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377 lines
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// <copyright file="XsltConvert.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// <owner current="true" primary="true">Microsoft</owner>
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.Xml.Xsl;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace System.Xml.Xsl.Runtime {
using Res = System.Xml.Utils.Res;
/// <summary>
/// Contains conversion routines used by Xslt. These conversions fall into several categories:
/// 1. Internal type to internal type: These are conversions from one of the five Xslt types to another
/// of the five types.
/// 2. External type to internal type: These are conversions from any of the Xsd types to one of the five
/// Xslt types.
/// 3. Internal type to external type: These are conversions from one of the five Xslt types to any of
/// of the Xsd types.
/// </summary>
public static class XsltConvert {
internal static readonly Type BooleanType = typeof(bool);
internal static readonly Type ByteArrayType = typeof(byte[]);
internal static readonly Type ByteType = typeof(byte);
internal static readonly Type DateTimeType = typeof(DateTime);
internal static readonly Type DecimalType = typeof(decimal);
internal static readonly Type DoubleType = typeof(double);
internal static readonly Type ICollectionType = typeof(ICollection);
internal static readonly Type IEnumerableType = typeof(IEnumerable);
internal static readonly Type IListType = typeof(IList);
internal static readonly Type Int16Type = typeof(short);
internal static readonly Type Int32Type = typeof(int);
internal static readonly Type Int64Type = typeof(long);
internal static readonly Type IXPathNavigableType = typeof(IXPathNavigable);
internal static readonly Type ObjectType = typeof(object);
internal static readonly Type SByteType = typeof(sbyte);
internal static readonly Type SingleType = typeof(float);
internal static readonly Type StringType = typeof(string);
internal static readonly Type TimeSpanType = typeof(TimeSpan);
internal static readonly Type UInt16Type = typeof(ushort);
internal static readonly Type UInt32Type = typeof(uint);
internal static readonly Type UInt64Type = typeof(ulong);
internal static readonly Type UriType = typeof(Uri);
internal static readonly Type VoidType = typeof(void);
internal static readonly Type XmlAtomicValueType = typeof(XmlAtomicValue);
internal static readonly Type XmlQualifiedNameType = typeof(XmlQualifiedName);
internal static readonly Type XPathItemType = typeof(XPathItem);
internal static readonly Type XPathNavigatorArrayType = typeof(XPathNavigator[]);
internal static readonly Type XPathNavigatorType = typeof(XPathNavigator);
internal static readonly Type XPathNodeIteratorType = typeof(XPathNodeIterator);
// ToBoolean (internal type to internal type)
public static bool ToBoolean(XPathItem item) {
if (item.IsNode)
return true;
Type itemType = item.ValueType;
if (itemType == StringType) {
return item.Value.Length != 0;
else if (itemType == DoubleType) {
// (x < 0 || 0 < x) == (x != 0) && !Double.IsNaN(x)
double dbl = item.ValueAsDouble;
return dbl < 0 || 0 < dbl;
else {
Debug.Assert(itemType == BooleanType, "Unexpected type of atomic sequence " + itemType.ToString());
return item.ValueAsBoolean;
public static bool ToBoolean(IList<XPathItem> listItems) {
if (listItems.Count == 0)
return false;
return ToBoolean(listItems[0]);
// ToDouble (internal type to internal type)
public static double ToDouble(string value) {
return XPathConvert.StringToDouble(value);
public static double ToDouble(XPathItem item) {
if (item.IsNode)
return XPathConvert.StringToDouble(item.Value);
Type itemType = item.ValueType;
if (itemType == StringType) {
return XPathConvert.StringToDouble(item.Value);
else if (itemType == DoubleType) {
return item.ValueAsDouble;
else {
Debug.Assert(itemType == BooleanType, "Unexpected type of atomic sequence " + itemType.ToString());
return item.ValueAsBoolean ? 1d : 0d;
public static double ToDouble(IList<XPathItem> listItems) {
if (listItems.Count == 0)
return Double.NaN;
return ToDouble(listItems[0]);
// ToNode (internal type to internal type)
public static XPathNavigator ToNode(XPathItem item) {
if (!item.IsNode) {
// Create Navigator over text node containing string value of item
XPathDocument doc = new XPathDocument();
XmlRawWriter writer = doc.LoadFromWriter(XPathDocument.LoadFlags.AtomizeNames, string.Empty);
return doc.CreateNavigator();
RtfNavigator rtf = item as RtfNavigator;
if (rtf != null)
return rtf.ToNavigator();
return (XPathNavigator) item;
public static XPathNavigator ToNode(IList<XPathItem> listItems) {
if (listItems.Count == 1)
return ToNode(listItems[0]);
throw new XslTransformException(Res.Xslt_NodeSetNotNode, string.Empty);
// ToNodes (internal type to internal type)
public static IList<XPathNavigator> ToNodeSet(XPathItem item) {
return new XmlQueryNodeSequence(ToNode(item));
public static IList<XPathNavigator> ToNodeSet(IList<XPathItem> listItems) {
if (listItems.Count == 1)
return new XmlQueryNodeSequence(ToNode(listItems[0]));
return XmlILStorageConverter.ItemsToNavigators(listItems);
// ToString (internal type to internal type)
public static string ToString(double value) {
return XPathConvert.DoubleToString(value);
public static string ToString(XPathItem item) {
// Use XPath 1.0 rules to convert double to string
if (!item.IsNode && item.ValueType == DoubleType)
return XPathConvert.DoubleToString(item.ValueAsDouble);
return item.Value;
public static string ToString(IList<XPathItem> listItems) {
if (listItems.Count == 0)
return string.Empty;
return ToString(listItems[0]);
// External type to internal type
public static string ToString(DateTime value) {
return (new XsdDateTime(value, XsdDateTimeFlags.DateTime)).ToString();
public static double ToDouble(decimal value) {
return (double) value;
public static double ToDouble(int value) {
return (double) value;
public static double ToDouble(long value) {
return (double) value;
// Internal type to external type
public static decimal ToDecimal(double value) {
checked { return (decimal) value; }
public static int ToInt(double value) {
checked { return (int) value; }
public static long ToLong(double value) {
checked { return (long) value; }
public static DateTime ToDateTime(string value) {
return (DateTime)(new XsdDateTime(value, XsdDateTimeFlags.AllXsd));
// External type to external type
internal static XmlAtomicValue ConvertToType(XmlAtomicValue value, XmlQueryType destinationType) {
Debug.Assert(destinationType.IsStrict && destinationType.IsAtomicValue, "Can only convert to strict atomic type.");
// This conversion matrix should match the one in XmlILVisitor.GetXsltConvertMethod
switch (destinationType.TypeCode) {
case XmlTypeCode.Boolean:
switch (value.XmlType.TypeCode) {
case XmlTypeCode.Boolean:
case XmlTypeCode.Double:
case XmlTypeCode.String:
return new XmlAtomicValue(destinationType.SchemaType, ToBoolean(value));
case XmlTypeCode.DateTime:
if (value.XmlType.TypeCode == XmlTypeCode.String)
return new XmlAtomicValue(destinationType.SchemaType, ToDateTime(value.Value));
case XmlTypeCode.Decimal:
if (value.XmlType.TypeCode == XmlTypeCode.Double)
return new XmlAtomicValue(destinationType.SchemaType, ToDecimal(value.ValueAsDouble));
case XmlTypeCode.Double:
switch (value.XmlType.TypeCode) {
case XmlTypeCode.Boolean:
case XmlTypeCode.Double:
case XmlTypeCode.String:
return new XmlAtomicValue(destinationType.SchemaType, ToDouble(value));
case XmlTypeCode.Decimal:
return new XmlAtomicValue(destinationType.SchemaType, ToDouble((decimal) value.ValueAs(DecimalType, null)));
case XmlTypeCode.Int:
case XmlTypeCode.Long:
return new XmlAtomicValue(destinationType.SchemaType, ToDouble(value.ValueAsLong));
case XmlTypeCode.Int:
case XmlTypeCode.Long:
if (value.XmlType.TypeCode == XmlTypeCode.Double)
return new XmlAtomicValue(destinationType.SchemaType, ToLong(value.ValueAsDouble));
case XmlTypeCode.String:
switch (value.XmlType.TypeCode) {
case XmlTypeCode.Boolean:
case XmlTypeCode.Double:
case XmlTypeCode.String:
return new XmlAtomicValue(destinationType.SchemaType, ToString(value));
case XmlTypeCode.DateTime:
return new XmlAtomicValue(destinationType.SchemaType, ToString(value.ValueAsDateTime));
Debug.Fail("Conversion from " + value.XmlType.QualifiedName.Name + " to " + destinationType + " is not supported.");
return value;
// EnsureXXX methods (TreatAs)
public static IList<XPathNavigator> EnsureNodeSet(IList<XPathItem> listItems) {
if (listItems.Count == 1) {
XPathItem item = listItems[0];
if (!item.IsNode)
throw new XslTransformException(Res.XPath_NodeSetExpected, string.Empty);
if (item is RtfNavigator)
throw new XslTransformException(Res.XPath_RtfInPathExpr, string.Empty);
return XmlILStorageConverter.ItemsToNavigators(listItems);
// InferXsltType
/// <summary>
/// Infer one of the Xslt types from "clrType" -- Boolean, Double, String, Node, Node*, Item*.
/// </summary>
internal static XmlQueryType InferXsltType(Type clrType) {
if (clrType == BooleanType) return XmlQueryTypeFactory.BooleanX;
if (clrType == ByteType) return XmlQueryTypeFactory.DoubleX;
if (clrType == DecimalType) return XmlQueryTypeFactory.DoubleX;
if (clrType == DateTimeType) return XmlQueryTypeFactory.StringX;
if (clrType == DoubleType) return XmlQueryTypeFactory.DoubleX;
if (clrType == Int16Type) return XmlQueryTypeFactory.DoubleX;
if (clrType == Int32Type) return XmlQueryTypeFactory.DoubleX;
if (clrType == Int64Type) return XmlQueryTypeFactory.DoubleX;
if (clrType == IXPathNavigableType) return XmlQueryTypeFactory.NodeNotRtf;
if (clrType == SByteType) return XmlQueryTypeFactory.DoubleX;
if (clrType == SingleType) return XmlQueryTypeFactory.DoubleX;
if (clrType == StringType) return XmlQueryTypeFactory.StringX;
if (clrType == UInt16Type) return XmlQueryTypeFactory.DoubleX;
if (clrType == UInt32Type) return XmlQueryTypeFactory.DoubleX;
if (clrType == UInt64Type) return XmlQueryTypeFactory.DoubleX;
if (clrType == XPathNavigatorArrayType) return XmlQueryTypeFactory.NodeSDod;
if (clrType == XPathNavigatorType) return XmlQueryTypeFactory.NodeNotRtf;
if (clrType == XPathNodeIteratorType) return XmlQueryTypeFactory.NodeSDod;
if (clrType.IsEnum) return XmlQueryTypeFactory.DoubleX;
if (clrType == VoidType) return XmlQueryTypeFactory.Empty;
return XmlQueryTypeFactory.ItemS;