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235 lines
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// System.Data.Common.ExceptionHelper
// Author:
// Boris Kirzner (borisk@mainsoft.com)
using System;
using System.Globalization;
namespace System.Data.Common
internal sealed class ExceptionHelper
internal static ArgumentException InvalidSizeValue (int value)
string [] args = new string [] {value.ToString ()};
return new ArgumentException (GetExceptionMessage ("Invalid parameter Size value '{0}'. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.",args));
internal static void CheckEnumValue (Type enumType, object value)
if (!Enum.IsDefined (enumType, value))
throw InvalidEnumValueException (enumType.Name, value);
internal static ArgumentException InvalidEnumValueException (String enumeration, object value)
string msg = string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
"The {0} enumeration value, {1}, is invalid.",
enumeration, value);
return new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (enumeration, msg);
internal static ArgumentOutOfRangeException InvalidDataRowVersion (DataRowVersion value)
object [] args = new object [] { "DataRowVersion", value.ToString () } ;
return new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (GetExceptionMessage ("{0}: Invalid DataRow Version enumeration value: {1}",args));
internal static ArgumentOutOfRangeException InvalidParameterDirection (ParameterDirection value)
object [] args = new object [] { "ParameterDirection", value.ToString () } ;
return new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (GetExceptionMessage ("Invalid direction '{0}' for '{1}' parameter.",args));
internal static InvalidOperationException NoStoredProcedureExists (string procedureName) {
object [] args = new object [1] { procedureName } ;
return new InvalidOperationException (GetExceptionMessage ("The stored procedure '{0}' doesn't exist.", args));
internal static ArgumentNullException ArgumentNull (string parameter)
return new ArgumentNullException (parameter);
internal static InvalidOperationException TransactionRequired ()
return new InvalidOperationException (GetExceptionMessage ("Execute requires the command to have a transaction object when the connection assigned to the command is in a pending local transaction. The Transaction property of the command has not been initialized."));
internal static ArgumentOutOfRangeException InvalidOleDbType (int value)
string [] args = new string [] { value.ToString() };
return new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (GetExceptionMessage ("Invalid OleDbType enumeration value: {0}",args));
internal static ArgumentException InvalidDbType(int value)
string [] args = new string [] { value.ToString () };
return new ArgumentException (GetExceptionMessage ("No mapping exists from DbType {0} to a known {1}.",args));
internal static InvalidOperationException DeriveParametersNotSupported(Type type,CommandType commandType)
string [] args = new string [] { type.ToString(),commandType.ToString() };
return new InvalidOperationException (GetExceptionMessage ("{0} DeriveParameters only supports CommandType.StoredProcedure, not CommandType.{1}.",args));
internal static InvalidOperationException ReaderClosed (string mehodName)
string [] args = new string [] { mehodName };
return new InvalidOperationException (GetExceptionMessage ("Invalid attempt to {0} when reader is closed.",args));
internal static ArgumentOutOfRangeException InvalidSqlDbType (int value)
string [] args = new string [] { value.ToString () };
return new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (GetExceptionMessage ("{0}: Invalid SqlDbType enumeration value: {1}.",args));
internal static ArgumentException UnknownDataType (string type1, string type2)
string [] args = new string [] { type1, type2 };
return new ArgumentException (GetExceptionMessage ("No mapping exists from DbType {0} to a known {1}.",args));
internal static InvalidOperationException TransactionNotInitialized ()
return new InvalidOperationException (GetExceptionMessage ("Execute requires the command to have a transaction object when the connection assigned to the command is in a pending local transaction. The Transaction property of the command has not been initialized."));
internal static InvalidOperationException TransactionNotUsable (Type type)
return new InvalidOperationException (string.Format (
"This {0} has completed; it is no longer usable.",
internal static InvalidOperationException ParametersNotInitialized (int parameterPosition,string parameterName,string parameterType)
object [] args = new object [] { parameterPosition, parameterName, parameterType };
return new InvalidOperationException (GetExceptionMessage ("Parameter {0}: '{1}', the property DbType is uninitialized: OleDbType.{2}.",args));
internal static InvalidOperationException WrongParameterSize(string provider)
string [] args = new string [] { provider };
return new InvalidOperationException (GetExceptionMessage ("{0}.Prepare method requires all variable length parameters to have an explicitly set non-zero Size.",args));
internal static InvalidOperationException ConnectionNotOpened (string operationName, string connectionState)
object [] args = new object [] { operationName, connectionState };
return new InvalidOperationException (GetExceptionMessage ("{0} requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is {1}.",args));
internal static InvalidOperationException ConnectionNotInitialized (string methodName)
object [] args = new object [] { methodName };
return new InvalidOperationException (GetExceptionMessage ("{0}: Connection property has not been initialized.",args));
internal static InvalidOperationException OpenConnectionRequired (string methodName, object connectionState)
object [] args = new object [] { methodName, connectionState };
return new InvalidOperationException (GetExceptionMessage ("{0} requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is {1}.",args));
internal static InvalidOperationException OpenedReaderExists ()
return new InvalidOperationException (GetExceptionMessage ("There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first."));
internal static InvalidOperationException ConnectionAlreadyOpen (object connectionState)
object [] args = new object [] { connectionState };
return new InvalidOperationException (GetExceptionMessage ("The connection is already Open (state={0}).",args));
internal static InvalidOperationException ConnectionClosed ()
return new InvalidOperationException ("Invalid operation. The Connection is closed.");
internal static InvalidOperationException ConnectionStringNotInitialized ()
return new InvalidOperationException (GetExceptionMessage ("The ConnectionString property has not been initialized."));
internal static InvalidOperationException ConnectionIsBusy (object commandType,object connectionState)
object [] args = new object [] { commandType.ToString (), connectionState.ToString () };
return new InvalidOperationException (GetExceptionMessage ("The {0} is currently busy {1}.",args));
internal static InvalidOperationException NotAllowedWhileConnectionOpen (string propertyName, object connectionState)
object [] args = new object [] { propertyName, connectionState };
return new InvalidOperationException (GetExceptionMessage ("Not allowed to change the '{0}' property while the connection (state={1}).",args));
internal static ArgumentException OleDbNoProviderSpecified ()
return new ArgumentException (GetExceptionMessage ("An OLE DB Provider was not specified in the ConnectionString. An example would be, 'Provider=SQLOLEDB;'."));
internal static ArgumentException InvalidValueForKey (string key)
string [] args = new string [] { key };
return new ArgumentException (String.Format ("Invalid value for key {0}",args));
internal static InvalidOperationException ParameterSizeNotInitialized( int parameterIndex, string parameterName,string parameterType,int parameterSize)
object [] args = new object [] { parameterIndex.ToString (), parameterName, parameterType, parameterSize.ToString () };
return new InvalidOperationException (GetExceptionMessage ("Parameter {0}: '{1}' of type: {2}, the property Size has an invalid size: {3}",args));
internal static ArgumentException InvalidUpdateStatus (UpdateStatus status)
object [] args = new object [] { status };
return new ArgumentException (GetExceptionMessage ("Invalid UpdateStatus: {0}",args));
internal static InvalidOperationException UpdateRequiresCommand (string command)
object [] args = new object [] { command };
return new InvalidOperationException (GetExceptionMessage ("Auto SQL generation during {0} requires a valid SelectCommand.",args));
internal static DataException RowUpdatedError ()
return new DataException (GetExceptionMessage ("RowUpdatedEvent: Errors occurred; no additional is information available."));
internal static ArgumentNullException CollectionNoNullsAllowed (object collection, object objectsType)
object [] args = new object [] {collection.GetType ().ToString (), objectsType.ToString ()};
return new ArgumentNullException (GetExceptionMessage ("The {0} only accepts non-null {1} type objects.", args));
internal static ArgumentException CollectionAlreadyContains(object objectType,string propertyName, object propertyValue, object collection)
object [] args = new object [] {objectType.ToString (), propertyName, propertyValue, collection.GetType ().ToString ()};
return new ArgumentException (GetExceptionMessage ("The {0} with {1} '{2}' is already contained by this {3}.",args));
internal static string GetExceptionMessage (string exceptionMessage,object [] args)
if ((args == null) || (args.Length == 0)) {
return exceptionMessage;
} else {
return String.Format (exceptionMessage,args);
internal static string GetExceptionMessage (string exceptionMessage)
return GetExceptionMessage (exceptionMessage, null);