0";
if (toBase == 10)
return value.ToString ();
byte[] val = BitConverter.GetBytes (value);
switch (toBase) {
case 2:
return ConvertToBase2 (val);
case 8:
return ConvertToBase8 (val);
case 16:
return ConvertToBase16 (val);
throw new ArgumentException (Locale.GetText ("toBase is not valid."));
public static string ToString (char value)
return value.ToString ();
public static string ToString (char value, IFormatProvider provider)
return value.ToString (); // the same as ToString (char)
public static string ToString (DateTime value)
return value.ToString ();
public static string ToString (DateTime value, IFormatProvider provider)
return value.ToString (provider);
public static string ToString (decimal value)
return value.ToString ();
public static string ToString (decimal value, IFormatProvider provider)
return value.ToString (provider);
public static string ToString (double value)
return value.ToString ();
public static string ToString (double value, IFormatProvider provider)
return value.ToString (provider);
public static string ToString (float value)
return value.ToString ();
public static string ToString (float value, IFormatProvider provider)
return value.ToString (provider);
public static string ToString (int value)
return value.ToString ();
public static string ToString (int value, int toBase)
if (value == 0)
return "0";
if (toBase == 10)
return value.ToString ();
byte[] val = BitConverter.GetBytes (value);
switch (toBase) {
case 2:
return ConvertToBase2 (val);
case 8:
return ConvertToBase8 (val);
case 16:
return ConvertToBase16 (val);
throw new ArgumentException (Locale.GetText ("toBase is not valid."));
public static string ToString (int value, IFormatProvider provider)
return value.ToString (provider);
public static string ToString (long value)
return value.ToString ();
public static string ToString (long value, int toBase)
if (value == 0)
return "0";
if (toBase == 10)
return value.ToString ();
byte[] val = BitConverter.GetBytes (value);
switch (toBase) {
case 2:
return ConvertToBase2 (val);
case 8:
return ConvertToBase8 (val);
case 16:
return ConvertToBase16 (val);
throw new ArgumentException (Locale.GetText ("toBase is not valid."));
public static string ToString (long value, IFormatProvider provider)
return value.ToString (provider);
public static string ToString (object value)
return ToString (value, null);
public static string ToString (object value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value is IConvertible)
return ((IConvertible) value).ToString (provider);
else if (value != null)
return value.ToString ();
return String.Empty;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static string ToString (sbyte value)
return value.ToString ();
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static string ToString (sbyte value, IFormatProvider provider)
return value.ToString (provider);
public static string ToString (short value)
return value.ToString ();
public static string ToString (short value, int toBase)
if (value == 0)
return "0";
if (toBase == 10)
return value.ToString ();
byte[] val = BitConverter.GetBytes (value);
switch (toBase) {
case 2:
return ConvertToBase2 (val);
case 8:
return ConvertToBase8 (val);
case 16:
return ConvertToBase16 (val);
throw new ArgumentException (Locale.GetText ("toBase is not valid."));
public static string ToString (short value, IFormatProvider provider)
return value.ToString (provider);
public static string ToString (string value)
return value;
public static string ToString (string value, IFormatProvider provider)
return value; // provider is ignored.
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static string ToString (uint value)
return value.ToString ();
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static string ToString (uint value, IFormatProvider provider)
return value.ToString (provider);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static string ToString (ulong value)
return value.ToString ();
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static string ToString (ulong value, IFormatProvider provider)
return value.ToString (provider);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static string ToString (ushort value)
return value.ToString ();
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static string ToString (ushort value, IFormatProvider provider)
return value.ToString (provider);
// ========== UInt16 Conversions ========== //
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ushort ToUInt16 (bool value)
return (ushort)(value ? 1 : 0);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ushort ToUInt16 (byte value)
return (ushort)value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ushort ToUInt16 (char value)
return (ushort)value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ushort ToUInt16 (DateTime value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ushort ToUInt16 (decimal value)
// Returned Even-Rounded
return checked ((ushort) Math.Round (value));
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ushort ToUInt16 (double value)
// Returned Even-Rounded
return checked ((ushort) Math.Round (value));
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ushort ToUInt16 (float value)
// Returned Even-Rounded, pass as double to Math
return checked ((ushort) Math.Round (value));
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ushort ToUInt16 (int value)
return checked ((ushort) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ushort ToUInt16 (long value)
return checked ((ushort) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ushort ToUInt16 (sbyte value)
return checked ((ushort) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ushort ToUInt16 (short value)
return checked ((ushort) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ushort ToUInt16 (string value)
if (value == null)
return 0; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return UInt16.Parse (value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ushort ToUInt16 (string value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return 0; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return UInt16.Parse (value, provider);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ushort ToUInt16 (string value, int fromBase)
return ToUInt16 (ConvertFromBase (value, fromBase, true));
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ushort ToUInt16 (uint value)
return checked ((ushort) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ushort ToUInt16 (ulong value)
return checked ((ushort) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ushort ToUInt16 (ushort value)
return value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ushort ToUInt16 (object value)
if (value == null)
return 0;
return ToUInt16 (value, null);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ushort ToUInt16 (object value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return 0;
return ((IConvertible) value).ToUInt16 (provider);
// ========== UInt32 Conversions ========== //
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static uint ToUInt32 (bool value)
return (uint)(value ? 1 : 0);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static uint ToUInt32 (byte value)
return (uint)value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static uint ToUInt32 (char value)
return (uint)value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static uint ToUInt32 (DateTime value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("This conversion is not supported.");
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static uint ToUInt32 (decimal value)
// Returned Even-Rounded
return checked ((uint) Math.Round (value));
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static uint ToUInt32 (double value)
// Returned Even-Rounded
return checked ((uint) Math.Round (value));
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static uint ToUInt32 (float value)
// Returned Even-Rounded, pass as double to Math
return checked ((uint) Math.Round (value));
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static uint ToUInt32 (int value)
return checked ((uint) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static uint ToUInt32 (long value)
return checked ((uint) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static uint ToUInt32 (sbyte value)
return checked ((uint) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static uint ToUInt32 (short value)
return checked ((uint) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static uint ToUInt32 (string value)
if (value == null)
return 0; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return UInt32.Parse (value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static uint ToUInt32 (string value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return 0; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return UInt32.Parse (value, provider);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static uint ToUInt32 (string value, int fromBase)
return (uint) ConvertFromBase (value, fromBase, true);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static uint ToUInt32 (uint value)
return value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static uint ToUInt32 (ulong value)
return checked ((uint) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static uint ToUInt32 (ushort value)
return (uint)value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static uint ToUInt32 (object value)
if (value == null)
return 0;
return ToUInt32 (value, null);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static uint ToUInt32 (object value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return 0;
return ((IConvertible) value).ToUInt32 (provider);
// ========== UInt64 Conversions ========== //
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ulong ToUInt64 (bool value)
return (ulong)(value ? 1 : 0);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ulong ToUInt64 (byte value)
return (ulong)value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ulong ToUInt64 (char value)
return (ulong)value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ulong ToUInt64 (DateTime value)
throw new InvalidCastException ("The conversion is not supported.");
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ulong ToUInt64 (decimal value)
// Returned Even-Rounded
return checked ((ulong) Math.Round (value));
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ulong ToUInt64 (double value)
// Returned Even-Rounded
return checked ((ulong) Math.Round (value));
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ulong ToUInt64 (float value)
// Returned Even-Rounded, pass as a double to Math
return checked ((ulong) Math.Round (value));
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ulong ToUInt64 (int value)
return checked ((ulong) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ulong ToUInt64 (long value)
return checked ((ulong) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ulong ToUInt64 (sbyte value)
return checked ((ulong) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ulong ToUInt64 (short value)
return checked ((ulong) value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ulong ToUInt64 (string value)
if (value == null)
return 0; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return UInt64.Parse (value);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ulong ToUInt64 (string value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return 0; // LAMESPEC: Spec says throw ArgumentNullException
return UInt64.Parse (value, provider);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ulong ToUInt64 (string value, int fromBase)
return (ulong) ConvertFromBase64 (value, fromBase, true);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ulong ToUInt64 (uint value)
return (ulong)value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ulong ToUInt64 (ulong value)
return value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ulong ToUInt64 (ushort value)
return (ulong)value;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ulong ToUInt64 (object value)
if (value == null)
return 0;
return ToUInt64 (value, null);
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public static ulong ToUInt64 (object value, IFormatProvider provider)
if (value == null)
return 0;
return ((IConvertible) value).ToUInt64 (provider);
// ========== Conversion / Helper Functions ========== //
public static object ChangeType (object value, Type conversionType)
if ((value != null) && (conversionType == null))
throw new ArgumentNullException ("conversionType");
CultureInfo ci = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
IFormatProvider provider;
if (conversionType == typeof(DateTime)) {
provider = ci.DateTimeFormat;
else {
provider = ci.NumberFormat;
return ToType (value, conversionType, provider, true);
public static object ChangeType (object value, TypeCode typeCode)
CultureInfo ci = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
Type conversionType = conversionTable [(int) typeCode];
IFormatProvider provider;
if (conversionType == typeof(DateTime)) {
provider = ci.DateTimeFormat;
else {
provider = ci.NumberFormat;
return ToType (value, conversionType, provider, true);
public static object ChangeType (object value, Type conversionType, IFormatProvider provider)
if ((value != null) && (conversionType == null))
throw new ArgumentNullException ("conversionType");
return ToType (value, conversionType, provider, true);
public static object ChangeType (object value, TypeCode typeCode, IFormatProvider provider)
Type conversionType = conversionTable [(int)typeCode];
return ToType (value, conversionType, provider, true);
private static bool NotValidBase (int value)
if ((value == 2) || (value == 8) ||
(value == 10) || (value == 16))
return false;
return true;
private static int ConvertFromBase (string value, int fromBase, bool unsigned)
if (NotValidBase (fromBase))
throw new ArgumentException ("fromBase is not valid.");
if (value == null)
return 0;
int chars = 0;
int result = 0;
int digitValue;
int i=0;
int len = value.Length;
bool negative = false;
// special processing for some bases
switch (fromBase) {
case 10:
if (value.Substring (i, 1) == "-") {
if (unsigned) {
throw new OverflowException (
Locale.GetText ("The string was being parsed as"
+ " an unsigned number and could not have a"
+ " negative sign."));
negative = true;
case 16:
if (value.Substring (i, 1) == "-") {
throw new ArgumentException ("String cannot contain a "
+ "minus sign if the base is not 10.");
if (len >= i + 2) {
// 0x00 or 0X00
if ((value[i] == '0') && ((value [i+1] == 'x') || (value [i+1] == 'X'))) {
if (value.Substring (i, 1) == "-") {
throw new ArgumentException ("String cannot contain a "
+ "minus sign if the base is not 10.");
if (len == i) {
throw new FormatException ("Could not find any parsable digits.");
if (value[i] == '+') {
while (i < len) {
char c = value[i++];
if (Char.IsNumber (c)) {
digitValue = c - '0';
} else if (Char.IsLetter (c)) {
digitValue = Char.ToLowerInvariant (c) - 'a' + 10;
} else {
if (chars > 0) {
throw new FormatException ("Additional unparsable "
+ "characters are at the end of the string.");
} else {
throw new FormatException ("Could not find any parsable"
+ " digits.");
if (digitValue >= fromBase) {
if (chars > 0) {
throw new FormatException ("Additional unparsable "
+ "characters are at the end of the string.");
} else {
throw new FormatException ("Could not find any parsable"
+ " digits.");
result = (fromBase) * result + digitValue;
chars ++;
if (chars == 0)
throw new FormatException ("Could not find any parsable digits.");
if (negative)
return -result;
return result;
// note: this has nothing to do with base64 encoding (just base and Int64)
private static long ConvertFromBase64 (string value, int fromBase, bool unsigned)
if (NotValidBase (fromBase))
throw new ArgumentException ("fromBase is not valid.");
if (value == null)
return 0;
int chars = 0;
int digitValue = -1;
long result = 0;
bool negative = false;
int i = 0;
int len = value.Length;
// special processing for some bases
switch (fromBase) {
case 10:
if (value.Substring(i, 1) == "-") {
if (unsigned) {
throw new OverflowException (
Locale.GetText ("The string was being parsed as"
+ " an unsigned number and could not have a"
+ " negative sign."));
negative = true;
case 16:
if (value.Substring (i, 1) == "-") {
throw new ArgumentException ("String cannot contain a "
+ "minus sign if the base is not 10.");
if (len >= i + 2) {
// 0x00 or 0X00
if ((value[i] == '0') && ((value[i + 1] == 'x') || (value[i + 1] == 'X'))) {
i += 2;
if (value.Substring (i, 1) == "-") {
throw new ArgumentException ("String cannot contain a "
+ "minus sign if the base is not 10.");
if (len == i) {
throw new FormatException ("Could not find any parsable digits.");
if (value[i] == '+') {
while (i < len) {
char c = value[i++];
if (Char.IsNumber (c)) {
digitValue = c - '0';
} else if (Char.IsLetter (c)) {
digitValue = Char.ToLowerInvariant (c) - 'a' + 10;
} else {
if (chars > 0) {
throw new FormatException ("Additional unparsable "
+ "characters are at the end of the string.");
} else {
throw new FormatException ("Could not find any parsable"
+ " digits.");
if (digitValue >= fromBase) {
if (chars > 0) {
throw new FormatException ("Additional unparsable "
+ "characters are at the end of the string.");
} else {
throw new FormatException ("Could not find any parsable"
+ " digits.");
result = fromBase * result + digitValue;
chars ++;
if (chars == 0)
throw new FormatException ("Could not find any parsable digits.");
if (negative)
return -1 * result;
return result;
private static void EndianSwap (ref byte[] value)
byte[] buf = new byte[value.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
buf[i] = value[value.Length-1-i];
value = buf;
private static string ConvertToBase2 (byte[] value)
if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
EndianSwap (ref value);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
for (int i = value.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
byte b = value [i];
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
if ((b & 0x80) == 0x80) {
sb.Append ('1');
else {
if (sb.Length > 0)
sb.Append ('0');
b <<= 1;
return sb.ToString ();
private static string ConvertToBase8 (byte[] value)
ulong l = 0;
switch (value.Length) {
case 1:
l = (ulong) value [0];
case 2:
l = (ulong) BitConverter.ToUInt16 (value, 0);
case 4:
l = (ulong) BitConverter.ToUInt32 (value, 0);
case 8:
l = BitConverter.ToUInt64 (value, 0);
throw new ArgumentException ("value");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
for (int i = 21; i >= 0; i--) {
// 3 bits at the time
char val = (char) ((l >> i * 3) & 0x7);
if ((val != 0) || (sb.Length > 0)) {
val += '0';
sb.Append (val);
return sb.ToString ();
private static string ConvertToBase16 (byte[] value)
if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
EndianSwap (ref value);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
for (int i = value.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
char high = (char)((value[i] >> 4) & 0x0f);
if ((high != 0) || (sb.Length > 0)) {
if (high < 10)
high += '0';
else {
high -= (char) 10;
high += 'a';
sb.Append (high);
char low = (char)(value[i] & 0x0f);
if ((low != 0) || (sb.Length > 0)) {
if (low < 10)
low += '0';
else {
low -= (char) 10;
low += 'a';
sb.Append (low);
return sb.ToString ();
// Lookup table for the conversion ToType method. Order
// is important! Used by ToType for comparing the target
// type, and uses hardcoded array indexes.
private static readonly Type[] conversionTable = {
// Valid ICovnertible Types
null, // 0 empty
typeof (object), // 1 TypeCode.Object
typeof (DBNull), // 2 TypeCode.DBNull
typeof (Boolean), // 3 TypeCode.Boolean
typeof (Char), // 4 TypeCode.Char
typeof (SByte), // 5 TypeCode.SByte
typeof (Byte), // 6 TypeCode.Byte
typeof (Int16), // 7 TypeCode.Int16
typeof (UInt16), // 8 TypeCode.UInt16
typeof (Int32), // 9 TypeCode.Int32
typeof (UInt32), // 10 TypeCode.UInt32
typeof (Int64), // 11 TypeCode.Int64
typeof (UInt64), // 12 TypeCode.UInt64
typeof (Single), // 13 TypeCode.Single
typeof (Double), // 14 TypeCode.Double
typeof (Decimal), // 15 TypeCode.Decimal
typeof (DateTime), // 16 TypeCode.DateTime
null, // 17 null.
typeof (String), // 18 TypeCode.String
typeof (Enum)
// Function to convert an object to another type and return
// it as an object. In place for the core data types to use
// when implementing IConvertible. Uses hardcoded indexes in
// the conversionTypes array, so if modify carefully.
// The `try_target_to_type' boolean indicates if the code
// should try to call the IConvertible.ToType method if everything
// else fails.
// This should be true for invocations from Convert.cs, and
// false from the mscorlib types that implement IConvertible that
// all into this internal function.
// This was added to keep the fix for #481687 working and to avoid
// the regression that the simple fix introduced (485377)
internal static object ToType (object value, Type conversionType, IFormatProvider provider, bool try_target_to_type)
if (value == null) {
if ((conversionType != null) && conversionType.IsValueType){
throw new InvalidCastException ("Null object can not be converted to a value type.");
} else
return null;
if (conversionType == null)
throw new InvalidCastException ("Cannot cast to destination type.");
if (value.GetType () == conversionType)
return value;
IConvertible convertValue = value as IConvertible;
if (convertValue != null) {
if (conversionType == conversionTable[0]) // 0 Empty
throw new ArgumentNullException ();
if (conversionType == conversionTable[1]) // 1 TypeCode.Object
return value;
if (conversionType == conversionTable[2]) // 2 TypeCode.DBNull
throw new InvalidCastException (
"Cannot cast to DBNull, it's not IConvertible");
if (conversionType == conversionTable[3]) // 3 TypeCode.Boolean
return convertValue.ToBoolean (provider);
if (conversionType == conversionTable[4]) // 4 TypeCode.Char
return convertValue.ToChar (provider);
if (conversionType == conversionTable[5]) // 5 TypeCode.SByte
return convertValue.ToSByte (provider);
if (conversionType == conversionTable[6]) // 6 TypeCode.Byte
return convertValue.ToByte (provider);
if (conversionType == conversionTable[7]) // 7 TypeCode.Int16
return convertValue.ToInt16 (provider);
if (conversionType == conversionTable[8]) // 8 TypeCode.UInt16
return convertValue.ToUInt16 (provider);
if (conversionType == conversionTable[9]) // 9 TypeCode.Int32
return convertValue.ToInt32 (provider);
if (conversionType == conversionTable[10]) // 10 TypeCode.UInt32
return convertValue.ToUInt32 (provider);
if (conversionType == conversionTable[11]) // 11 TypeCode.Int64
return convertValue.ToInt64 (provider);
if (conversionType == conversionTable[12]) // 12 TypeCode.UInt64
return convertValue.ToUInt64 (provider);
if (conversionType == conversionTable[13]) // 13 TypeCode.Single
return convertValue.ToSingle (provider);
if (conversionType == conversionTable[14]) // 14 TypeCode.Double
return convertValue.ToDouble (provider);
if (conversionType == conversionTable[15]) // 15 TypeCode.Decimal
return convertValue.ToDecimal (provider);
if (conversionType == conversionTable[16]) // 16 TypeCode.DateTime
return convertValue.ToDateTime (provider);
if (conversionType == conversionTable[18]) // 18 TypeCode.String
return convertValue.ToString (provider);
if (conversionType == conversionTable[19] && value is Enum) // System.Enum
return value;
if (try_target_to_type)
return convertValue.ToType (conversionType, provider);
// Not in the conversion table
throw new InvalidCastException ((Locale.GetText (
"Value is not a convertible object: " + value.GetType().ToString() + " to " + conversionType.FullName)));