436 lines
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436 lines
16 KiB
// Mono.ILASM.ExternTable.cs
// Author(s):
// Jackson Harper (Jackson@LatitudeGeo.com)
// (C) 2003 Jackson Harper, All rights reserved
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security;
using System.Globalization;
using PEAPI;
namespace Mono.ILASM {
public interface IScope {
ExternTypeRef GetTypeRef (string full_name, bool is_valuetype);
PEAPI.ClassRef GetType (string full_name, bool is_valuetype);
string FullName { get; }
public abstract class ExternRef : ICustomAttrTarget, IScope {
protected string name;
protected Hashtable class_table;
protected Hashtable typeref_table;
protected ArrayList customattr_list;
protected bool is_resolved;
public abstract void Resolve (CodeGen codegen);
public abstract PEAPI.IExternRef GetExternRef ();
public ExternRef (string name)
this.name = name;
typeref_table = new Hashtable ();
class_table = new Hashtable ();
public string Name {
get { return name; }
public virtual string FullName {
get { return name; }
public void AddCustomAttribute (CustomAttr customattr)
if (customattr_list == null)
customattr_list = new ArrayList ();
customattr_list.Add (customattr);
public ExternTypeRef GetTypeRef (string full_name, bool is_valuetype)
string first= full_name;
string rest = "";
int slash = full_name.IndexOf ('/');
if (slash > 0) {
first = full_name.Substring (0, slash);
rest = full_name.Substring (slash + 1);
ExternTypeRef type_ref = typeref_table [first] as ExternTypeRef;
if (type_ref != null) {
if (is_valuetype && rest == "")
type_ref.MakeValueClass ();
} else {
type_ref = new ExternTypeRef (this, first, is_valuetype);
typeref_table [first] = type_ref;
return (rest == "" ? type_ref : type_ref.GetTypeRef (rest, is_valuetype));
public PEAPI.ClassRef GetType (string full_name, bool is_valuetype)
PEAPI.ClassRef klass = class_table[full_name] as PEAPI.ClassRef;
if (klass != null)
return klass;
string name_space, name;
ExternTable.GetNameAndNamespace (full_name, out name_space, out name);
if (is_valuetype)
klass = (PEAPI.ClassRef) GetExternRef ().AddValueClass (name_space, name);
klass = (PEAPI.ClassRef) GetExternRef ().AddClass (name_space, name);
class_table [full_name] = klass;
return klass;
public class ExternModule : ExternRef {
public PEAPI.ModuleRef ModuleRef;
public ExternModule (string name) : base (name)
public override string FullName {
get {
//'name' field should not contain the [.module ]
//as its used for resolving
return String.Format ("[.module {0}]", name);
public override void Resolve (CodeGen codegen)
if (is_resolved)
ModuleRef = codegen.PEFile.AddExternModule (name);
if (customattr_list != null)
foreach (CustomAttr customattr in customattr_list)
customattr.AddTo (codegen, ModuleRef);
is_resolved = true;
public override PEAPI.IExternRef GetExternRef ()
return ModuleRef;
public class ExternAssembly : ExternRef, IDeclSecurityTarget {
public PEAPI.AssemblyRef AssemblyRef;
private int major, minor, build, revision;
private byte [] public_key;
private byte [] public_key_token;
private string locale;
private byte [] hash;
private DeclSecurity decl_sec;
private AssemblyName asmb_name;
private PEAPI.AssemAttr attr;
public ExternAssembly (string name, AssemblyName asmb_name, PEAPI.AssemAttr attr) : base (name)
this.name = name;
this.asmb_name = asmb_name;
this.attr = attr;
major = minor = build = revision = -1;
public override string FullName {
get {
//'name' field should not contain the []
//as its used for resolving
return String.Format ("[{0}]", name);
public AssemblyName AssemblyName {
get { return asmb_name; }
public DeclSecurity DeclSecurity {
get {
if (decl_sec == null)
decl_sec = new DeclSecurity ();
return decl_sec;
public override void Resolve (CodeGen code_gen)
if (is_resolved)
AssemblyRef = code_gen.PEFile.AddExternAssembly (name);
AssemblyRef.AddAssemblyAttr (attr);
if (major != -1)
AssemblyRef.AddVersionInfo (major, minor, build, revision);
if (public_key != null)
AssemblyRef.AddKey (public_key);
if (public_key_token != null)
AssemblyRef.AddKeyToken (public_key_token);
if (locale != null)
AssemblyRef.AddCulture (locale);
if (hash != null)
AssemblyRef.AddHash (hash);
if (customattr_list != null)
foreach (CustomAttr customattr in customattr_list)
customattr.AddTo (code_gen, AssemblyRef);
if (decl_sec != null)
decl_sec.AddTo (code_gen, AssemblyRef);
class_table = new Hashtable ();
is_resolved = true;
public override PEAPI.IExternRef GetExternRef ()
return AssemblyRef;
public void SetVersion (int major, int minor, int build, int revision)
this.major = major;
this.minor = minor;
this.build = build;
this.revision = revision;
asmb_name.Version = new Version (major, minor, build, revision);
public void SetPublicKey (byte [] public_key)
this.public_key = public_key;
asmb_name.SetPublicKey (public_key);
public void SetPublicKeyToken (byte [] public_key_token)
this.public_key_token = public_key_token;
asmb_name.SetPublicKey (public_key);
public void SetLocale (string locale)
this.locale = locale;
//FIXME: is this correct?
asmb_name.CultureInfo = new CultureInfo (locale);
public void SetHash (byte [] hash)
this.hash = hash;
public class ExternClass
string fullName;
TypeAttr ta;
string assemblyReference;
public ExternClass (string fullName, TypeAttr ta, string assemblyReference)
this.fullName = fullName;
this.ta = ta;
this.assemblyReference = assemblyReference;
public void Resolve (CodeGen code_gen, ExternTable table)
var ar = table.GetAssemblyRef (assemblyReference);
if (ar != null) {
string ns = null;
string name = fullName;
int pos = name.LastIndexOf ('.');
if (pos > 0) {
ns = name.Substring (0, pos);
name = name.Substring (pos + 1);
code_gen.PEFile.AddExternClass (ns, name, ta, ar.AssemblyRef);
public class ExternTable {
Hashtable assembly_table;
Hashtable module_table;
List<ExternClass> class_table;
bool is_resolved;
public void AddCorlib ()
// Add mscorlib
string mscorlib_name = "mscorlib";
AssemblyName mscorlib = new AssemblyName ();
mscorlib.Name = mscorlib_name;
AddAssembly (mscorlib_name, mscorlib, 0);
// Also need to alias corlib, normally corlib and
// mscorlib are used interchangably
assembly_table["corlib"] = assembly_table["mscorlib"];
public ExternAssembly AddAssembly (string name, AssemblyName asmb_name, PEAPI.AssemAttr attr)
ExternAssembly ea = null;
if (assembly_table == null) {
assembly_table = new Hashtable ();
} else {
ea = assembly_table [name] as ExternAssembly;
if (ea != null)
return ea;
ea = new ExternAssembly (name, asmb_name, attr);
assembly_table [name] = ea;
return ea;
public ExternModule AddModule (string name)
ExternModule em = null;
if (module_table == null) {
module_table = new Hashtable ();
} else {
em = module_table [name] as ExternModule;
if (em != null)
return em;
em = new ExternModule (name);
module_table [name] = em;
return em;
public void AddClass (string name, TypeAttr ta, string assemblyReference)
if (class_table == null)
class_table = new List<ExternClass> ();
class_table.Add (new ExternClass (name, ta, assemblyReference));
public void Resolve (CodeGen code_gen)
if (is_resolved)
if (assembly_table != null)
foreach (ExternAssembly ext in assembly_table.Values)
ext.Resolve (code_gen);
if (module_table != null)
foreach (ExternModule ext in module_table.Values)
ext.Resolve (code_gen);
if (class_table != null)
foreach (var entry in class_table)
entry.Resolve (code_gen, this);
is_resolved = true;
public ExternTypeRef GetTypeRef (string asmb_name, string full_name, bool is_valuetype)
ExternAssembly ext_asmb = null;
if (assembly_table == null && (asmb_name == "mscorlib" || asmb_name == "corlib")) {
/* AddCorlib if mscorlib is being referenced but
we haven't encountered a ".assembly 'name'" as yet. */
Report.Warning (String.Format ("Reference to undeclared extern assembly '{0}', adding.", asmb_name));
AddCorlib ();
if (assembly_table != null)
ext_asmb = assembly_table[asmb_name] as ExternAssembly;
if (ext_asmb == null) {
System.Reflection.AssemblyName asmname = new System.Reflection.AssemblyName ();
asmname.Name = asmb_name;
Report.Warning (String.Format ("Reference to undeclared extern assembly '{0}', adding.", asmb_name));
ext_asmb = AddAssembly (asmb_name, asmname, 0);
return ext_asmb.GetTypeRef (full_name, is_valuetype);
public ExternTypeRef GetModuleTypeRef (string mod_name, string full_name, bool is_valuetype)
ExternModule mod = null;
if (module_table != null)
mod = module_table [mod_name] as ExternModule;
if (mod == null)
Report.Error ("Module " + mod_name + " not defined.");
return mod.GetTypeRef (full_name, is_valuetype);
public ExternAssembly GetAssemblyRef (string assembly_name)
ExternAssembly ass = null;
if (assembly_table != null)
ass = assembly_table [assembly_name] as ExternAssembly;
if (ass == null)
Report.Error ("Assembly " + assembly_name + " is not defined.");
return ass;
public static void GetNameAndNamespace (string full_name,
out string name_space, out string name) {
int last_dot = full_name.LastIndexOf ('.');
if (last_dot < 0) {
name_space = String.Empty;
name = full_name;
name_space = full_name.Substring (0, last_dot);
name = full_name.Substring (last_dot + 1);