Pat Tullmann 0cb742dafb binfmt-detector-cli: rewrite to support PE32+ binaries (#38)
Rewrite with hard-coded offsets into the PE file format to discern
if a binary is PE32 or PE32+, and then to determine if it contains
a "CLR Data Directory" entry that looks valid.

Tested with PE32 and PE32+ compiled Mono binaries, PE32 and PE32+ native
binaries, and a random assortment of garbage files.

Former-commit-id: 9e7ac86ec84f653a2f79b87183efd5b0ebda001b
2023-10-16 20:16:47 +02:00

1443 lines
217 KiB

// This file was generated by txt2sr tool
partial class SR
public const string EntityKey_DataRecordMustBeEntity = "The supplied IExtendedDataRecord must represent an entity object.";
public const string EntityKey_EntitySetDoesNotMatch = "The EntitySet '{0}' obtained from the metadata workspace is incompatible with the EntitySet required by this EntityKey.";
public const string EntityKey_EntityTypesDoNotMatch = "The object represented by the IExtendedDataRecord '{0}' does not match the EntityType for the EntitySet ('{1}').";
public const string EntityKey_IncorrectNumberOfKeyValuePairs = "The provided list of key-value pairs contains an incorrect number of entries. There are {1} key fields defined on type '{0}', but {2} were provided.";
public const string EntityKey_IncorrectValueType = "The type of the key field '{0}' is expected to be '{1}', but the value provided is actually of type '{2}'.";
public const string EntityKey_NoCorrespondingOSpaceTypeForEnumKeyMember = "No corresponding object layer type found for the key field '{0}' whose type in the conceptual layer is '{1}'.";
public const string EntityKey_MissingKeyValue = "The required entry '{0}' was not found in the provided input. This entry is required by the key fields defined on type '{1}'.";
public const string EntityKey_NoNullsAllowedInKeyValuePairs = "The key-value pairs that define an EntityKey cannot be null or empty.";
public const string EntityKey_UnexpectedNull = "The requested operation could not be completed, because a null EntityKey property value was returned by the object.";
public const string EntityKey_DoesntMatchKeyOnEntity = "The requested operation could not be completed, because a mismatched EntityKey was returned from the EntityKey property on an object of type '{0}'.";
public const string EntityKey_EntityKeyMustHaveValues = "An EntityKey must have at least one key name and value.";
public const string EntityKey_InvalidQualifiedEntitySetName = "The EntitySet name cannot be null or empty, and must be qualified with an EntityContainer name that is not null or empty.";
public const string EntityKey_MissingEntitySetName = "The EntityKey does not contain a valid EntitySet name.";
public const string EntityKey_InvalidName = "The name '{0}' contains characters that are not valid.";
public const string EntityKey_CannotChangeKey = "EntityKey values cannot be changed once they are set.";
public const string EntityTypesDoNotAgree = "The EntityType specified for the metadata parameter is not compatible with the specified EntitySet.";
public const string EntityKey_NullKeyValue = "The key field '{0}' cannot have a value of null. A non-null value is required for the key fields defined on type '{1}'.";
public const string EdmMembersDefiningTypeDoNotAgreeWithMetadataType = "The type of the TypeUsage object specified for the metadata parameter is not compatible with the type to which an EdmMember belongs.";
public const string InvalidStringArgument = "Parameter '{0}' is not valid. String arguments cannot be empty.";
public const string CannotCallNoncomposableFunction = "The function or function import '{0}' is not composable. A non-composable function or function import cannot be called in a query expression.";
public const string EntityClient_ConnectionStringMissingInfo = "Some required information is missing from the connection string. The '{0}' keyword is always required.";
public const string EntityClient_ValueNotString = "The specified value is not a string.";
public const string EntityClient_KeywordNotSupported = "The '{0}' keyword is not supported.";
public const string EntityClient_NoCommandText = "The EntityCommand.CommandText property has not been initialized.";
public const string EntityClient_ConnectionStringNeededBeforeOperation = "A connection string must be set on the connection before you attempt this operation.";
public const string EntityClient_CannotReopenConnection = "The connection was not closed.";
public const string EntityClient_ConnectionNotOpen = "The connection is not open.";
public const string EntityClient_DuplicateParameterNames = "Parameters must have a unique ParameterName. A second instance of '{0}' was discovered.";
public const string EntityClient_NoConnectionForCommand = "Cannot perform the operation because the command does not have a connection.";
public const string EntityClient_NoConnectionForAdapter = "Cannot perform the operation because the adapter does not have a connection.";
public const string EntityClient_ClosedConnectionForUpdate = "Cannot perform the update operation because the adapter's connection is not open.";
public const string EntityClient_InvalidNamedConnection = "The specified named connection is either not found in the configuration, not intended to be used with the EntityClient provider, or not valid.";
public const string EntityClient_NestedNamedConnection = "The connection string of the named connection '{0}' cannot contain a 'Name' keyword in the configuration.";
public const string EntityClient_InvalidStoreProvider = "The specified store provider cannot be found in the configuration, or is not valid.";
public const string EntityClient_DataReaderIsStillOpen = "The command is still associated with an open data reader. Changes cannot be made on this command and this command cannot be executed until the data reader is closed.";
public const string EntityClient_SettingsCannotBeChangedOnOpenConnection = "No modifications to connection are permitted after the metadata has been registered either by opening a connection or constructing the connection with a MetadataWorkspace.";
public const string EntityClient_ExecutingOnClosedConnection = "Execution of the command requires an open and available connection. The connection's current state is {0}.";
public const string EntityClient_ConnectionStateClosed = "closed";
public const string EntityClient_ConnectionStateBroken = "broken";
public const string EntityClient_CannotCloneStoreProvider = "This store command cannot be cloned because the underlying store provider does not support cloning.";
public const string EntityClient_UnsupportedCommandType = "The only EntityCommand.CommandType values supported by the EntityClient provider are Text and StoredProcedure.";
public const string EntityClient_ErrorInClosingConnection = "An error occurred while closing the provider connection. See the inner exception for details.";
public const string EntityClient_ErrorInBeginningTransaction = "An error occurred while starting a transaction on the provider connection. See the inner exception for details.";
public const string EntityClient_ExtraParametersWithNamedConnection = "Other keywords are not allowed when the 'Name' keyword is specified.";
public const string EntityClient_CommandDefinitionPreparationFailed = "An error occurred while preparing the command definition. See the inner exception for details.";
public const string EntityClient_CommandDefinitionExecutionFailed = "An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details.";
public const string EntityClient_CommandExecutionFailed = "An error occurred while executing the command. See the inner exception for details.";
public const string EntityClient_StoreReaderFailed = "An error occurred while reading from the store provider's data reader. See the inner exception for details.";
public const string EntityClient_FailedToGetInformation = "The store data provider failed to return information for the {0} request. See the inner exception for details.";
public const string EntityClient_TooFewColumns = "The data reader returned by the store data provider does not have enough columns for the query requested.";
public const string EntityClient_InvalidParameterName = "The parameter name '{0}' is not valid. A valid parameter name must begin with a letter and contain only letters, numbers, and underscores.";
public const string EntityClient_EmptyParameterName = "One of the parameters in the EntityParameterCollection is null or empty. A name must begin with a letter and contain only letters, numbers, and underscores.";
public const string EntityClient_ReturnedNullOnProviderMethod = "A null was returned after calling the '{0}' method on a store provider instance of type '{1}'. The store provider might not be functioning correctly.";
public const string EntityClient_CannotDeduceDbType = "The correct DbType cannot be inferred based on the value that has been set for the EntityParameter.DbType property.";
public const string EntityClient_InvalidParameterDirection = "The parameter '{0}' is not an input-only parameter. The EntityClient provider only allows input-only parameters when the CommandType property is set to CommandText.";
public const string EntityClient_UnknownParameterType = "The EntityParameter '{0}' must have a value from which the DbType can be inferred, or a supported DbType must be set as the value of the EntityParameter.DbType property.";
public const string EntityClient_UnsupportedDbType = "The DbType '{0}' is not valid for the EntityParameter.DbType property on the '{1}' object.";
public const string EntityClient_DoesNotImplementIServiceProvider = "The store provider factory type '{0}' does not implement the IServiceProvider interface. Use a store provider that implements this interface.";
public const string EntityClient_IncompatibleNavigationPropertyResult = "The declared type of navigation property {0}.{1} is not compatible with the result of the specified navigation.";
public const string EntityClient_TransactionAlreadyStarted = "The connection is already in a transaction and cannot participate in another transaction. EntityClient does not support parallel transactions.";
public const string EntityClient_InvalidTransactionForCommand = "The transaction is either not associated with the current connection or has been completed.";
public const string EntityClient_NoStoreConnectionForUpdate = "The update operation cannot be performed, because the adapter's connection is not associated with a valid store connection.";
public const string EntityClient_CommandTreeMetadataIncompatible = "The command could not be executed, because the connection metadata is incompatible with the command metadata.";
public const string EntityClient_ProviderGeneralError = "The underlying provider failed.";
public const string EntityClient_ProviderSpecificError = "The underlying provider failed on {0}.";
public const string EntityClient_FunctionImportEmptyCommandText = "EntityCommand.CommandText was not specified for the StoredProcedure EntityCommand.";
public const string EntityClient_UnableToFindFunctionImportContainer = "The container '{0}' specified for the FunctionImport could not be found in the current workspace.";
public const string EntityClient_UnableToFindFunctionImport = "The FunctionImport '{1}' could not be found in the container '{0}'.";
public const string EntityClient_FunctionImportMustBeNonComposable = "The function import '{0}' is composable. Only non-composable function imports can be executed as stored procedures.";
public const string EntityClient_UnmappedFunctionImport = "The function import '{0}' cannot be executed because it is not mapped to a store function.";
public const string EntityClient_InvalidStoredProcedureCommandText = "The value of EntityCommand.CommandText is not valid for a StoredProcedure command. The EntityCommand.CommandText value must be of the form 'ContainerName.FunctionImportName'.";
public const string EntityClient_ItemCollectionsNotRegisteredInWorkspace = "MetadataWorkspace must have {0} pre-registered.";
public const string EntityClient_ConnectionMustBeClosed = "EntityConnection can only be constructed with a closed DbConnection.";
public const string EntityClient_DbConnectionHasNoProvider = "The DbConnection parameter '{0}' contains no ProviderFactory.";
public const string EntityClient_RequiresNonStoreCommandTree = "EntityClient cannot be used to create a command definition from a store command tree.";
public const string EntityClient_CannotReprepareCommandDefinitionBasedCommand = "This EntityCommand is based on a prepared command definition and cannot be re-prepared. To create an equivalent command with different parameters, create a new command definition and call its CreateCommand method.";
public const string EntityClient_EntityParameterEdmTypeNotScalar = "The EdmType '{0}' is not a scalar type.";
public const string EntityClient_EntityParameterInconsistentEdmType = "The EdmType '{0}' is not consistent with the DbType provided for parameter '{1}'.";
public const string EntityClient_CannotGetCommandText = "CommandText property value cannot be retrieved because the CommandTree property is not null.";
public const string EntityClient_CannotSetCommandText = "Cannot set the CommandText property value because the CommandTree property is not null.";
public const string EntityClient_CannotGetCommandTree = "CommandTree property value cannot be retrieved because the CommandText property is not null.";
public const string EntityClient_CannotSetCommandTree = "Cannot set the CommandTree property value because the CommandText property is not null.";
public const string ELinq_ExpressionMustBeIQueryable = "LINQ to Entities query expressions can only be constructed from instances that implement the IQueryable interface.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedExpressionType = "The LINQ expression node type '{0}' is not supported in LINQ to Entities.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedUseOfContextParameter = "The ObjectContext parameter ('{0}') in a compiled query can only be used as the source for queries.";
public const string ELinq_UnboundParameterExpression = "The parameter '{0}' was not bound in the specified LINQ to Entities query expression.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedConstructor = "Only parameterless constructors and initializers are supported in LINQ to Entities.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedInitializers = "Only list initializer items with a single element are supported in LINQ to Entities.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedBinding = "In constructors and initializers, only property or field parameter bindings are supported in LINQ to Entities.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedMethod = "LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method '{0}' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedMethodSuggestedAlternative = "The method '{0}' cannot be translated into a LINQ to Entities store expression. Consider using the method '{1}' instead.";
public const string ELinq_ThenByDoesNotFollowOrderBy = "The ThenBy method must follow either the OrderBy method or another call to the ThenBy method.";
public const string ELinq_UnrecognizedMember = "The specified type member '{0}' is not supported in LINQ to Entities. Only initializers, entity members, and entity navigation properties are supported.";
public const string ELinq_UnresolvableFunctionForMethod = "The specified method '{0}' on the type '{1}' cannot be translated into a LINQ to Entities store expression.";
public const string ELinq_UnresolvableFunctionForMethodAmbiguousMatch = "The specified method '{0}' on the type '{1}' cannot be translated into a LINQ to Entities store expression because one or more passed arguments match more than one function overload.";
public const string ELinq_UnresolvableFunctionForMethodNotFound = "The specified method '{0}' on the type '{1}' cannot be translated into a LINQ to Entities store expression because no overload matches the passed arguments.";
public const string ELinq_UnresolvableFunctionForMember = "The specified member '{0}' on the type '{1}' cannot be translated into a LINQ to Entities store expression.";
public const string ELinq_UnresolvableStoreFunctionForMember = "The specified member '{0}' on the type '{1}' cannot be translated into a valid provider-specific LINQ to Entities store expression equivalent.";
public const string ELinq_UnresolvableFunctionForExpression = "The specified LINQ expression of type '{0}' cannot be translated into a LINQ to Entities store expression.";
public const string ELinq_UnresolvableStoreFunctionForExpression = "The specified LINQ expression of type '{0}' cannot be translated into a valid provider-specific LINQ to Entities store expression equivalent.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedType = "Unable to process the type '{0}', because it has no known mapping to the value layer.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedNullConstant = "Unable to create a null constant value of type '{0}'. Only entity types, enumeration types or primitive types are supported in this context.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedConstant = "Unable to create a constant value of type '{0}'. Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedCast = "Unable to cast the type '{0}' to type '{1}'. LINQ to Entities only supports casting EDM primitive or enumeration types.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedIsOrAs = "The '{0}' expression with an input of type '{1}' and a check of type '{2}' is not supported. Only entity types and complex types are supported in LINQ to Entities queries.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedQueryableMethod = "This method is not supported against a materialized query result.";
public const string ELinq_InvalidOfTypeResult = "'{0}' is not a valid metadata type for type filtering operations. Type filtering is only valid on entity types and complex types.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedNominalType = "The entity or complex type '{0}' cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedEnumerableType = "A type that implements IEnumerable '{0}' cannot be initialized in a LINQ to Entities query.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedHeterogeneousInitializers = "The type '{0}' appears in two structurally incompatible initializations within a single LINQ to Entities query. A type can be initialized in two places in the same query, but only if the same properties are set in both places and those properties are set in the same order.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedDifferentContexts = "The specified LINQ expression contains references to queries that are associated with different contexts.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedCastToDecimal = "Casting to Decimal is not supported in LINQ to Entities queries, because the required precision and scale information cannot be inferred.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedKeySelector = "The key selector type for the call to the '{0}' method is not comparable in the underlying store provider.";
public const string ELinq_CreateOrderedEnumerableNotSupported = "Calling the CreateOrderedEnumerable generic method on the result of a LINQ to Entities query is not supported.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedPassthrough = "The method '{0}' is not supported when called on an instance of type '{1}'.";
public const string ELinq_UnexpectedTypeForNavigationProperty = "A navigation property of type '{0}' is not valid. '{1}' or a single implementation of '{2}' was expected, but '{3}' was found.";
public const string ELinq_SkipWithoutOrder = "The method 'Skip' is only supported for sorted input in LINQ to Entities. The method 'OrderBy' must be called before the method 'Skip'.";
public const string ELinq_PropertyIndexNotSupported = "Property indexers are not supported in LINQ to Entities.";
public const string ELinq_NotPropertyOrField = "The member '{0}' is not a property or a field.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedStringRemoveCase = "The method '{0}' is only supported in LINQ to Entities when the argument '{1}' is a non-negative integer constant.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedTrimStartTrimEndCase = "The method '{0}' is only supported in LINQ to Entities when there are no trim characters specified as arguments.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedVBDatePartNonConstantInterval = "The method '{0}' is only supported in LINQ to Entities when the argument '{1}' is a constant.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedVBDatePartInvalidInterval = "The method '{0}' is not supported in LINQ to Entities when the argument '{1}' has the value '{2}'.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedAsUnicodeAndAsNonUnicode = "The method '{0}' is only supported in LINQ to Entities when the argument is a string variable or literal.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedComparison = "Cannot compare elements of type '{0}'. Only primitive types, enumeration types and entity types are supported.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedRefComparison = "Cannot compare EntityKeys referring to types '{0}' and '{1}' because they do not share a common super-type.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedRowComparison = "Cannot compare '{0}'. Only primitive types, enumeration types and entity types are supported.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedRowMemberComparison = "member '{0}' of";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedRowTypeComparison = "type '{0}'";
public const string ELinq_AnonymousType = "Anonymous type";
public const string ELinq_ClosureType = "Closure type";
public const string ELinq_UnhandledExpressionType = "Unknown LINQ expression of type '{0}'.";
public const string ELinq_UnhandledBindingType = "Unknown LINQ binding of type '{0}'.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedNestedFirst = "The method 'First' can only be used as a final query operation. Consider using the method 'FirstOrDefault' in this instance instead.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedNestedSingle = "The methods 'Single' and 'SingleOrDefault' can only be used as a final query operation. Consider using the method 'FirstOrDefault' in this instance instead.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedInclude = "The method 'Include' is only supported by LINQ to Entities when the argument is a string constant.";
public const string ELinq_UnsupportedMergeAs = "The method 'MergeAs' is only supported by LINQ to Entities when the argument is a MergeOption constant.";
public const string ELinq_MethodNotDirectlyCallable = "This method supports the LINQ to Entities infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.";
public const string ELinq_CycleDetected = "A cycle was detected in a LINQ expression.";
public const string ELinq_EdmFunctionAttributeParameterNameNotValid = "The specified method '{0}' on the type '{1}' cannot be translated into a LINQ to Entities store expression because the parameter {2} on its EdmFunction attribute is empty.";
public const string ELinq_EdmFunctionAttributedFunctionWithWrongReturnType = "The specified method '{0}' on the type '{1}' cannot be translated into a LINQ to Entities store expression because its return type does not match the return type of the function specified by its EdmFunction attribute.";
public const string ELinq_EdmFunctionDirectCall = "This function can only be invoked from LINQ to Entities.";
public const string CompiledELinq_UnsupportedParameterTypes = "The specified parameter type '{0}' is not valid. Only scalar parameters (such as Int32, Decimal, and Guid) are supported.";
public const string CompiledELinq_UnsupportedNamedParameterType = "The specified parameter '{0}' of type '{1}' is not valid. Only scalar parameters (such as Int32, Decimal, and Guid) are supported.";
public const string CompiledELinq_UnsupportedNamedParameterUseAsType = "The specified use of parameter '{0}' to produce a value of type '{1}' is not supported by LINQ to Entities in a compiled query.";
public const string Update_UnsupportedExpressionKind = "Internal error. An unsupported expression kind ({0}) encountered in update mapping view by the ({1}) visitor.";
public const string Update_UnsupportedCastArgument = "Internal error. An unsupported type ({0}) was used as an argument to cast an expression in the update mapping view. The argument must be a scalar.";
public const string Update_UnsupportedExtentType = "Internal error. EntitySet ({0}) has unsupported type ({1}). Only EntitySets and AssociationSets can be processed in the update pipeline.";
public const string Update_ConstraintCycle = "Unable to determine a valid ordering for dependent operations. Dependencies may exist due to foreign key constraints, model requirements, or store-generated values.";
public const string Update_UnsupportedJoinType = "Internal error. An unsupported join type is in update mapping view ({0}). Only binary inner or left outer joins are supported.";
public const string Update_UnsupportedProjection = "Internal error. Unsupported projection expression type ({0}). Only DBNewInstanceExpression projections are supported in update mapping views.";
public const string Update_ConcurrencyError = "Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows ({0}). Entities may have been modified or deleted since entities were loaded. Refresh ObjectStateManager entries.";
public const string Update_MissingEntity = "In order to update the AssociationSet '{0}', the corresponding entity from EntitySet '{1}' must be available in the ObjectStateManager.";
public const string Update_RelationshipCardinalityConstraintViolation = "Entities in '{0}' participate in the '{1}' relationship. '{2}' related '{3}' were found. Between {4} and {5} '{3}' are expected.";
public const string Update_GeneralExecutionException = "An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details.";
public const string Update_MissingRequiredEntity = "A relationship from the '{0}' AssociationSet is in the '{1}' state. Given multiplicity constraints, a corresponding '{2}' must also in the '{1}' state.";
public const string Update_RelationshipCardinalityViolation = "At most, '{0}' relationships may be in the '{1}' state for the '{2}' relationship from End '{3}' to an instance of End '{4}'. '{5}' instances were found.";
public const string Update_NotSupportedServerGenKey = "Store-generated keys are only supported for identity columns. More than one key column is marked as server generated in table '{0}'.";
public const string Update_NotSupportedIdentityType = "Store-generated keys are only supported for identity columns. Key column '{0}' has type '{1}', which is not a valid type for an identity column.";
public const string Update_NotSupportedComputedKeyColumn = "Modifications to tables where a primary key column has property '{0}' set to '{1}' are not supported. Use '{2}' pattern instead. Key column: '{3}'. Table: '{4}'.";
public const string Update_AmbiguousServerGenIdentifier = "A value shared across entities or associations is generated in more than one location. Check that mapping does not split an EntityKey to multiple store-generated columns.";
public const string Update_WorkspaceMismatch = "The entity client's MetadataWorkspace differs from the workspace referenced by the state manager.";
public const string Update_MissingRequiredRelationshipValue = "A function mapping for EntitySet '{0}' requires that corresponding Associations in AssociationSet '{1}' are loaded. Load the AssociationSet before saving changes to this EntitySet.";
public const string Update_MissingResultColumn = "A function mapping specifies a result column '{0}' that the result set does not contain.";
public const string Update_NullReturnValueForNonNullableMember = "A null store-generated value was returned for a non-nullable member '{0}' of type '{1}'.";
public const string Update_ReturnValueHasUnexpectedType = "A store-generated value of type '{0}' could not be converted to a value of type '{1}' required for member '{2}' of type '{3}'.";
public const string Update_SqlEntitySetWithoutDmlFunctions = "Unable to update the EntitySet '{0}' because it has a DefiningQuery and no <{1}> element exists in the <{2}> element to support the current operation.";
public const string Update_UnableToConvertRowsAffectedParameterToInt32 = "Unable to determine rows affected. The value of parameter '{0}' is not convertible to '{1}'.";
public const string Update_MappingNotFound = "Update Mapping not found for EntitySet '{0}'.";
public const string Update_ModifyingIdentityColumn = "Modifying a column with the '{0}' pattern is not supported. Column: '{1}'. Table: '{2}'.";
public const string Update_GeneratedDependent = "A dependent property in a ReferentialConstraint is mapped to a store-generated column. Column: '{0}'.";
public const string Update_ReferentialConstraintIntegrityViolation = "Referential integrity constraint violation. A Dependent Role has multiple principals with different values.";
public const string Update_ErrorLoadingRecord = "Error retrieving values from ObjectStateEntry. See inner exception for details.";
public const string Update_NullValue = "Null value for non-nullable member. Member: '{0}'.";
public const string Update_CircularRelationships = "Circular relationships with referential integrity constraints detected.";
public const string Update_RelationshipCardinalityConstraintViolationSingleValue = "Entities in '{0}' participate in the '{1}' relationship. {2} related '{3}' were found. {4} '{3}' is expected.";
public const string Update_MissingFunctionMapping = "Cannot find the {0}FunctionMapping for {1} '{2}' in the mapping file.";
public const string Update_InvalidChanges = "Invalid data encountered. A required relationship is missing. Examine StateEntries to determine the source of the constraint violation.";
public const string Update_DuplicateKeys = "Conflicting changes detected. This may happen when trying to insert multiple entities with the same key.";
public const string Update_AmbiguousForeignKey = "Unable to determine the principal end of the '{0}' relationship. Multiple added entities may have the same primary key.";
public const string Update_InsertingOrUpdatingReferenceToDeletedEntity = "Unable to insert or update an entity because the principal end of the '{0}' relationship is deleted.";
public const string ViewGen_Extent = "Set";
public const string ViewGen_Null = "NULL";
public const string ViewGen_CommaBlank = ",";
public const string ViewGen_Entities = "entities";
public const string ViewGen_Tuples = "rows";
public const string ViewGen_NotNull = "NOT_NULL";
public const string ViewGen_NegatedCellConstant = "Values other than [{0}]";
public const string ViewGen_Error = "ERROR";
public const string ViewGen_AND = "AND";
public const string Viewgen_CannotGenerateQueryViewUnderNoValidation = "Insufficient or contradictory mapping. Cannot generate query views for entities in {0} when:";
public const string ViewGen_Missing_Sets_Mapping = "No mapping specified for instances of the EntitySet and AssociationSet in the EntityContainer {0}.";
public const string ViewGen_Missing_Type_Mapping = "No mapping specified for the following types - {0}.";
public const string ViewGen_Missing_Set_Mapping = "No mapping specified for the following EntitySet/AssociationSet - {0}.";
public const string ViewGen_Concurrency_Derived_Class = "Cannot define new concurrency token member {0} in the derived class {1} of EntitySet {2}.";
public const string ViewGen_Concurrency_Invalid_Condition = "Concurrency token(s) [{0}] in EntitySet {1} must not have a condition.";
public const string ViewGen_TableKey_Missing = "Must specify mapping for all key properties ({0}) of table {1}.";
public const string ViewGen_EntitySetKey_Missing = "Must specify mapping for all key properties ({0}) of the EntitySet {1}.";
public const string ViewGen_AssociationSetKey_Missing = "Must specify mapping for all key properties ({0}) of End {1} in Relationship {2}.";
public const string ViewGen_Cannot_Recover_Attributes = "No mapping specified for properties {0} in {1} {2}.";
public const string ViewGen_Cannot_Recover_Types = "Must specify mapping for all types in {0} {1}.";
public const string ViewGen_Cannot_Disambiguate_MultiConstant = "Insufficient mapping: It is possible to have {0} within {1} that are not mapped.";
public const string ViewGen_No_Default_Value = "Column {1} in table {0} must be mapped: It has no default value and is not nullable.";
public const string ViewGen_No_Default_Value_For_Configuration = "Column {0} has no default value and is not nullable. A column value is required to store entity data.";
public const string ViewGen_KeyConstraint_Violation = "Potential runtime violation of table {0}'s keys ({2}): Columns ({1}) are mapped to EntitySet {3}'s properties ({4}) on the conceptual side but they do not form the EntitySet's key properties ({5}).";
public const string ViewGen_KeyConstraint_Update_Violation_EntitySet = "All the key properties ({0}) of the EntitySet {1} must be mapped to all the key properties ({2}) of table {3}.";
public const string ViewGen_KeyConstraint_Update_Violation_AssociationSet = "At least one of the key properties of AssociationSet {0} must be mapped to all the key properties ({1}) of table {2}.";
public const string ViewGen_AssociationEndShouldBeMappedToKey = "Given the cardinality of Association End Member {0}, it should be mapped to key columns of the table {1}. Either fix the mapping or change the multiplicity of this end.";
public const string ViewGen_Duplicate_CProperties = "Each of the following columns in table {0} is mapped to multiple conceptual side properties:";
public const string ViewGen_Duplicate_CProperties_IsMapped = "{0} is mapped to <{1}>";
public const string ViewGen_NotNull_No_Projected_Slot = "Property {0} with 'IsNull=false' condition must be mapped.";
public const string ViewGen_InvalidCondition = "Conditions specified on member {0} in this fragment are not allowed.";
public const string ViewGen_NonKeyProjectedWithOverlappingPartitions = "Column(s) [{0}] are being mapped in both fragments to different conceptual side properties.";
public const string ViewGen_CQ_PartitionConstraint = "Data loss or key constraint violation is possible in table {0}.";
public const string ViewGen_CQ_DomainConstraint = "Data loss is possible in {0}.";
public const string ViewGen_OneOfConst_MustBeNonNullable = "{0} must be non-nullable";
public const string ViewGen_OneOfConst_MustBeNull = "{0} must be null";
public const string ViewGen_OneOfConst_MustBeEqualTo = "{0} must be equal to {1}";
public const string ViewGen_OneOfConst_MustNotBeEqualTo = "{0} must not be equal to {1}";
public const string ViewGen_OneOfConst_MustBeOneOf = "{0} must be one of {1}";
public const string ViewGen_OneOfConst_MustNotBeOneOf = "{0} must not be one of {1}";
public const string ViewGen_OneOfConst_IsNonNullable = "{0} is non-nullable";
public const string ViewGen_OneOfConst_IsEqualTo = "{0} ={1}";
public const string ViewGen_OneOfConst_IsNotEqualTo = "{0} is not equal to {1}";
public const string ViewGen_OneOfConst_IsOneOf = "{0} is one of {1}";
public const string ViewGen_OneOfConst_IsNotOneOf = "{0} is not one of {1}";
public const string ViewGen_OneOfConst_IsOneOfTypes = ", (for example, is one of the following type(s): {0})";
public const string ViewGen_ErrorLog = "Problem in mapping fragments starting at line {0}:";
public const string ViewGen_ErrorLog2 = "Problem in mapping fragments starting at lines {0}:";
public const string ViewGen_Foreign_Key_Missing_Table_Mapping = "Missing table mapping: {0} no mapping specified for the table {1}.";
public const string ViewGen_Foreign_Key_ParentTable_NotMappedToEnd = "{0} The columns of table {1} are mapped to AssociationSet {2}'s End {3} but the key columns of table {4} are not mapped to the keys of the EntitySet {5} corresponding to this End.";
public const string ViewGen_Foreign_Key = "Foreign key constraint '{0}' from table {1} ({2}) to table {3} ({4}):";
public const string ViewGen_Foreign_Key_UpperBound_MustBeOne = "{0} is mapped to AssociationSet {1} - for this mapping to be correct, the upper multiplicity bound of end {2} needs to be 1.";
public const string ViewGen_Foreign_Key_LowerBound_MustBeOne = "{0} is mapped to AssociationSet {1} - for this mapping to be correct, the lower multiplicity bound of end {2} needs to be 1.";
public const string ViewGen_Foreign_Key_Missing_Relationship_Mapping = "{0}: Insufficient mapping: Foreign key must be mapped to some AssociationSet or EntitySets participating in a foreign key association on the conceptual side.";
public const string ViewGen_Foreign_Key_Not_Guaranteed_InCSpace = "The foreign key '{0}' is not being enforced in the model. An Association or inheritance relationship needs to be created to enforce this constraint.";
public const string ViewGen_Foreign_Key_ColumnOrder_Incorrect = "Incorrect mapping of composite key columns. {0} Columns ({1}) in table {2} are mapped to properties ({3}) in {4} and columns ({5}) in table {6} are mapped to properties ({7}) in {8}. The order of the columns through the mappings is not preserved.";
public const string ViewGen_AssociationSet_AsUserString = "{0} plays Role '{1}' in AssociationSet '{2}'";
public const string ViewGen_AssociationSet_AsUserString_Negated = "{0} does NOT play Role '{1}' in AssociationSet '{2}'";
public const string ViewGen_EntitySet_AsUserString = "{0} is in '{1}' EntitySet";
public const string ViewGen_EntitySet_AsUserString_Negated = "{0} is NOT in '{1}' EntitySet";
public const string ViewGen_EntityInstanceToken = "Entity";
public const string Viewgen_ConfigurationErrorMsg = "An Entity with Key ({0}) will not round-trip when:";
public const string ViewGen_HashOnMappingClosure_Not_Matching = "The mapping and metadata information for EntityContainer '{0}' no longer matches the information used to create the pre-generated views.";
public const string Viewgen_RightSideNotDisjoint = "Ensure that mapping fragments for EntitySet {0} do not map entities with the same primary key to different rows of the same table.";
public const string Viewgen_QV_RewritingNotFound = "Could not validate mapping for EntitySet {0}. Check that the mapping constraints are possible in the presence of store side constraints. Having an 'IsNull=True' condition in the mapping for a non-nullable column is an example of an impossible constraint.";
public const string Viewgen_NullableMappingForNonNullableColumn = "Non-nullable column {1} in table {0} is mapped to a nullable entity property.";
public const string Viewgen_ErrorPattern_ConditionMemberIsMapped = "Condition member '{0}' with a condition other than 'IsNull=False' is mapped. Either remove the condition on {0} or remove it from the mapping.";
public const string Viewgen_ErrorPattern_DuplicateConditionValue = "Condition members {0} have duplicate condition values.";
public const string Viewgen_ErrorPattern_TableMappedToMultipleES = "EntitySets '{1}' and '{2}' are both mapped to table '{0}'. Their primary keys may collide.";
public const string Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Disj_Eq = "An entity is mapped to different rows within the same table. Ensure these two mapping fragments do not map two groups of entities with identical keys to two distinct groups of rows.";
public const string Viewgen_ErrorPattern_NotNullConditionMappedToNullableMember = "Column {0} is used in a Not Null condition but it is mapped to a property {1} which is nullable. Consider making this property non-nullable.";
public const string Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_MultipleTypesMappedToSameTable_WithoutCondition = "EntityTypes {0} are being mapped to the same rows in table {1}. Mapping conditions can be used to distinguish the rows that these types are mapped to.";
public const string Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Disj_Subs_Ref = "Two entities with identical keys are mapped to different rows within the same table. Ensure these two mapping fragments do not map two groups of entities with overlapping keys to two distinct groups of rows.";
public const string Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Disj_Subs = "An entity is mapped to different rows within the same table. Ensure these two mapping fragments do not map two groups of entities with overlapping keys to two distinct groups of rows.";
public const string Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Disj_Unk = "Two entities with possibly identical keys are mapped to different rows within the same table. Ensure these two mapping fragments do not map two unrelated EntitySets to two distinct groups of rows.";
public const string Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Eq_Disj = "Two entities with different keys are mapped to the same row. Ensure these two mapping fragments do not map two groups of entities with different keys to the same group of rows.";
public const string Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Eq_Subs_Ref = "Two entities with different keys are mapped to the same row. Ensure these two mapping fragments do not map two EntitySets with overlapping keys to the same group of rows.";
public const string Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Eq_Subs = "Two entities with different keys are mapped to the same row. Ensure these two mapping fragments do not map two groups of entities with overlapping keys to the same group of rows.";
public const string Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Eq_Unk = "Two entities with possibly different keys are mapped to the same row. Ensure these two mapping fragments do not map two unrelated EntitySets to the same group of rows.";
public const string Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Eq_Unk_Association = "Two entities with possibly different keys are mapped to the same row. Ensure these two mapping fragments map both ends of the AssociationSet to the corresponding columns.";
public const string Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Sub_Disj = "Two entities with different keys are mapped to the same row. Ensure these two mapping fragments do not map two groups of entities with different keys to two overlapping groups of rows.";
public const string Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Sub_Eq = "Two rows with different primary keys are mapped to the same entity. Ensure these two mapping fragments do not map two groups of entities with identical keys to two overlapping groups of rows.";
public const string Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Sub_Eq_Ref = "Two rows with different primary keys are mapped to two entities that carry identical keys through a referential integrity constraint. Ensure these two mapping fragments do not map two EntitySets with identical keys to two overlapping groups of rows.";
public const string Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Sub_Unk = "An entity from one EntitySet is mapped to a row that is also mapped to an entity from another EntitySet with possibly different key. Ensure these two mapping fragments do not map two unrelated EntitySets to two overlapping groups of rows.";
public const string Viewgen_NoJoinKeyOrFK = "Mapping fragments cannot be joined. Ensure every mapping fragment maps a key on which it should be joined with one of the other mapping fragments.";
public const string Viewgen_MultipleFragmentsBetweenCandSExtentWithDistinct = "When there is a mapping fragment between EntitySet '{0}' and Table '{1}' with MakeColumnsDistinct attribute marked to 'true', there can be no additional mapping fragments between '{0}' and '{1}'.";
public const string Validator_EmptyIdentity = "Item has an empty identity.";
public const string Validator_CollectionHasNoTypeUsage = "CollectionType has a null type usage.";
public const string Validator_NoKeyMembers = "The type '{0}' doesn't have any key members. A RelationshipType or EntityType must either have key members or a BaseType with key members.";
public const string Validator_FacetTypeIsNull = "The facet object has null for the FacetType. Null is not valid for this property.";
public const string Validator_MemberHasNullDeclaringType = "The member has null for the DeclaringType. Null is not valid for this property.";
public const string Validator_MemberHasNullTypeUsage = "The member has null for the MemberTypeUsage. Null is not valid for this property.";
public const string Validator_ItemAttributeHasNullTypeUsage = "The item property has null for TypeUsage. Null is not valid for this property.";
public const string Validator_RefTypeHasNullEntityType = "The RefType has null for EntityType. Null is not valid for this property.";
public const string Validator_TypeUsageHasNullEdmType = "The type usage object has null for EdmType. Null is not valid for this property.";
public const string Validator_BaseTypeHasMemberOfSameName = "A member of the same name is already defined in a BaseType.";
public const string Validator_CollectionTypesCannotHaveBaseType = "CollectionType objects cannot have a base type.";
public const string Validator_RefTypesCannotHaveBaseType = "Reference types cannot have a base type.";
public const string Validator_TypeHasNoName = "The type does not have a name.";
public const string Validator_TypeHasNoNamespace = "The type does not have a namespace.";
public const string Validator_FacetHasNoName = "The facet does not have a name.";
public const string Validator_MemberHasNoName = "The member does not have a name.";
public const string Validator_MetadataPropertyHasNoName = "The metadata property does not have a name.";
public const string Validator_NullableEntityKeyProperty = "EntityKeyProperty and IsNullable cannot both be true in the EdmScalarPropertyAttribute for property '{0}' on type '{1}'. Properties that are part of the key cannot be nullable.";
public const string Validator_OSpace_InvalidNavPropReturnType = "The property '{0}' on type '{1}' has the return type '{2}', which is not a recognized EntityType or enumeration of instances of EntityType.";
public const string Validator_OSpace_ScalarPropertyNotPrimitive = "The property '{0}' on type '{1}' is attributed with EdmScalarPropertyAttribute but returns the type '{2}', which is not a primitive type or a recognized enumeration type.";
public const string Validator_OSpace_ComplexPropertyNotComplex = "The property '{0}' on type '{1}' is attributed with EdmComplexPropertyAttribute but returns the type '{2}', which is not a recognized ComplexType.";
public const string Validator_OSpace_Convention_MultipleTypesWithSameName = "Multiple types with the name '{0}' exist in the EdmItemCollection in different namespaces. Convention based mapping requires unique names without regard to namespace in the EdmItemCollection.";
public const string Validator_OSpace_Convention_NonPrimitiveTypeProperty = "The property '{0}' on the type '{1}' has a property type of '{2}' which cannot be mapped to a primitive type.";
public const string Validator_OSpace_Convention_MissingRequiredProperty = "The required property '{0}' does not exist on the type '{1}'.";
public const string Validator_OSpace_Convention_BaseTypeIncompatible = "The base type '{0}' of type '{1}' does not match the model base type '{2}'.";
public const string Validator_OSpace_Convention_MissingOSpaceType = "No corresponding object layer type could be found for the conceptual type '{0}'.";
public const string Validator_OSpace_Convention_RelationshipNotLoaded = "The relationship '{0}' was not loaded because the type '{1}' is not available.";
public const string Validator_OSpace_Convention_AttributeAssemblyReferenced = "The types in the assembly '{0}' cannot be loaded because the assembly contains the EdmSchemaAttribute, and the closure of types is being loaded by name. Loading by both name and attribute is not allowed.";
public const string Validator_OSpace_Convention_ScalarPropertyMissginGetterOrSetter = "The property '{0}' of type '{1}' in the assembly '{2}' cannot be used as a scalar property because it does not have both a getter and setter.";
public const string Validator_OSpace_Convention_AmbiguousClrType = "The mapping of CLR type to EDM type is ambiguous because multiple CLR types match the EDM type '{0}'. Previously found CLR type '{1}', newly found CLR type '{2}'.";
public const string Validator_OSpace_Convention_Struct = "The EntityType or ComplexType '{0}' cannot be mapped by convention to the value type '{1}'. Value types are not allowed to be mapped to EntityTypes or ComplexTypes.";
public const string Validator_OSpace_Convention_BaseTypeNotLoaded = "The type '{0}' was not loaded because the base type '{1}' is not available.";
public const string Validator_OSpace_Convention_SSpaceOSpaceTypeMismatch = "Type '{0}' defined in the object layer is not compatible with type '{1}' defined in the conceptual model. An enumeration type cannot be mapped to a non-enumeration type.";
public const string Validator_OSpace_Convention_NonMatchingUnderlyingTypes = "The underlying type of CLR enumeration type does not match the underlying type of EDM enumeration type.";
public const string Validator_UnsupportedEnumUnderlyingType = "The type '{0}' is not a supported underlying type for enumeration types.";
public const string ExtraInfo = "The following information may be useful in resolving the previous error:";
public const string Metadata_General_Error = "Inconsistent metadata error";
public const string InvalidNumberOfParametersForAggregateFunction = "Error in Function '{0}'. Aggregate Functions should take exactly one input parameter.";
public const string InvalidParameterTypeForAggregateFunction = "Type of parameter '{0}' in function '{1}' is not valid. The aggregate function parameter type must be of CollectionType.";
public const string ItemCollectionAlreadyRegistered = "The ItemCollection for the '{0}' space has already been registered.";
public const string InvalidSchemaEncountered = "Schema specified is not valid. Errors: {0}";
public const string SystemNamespaceEncountered = "The namespace '{0}' is a system namespace and cannot be used by other schemas. Choose another namespace name.";
public const string NoCollectionForSpace = "The space '{0}' has no associated collection.";
public const string OperationOnReadOnlyCollection = "The operation cannot be performed because the collection is read only.";
public const string OperationOnReadOnlyItem = "The operation cannot be performed because the item is read only.";
public const string EntitySetInAnotherContainer = "The EntitySet already has an EntityContainer, it cannot be added to this collection.";
public const string InvalidKeyMember = "The specified key Member '{0}' does not exist in the Members collection.";
public const string InvalidFileExtension = "Specified file '{0}' has extension '{1}' that is not valid. The valid extension is {2}.";
public const string NewTypeConflictsWithExistingType = "The type '{0}' that is being loaded conflicts with the type '{1}' that is already loaded because they have the same namespace and name.";
public const string NotValidInputPath = "At least one of the input paths is not valid because either it is too long or it has incorrect format.";
public const string UnableToDetermineApplicationContext = "Unable to determine application context. The ASP.NET application path could not be resolved.";
public const string WildcardEnumeratorReturnedNull = "The wildcard assembly enumerator function returned null.";
public const string InvalidUseOfWebPath = "'{0}' is only valid in metadata file paths when running inside ASP.NET.";
public const string UnableToFindReflectedType = "Unable to find type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'.";
public const string AssemblyMissingFromAssembliesToConsider = "The assembly '{0}' specified does not exist in the assemblies enumeration.";
public const string InvalidCollectionSpecified = "Item Collection for '{0}' is not valid. Make sure that the StorageMappingItemCollection was constructed with the same instances of item collection that are registered for conceptual model and storage model.";
public const string UnableToLoadResource = "Unable to load the specified metadata resource.";
public const string EdmVersionNotSupportedByRuntime = "The EDMVersion of the item collection {0} is not an EDMVersion that the runtime supports. The supported versions are {1}.";
public const string AtleastOneSSDLNeeded = "At least one SSDL artifact is required for creating StoreItemCollection.";
public const string InvalidMetadataPath = "The specified metadata path is not valid. A valid path must be either an existing directory, an existing file with extension '.csdl', '.ssdl', or '.msl', or a URI that identifies an embedded resource.";
public const string UnableToResolveAssembly = "Unable to resolve assembly '{0}'.";
public const string UnableToDetermineStoreVersion = "Could not determine storage version; a valid storage connection or a version hint is required.";
public const string DuplicatedFunctionoverloads = "The parameters of Function '{0}' are converted to conceptual side type '{1}', and the function with the same conceptual side type parameters already exists. Please make sure that function overloads are not ambiguous.";
public const string EntitySetNotInCSPace = "The EntitySet '{0}' that was passed in does not belong to the conceptual model.";
public const string TypeNotInEntitySet = "The type '{0}' specified is not the declared type '{1}' or a derivation of the type of the EntitySet '{2}'.";
public const string TypeNotInAssociationSet = "The type '{0}' specified is not the declared type '{1}' or a derivation of the type of the AssociationSet '{2}'.";
public const string DifferentSchemaVersionInCollection = "The {0} could not be registered with the MetadataWorkspace because its version ('{1}') is different from the version ('{2}') already associated with the MetadataWorkspace.";
public const string InvalidCollectionForMapping = "ItemCollection is not valid. For '{0}' space, the CollectionType should be MappingItemCollection.";
public const string OnlyStoreConnectionsSupported = "Entity connections are not supported; only storage connections are supported.";
public const string StoreItemCollectionMustHaveOneArtifact = "Argument '{0}' is not valid. A minimum of one .ssdl artifact must be supplied.";
public const string CheckArgumentContainsNullFailed = "Argument '{0}' is not valid. The set contains a null value.";
public const string InvalidRelationshipSetName = "The RelationshipSet with the specified name '{0}' does not exist in the EntityContainer.";
public const string MemberInvalidIdentity = "The member with identity '{0}' does not exist in the member collection.";
public const string InvalidEntitySetName = "The EntitySet with the specified name '{0}' does not exist in the EntityContainer.";
public const string ItemInvalidIdentity = "The member with identity '{0}' does not exist in the metadata collection.";
public const string ItemDuplicateIdentity = "The item with identity '{0}' already exists in the metadata collection.";
public const string NotStringTypeForTypeUsage = "The PrimitiveType is not a string type.";
public const string NotBinaryTypeForTypeUsage = "The PrimitiveType is not a binary type.";
public const string NotDateTimeTypeForTypeUsage = "The PrimitiveType is not a DateTime type.";
public const string NotDateTimeOffsetTypeForTypeUsage = "The given primitive type is not a DateTimeOffset type.";
public const string NotTimeTypeForTypeUsage = "The given primitive type is not a Time type.";
public const string NotDecimalTypeForTypeUsage = "The PrimitiveType is not a Decimal type.";
public const string ArrayTooSmall = "Destination array was not long enough. Check arrayIndex and length, and the array's lower bounds.";
public const string MoreThanOneItemMatchesIdentity = "More than one item in the metadata collection match the identity '{0}'.";
public const string MissingDefaultValueForConstantFacet = "Missing default value for '{0}' in type '{1}'. Default value must be specified because the '{0}' is specified as constant.";
public const string MinAndMaxValueMustBeSameForConstantFacet = "Minimum and maximum value must not be specified for '{0}' in type '{1}' since '{0}' is specified as constant.";
public const string BothMinAndMaxValueMustBeSpecifiedForNonConstantFacet = "Both minimum and maximum values must be provided for '{0}' in type '{1}' since '{0}' is not specified as a constant.";
public const string MinAndMaxValueMustBeDifferentForNonConstantFacet = "Minimum and maximum values cannot be identical for '{0}' in type '{1}' because '{0}' is not specified as constant.";
public const string MinAndMaxMustBePositive = "Minimum and maximum values must be greater than or equal to zero for '{0}' in type '{1}'.";
public const string MinMustBeLessThanMax = "Minimum value '{0}' specified for '{1}' in type '{2} is not valid. Minimum value must be always less than the maximum value.";
public const string SameRoleNameOnRelationshipAttribute = "Both Ends on the EdmRelationshipAttribute for relationship '{0}' have the same Role name '{1}'. The ends of a relationship type must have different Role names.";
public const string RoleTypeInEdmRelationshipAttributeIsInvalidType = "The property for the relationship '{0}' contains a Role '{1}' has a type '{2}' that is not valid for a relationship End. Change the End Role to an EntityType.";
public const string TargetRoleNameInNavigationPropertyNotValid = "EdmRelationshipNavigationPropertyAttribute for RelationshipType '{3}' on NavigationProperty '{0}' in EntityType '{1}' has a TargetRole name '{2}' that is not valid. Make sure that TargetRole name is a valid name.";
public const string RelationshipNameInNavigationPropertyNotValid = "EdmRelationshipNavigationPropertyAttribute on NavigationProperty '{0}' in EntityType '{1}' has a RelationshipName '{2}' that is not valid. Make sure the RelationshipName is valid.";
public const string NestedClassNotSupported = "Type '{0}' in Assembly '{1}' is a nested class. Nested classes are not supported.";
public const string NullParameterForEdmRelationshipAttribute = "The EdmRelationshipAttribute for the relationship '{1}' has a null parameter '{0}'.";
public const string NullRelationshipNameforEdmRelationshipAttribute = "The RelationshipName parameter of an EdmRelationshipAttribute in the assembly '{0}' is null.";
public const string NavigationPropertyRelationshipEndTypeMismatch = "The EntityType '{0}' that the NavigationProperty '{1}' is declared on is not the same type '{4}' referred by the end '{3}' of the RelationshipType '{2}' that this NavigationProperty represents.";
public const string AllArtifactsMustTargetSameProvider_InvariantName = "All SSDL artifacts must target the same provider. The Provider '{0}' is different from '{1}' that was encountered earlier.";
public const string AllArtifactsMustTargetSameProvider_ManifestToken = "All SSDL artifacts must target the same provider. The ProviderManifestToken '{0}' is different from '{1}' that was encountered earlier.";
public const string ProviderManifestTokenNotFound = "The storage provider manifest could not be obtained.";
public const string FailedToRetrieveProviderManifest = "Could not retrieve the provider manifest.";
public const string InvalidMaxLengthSize = "MaxLength must be greater than zero.";
public const string ArgumentMustBeCSpaceType = "The argument to the function must be a conceptual schema type.";
public const string ArgumentMustBeOSpaceType = "The argument to the function must be an CLR type.";
public const string FailedToFindOSpaceTypeMapping = "Could not find the CLR type for '{0}'.";
public const string FailedToFindCSpaceTypeMapping = "Could not find the conceptual model type for '{0}'.";
public const string FailedToFindClrTypeMapping = "Could not find the CLR type for '{0}'.";
public const string GenericTypeNotSupported = "EdmComplexTypeAttribute and EdmEntityTypeAttribute can not be used on the generic type '{0}'.";
public const string InvalidEDMVersion = "The EDM version {0} is not supported by the runtime.";
public const string Mapping_General_Error = "Mapping not valid error";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_General = "Content in MSL is not valid.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_EntityContainer = "The EntityContainer '{0}' for the conceptual model specified as part of this MSL does not exist in MetadataWorkspace.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_StorageEntityContainer = "The EntityContainer '{0}' for the storage model specified as part of this MSL does not exist in MetadataWorkspace.";
public const string Mapping_AlreadyMapped_StorageEntityContainer = "The EntityContainer '{0}' for the storage model has already been mapped.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_Entity_Set = "The EntitySet '{0}' specified as part of this MSL does not exist in MetadataWorkspace.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_Entity_Type = "The EntityType '{0}' specified as part of this MSL does not exist in MetadataWorkspace.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_AbstractEntity_FunctionMapping = "The EntityType '{0}' is Abstract and cannot be mapped using Function Mapping.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_AbstractEntity_Type = "The EntityType '{0}' is Abstract and can be mapped only using IsTypeOf.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_AbstractEntity_IsOfType = "The EntityType '{0}' used in IsTypeOf does not have any concrete descendants.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_Entity_Type_For_Entity_Set = "The EntityType '{0}' specified is not the declared type '{1}' or a derivation of the type of the EntitySet '{2}'.";
public const string Mapping_Invalid_Association_Type_For_Association_Set = "The AssociationType '{0}' specified is not the declared type '{1}' of the AssociationSet '{2}'.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_Table = "The Table '{0}' specified as part of this MSL does not exist in MetadataWorkspace.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_Complex_Type = "The Complex Type '{0}' specified as part of this MSL does not exist in MetadataWorkspace.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_Association_Set = "The AssociationSet '{0}' specified as part of this MSL does not exist in MetadataWorkspace.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_AssociationSet_Condition = "The AssociationSet '{0}' cannot have a Condition because it does not provide maps for the End elements.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_ForeignKey_Association_Set = "AssociationType '{0}' has a referential integrity constraint and cannot be mapped.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_ForeignKey_Association_Set_PKtoPK = "AssociationType '{0}' has a primary key to primary key referential integrity constraint. Any mappings for it will be ignored.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_Association_Type = "The AssociationType '{0}' specified as part of this MSL does not exist in MetadataWorkspace.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_EndProperty = "The property '{0}' is not a key member of the EntityType. Only key members can be mapped as part of the EndProperty mapping.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_Association_Type_Empty = "AssociationType Name should be specified when providing a function mapping or End property mapping.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_Table_Expected = "A table mapping element is expected but not present.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_Cdm_Member = "Content not valid. The conceptual side Member or Property '{0}' specified as part of this MSL does not exist in MetadataWorkspace.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_Column = "The Column '{0}' specified as part of this MSL does not exist in MetadataWorkspace.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_End = "The End property '{0}' specified as part of this MSL does not exist in MetadataWorkspace.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_Container_SubElement = "Expecting only EntitySetMapping, AssociationSetMapping, or FunctionImportMapping elements.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_Duplicate_Cdm_Member = "The conceptual side Member or Property '{0}' has multiple mappings specified as part of the same mapping fragment.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_Duplicate_Condition_Member = "The Member or Property '{0}' has multiple conditions specified as part of the same mapping fragment.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_ConditionMapping_Both_Members = "Both conceptual model and column members cannot be specified for condition mapping.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_ConditionMapping_Either_Members = "Either conceptual model or Column Members must be specified for condition mapping.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_ConditionMapping_Both_Values = "Both Value and IsNull attributes cannot be specified for condition mapping.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_ConditionMapping_Either_Values = "Either Value or IsNullAttribute has to be specified for condition mapping.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_ConditionMapping_NonScalar = "Conditions are not supported on complex-valued members.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_ConditionMapping_InvalidPrimitiveTypeKind = "Condition can not be specified on values of member '{0}'. Value conditions are not supported for type '{1}'.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_ConditionMapping_InvalidMember = "Member '{0}' specified in Condition does not exist.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_ConditionMapping_Computed = "Condition cannot be specified for Column member '{0}' because it is marked with a 'Computed' or 'Identity' StoreGeneratedPattern.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_Emtpty_SetMap = "At least one property must be mapped in the set mapping for '{0}'.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_TypeMapping_QueryView = "Only EntityTypeMapping and QueryView elements are allowed when the EntityType name is not specified on the EntitySetMapping.";
public const string Mapping_Default_OCMapping_Clr_Member = "The Member '{0}' in the conceptual model type '{1}' is not present in the CLR type '{2}'.";
public const string Mapping_Default_OCMapping_Clr_Member2 = "The Member '{0}' in the CLR type '{1}' is not present in the conceptual model type '{2}'.";
public const string Mapping_Default_OCMapping_Invalid_MemberType = "The type '{0}' of the member '{1}' in the conceptual side type '{2}' does not match with the type '{3}' of the member '{4}' on the object side type '{5}'.";
public const string Mapping_Default_OCMapping_MemberKind_Mismatch = "The '{0}' property on the conceptual model type '{1}' is of type '{2}'. The property '{3}' on the CLR type '{4}' is of type '{5}'. The property types must match.";
public const string Mapping_Default_OCMapping_MultiplicityMismatch = "The multiplicity '{0}' on End '{1}' in the conceptual side Association '{2}' doesn't match with multiplicity '{3}' on end '{4}' on the object side Association '{5}'.";
public const string Mapping_Default_OCMapping_Member_Count_Mismatch = "The number of members in the conceptual type '{0}' does not match with the number of members on the object side type '{1}'. Make sure the number of members are the same.";
public const string Mapping_Default_OCMapping_Member_Type_Mismatch = "The type '{0}'('{1}') of the member '{2}' in the conceptual type '{3}' doesn't match with the type '{4}'('{5}') of the member '{6}' on the object side type '{7}'.";
public const string Mapping_Enum_OCMapping_UnderlyingTypesMismatch = "The underlying type '{0}' of the enumeration type '{1}' defined in the conceptual model does not match the underlying type '{2}' of the enumeration type '{3}' defined in the object layer.";
public const string Mapping_Enum_OCMapping_MemberMismatch = "The enumeration type '{0}' defined in the object layer does not have a member that corresponds to the member '{1}' whose value is '{2}' of the enumeration type '{3}' defined in the conceptual model.";
public const string Mapping_NotFound_EntityContainer = "The mapping for EntityContainer '{0}' was not found in Workspace.";
public const string Mapping_Duplicate_CdmAssociationSet_StorageMap = "The conceptual AssociationSet '{0}' cannot be mapped multiple times.";
public const string Mapping_Invalid_CSRootElementMissing = "Invalid root element found in the mapping file. Make sure that the root element's local name is 'Mapping' and the namespaceURI is '{0}', '{1}' or '{2}'.";
public const string Mapping_ConditionValueTypeMismatch = "The value specified for the condition is not compatible with the type of the member.";
public const string Mapping_Storage_InvalidSpace = "The Storage Map can be looked up only from the type in conceptual model. It cannot be looked up from type in the following space: {0}.";
public const string Mapping_Invalid_Member_Mapping = "Member Mapping specified is not valid. The type '{0}' of member '{1}' in type '{2}' is not compatible with '{3}' of member '{4}' in type '{5}'.";
public const string Mapping_Invalid_CSide_ScalarProperty = "The property '{0}' on the conceptual side is not a scalar property.";
public const string Mapping_Duplicate_Type = "The type '{0}' has been mapped more than once.";
public const string Mapping_Duplicate_PropertyMap_CaseInsensitive = "More than one property map found for property '{0}' when using case-insensitive search.";
public const string Mapping_Enum_EmptyValue = "Non-empty enumeration value must be specified for condition mapping for enumeration '{0}'.";
public const string Mapping_Enum_InvalidValue = "Enumeration value '{0}' specified in condition mapping is not valid.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidMappingSchema_Parsing = "XML parsing failed for mapping schema. Schema Error Information : {0}.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidMappingSchema_validation = "XML Schema validation failed for mapping schema. Schema Error Information : {0}.";
public const string Mapping_Object_InvalidType = "Object mapping could not be found for Type with identity '{0}'.";
public const string Mapping_Provider_WrongConnectionType = "The connection is not of type '{0}'.";
public const string Mapping_Provider_WrongManifestType = "The provider manifest given is not of type '{0}'.";
public const string Mapping_Views_For_Extent_Not_Generated = "No views were found in assemblies or could be generated for {0} '{1}'.";
public const string Mapping_TableName_QueryView = "Store EntitySet name should not be specified on set mapping for Set '{0}' because a query view is being specified.";
public const string Mapping_Empty_QueryView = "The query view specified for EntitySet '{0}' is empty.";
public const string Mapping_Empty_QueryView_OfType = "The IsTypeOf({0}) query view specified for EntitySet '{1}' is empty.";
public const string Mapping_Empty_QueryView_OfTypeOnly = "The query view specified for EntitySet '{0}' for EntityType '{1}' is empty.";
public const string Mapping_QueryView_PropertyMaps = "Property maps cannot be specified for EntitySet '{0}' because a query view has been specified.";
public const string Mapping_Invalid_QueryView = "The query view generated for the EntitySet '{0}' is not valid. The query parser threw the following error : {1}.";
public const string Mapping_Invalid_QueryView2 = "The query view specified for the EntitySet '{0}' is not valid. The query parser threw the following error : {1}.";
public const string Mapping_Invalid_QueryView_Type = "The ResultType of the query view expression specified for the EntitySet '{0}' is not assignable to the element type of the EntitySet.";
public const string Mapping_TypeName_For_First_QueryView = "The first QueryView must not be type-specific. Try removing the TypeName property.";
public const string Mapping_AllQueryViewAtCompileTime = "The EntitySetMapping in EntityContainerMapping for EntityContainer '{0}' must contain only mapping fragments and no query view. The EntitySetMapping contains only query views and the view for this EntityContainerMapping will not be generated.";
public const string Mapping_QueryViewMultipleTypeInTypeName = "A single QueryView is defined for multiple types within EntitySet {0}.";
public const string Mapping_QueryView_Duplicate_OfType = "IsTypeOf( ) QueryView is already defined for EntitySet {0} and TypeName {1}.";
public const string Mapping_QueryView_Duplicate_OfTypeOnly = "QueryView is already defined for EntitySet {0} and TypeName {1}.";
public const string Mapping_QueryView_TypeName_Not_Defined = "TypeName property must be defined for all but the first QueryViews within mapping for EntitySet {0}.";
public const string Mapping_QueryView_For_Base_Type = "IsTypeOf({0}) QueryView should not be specified for {1} EntitySet's element type {0}.";
public const string Mapping_UnsupportedExpressionKind_QueryView = "The query view specified for '{0}' EntitySet's type(s) '{1}' contains an unsupported expression of kind '{2}'.";
public const string Mapping_UnsupportedFunctionCall_QueryView = "The query view specified for the EntitySet '{0}' includes a call to the Function '{1}'. Only storage Functions may be referenced in a query view.";
public const string Mapping_UnsupportedScanTarget_QueryView = "The query view specified for the EntitySet '{0}' includes a scan of the '{1}' EntitySet. Only storage EntitySets may be referenced in a query view.";
public const string Mapping_UnsupportedPropertyKind_QueryView = "The query view specified for the EntitySet '{0}' contains a reference to member '{1}' of kind '{2}'. Only columns may be referenced.";
public const string Mapping_UnsupportedInitialization_QueryView = "The query view specified for the EntitySet '{0}' initializes an instance of type '{1}'. Only types assignable to the element type of the EntitySet are permitted.";
public const string Mapping_EntitySetMismatchOnAssociationSetEnd_QueryView = "The EntitySet '{0}' used for creating the Ref expression does not match the EntitySet '{1}' declared on the AssociationSetEnd '{2}' of the AssociationSet '{3}'.";
public const string Mapping_Invalid_Query_Views_MissingSetClosure = "If an EntitySet or AssociationSet includes a query view, all related entity and association sets in the EntityContainer must also define query views. The following sets require query views: {0}.";
public const string Generated_View_Type_Super_Class = "The type that contains generated views '{0}' should derive from the System.Data.Mapping.EntityViewContainer type.";
public const string Generated_Views_Changed = "The content of the views or the EntitySet base names have changed from the design time.";
public const string Generated_Views_Invalid_Extent = "The EntitySet '{0}' for which the view has been specified could not be found in the workspace.";
public const string Mapping_ItemWithSameNameExistsBothInCSpaceAndSSpace = "GlobalItem with name '{0}' exists both in conceptual model and storage model. Make sure that every item has a unique name across conceptual model and storage model.";
public const string Mapping_AbstractTypeMappingToNonAbstractType = "Type '{0}' in conceptual side cannot be mapped to type '{1}' on the object side. Both the types must be abstract or both must be concrete types.";
public const string Mapping_EnumTypeMappingToNonEnumType = "Type '{0}' defined in the conceptual model cannot be mapped to type '{1}' from the object layer. An enumeration type cannot be mapped to a non-enumeration type.";
public const string StorageEntityContainerNameMismatchWhileSpecifyingPartialMapping = "Storage EntityContainer name '{0}' specified in this mapping schema doesn't match with the storage EntityContainer name '{1}' specified in the previous mapping schema(s) for EntityContainer '{2}' in the conceptual model. Make sure that you specify exactly one mapping per EntityContainer, or if you want to specify partial mapping, make sure that they map to the same storage EntityContainer.";
public const string Mapping_InvalidContent_IsTypeOfNotTerminated = "Unclosed parenthesis in IsOfType declaration.";
public const string Mapping_CannotMapCLRTypeMultipleTimes = "An EdmType cannot be mapped to CLR classes multiple times. The EdmType '{0}' is mapped more than once.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_In_Table_Context = "An EntityType Mapping containing a function mapping cannot specify the TableName property.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_Multiple_Types = "An EntityType Mapping function binding cannot map multiple types. Function mappings may be specified only for EntityType mappings for single types -- do not use the 'IsTypeOf' modifier or specify multiple types.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_UnknownFunction = "A mapping function binding specifies an unknown function {0}.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_AmbiguousFunction = "A mapping function binding specifies an ambiguous function {0} with more than one overload.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_NotValidFunction = "A mapping function binding specifies a function {0} that is not supported. Only functions that cannot be composed are supported.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_NotValidFunctionParameter = "A mapping function binding specifies a function {0} with an unsupported parameter: {1}. Output parameters may only be mapped through the {2} property. Use result bindings to return values from a function invocation.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_MissingParameter = "A mapping function bindings specifies a function {0} but does not map the following function parameters: {1}.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_AssociationSetDoesNotExist = "An association End mapping specifies an AssociationSet {0} that does not exist in the current container.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_AssociationSetRoleDoesNotExist = "An association End mapping specifies a Role {0} that does not exist in the current AssociationSet.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_AssociationSetFromRoleIsNotEntitySet = "An association End mapping defines a from Role {0} that is not bound to the current EntitySet.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_AssociationSetCardinality = "An association End mapping has a 'to' Role {0} with multiplicity greater than one. A maximum multiplicity of one is supported.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_ComplexTypeNotFound = "Unable to find ComplexType {0} in the current MetadataWorkspace.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_WrongComplexType = "The Complex Type {0} does not match the type of the current property {1}.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_MissingVersion = "Cannot determine the version for the current parameter binding.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_VersionMustBeOriginal = "This function mapping can only contain bindings to 'original' property versions.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_VersionMustBeCurrent = "This function mapping can only contain bindings to 'current' property versions.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_ParameterNotFound = "The function parameter {0} is not defined in the function {1}.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_PropertyNotFound = "The property {0} does not exist in the type {1}.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_PropertyNotKey = "The property {0} is not a key of {1}. Association End mappings may only include key properties.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_ParameterBoundTwice = "The parameter {0} is bound multiple times.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_RedundantEntityTypeMapping = "The EntityType {0} is mapped to functions more than once.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_MissingSetClosure = "If some of the EntitySet or the AssociationSet mapped to the same store EntitySet, and one of the sets includes a function mapping, all related entity and AssociationSets in the EntityContainer must also define function mappings. The following sets require function mappings: {0}.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_MissingEntityType = "If an EntitySet mapping includes a function binding, function bindings must be included for all types. The following types do not have function bindings: {0}.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_PropertyParameterTypeMismatch = "Parameter Mapping specified is not valid. The type '{0}' of member '{1}' in type '{2}' is not compatible with '{3}' of parameter '{4}' in function '{5}'.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_AssociationSetAmbiguous = "AssociationSet instances may only be mapped using functions in one EntitySetMapping or AssociationSetMapping. The following AssociationSet instances are mapped in multiple locations: {0}.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_MultipleEndsOfAssociationMapped = "A function mapping includes parameter bindings for two different Ends of the same AssociationSet. Only one End of a particular AssociationSet may be mapped within a single function mapping. End Roles: {0}, {1}. AssociationSet: {2}.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_AmbiguousResultBinding = "A function mapping includes multiple result bindings for a single property. Property name: {0}. Column names: {1}.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_AssociationSetNotMappedForOperation = "The EntitySet '{0}' includes function mappings for AssociationSet '{1}', but none exists in element '{2}' for type '{3}'. AssociationSets must be consistently mapped for all operations.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_AssociationEndMappingInvalidForEntityType = "The EntityType '{0}' includes function mappings for AssociationSet '{1}' that requires type '{2}'.";
public const string Mapping_ModificationFunction_AssociationEndMappingForeignKeyAssociation = "A function mapping for 'to' role {0} is not permitted because it is a foreign key association.";
public const string Mapping_StoreTypeMismatch_ScalarPropertyMapping = "The conceptual side property '{0}' has already been mapped to a storage property with type '{1}'. If the conceptual side property is mapped to multiple properties in the storage model, make sure that all the properties in the storage model have the same type.";
public const string Mapping_DistinctFlagInReadWriteContainer = "MakeColumnsDistinct flag can only be placed within a container that does not generate update views. Mark GenerateUpdateViews attribute to 'false' within EntityContainerMapping.";
public const string Mapping_ProviderReturnsNullType = "The store provider did not return a valid EdmType for '{0}'.";
public const string Mapping_DifferentEdmStoreVersion = "The version of EdmItemCollection must match the version of StoreItemCollection.";
public const string Mapping_DifferentMappingEdmStoreVersion = "The version of the loaded mapping files must be the same as the version of loaded EdmItemCollection and StoreItemCollection.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_StoreFunctionDoesNotExist = "The storage function '{0}' does not exist.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_FunctionImportDoesNotExist = "The FunctionImport '{0}' does not exist in container '{1}'.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_FunctionImportMappedMultipleTimes = "The FunctionImport '{0}' has already been mapped.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_TargetFunctionMustBeNonComposable = "The non-composable function import '{0}' is mapped to the composable store function '{1}'. Non-composable function imports can be mapped only to stored procedures.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_TargetFunctionMustBeComposable = "The composable function import '{0}' is mapped to the non-composable store function '{1}'. Composable function imports can be mapped only to composable table-valued store functions.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_TargetParameterHasNoCorrespondingImportParameter = "Storage function has a parameter '{0}' but no corresponding parameter was found in the FunctionImport.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_ImportParameterHasNoCorrespondingTargetParameter = "Import function has a parameter '{0}' but no corresponding parameter was found in the storage function.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_IncompatibleParameterMode = "Parameter '{0}' has mode '{1}' in the storage function but mode '{2}' in the FunctionImport.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_IncompatibleParameterType = "Parameter '{0}' has type '{1}' in the storage that is not compatible with type '{2}' declared for the FunctionImport.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_IncompatibleEnumParameterType = "The storage function parameter '{0}' of type '{1}' does not match the corresponding FunctionImport parameter of enumeration type '{2}' with underlying type '{3}'. The underlying type of the enumeration parameter for a function defined in the conceptual model must match the corresponding storage function parameter type.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_RowsAffectedParameterDoesNotExist = "Rows affected parameter '{0}' does not exist in function '{1}'.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_RowsAffectedParameterHasWrongType = "Rows affected parameter '{0}' is of type '{1}'. Must be an integer numeric type.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_RowsAffectedParameterHasWrongMode = "Rows affected parameter '{0}' has mode '{1}'. Must have mode '{2}' or '{3}'.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_EntityTypeMappingForFunctionNotReturningEntitySet = "An {0} element can only be declared for a FunctionImport declaring an EntitySet. FunctionImport '{1}' does not declare an EntitySet.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_InvalidContentEntityTypeForEntitySet = "The EntityType '{0}' specified is not the declared type '{1}' nor a derivation of the type of the EntitySet '{2}' for FunctionImport '{3}'.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_ConditionValueTypeMismatch = "The condition value specified for {0} is not compatible with the type returned by the storage provider. Column name: '{1}', ResultType: '{2}'.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_UnsupportedType = "The type returned by the storage provider is not supported for type conditions. Column name: '{0}', ResultType: '{1}'.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_ResultMappingCountDoesNotMatchResultCount = "The number of ResultMapping elements for the FunctionImport '{0}' does not match the number of specified ReturnType elements.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_ResultMapping_MappedTypeDoesNotMatchReturnType = "Mapping of the function import '{0}' is not valid. Mapped type '{1}' is not compatible with the return type of the function import.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_ResultMapping_InvalidCTypeCTExpected = "Mapping of the function import '{0}' is not valid. ComplexTypeMapping is supported only for function imports returning a collection of ComplexType.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_ResultMapping_InvalidCTypeETExpected = "Mapping of the function import '{0}' is not valid. EntityTypeMapping is supported only for function imports returning a collection of EntityType.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_ResultMapping_InvalidSType = "Mapping of the function import '{0}' is not valid. Storage function return type is expected to be a collection of rows.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_PropertyNotMapped = "No mapping specified for the conceptual property '{0}' of type '{1}' in the result mapping of the function import '{2}'.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_ImplicitMappingForAbstractReturnType = "The return type '{0}' of the function import '{1}' is abstract and cannot be mapped implicitly.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_ScalarMappingToMulticolumnTVF = "The function import '{0}' can be mapped only to a store function that returns rows with one column. The store function '{1}' returns rows with multiple columns.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_ScalarMappingTypeMismatch = "The return type '{0}' of the function import '{1}' is not compatible with the return type '{2}' of the store function '{3}'.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_UnreachableType = "The function import mapping cannot produce an entity of type '{0}'. Ensure that conditions unambiguously imply the type. See line(s) '{1}'.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_UnreachableIsTypeOf = "The function import mapping cannot produce an entity from the '{0}' type hierarchy. Ensure that conditions unambiguously imply some type in the hierarchy. See line(s) '{1}'.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_FunctionAmbiguous = "Unable to resolve to a specific overload of the function '{0}'.";
public const string Mapping_FunctionImport_CannotInferTargetFunctionKeys = "The key properties of all entity types returned by the function import '{0}' must be mapped to the same non-nullable columns returned by the storage function.";
public const string SqlProvider_DdlGeneration_MissingInitialCatalog = "Unable to complete operation. The supplied SqlConnection does not specify an initial catalog or AttachDBFilename.";
public const string SqlProvider_DdlGeneration_CannotDeleteDatabaseNoInitialCatalog = "Unable to delete the database. There is no database that corresponds to the given AttachDBFilename.";
public const string SqlProvider_DdlGeneration_CannotTellIfDatabaseExists = "A connection to the specified database could not be opened. See InnerException for details. However, there is a database registered with the server that corresponds to the given AttachDbFilename.";
public const string SqlProvider_CredentialsMissingForMasterConnection = "This operation requires a connection to the 'master' database. Unable to create a connection to the 'master' database because the original database connection has been opened and credentials have been removed from the connection string. Supply an unopened connection.";
public const string SqlProvider_IncompleteCreateDatabase = "The database creation succeeded, but the creation of the database objects failed. The consequent attempt to drop the database also failed. See InnerException for details.";
public const string SqlProvider_IncompleteCreateDatabaseAggregate = "See InnerExceptions for details.";
public const string SqlProvider_SqlTypesAssemblyNotFound = "Spatial types and functions are not available for this provider because the assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Types' version 10 or higher could not be found.";
public const string SqlProvider_Sql2008RequiredForSpatial = "Spatial types and functions are only supported by SQL Server 2008 or later.";
public const string SqlProvider_GeographyValueNotSqlCompatible = "The specified DbGeography value could not be converted to a SQL Server compatible value.";
public const string SqlProvider_GeometryValueNotSqlCompatible = "The specified DbGeometry value could not be converted to a SQL Server compatible value.";
public const string SqlProvider_NeedSqlDataReader = "Spatial readers can only be produced from readers of type SqlDataReader. A reader of type {0} was provided.";
public const string SqlProvider_InvalidGeographyColumn = "Expected a geography value, found a value of type {0}.";
public const string SqlProvider_InvalidGeometryColumn = "Expected a geometry value, found a value of type {0}.";
public const string Entity_EntityCantHaveMultipleChangeTrackers = "An entity object cannot be referenced by multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker.";
public const string ComplexObject_NullableComplexTypesNotSupported = "Nullable complex types are not supported. The complex property '{0}' must not allow nulls.";
public const string ComplexObject_ComplexObjectAlreadyAttachedToParent = "This complex object is already attached to another object.";
public const string ComplexObject_ComplexChangeRequestedOnScalarProperty = "The property '{0}' could not be reported as changing. This occurred because EntityComplexMemberChanging was called with a property name that is not a complex property. For more information, see the Entity Framework documentation.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_SetModifiedOnInvalidProperty = "Property '{0}' is not a valid property on the object referenced by this ObjectStateEntry.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_OriginalValuesDoesNotExist = "This ObjectStateEntry does not have original values. Objects in an added or detached state cannot have original values.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_CurrentValuesDoesNotExist = "This ObjectStateEntry does not have current values. Objects in a deleted or detached state cannot have current values.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_InvalidState = "The object is in a detached state. This operation cannot be performed on an ObjectStateEntry when the object is detached.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_CannotModifyKeyProperty = "The property '{0}' is part of the object's key information and cannot be modified.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_CantModifyRelationValues = "The ObjectStateEntry is a relationship entry. The current and original values of relationship entries cannot be modified.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_CantModifyRelationState = "The ObjectStateEntry is a relationship entry. The state of relationship entries cannot be modified.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_CantModifyDetachedDeletedEntries = "The object is in a detached or deleted state. An ObjectStateEntry in this state cannot be modified.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_SetModifiedStates = "{0} cannot be called because the object is not in a modified or unchanged state.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_CantSetEntityKey = "The EntityKey property can only be set when the current value of the property is null.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_CannotAccessKeyEntryValues = "The ObjectStateEntry is a key entry and its current and original values are not accessible.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_CannotModifyKeyEntryState = "The ObjectStateEntry is a key entry and its state cannot be modified.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_CannotDeleteOnKeyEntry = "The ObjectStateEntry is a key entry. Delete cannot be called on key entries.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_EntityMemberChangedWithoutEntityMemberChanging = "EntityMemberChanged or EntityComplexMemberChanged was called without first calling EntityMemberChanging or EntityComplexMemberChanging on the same change tracker with the same property name. For information about properly reporting changes, see the Entity Framework documentation.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_ChangeOnUnmappedProperty = "The property '{0}' does not have a valid entity mapping on the entity object. For more information, see the Entity Framework documentation.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_ChangeOnUnmappedComplexProperty = "The property '{0}' does not have a valid entity mapping on the complex type. For more information, see the Entity Framework documentation.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_ChangedInDifferentStateFromChanging = "The change cannot be tracked because the state of the object changed from '{0}' to '{1}' since the previous call to EntityMemberChanging or EntityComplexMemberChanging on the same change tracker with the same property name. For information about properly reporting changes, see the Entity Framework documentation.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_UnableToEnumerateCollection = "The navigation property '{0}' on entity of type '{1}' must implement IEnumerable in order for Entity Framework to be able to track changes in collections.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_RelationshipAndKeyEntriesDoNotHaveRelationshipManagers = "A RelationshipManager object cannot be returned for this ObjectStateEntry instance. Only an ObjectStateEntry that represents an entity has an associated RelationshipManager.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_InvalidTypeForComplexTypeProperty = "The value for the complex property could not be set. Complex properties must be set to an object that implements IExtendedDataRecord.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_ComplexObjectUsedMultipleTimes = "The entity of type '{0}' references the same complex object of type '{1}' more than once. Complex objects cannot be referenced multiple times by the same entity.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_SetOriginalComplexProperties = "The original value for the property '{0}' cannot be set because it is a complex property. Individual scalar properties can be set on a complex type if the type is first obtained as a OriginalValueRecord from the entity's original values.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_NullOriginalValueForNonNullableProperty = "The original value for the property '{0}' cannot be set to null because the '{1}' member on the entity type '{2}' is not nullable.";
public const string ObjectStateEntry_SetOriginalPrimaryKey = "The original value for the property '{0}' cannot be set because the property is part of the entity's key.";
public const string ObjectStateManager_NoEntryExistForEntityKey = "The supplied EntityKey does not have a corresponding entry in the ObjectStateManager.";
public const string ObjectStateManager_NoEntryExistsForObject = "The ObjectStateManager does not contain an ObjectStateEntry with a reference to an object of type '{0}'.";
public const string ObjectStateManager_EntityNotTracked = "An object with a key that matches the key of the supplied object could not be found in the ObjectStateManager. Verify that the key values of the supplied object match the key values of the object to which changes must be applied.";
public const string ObjectStateManager_DetachedObjectStateEntriesDoesNotExistInObjectStateManager = "Objects in a detached state do not exist in the ObjectStateManager.";
public const string ObjectStateManager_ObjectStateManagerContainsThisEntityKey = "An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager. The ObjectStateManager cannot track multiple objects with the same key.";
public const string ObjectStateManager_DoesnotAllowToReAddUnchangedOrModifiedOrDeletedEntity = "An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager. The existing object is in the {0} state. An object can only be added to the ObjectStateManager again if it is in the added state.";
public const string ObjectStateManager_CannotFixUpKeyToExistingValues = "AcceptChanges cannot continue because the object's key values conflict with another object in the ObjectStateManager. Make sure that the key values are unique before calling AcceptChanges.";
public const string ObjectStateManager_KeyPropertyDoesntMatchValueInKey = "The value of a property that is part of an object's key does not match the corresponding property value stored in the ObjectContext. This can occur if properties that are part of the key return inconsistent or incorrect values or if DetectChanges is not called after changes are made to a property that is part of the key.";
public const string ObjectStateManager_KeyPropertyDoesntMatchValueInKeyForAttach = "The object cannot be attached because the value of a property that is a part of the EntityKey does not match the corresponding value in the EntityKey.";
public const string ObjectStateManager_InvalidKey = "The object's EntityKey value is not valid.";
public const string ObjectStateManager_EntityTypeDoesnotMatchtoEntitySetType = "EntityType '{0}' does not exist in the EntitySet '{1}'.";
public const string ObjectStateManager_GetEntityKeyRequiresObjectToHaveAKey = "An object of type '{0}' must have a corresponding EntityKey value that is not null.";
public const string ObjectStateManager_AcceptChangesEntityKeyIsNotValid = "AcceptChanges cannot continue because the object's EntityKey value is null or is not a temporary key. This can happen when the EntityKey property is modified while the object is in an added state.";
public const string ObjectStateManager_EntityConflictsWithKeyEntry = "The object cannot be added to the object context. The object's EntityKey has an ObjectStateEntry that indicates that the object is already participating in a different relationship.";
public const string ObjectStateManager_CannotGetRelationshipManagerForDetachedPocoEntity = "A RelationshipManager cannot be returned for this object. A RelationshipManager can only be returned for objects that are either tracked by the ObjectStateManager or that implement IEntityWithRelationships.";
public const string ObjectStateManager_CannotChangeRelationshipStateEntityDeleted = "Cannot change relationship's state to the state other than deleted or detached if the source or target entity is in the deleted state.";
public const string ObjectStateManager_CannotChangeRelationshipStateEntityAdded = "Cannot change relationship's state to the state other than added or detached if the source or target entity is in the added state.";
public const string ObjectStateManager_CannotChangeRelationshipStateKeyEntry = "Cannot change state of a relationship if one of the ends of the relationship is a KeyEntry.";
public const string ObjectStateManager_ConflictingChangesOfRelationshipDetected = "Conflicting changes to the role '{0}' of the relationship '{1}' have been detected.";
public const string ObjectStateManager_ChangeRelationshipStateNotSupportedForForeignKeyAssociations = "The ChangeRelationshipState method is not supported for relationships that are defined by using foreign-key values.";
public const string ObjectStateManager_ChangeStateFromAddedWithNullKeyIsInvalid = "The object state cannot be changed. This exception may result from one or more of the primary key properties being set to null. Non-Added objects cannot have null primary key values. See inner exception for details.";
public const string ObjectContext_ClientEntityRemovedFromStore = "The following objects have not been refreshed because they were not found in the store: {0}.";
public const string ObjectContext_StoreEntityNotPresentInClient = "The refresh attempt has failed because an unexpected entity was returned by the data source.";
public const string ObjectContext_InvalidConnectionString = "The supplied connection string is not valid, because it contains insufficient mapping or metadata information.";
public const string ObjectContext_InvalidConnection = "The supplied connection is not valid because it contains insufficient mapping or metadata information.";
public const string ObjectContext_InvalidDataAdapter = "The DbDataAdapter returned from DbConnection.ProviderFactory.CreateDataAdapter() must implement IEntityDataAdapter.";
public const string ObjectContext_InvalidDefaultContainerName = "The specified default EntityContainer name '{0}' could not be found in the mapping and metadata information.";
public const string ObjectContext_NthElementInAddedState = "The element at index {0} in the collection of objects to refresh is in the added state. Objects in this state cannot be refreshed.";
public const string ObjectContext_NthElementIsDuplicate = "The element at index {0} in the collection of objects to refresh is a duplicate of an object that is already in the collection.";
public const string ObjectContext_NthElementIsNull = "The element at index {0} in the collection of objects to refresh is null.";
public const string ObjectContext_NthElementNotInObjectStateManager = "The element at index {0} in the collection of objects to refresh has a null EntityKey property value or is not attached to this ObjectStateManager.";
public const string ObjectContext_ObjectNotFound = "An object with the specified EntityKey value could not be found.";
public const string ObjectContext_CannotDeleteEntityNotInObjectStateManager = "The object cannot be deleted because it was not found in the ObjectStateManager.";
public const string ObjectContext_CannotDetachEntityNotInObjectStateManager = "The object cannot be detached because it is not attached to the ObjectStateManager.";
public const string ObjectContext_EntitySetNotFoundForName = "The EntitySet name '{0}' could not be found.";
public const string ObjectContext_EntityContainerNotFoundForName = "The EntityContainer name '{0}' could not be found.";
public const string ObjectContext_InvalidCommandTimeout = "The specified CommandTimeout value is not valid. It must be a positive number.";
public const string ObjectContext_NoMappingForEntityType = "Mapping and metadata information could not be found for EntityType '{0}'.";
public const string ObjectContext_EntityAlreadyExistsInObjectStateManager = "The object cannot be attached because it is already in the object context. An object can only be reattached when it is in an unchanged state.";
public const string ObjectContext_InvalidEntitySetInKey = "The EntitySet name '{0}.{1}' from the object's EntityKey does not match the expected EntitySet name, '{2}.{3}'.";
public const string ObjectContext_CannotAttachEntityWithoutKey = "An object with a null EntityKey value cannot be attached to an object context.";
public const string ObjectContext_CannotAttachEntityWithTemporaryKey = "An object with a temporary EntityKey value cannot be attached to an object context.";
public const string ObjectContext_EntitySetNameOrEntityKeyRequired = "The EntitySet name could not be determined. To attach an object, supply a valid EntitySet name and make sure that the object has a valid EntityKey.";
public const string ObjectContext_ExecuteFunctionTypeMismatch = "The type parameter '{0}' in ExecuteFunction is incompatible with the type '{1}' returned by the function.";
public const string ObjectContext_ExecuteFunctionCalledWithScalarFunction = "The stored procedure or function '{1}' returned the type '{0}'. ExecuteFunction only supports stored procedures and functions that return collections of entity objects or collections of complex objects.";
public const string ObjectContext_ExecuteFunctionCalledWithNonQueryFunction = "The stored procedure or function '{0}' does not have a return type. ExecuteFunction only supports stored procedures and functions that have a return type.";
public const string ObjectContext_ExecuteFunctionCalledWithNullParameter = "The parameter at index {0} in the parameters array is null.";
public const string ObjectContext_ContainerQualifiedEntitySetNameRequired = "The EntityContainer name could not be determined. The provided EntitySet name must be qualified by the EntityContainer name, such as 'EntityContainerName.EntitySetName', or the DefaultContainerName property must be set for the ObjectContext.";
public const string ObjectContext_CannotSetDefaultContainerName = "The DefaultContainerName property has already been set for this ObjectContext. This property cannot be changed after it has been set.";
public const string ObjectContext_QualfiedEntitySetName = "The provided EntitySet name must be qualified by the EntityContainer name, such as 'EntityContainerName.EntitySetName', or the DefaultContainerName property must be set for the ObjectContext.";
public const string ObjectContext_EntitiesHaveDifferentType = "The object in the ObjectContext is of type '{0}', but the modified object provided is of type '{1}'. The two objects must be of the same EntityType for changes to be applied.";
public const string ObjectContext_EntityMustBeUnchangedOrModified = "The existing object in the ObjectContext is in the {0} state. Changes can only be applied when the existing object is in an unchanged or modified state.";
public const string ObjectContext_EntityMustBeUnchangedOrModifiedOrDeleted = "The existing object in the ObjectContext is in the {0} state. Original values can be changed when the existing object is in an unchanged, modified or deleted state.";
public const string ObjectContext_AcceptAllChangesFailure = "The changes to the database were committed successfully, but an error occurred while updating the object context. The ObjectContext might be in an inconsistent state. Inner exception message: {0}";
public const string ObjectContext_CommitWithConceptualNull = "The operation failed: The relationship could not be changed because one or more of the foreign-key properties is non-nullable. When a change is made to a relationship, the related foreign-key property is set to a null value. If the foreign-key does not support null values, a new relationship must be defined, the foreign-key property must be assigned another non-null value, or the unrelated object must be deleted.";
public const string ObjectContext_InvalidEntitySetOnEntity = "The EntitySet, '{0}', from the entity's EntityKey does not match the entity's type, '{1}'.";
public const string ObjectContext_InvalidObjectSetTypeForEntitySet = "The specified entity type, '{0}', does not match the type '{1}' from the EntitySet '{2}'.";
public const string ObjectContext_RequiredMetadataNotAvailble = "The operation could not be completed because the required metadata could not be found. Make sure that the connection used by the ObjectContext is open before attempting this operation.";
public const string ObjectContext_MetadataHasChanged = "The metadata stored by the ObjectContext is different than the metadata stored by the ObjectContext's connection. This can happen if the connection string is changed after the ObjectContext is created.";
public const string ObjectContext_InvalidEntitySetInKeyFromName = "The EntitySet name '{0}.{1}' from the entity's EntityKey does not match the expected EntitySet name '{2}.{3}' from the '{4}' parameter.";
public const string ObjectContext_ObjectDisposed = "The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection.";
public const string ObjectContext_CannotExplicitlyLoadDetachedRelationships = "Cannot explicitly load {0} for entities that are detached. Objects loaded using the NoTracking merge option are always detached.";
public const string ObjectContext_CannotLoadReferencesUsingDifferentContext = "Cannot load {0} using a context different than that with which the object was loaded.";
public const string ObjectContext_SelectorExpressionMustBeMemberAccess = "The selector expression for LoadProperty must be a MemberAccess for the property.";
public const string ObjectContext_MultipleEntitySetsFoundInSingleContainer = "The EntitySet could not be determined for the specified entity type '{0}' because there is more than one EntitySet defined for this type in the EntityContainer '{1}'. Use the overload of the CreateObjectSet<TEntity>() method that takes a string parameter if you want to use the TEntity type and a specific EntitySet.";
public const string ObjectContext_MultipleEntitySetsFoundInAllContainers = "The EntitySet could not be determined for the specified entity type '{0}' because there is more than one EntitySet defined for this type in multiple EntityContainers in the metadata. Use the overload of the CreateObjectSet<TEntity>() method that takes a string parameter if you want to use the TEntity type and a specific EntitySet.";
public const string ObjectContext_NoEntitySetFoundForType = "There are no EntitySets defined for the specified entity type '{0}'. If '{0}' is a derived type, use the base type instead.";
public const string ObjectContext_EntityNotInObjectSet_Delete = "The specified entity cannot be deleted from the ObjectSet because the entity is a member of the EntitySet '{0}.{1}' instead of the EntitySet '{2}.{3}' that is referenced by the ObjectSet. Use the DeleteObject method on the ObjectSet that contains the entity, or use the ObjectContext.DeleteObject method if you want to delete the entity without validating its EntitySet.";
public const string ObjectContext_EntityNotInObjectSet_Detach = "The specified entity cannot be detached from the ObjectSet because the entity is a member of the EntitySet '{0}.{1}' instead of the EntitySet '{2}.{3}' that is referenced by the ObjectSet. Use the Detach method on the ObjectSet that contains the entity, or use the ObjectContext.Detach method if you want to delete the entity without validating its EntitySet.";
public const string ObjectContext_InvalidEntityState = "The EntityState value passed for the entity is not valid. The EntityState value must be one of the following: Added, Deleted, Detached, Modified, or Unchanged.";
public const string ObjectContext_InvalidRelationshipState = "The EntityState value passed for the relationship is not valid. The EntityState value must be one of the following: Added, Deleted, Detached, or Unchanged. Relationships cannot be set to the Modified state.";
public const string ObjectContext_EntityNotTrackedOrHasTempKey = "An object that has a key that matches the key of the supplied object could not be found in the ObjectStateManager. Verify that the object to which changes must be applied is not in the Added state and that its key values match the key values of the supplied object.";
public const string ObjectContext_ExecuteCommandWithMixOfDbParameterAndValues = "When executing a command, parameters must be exclusively database parameters or values.";
public const string ObjectContext_InvalidEntitySetForStoreQuery = "The specified EntitySet '{0}.{1}' does not contain results of type '{2}'.";
public const string ObjectContext_InvalidTypeForStoreQuery = "The result type '{0}' may not be abstract and must include a default constructor.";
public const string ObjectContext_TwoPropertiesMappedToSameColumn = "The '{0}' column is mapped to multiple properties '{1}'. Ensure a separate column exists for each property.";
public const string RelatedEnd_InvalidOwnerStateForAttach = "Attach is not a valid operation when the source object associated with this related end is in an added, deleted, or detached state. Objects loaded using the NoTracking merge option are always detached.";
public const string RelatedEnd_InvalidNthElementNullForAttach = "The object at index {0} in the specified collection of objects is null.";
public const string RelatedEnd_InvalidNthElementContextForAttach = "The object at index {0} in the specified collection of objects is not attached to the same ObjectContext as source object of this EntityCollection.";
public const string RelatedEnd_InvalidNthElementStateForAttach = "The object at index {0} in the specified collection of objects is in an added or deleted state. Relationships cannot be created for objects in this state.";
public const string RelatedEnd_InvalidEntityContextForAttach = "The object being attached to the source object is not attached to the same ObjectContext as the source object.";
public const string RelatedEnd_InvalidEntityStateForAttach = "The object being attached is in an added or deleted state. Relationships cannot be created for objects in this state.";
public const string RelatedEnd_UnableToAddEntity = "The object could not be added to the EntityCollection or EntityReference. An object that is attached to an ObjectContext cannot be added to an EntityCollection or EntityReference that is not associated with a source object.";
public const string RelatedEnd_UnableToRemoveEntity = "The object could not be removed from the EntityCollection or EntityReference. An object that is attached to an ObjectContext cannot be removed from an EntityCollection or EntityReference that is not associated with a source object.";
public const string RelatedEnd_UnableToAddRelationshipWithDeletedEntity = "Adding a relationship with an entity which is in the Deleted state is not allowed.";
public const string RelatedEnd_ConflictingChangeOfRelationshipDetected = "The relationship being added conflicts with an existing relationship. Consider deleting the previous relationship and calling ObjectContext.DetectChanges.";
public const string RelatedEnd_InvalidRelationshipFixupDetected = "Invalid relationship fixup detected in the navigation property '{0}' of the entity of the type '{1}'.";
public const string RelatedEnd_CannotSerialize = "The {0} object could not be serialized. This type of object cannot be serialized when the RelationshipManager belongs to an entity object that does not implement IEntityWithRelationships.";
public const string RelatedEnd_CannotAddToFixedSizeArray = "An item cannot be added to a fixed size Array of type '{0}'.";
public const string RelatedEnd_CannotRemoveFromFixedSizeArray = "An item cannot be removed from a fixed size Array of type '{0}'.";
public const string Materializer_PropertyIsNotNullable = "This property cannot be set to a null value.";
public const string Materializer_PropertyIsNotNullableWithName = "The property '{0}' cannot be set to a null value.";
public const string Materializer_SetInvalidValue = "The '{2}' property on '{1}' could not be set to a '{3}' value. You must set this property to a non-null value of type '{0}'.";
public const string Materializer_InvalidCastReference = "The specified cast from a materialized '{0}' type to the '{1}' type is not valid.";
public const string Materializer_InvalidCastNullable = "The specified cast from a materialized '{0}' type to a nullable '{1}' type is not valid.";
public const string Materializer_NullReferenceCast = "The cast to value type '{0}' failed because the materialized value is null. Either the result type's generic parameter or the query must use a nullable type.";
public const string Materializer_RecyclingEntity = "All objects in the EntitySet '{0}' must have unique primary keys. However, an instance of type '{1}' and an instance of type '{2}' both have the same primary key value, '{3}'.";
public const string Materializer_AddedEntityAlreadyExists = "An object with a key value '{0}' already exists in an added state. An object in this state cannot be merged.";
public const string Materializer_CannotReEnumerateQueryResults = "The result of a query cannot be enumerated more than once.";
public const string Materializer_UnsupportedType = "Only primitive types, entity types, and complex types can be materialized.";
public const string Collections_NoRelationshipSetMatched = "The relationship '{0}' does not match any relationship defined in the conceptual model.";
public const string Collections_ExpectedCollectionGotReference = "An EntityCollection of {0} objects could not be returned for role name '{1}' in relationship '{2}'. Make sure that the EdmRelationshipAttribute that defines this relationship has the correct RelationshipMultiplicity for this role name. For more information, see the Entity Framework documentation.";
public const string Collections_InvalidEntityStateSource = "The source query for this EntityCollection or EntityReference cannot be returned when the related object is in either an added state or a detached state and was not originally retrieved using the NoTracking merge option.";
public const string Collections_InvalidEntityStateLoad = "The Load method cannot return the {0} when the related object is in a deleted state.";
public const string Collections_CannotFillTryDifferentMergeOption = "The RelatedEnd with role name '{0}' from relationship '{1}' has already been loaded. This can occur when using a NoTracking merge option. Try using a different merge option when querying for the related object.";
public const string Collections_UnableToMergeCollections = "A navigation property that returns an EntityCollection cannot be changed if the existing EntityCollection contains items that are not in the new EntityCollection.";
public const string EntityReference_ExpectedReferenceGotCollection = "An EntityReference of type '{0}' could not be returned for role name '{1}' in relationship '{2}'. Make sure that the EdmRelationshipAttribute that defines this relationship has the correct RelationshipMultiplicity for this role name. For more information, see the Entity Framework documentation.";
public const string EntityReference_CannotAddMoreThanOneEntityToEntityReference = "Multiplicity constraint violated. The role '{0}' of the relationship '{1}' has multiplicity 1 or 0..1.";
public const string EntityReference_LessThanExpectedRelatedEntitiesFound = "A relationship multiplicity constraint violation occurred: An EntityReference expected at least one related object, but the query returned no related objects from the data store.";
public const string EntityReference_MoreThanExpectedRelatedEntitiesFound = "A relationship multiplicity constraint violation occurred: An EntityReference can have no more than one related object, but the query returned more than one related object. This is a non-recoverable error.";
public const string EntityReference_CannotChangeReferentialConstraintProperty = "A referential integrity constraint violation occurred: A primary key property that is a part of referential integrity constraint cannot be changed when the dependent object is Unchanged unless it is being set to the association's principal object. The principal object must be tracked and not marked for deletion.";
public const string EntityReference_CannotSetSpecialKeys = "The EntityKey property cannot be set to EntityNotValidKey, NoEntitySetKey, or a temporary key.";
public const string EntityReference_EntityKeyValueMismatch = "The object could not be added or attached because its EntityReference has an EntityKey property value that does not match the EntityKey for this object.";
public const string RelatedEnd_RelatedEndNotFound = "At least one related end in the relationship could not be found.";
public const string RelatedEnd_RelatedEndNotAttachedToContext = "The {0} could not be loaded because it is not attached to an ObjectContext.";
public const string RelatedEnd_LoadCalledOnNonEmptyNoTrackedRelatedEnd = "When an object is returned with a NoTracking merge option, Load can only be called when the EntityCollection or EntityReference does not contain objects.";
public const string RelatedEnd_LoadCalledOnAlreadyLoadedNoTrackedRelatedEnd = "When an object is returned with a NoTracking merge option, Load cannot be called when the IsLoaded property is true.";
public const string RelatedEnd_InvalidContainedType_Collection = "An object of type '{0}' cannot be added, attached, or removed from an EntityCollection that contains objects of type '{1}'.";
public const string RelatedEnd_InvalidContainedType_Reference = "An object of type '{0}' cannot be set or removed from the Value property of an EntityReference of type '{1}'.";
public const string RelatedEnd_CannotCreateRelationshipBetweenTrackedAndNoTrackedEntities = "The object in the '{0}' role cannot be automatically added to the context because it was retrieved using the NoTracking merge option. Explicitly attach the entity to the ObjectContext before defining the relationship.";
public const string RelatedEnd_CannotCreateRelationshipEntitiesInDifferentContexts = "The relationship between the two objects cannot be defined because they are attached to different ObjectContext objects.";
public const string RelatedEnd_MismatchedMergeOptionOnLoad = "Related objects cannot be loaded using the {0} merge option. Relationships cannot be created when one object was retrieved using a NoTracking merge option and the other object was retrieved using a different merge option.";
public const string RelatedEnd_EntitySetIsNotValidForRelationship = "The relationship cannot be defined because the EntitySet name '{0}.{1}' is not valid for the role '{2}' in association set name '{3}.{4}'.";
public const string RelatedEnd_OwnerIsNull = "Requested operation is not allowed when the owner of this RelatedEnd is null. RelatedEnd objects that were created with the default constructor should only be used as a container during serialization.";
public const string RelationshipManager_UnableToRetrieveReferentialConstraintProperties = "A referential integrity constraints violation occurred: Not all of the property values that define referential integrity constraints could be retrieved from related entities.";
public const string RelationshipManager_InconsistentReferentialConstraintProperties = "A referential integrity constraint violation occurred: The property values that define the referential constraints are not consistent between principal and dependent objects in the relationship.";
public const string RelationshipManager_CircularRelationshipsWithReferentialConstraints = "A circular relationship path has been detected while enforcing a referential integrity constraints. Referential integrity cannot be enforced on circular relationships.";
public const string RelationshipManager_UnableToFindRelationshipTypeInMetadata = "Metadata information for the relationship '{0}' could not be retrieved. If mapping attributes are used, make sure that the EdmRelationshipAttribute for the relationship has been defined in the assembly. When using convention-based mapping, metadata information for relationships between detached entities cannot be determined.";
public const string RelationshipManager_InvalidTargetRole = "The relationship '{0}' does not contain the role '{1}'. Make sure that EdmRelationshipAttribute that defines this relationship has the correct role names. For more information, see the Entity Framework documentation.";
public const string RelationshipManager_UnexpectedNull = "The requested operation could not be completed because the object implementing IEntityWithRelationships returned a null value from the RelationshipManager property.";
public const string RelationshipManager_InvalidRelationshipManagerOwner = "The relationship manager supplied by the object implementing IEntityWithRelationships is not the expected relationship manager.";
public const string RelationshipManager_OwnerIsNotSourceType = "The relationship manager was defined with an owner of type '{0}', which is not compatible with the type '{1}' for the source role '{2}' in the specified relationship, '{3}'.";
public const string RelationshipManager_UnexpectedNullContext = "The operation could not be completed because the object to which the relationship manager belongs was attached to the ObjectContext before the relationship manager was instantiated.";
public const string RelationshipManager_ReferenceAlreadyInitialized = "The EntityReference has already been initialized. {0}";
public const string RelationshipManager_RelationshipManagerAttached = "The EntityReference could not be initialized, because the relationship manager for object to which the entity reference belongs is already attached to an ObjectContext. {0}";
public const string RelationshipManager_InitializeIsForDeserialization = "InitializeRelatedReference should only be used to initialize a new EntityReference during deserialization of an entity object.";
public const string RelationshipManager_CollectionAlreadyInitialized = "The EntityCollection has already been initialized. {0}";
public const string RelationshipManager_CollectionRelationshipManagerAttached = "The EntityCollection could not be initialized because the relationship manager for the object to which the EntityCollection belongs is already attached to an ObjectContext. {0}";
public const string RelationshipManager_CollectionInitializeIsForDeserialization = "The InitializeRelatedCollection method should only be called to initialize a new EntityCollection during deserialization of an object graph.";
public const string RelationshipManager_NavigationPropertyNotFound = "The specified navigation property {0} could not be found.";
public const string RelationshipManager_CannotGetRelatEndForDetachedPocoEntity = "The RelatedEnd cannot be returned by this RelationshipManager. A RelatedEnd can only be returned by a RelationshipManager for objects that are either tracked by the ObjectStateManager or that implement IEntityWithRelationships.";
public const string ObjectView_CannotReplacetheEntityorRow = "The object or data row on the data binding interface cannot be replaced.";
public const string ObjectView_IndexBasedInsertIsNotSupported = "The index-based insert operation is not supported on this data binding interface.";
public const string ObjectView_WriteOperationNotAllowedOnReadOnlyBindingList = "Updates cannot be performed on a read-only data binding interface.";
public const string ObjectView_AddNewOperationNotAllowedOnAbstractBindingList = "The IBindingList.AddNew method is not supported when binding to a collection of abstract types. You must instead use the IList.Add method.";
public const string ObjectView_IncompatibleArgument = "The object being added is of a type that is not compatible with the type of the bound collection.";
public const string ObjectView_CannotResolveTheEntitySet = "The object could not be added to the bound collection. The specific EntitySet for the object of type '{0}' could not be determined.";
public const string CodeGen_ConstructorNoParameterless = "The class '{0}' has no parameterless constructor.";
public const string CodeGen_PropertyDeclaringTypeIsValueType = "Properties are not supported on value types.";
public const string CodeGen_PropertyStrongNameIdentity = "Properties with StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute applied are not supported.";
public const string CodeGen_PropertyUnsupportedForm = "The property has an unexpected return type or parameter.";
public const string CodeGen_PropertyUnsupportedType = "The property uses an unsupported type.";
public const string CodeGen_PropertyIsIndexed = "Indexed properties are not supported.";
public const string CodeGen_PropertyIsStatic = "Static properties are not supported.";
public const string CodeGen_PropertyNoGetter = "The property getter does not exist.";
public const string CodeGen_PropertyNoSetter = "The property setter does not exist.";
public const string PocoEntityWrapper_UnableToSetFieldOrProperty = "Unable to set field/property {0} on entity type {1}. See InnerException for details.";
public const string PocoEntityWrapper_UnexpectedTypeForNavigationProperty = "The navigation property of type '{0}' is not a single implementation of '{1}'.";
public const string PocoEntityWrapper_UnableToMaterializeArbitaryNavPropType = "The collection navigation property '{0}' of type '{1}' returned null. For a collection to be initialized automatically, it must be of type ICollection<T>, IList<T>, ISet<T> or of a concrete type that implements ICollection<T> and has a parameterless constructor.";
public const string GeneralQueryError = "General query error";
public const string CtxAlias = "aliased expression";
public const string CtxAliasedNamespaceImport = "aliased namespace import";
public const string CtxAnd = "logical AND expression";
public const string CtxAnyElement = "ANYELEMENT expression";
public const string CtxApplyClause = "APPLY clause";
public const string CtxBetween = "BETWEEN expression";
public const string CtxCase = "CASE expression";
public const string CtxCaseElse = "CASE/ELSE expression";
public const string CtxCaseWhenThen = "CASE/WHEN/THEN expression";
public const string CtxCast = "CAST expression";
public const string CtxCollatedOrderByClauseItem = "collated ORDER BY clause item";
public const string CtxCollectionTypeDefinition = "collection type definition";
public const string CtxCommandExpression = "command expression";
public const string CtxCreateRef = "CREATEREF expression";
public const string CtxDeref = "DEREF expression";
public const string CtxDivide = "division operation";
public const string CtxElement = "ELEMENT expression";
public const string CtxEquals = "equals expression";
public const string CtxEscapedIdentifier = "escaped identifier";
public const string CtxExcept = "EXCEPT expression";
public const string CtxExists = "EXISTS expression";
public const string CtxExpressionList = "expression list";
public const string CtxFlatten = "FLATTEN expression";
public const string CtxFromApplyClause = "FROM/APPLY clause";
public const string CtxFromClause = "FROM clause";
public const string CtxFromClauseItem = "FROM clause item";
public const string CtxFromClauseList = "FROM clause list";
public const string CtxFromJoinClause = "FROM/JOIN clause";
public const string CtxFunction = "function '{0}()'";
public const string CtxFunctionDefinition = "function definition";
public const string CtxGreaterThan = "greater than expression";
public const string CtxGreaterThanEqual = "greater than or equals expression";
public const string CtxGroupByClause = "GROUP BY clause";
public const string CtxGroupPartition = "GROUPPARTITION expression";
public const string CtxHavingClause = "HAVING predicate";
public const string CtxIdentifier = "identifier";
public const string CtxIn = "IN set expression";
public const string CtxIntersect = "INTERSECT expression";
public const string CtxIsNotNull = "IS NOT NULL expression";
public const string CtxIsNotOf = "IS NOT OF expression";
public const string CtxIsNull = "IS NULL expression";
public const string CtxIsOf = "IS OF expression";
public const string CtxJoinClause = "JOIN clause";
public const string CtxJoinOnClause = "JOIN/ON clause";
public const string CtxKey = "KEY expression";
public const string CtxLessThan = "less than expression";
public const string CtxLessThanEqual = "less than or equals expression";
public const string CtxLike = "LIKE expression";
public const string CtxLimitSubClause = "ORDER BY/LIMIT sub-clause";
public const string CtxLiteral = "constant literal";
public const string CtxMemberAccess = "member access expression";
public const string CtxMethod = "function, method or type constructor";
public const string CtxMinus = "subtraction operation";
public const string CtxModulus = "modulus operation";
public const string CtxMultiply = "multiplication operation";
public const string CtxMultisetCtor = "MULTISET constructor";
public const string CtxNamespaceImport = "namespace import";
public const string CtxNamespaceImportList = "namespace import list";
public const string CtxNavigate = "NAVIGATE expression";
public const string CtxNot = "logical NOT expression";
public const string CtxNotBetween = "NOT BETWEEN expression";
public const string CtxNotEqual = "not equals expression";
public const string CtxNotIn = "NOT IN set expression";
public const string CtxNotLike = "NOT LIKE expression";
public const string CtxNullLiteral = "NULL literal";
public const string CtxOfType = "OFTYPE expression";
public const string CtxOfTypeOnly = "OFTYPE ONLY expression";
public const string CtxOr = "logical OR expression";
public const string CtxOrderByClause = "ORDER BY clause";
public const string CtxOrderByClauseItem = "ORDER BY clause item";
public const string CtxOverlaps = "OVERLAPS expression";
public const string CtxParen = "parenthesized expression";
public const string CtxPlus = "addition operation";
public const string CtxTypeNameWithTypeSpec = "type name with type specification arguments";
public const string CtxQueryExpression = "query expression";
public const string CtxQueryStatement = "query statement";
public const string CtxRef = "REF expression";
public const string CtxRefTypeDefinition = "reference type definition";
public const string CtxRelationship = "RELATIONSHIP expression";
public const string CtxRelationshipList = "RELATIONSHIP expression list";
public const string CtxRowCtor = "ROW constructor";
public const string CtxRowTypeDefinition = "row type definition";
public const string CtxSelectRowClause = "SELECT clause";
public const string CtxSelectValueClause = "SELECT VALUE clause";
public const string CtxSet = "SET expression";
public const string CtxSimpleIdentifier = "simple identifier";
public const string CtxSkipSubClause = "ORDER BY/SKIP sub-clause";
public const string CtxTopSubClause = "TOP sub-clause";
public const string CtxTreat = "TREAT expression";
public const string CtxTypeCtor = "type '{0}' constructor";
public const string CtxTypeName = "type name";
public const string CtxUnaryMinus = "unary minus operation";
public const string CtxUnaryPlus = "unary plus operation";
public const string CtxUnion = "UNION expression";
public const string CtxUnionAll = "UNION ALL expression";
public const string CtxWhereClause = "WHERE predicate";
public const string CannotConvertNumericLiteral = "Cannot convert literal '{0}' to '{1}'. Numeric literal specification is not valid.";
public const string GenericSyntaxError = "The query syntax is not valid.";
public const string InFromClause = "in the current FROM clause";
public const string InGroupClause = "in GROUP BY clause";
public const string InRowCtor = "as a column name in ROW constructor";
public const string InSelectProjectionList = "in the SELECT projection list";
public const string InvalidAliasName = "'{0}' is a reserved keyword and cannot be used as an alias, unless it is escaped.";
public const string InvalidEmptyIdentifier = "Escaped identifiers cannot be empty.";
public const string InvalidEmptyQuery = "The query text consists only of comments and/or white space.";
public const string InvalidEmptyQueryTextArgument = "The query text is empty or consists only of white space.";
public const string InvalidEscapedIdentifier = "The escaped identifier '{0}' is not valid.";
public const string InvalidEscapedIdentifierUnbalanced = "The escaped identifier '{0}' has a mismatch of opening ('[') and closing (']') delimiters.";
public const string InvalidOperatorSymbol = "The operator symbol is not valid.";
public const string InvalidPunctuatorSymbol = "The punctuation symbol is not valid.";
public const string InvalidSimpleIdentifier = "The simple identifier '{0}' is not valid.";
public const string InvalidSimpleIdentifierNonASCII = "The simple identifier '{0}' must contain basic Latin characters only. To use UNICODE characters, use an escaped identifier.";
public const string LocalizedCollection = "collection";
public const string LocalizedColumn = "column";
public const string LocalizedComplex = "complex";
public const string LocalizedEntity = "entity";
public const string LocalizedEntityContainerExpression = "entity container";
public const string LocalizedFunction = "function";
public const string LocalizedInlineFunction = "query inline function";
public const string LocalizedKeyword = "keyword";
public const string LocalizedLeft = "left";
public const string LocalizedLine = "line";
public const string LocalizedMetadataMemberExpression = "namespace, type or function";
public const string LocalizedNamespace = "namespace";
public const string LocalizedNear = "Near";
public const string LocalizedPrimitive = "primitive";
public const string LocalizedReference = "reference";
public const string LocalizedRight = "right";
public const string LocalizedRow = "row";
public const string LocalizedTerm = "term";
public const string LocalizedType = "type";
public const string LocalizedEnumMember = "enum member";
public const string LocalizedValueExpression = "value expression";
public const string AliasNameAlreadyUsed = "The alias '{0}' was already used.";
public const string AmbiguousFunctionArguments = "The function call cannot be resolved, because one or more passed arguments match more than one function overload.";
public const string AmbiguousMetadataMemberName = "The name '{0}' is ambiguous. '{0}' is defined in both the '{1}' namespace and the '{2}' namespace. To disambiguate, either use a fully qualified name or define a namespace alias.";
public const string ArgumentTypesAreIncompatible = "The argument types '{0}' and '{1}' are incompatible for this operation.";
public const string BetweenLimitsCannotBeUntypedNulls = "The upper and lower limits of the BETWEEN expression cannot be untyped nulls.";
public const string BetweenLimitsTypesAreNotCompatible = "The BETWEEN lower limit type '{0}' is not compatible with the upper limit type '{1}'.";
public const string BetweenLimitsTypesAreNotOrderComparable = "The BETWEEN lower limit type '{0}' is not order-comparable with the upper limit type '{1}'.";
public const string BetweenValueIsNotOrderComparable = "The BETWEEN value type '{0}' is not order-comparable with the limits common type '{1}'.";
public const string CannotCreateEmptyMultiset = "Cannot create an empty multiset.";
public const string CannotCreateMultisetofNulls = "A multiset of untyped NULLs is not valid.";
public const string CannotInstantiateAbstractType = "'{0}' cannot be instantiated because it is defined as an abstract type.";
public const string CannotResolveNameToTypeOrFunction = "'{0}' cannot be resolved into a valid type or function.";
public const string ConcatBuiltinNotSupported = "There is no underlying support for the '+' operation on strings in the current provider.";
public const string CouldNotResolveIdentifier = "'{0}' could not be resolved in the current scope or context. Make sure that all referenced variables are in scope, that required schemas are loaded, and that namespaces are referenced correctly.";
public const string CreateRefTypeIdentifierMustBeASubOrSuperType = "The CREATEREF type '{0}' is not a sub-type or super-type of the EntitySet EntityType '{1}'.";
public const string CreateRefTypeIdentifierMustSpecifyAnEntityType = "The CREATEREF type must specify an EntityType. The type specification '{0}' represents '{1}'.";
public const string DeRefArgIsNotOfRefType = "The DEREF argument must be a reference type. The passed argument is a '{0}' type.";
public const string DuplicatedInlineFunctionOverload = "The inline function '{0}' with the same parameters already exists. Make sure that function overloads are not ambiguous.";
public const string ElementOperatorIsNotSupported = "The ELEMENT operator is not supported in this version of Entity Framework. It is reserved for future use.";
public const string MemberDoesNotBelongToEntityContainer = "The entity set or function import '{0}' is not defined in the entity container '{1}'.";
public const string ExpressionCannotBeNull = "The specified expression cannot be NULL.";
public const string OfTypeExpressionElementTypeMustBeEntityType = "The OFTYPE collection element type must refer to an EntityType. The passed type is {0} '{1}'.";
public const string OfTypeExpressionElementTypeMustBeNominalType = "The OFTYPE collection element type must refer to a nominal type. The passed type is {0} '{1}'.";
public const string ExpressionMustBeCollection = "The specified expression must be of CollectionType.";
public const string ExpressionMustBeNumericType = "The specified expression must be of numeric type.";
public const string ExpressionTypeMustBeBoolean = "The specified expression must be of Boolean type.";
public const string ExpressionTypeMustBeEqualComparable = "The specified expression type must be equal-comparable.";
public const string ExpressionTypeMustBeEntityType = "{0} must refer to an EntityType. The passed type is {1} '{2}'.";
public const string ExpressionTypeMustBeNominalType = "{0} must refer to a nominal type. The passed type is {1} '{2}'.";
public const string ExpressionTypeMustNotBeCollection = "The specified expression cannot be of CollectionType.";
public const string ExprIsNotValidEntitySetForCreateRef = "The expression in the CREATEREF operator is not a valid EntitySet.";
public const string FailedToResolveAggregateFunction = "Could not resolve the aggregate function '{0}' in this context.";
public const string GeneralExceptionAsQueryInnerException = "A '{0}' exception occurred while processing the query. See the inner exception.";
public const string GroupingKeysMustBeEqualComparable = "The GROUP BY clause key expression type must be equal-comparable.";
public const string GroupPartitionOutOfContext = "The GROUPPARTITION operator is allowed only in the context of a query expression.";
public const string HavingRequiresGroupClause = "The HAVING clause must be preceded by a GROUP BY clause.";
public const string ImcompatibleCreateRefKeyElementType = "The CREATEREF key expression type is not compatible with the EntityKey element type.";
public const string ImcompatibleCreateRefKeyType = "The CREATEREF key expression is not compatible with the EntityKey structure.";
public const string InnerJoinMustHaveOnPredicate = "The INNER JOIN expression must have an ON predicate.";
public const string InvalidAssociationTypeForUnion = "The type '{0}' is not supported in the UNION expression.";
public const string InvalidCaseResultTypes = "The THEN/ELSE expression types are not compatible.";
public const string InvalidCaseWhenThenNullType = "The CASE/WHEN/THEN expression is not valid, because all resulting expressions are untyped.";
public const string InvalidCast = "The CAST expression is not valid. There is no valid conversion from type '{0}' to type '{1}'.";
public const string InvalidCastExpressionType = "The CAST argument expression must be of a scalar type.";
public const string InvalidCastType = "The CAST type argument must be of a scalar type.";
public const string InvalidComplexType = "The complex member '{0}' in type '{1}' and the complex member '{2}' in type '{3}' are incompatible because they have a different number of members.";
public const string InvalidCreateRefKeyType = "The CREATEREF key expression must be of row type.";
public const string InvalidCtorArgumentType = "The argument type '{0}' is not compatible with the property '{1}' of formal type '{2}'.";
public const string InvalidCtorUseOnType = "It is not valid to use the type constructor on type '{0}'. This type must have one of the following constructors: Entity, ComplexType, or RelationType.";
public const string InvalidDateTimeOffsetLiteral = "The DateTimeOffset literal '{0}' exceeds the range of DateTimeOffset values.";
public const string InvalidDay = "The day '{0}' is not valid in DateTime literal '{1}'.";
public const string InvalidDayInMonth = "The day '{0}' is not valid for the month '{1}' in DateTime literal '{2}'.";
public const string InvalidDeRefProperty = "'{0}' is not a member of type '{1}'. Type '{1}' is the result of dereferencing an expression of type '{2}'.";
public const string InvalidDistinctArgumentInCtor = "The DISTINCT/ALL argument is not valid in type constructors.";
public const string InvalidDistinctArgumentInNonAggFunction = "The DISTINCT/ALL argument is only valid for group aggregate functions.";
public const string InvalidEntityRootTypeArgument = "The EntityType objects '{0}' and '{1}' are incompatible because they do not share a common super-type.";
public const string InvalidEntityTypeArgument = "The entity '{0}' in type '{1}' and the entity '{2}' in type '{3}' are incompatible because they do not share a common super-type.";
public const string InvalidExpressionResolutionClass = "The expression has been classified as a {0}; a {1} was expected.";
public const string InvalidFlattenArgument = "The FLATTEN argument must be a collection of collections.";
public const string InvalidGroupIdentifierReference = "The identifier '{0}' is not valid because it is not contained either in an aggregate function or in the GROUP BY clause.";
public const string InvalidHour = "Hour '{0}' is not valid in DateTime literal '{1}'.";
public const string InvalidImplicitRelationshipFromEnd = "The 'from' end could not be inferred in the relationship '{0}'.";
public const string InvalidImplicitRelationshipToEnd = "The 'to' end could not be inferred in the relationship '{0}'.";
public const string InvalidInExprArgs = "The element type '{0}' and the CollectionType '{1}' are not compatible. The IN expression only supports entity, scalar and reference types.";
public const string InvalidJoinLeftCorrelation = "Left correlation is not allowed in the JOIN clause.";
public const string InvalidKeyArgument = "The KEY argument expression must be of reference type. The passed type is '{0}'.";
public const string InvalidKeyTypeForCollation = "COLLATE can only be used with sort keys of string type. The passed type is '{0}'.";
public const string InvalidLiteralFormat = "The {0} literal value '{1}' is not valid.";
public const string InvalidMetadataMemberName = "A namespace, type, or function name must be a single name or any number of names separated by dots.";
public const string InvalidMinute = "Minute '{0}' is not valid in DateTime literal '{1}'.";
public const string InvalidModeForWithRelationshipClause = "The WITH RELATIONSHIP clause is only supported when defining read-only view queries.";
public const string InvalidMonth = "Month '{0}' is not valid in DateTime literal '{1}'.";
public const string InvalidNamespaceAlias = "The namespace alias is not valid.";
public const string InvalidNullArithmetic = "Untyped NULL arguments are not valid in arithmetic expressions.";
public const string InvalidNullComparison = "Untyped NULL arguments are not valid in comparison expressions.";
public const string InvalidNullLiteralForNonNullableMember = "The non-nullable member '{0}' of type '{1}' cannot be initialized with a NULL value.";
public const string InvalidParameterFormat = "The command parameter syntax '@{0}' is not valid.";
public const string InvalidPlaceholderRootTypeArgument = "{0} member '{1}' and {2} member '{3}' are incompatible because they do not have a common type.";
public const string InvalidPlaceholderTypeArgument = "{0} member '{1}' in type '{2}' and {3} member '{4}' in type '{5}' are incompatible because they do not have a common type.";
public const string InvalidPredicateForCrossJoin = "The ON predicate is not allowed in the CROSS JOIN clause.";
public const string InvalidRelationshipMember = "'{0}' is not a valid member of the '{1}' relationship.";
public const string InvalidMetadataMemberClassResolution = "'{0}' has been resolved as a {1}; a {2} was expected.";
public const string InvalidRootComplexType = "Complex type '{0}' and complex type '{1}' are incompatible because they have different number of members.";
public const string InvalidRootRowType = "Row type '{0}' and row type '{1}' are incompatible because they have a different number of columns.";
public const string InvalidRowType = "Row member '{0}' in type '{1}' and row member '{2}' in type '{3}' are incompatible because they have a different number of columns.";
public const string InvalidSecond = "Second '{0}' is not valid in DateTime literal '{1}'.";
public const string InvalidSelectValueAliasedExpression = "The SELECT VALUE expression cannot be aliased in this context. SELECT VALUE expression can be aliased only when ORDER BY is specified.";
public const string InvalidSelectValueList = "SELECT VALUE can have only one expression in the projection list.";
public const string InvalidTypeForWithRelationshipClause = "The WITH RELATIONSHIP clause is only supported for entity type constructors.";
public const string InvalidUnarySetOpArgument = "The '{0}' argument must be of CollectionType.";
public const string InvalidUnsignedTypeForUnaryMinusOperation = "The unsigned type '{0}' cannot be promoted to a signed type.";
public const string InvalidYear = "Year '{0}' is not valid in DateTime literal '{1}'.";
public const string InvalidWithRelationshipTargetEndMultiplicity = "The multiplicity '{1}' is not valid for the relationship end '{0}'.";
public const string InvalidQueryResultType = "The query is not valid because it contains the association type '{0}', which cannot be projected.";
public const string IsNullInvalidType = "The IS [NOT] NULL expression must be of entity, reference, enumeration or primitive type.";
public const string KeyMustBeCorrelated = "The key expression '{0}' must have at least one reference to the immediate input scope.";
public const string LeftSetExpressionArgsMustBeCollection = "The left argument of the set expression must be of CollectionType.";
public const string LikeArgMustBeStringType = "LIKE arguments must be of string type.";
public const string LiteralTypeNotFoundInMetadata = "There is no EDM type that corresponds to the literal type '{0}'.";
public const string MalformedSingleQuotePayload = "The specified literal has a malformed single quote payload.";
public const string MalformedStringLiteralPayload = "The specified literal has a malformed string literal payload.";
public const string MethodInvocationNotSupported = "Method invocation is not supported.";
public const string MultipleDefinitionsOfParameter = "The parameter '{0}' was defined more than once in the parameter collection.";
public const string MultipleDefinitionsOfVariable = "The variable '{0}' was defined more than once in the variable collection.";
public const string MultisetElemsAreNotTypeCompatible = "Multiset element types are incompatible.";
public const string NamespaceAliasAlreadyUsed = "The namespace alias '{0}' was used in a previous USING directive.";
public const string NamespaceAlreadyImported = "The namespace '{0}' was already imported.";
public const string NestedAggregateCannotBeUsedInAggregate = "The nested aggregate {0} cannot be used inside of the aggregate {1}.";
public const string NoAggrFunctionOverloadMatch = "No overload of aggregate function '{0}.{1}' is compatible with argument types in '{2}'.";
public const string NoCanonicalAggrFunctionOverloadMatch = "No overload of canonical aggregate function '{0}.{1}' is compatible with the argument types in '{2}'. Consult provider-specific function documentation for store functions with similar functionality.";
public const string NoCanonicalFunctionOverloadMatch = "No overload of canonical function '{0}.{1}' is compatible with the argument types in '{2}'. Consult provider-specific function documentation for potential store functions with similar functionality.";
public const string NoFunctionOverloadMatch = "No overload of function '{0}.{1}' is compatible with the argument types in '{2}'.";
public const string NotAMemberOfCollection = "'{0}' is not a member of '{1}'. To extract a property of a collection element, use a subquery to iterate over the collection.";
public const string NotAMemberOfType = "'{0}' is not a member of type '{1}' in the currently loaded schemas.";
public const string NotASuperOrSubType = "Type '{0}' is neither a sub-type nor a super-type of '{1}'.";
public const string NullLiteralCannotBePromotedToCollectionOfNulls = "A NULL literal cannot be promoted to a CollectionType.";
public const string NumberOfTypeCtorIsLessThenFormalSpec = "The type constructor argument '{0}' is missing.";
public const string NumberOfTypeCtorIsMoreThenFormalSpec = "The number of arguments passed to the type '{0}' constructor exceeds its formal specification.";
public const string OrderByKeyIsNotOrderComparable = "The ORDER BY sort key(s) type must be order-comparable.";
public const string OfTypeOnlyTypeArgumentCannotBeAbstract = "The OFTYPE ONLY type argument is not valid because '{0}' is an abstract type.";
public const string ParameterTypeNotSupported = "The command parameter '{0}' of type '{1}' is not supported.";
public const string ParameterWasNotDefined = "The command parameter '{0}' was not defined.";
public const string PlaceholderExpressionMustBeCompatibleWithEdm64 = "The {0} expression type must be promotable to an Edm.Int64 type. The passed type is '{1}'.";
public const string PlaceholderExpressionMustBeConstant = "The {0} expression must be a command parameter or an integral numeric literal.";
public const string PlaceholderExpressionMustBeGreaterThanOrEqualToZero = "The {0} expression value must be greater than or equal to zero.";
public const string PlaceholderSetArgTypeIsNotEqualComparable = "The {0} operand of {1} is not valid because its type '{2}' cannot be compared for equality. Only primitive, enumeration, entity, row, and reference types can be compared for equality.";
public const string PlusLeftExpressionInvalidType = "The left expression must be of numeric or string type.";
public const string PlusRightExpressionInvalidType = "The right expression must be of numeric or string type.";
public const string PrecisionMustBeGreaterThanScale = "The precision '{0}' must be greater than the scale '{1}'.";
public const string RefArgIsNotOfEntityType = "The REF argument must be of EntityType. The passed type is '{0}'.";
public const string RefTypeIdentifierMustSpecifyAnEntityType = "The REF argument must specify an EntityType. The type specification '{0}' represents '{1}'.";
public const string RelatedEndExprTypeMustBeReference = "The related end expression must be of reference type.";
public const string RelatedEndExprTypeMustBePromotoableToToEnd = "The related end expression type '{0}' must be promotable to the 'to' end type '{1}'.";
public const string RelationshipFromEndIsAmbiguos = "The 'from' end of the relationship is ambiguous in this context.";
public const string RelationshipTypeExpected = "The specified type '{0}' must be a relationship type.";
public const string RelationshipToEndIsAmbiguos = "The 'to' end of the relationship is ambiguous in this context.";
public const string RelationshipTargetMustBeUnique = "The target end '{0}' must be unique.";
public const string ResultingExpressionTypeCannotBeNull = "The resulting expression of the query cannot be untyped NULL.";
public const string RightSetExpressionArgsMustBeCollection = "The right argument of the set expression must be of CollectionType.";
public const string RowCtorElementCannotBeNull = "The ROW constructor cannot have untyped NULL columns.";
public const string SelectDistinctMustBeEqualComparable = "The projection expression type must be equal-comparable when used with DISTINCT.";
public const string SourceTypeMustBePromotoableToFromEndRelationType = "The relationship source type '{0}' must be promotable to the 'from' end type '{1}'.";
public const string TopAndLimitCannotCoexist = "The TOP and LIMIT sub-clauses cannot be used together in the same query expression.";
public const string TopAndSkipCannotCoexist = "The TOP and SKIP sub-clauses cannot be used together in the same query expression. Use LIMIT instead of TOP.";
public const string TypeDoesNotSupportSpec = "'{0}' does not support type specification.";
public const string TypeDoesNotSupportFacet = "'{0}' does not support '{1}' specification.";
public const string TypeArgumentCountMismatch = "The type specification has an incorrect number of arguments. The '{0}' type has {1} parameters.";
public const string TypeArgumentMustBeLiteral = "The type specification argument must be a constant literal.";
public const string TypeArgumentBelowMin = "'{0}' is less than the minimum supported value.";
public const string TypeArgumentExceedsMax = "'{0}' is greater than the maximum supported value.";
public const string TypeArgumentIsNotValid = "The type argument is not a valid constant literal, or is outside of the expected range.";
public const string TypeKindMismatch = "{0} member '{1}' and {2} member '{3}' are not compatible for this operation, because they are not the same kind of type.";
public const string TypeMustBeInheritableType = "The expression type must be EntityType, ComplexType, or ReferenceType";
public const string TypeMustBeEntityType = "The '{0}' type argument must specify an EntityType. The passed type is {1} '{2}'.";
public const string TypeMustBeNominalType = "The '{0}' type argument must specify a nominal type, The passed type is {1} '{2}'.";
public const string TypeNameNotFound = "Type '{0}' could not be found. Make sure that the required schemas are loaded and that the namespaces are imported correctly.";
public const string GroupVarNotFoundInScope = "INTERNAL ERROR: The group variable must be present in one of the existing scopes.";
public const string InvalidArgumentTypeForAggregateFunction = "INTERNAL ERROR: The argument type for the aggregate function is not valid.";
public const string InvalidSavePoint = "INTERNAL ERROR: The save point is not valid.";
public const string InvalidScopeIndex = "INTERNAL ERROR: The scope index is not valid.";
public const string LiteralTypeNotSupported = "INTERNAL ERROR: The literal type '{0}' is not supported.";
public const string ParserFatalError = "INTERNAL ERROR: The parser found an error and cannot continue.";
public const string ParserInputError = "INTERNAL ERROR: The input stream is not valid.";
public const string StackOverflowInParser = "INTERNAL ERROR: There was a stack overflow in the query parser.";
public const string UnknownAstCommandExpression = "INTERNAL ERROR: The Ast expression is not a valid command expression type.";
public const string UnknownAstExpressionType = "INTERNAL ERROR: The Ast expression has an unknown type.";
public const string UnknownBuiltInAstExpressionType = "INTERNAL ERROR: The specified built-in Ast expression type is unknown.";
public const string UnknownExpressionResolutionClass = "INTERNAL ERROR: The expression resolution has an unknown class '{0}'.";
public const string SqlGen_ApplyNotSupportedOnSql8 = "The execution of this query requires the APPLY operator, which is not supported in versions of SQL Server earlier than SQL Server 2005.";
public const string SqlGen_InvalidDatePartArgumentExpression = "The DATEPART argument to the '{0}.{1}' function must be a literal string.";
public const string SqlGen_InvalidDatePartArgumentValue = "'{0}' is not a valid value for the DATEPART argument in the '{1}.{2}' function.";
public const string SqlGen_NiladicFunctionsCannotHaveParameters = "Functions listed in the provider manifest that are attributed as NiladicFunction='true' cannot have parameter declarations.";
public const string SqlGen_ParameterForLimitNotSupportedOnSql8 = "Parameters as arguments to a TOP sub-clause and a LIMIT sub-clause in a query, or a LimitExpression in a command tree, are not supported in versions of SQL Server earlier than SQL Server 2005.";
public const string SqlGen_ParameterForSkipNotSupportedOnSql8 = "Parameters as arguments to a SKIP sub-clause in a query, or a SkipExpression in a command tree, are not supported in versions of SQL Server earlier than SQL Server 2005.";
public const string SqlGen_PrimitiveTypeNotSupportedPriorSql10 = "There is no store type that maps to the EDM type '{0}' on versions of SQL Server earlier than SQL Server 2008.";
public const string SqlGen_CanonicalFunctionNotSupportedPriorSql10 = "The EDM function '{0}' is not supported on versions of SQL Server earlier than SQL Server 2008.";
public const string SqlGen_TypedPositiveInfinityNotSupported = "Constant expressions of type {0} with a value of {1}.PositiveInfinity are not supported by SQL Server.";
public const string SqlGen_TypedNegativeInfinityNotSupported = "Constant expressions of type {0} with a value of {1}.NegativeInfinity are not supported by SQL Server.";
public const string SqlGen_TypedNaNNotSupported = "Constant expressions of type {0} with a value of NaN are not supported by SQL Server.";
public const string Cqt_General_PolymorphicTypeRequired = "The specified type is not polymorphic: '{0}'.";
public const string Cqt_General_PolymorphicArgRequired = "{0} requires an expression argument with a polymorphic result type that is compatible with the type argument.";
public const string Cqt_General_UnsupportedExpression = "The expression '{0}' is of an unsupported type.";
public const string Cqt_General_MetadataNotReadOnly = "The specified metadata cannot be used because it is not read-only.";
public const string Cqt_General_NoProviderBooleanType = "The current provider does not support any type that is compatible with Edm.Boolean.";
public const string Cqt_General_NoProviderIntegerType = "The current provider does not support any type that is compatible with Edm.Int32.";
public const string Cqt_General_NoProviderStringType = "The current provider does not support any type that is compatible with Edm.String.";
public const string Cqt_Metadata_EdmMemberIncorrectSpace = "The specified member is not associated with the same MetadataWorkspace or data space as the command tree.";
public const string Cqt_Metadata_EntitySetEntityContainerNull = "The specified EntitySet is not valid because its EntityContainer property has a value of null.";
public const string Cqt_Metadata_EntitySetIncorrectSpace = "The specified EntitySet is not associated with the same MetadataWorkspace or data model as the command tree.";
public const string Cqt_Metadata_EntityTypeNullKeyMembersInvalid = "The specified EntityType is not valid because its KeyMembers property has a value of null.";
public const string Cqt_Metadata_EntityTypeEmptyKeyMembersInvalid = "The specified EntityType is not valid because its KeyMembers collection is empty.";
public const string Cqt_Metadata_FunctionReturnParameterNull = "The specified function is not valid because its ReturnParameter property has a value of null.";
public const string Cqt_Metadata_FunctionIncorrectSpace = "The specified function is not associated with the same MetadataWorkspace or data space as the command tree.";
public const string Cqt_Metadata_FunctionParameterIncorrectSpace = "The specified function parameter is not associated with the same MetadataWorkspace or data model as the command tree.";
public const string Cqt_Metadata_TypeUsageIncorrectSpace = "The specified type is not associated with the same MetadataWorkspace or data model as the command tree.";
public const string Cqt_Exceptions_InvalidCommandTree = "The specified command tree is not valid.";
public const string Cqt_Util_CheckListEmptyInvalid = "An empty list is not a valid value for this argument.";
public const string Cqt_Util_CheckListDuplicateName = "The name '{2}' was specified twice, at index {0} and index {1}. Duplicate names are not allowed.";
public const string Cqt_ExpressionLink_TypeMismatch = "The ResultType of the specified expression is not compatible with the required type. The expression ResultType is '{0}' but the required type is '{1}'.";
public const string Cqt_ExpressionList_IncorrectElementCount = "The expression list has an incorrect number of elements.";
public const string Cqt_Copier_EntityContainerNotFound = "The EntityContainer '{0}' was not found in the destination MetadataWorkspace.";
public const string Cqt_Copier_EntitySetNotFound = "The EntitySet '{0}.{1}' was not found in the destination MetadataWorkspace.";
public const string Cqt_Copier_FunctionNotFound = "The function '{0}' was not found in the destination MetadataWorkspace.";
public const string Cqt_Copier_PropertyNotFound = "A property named '{0}' is not declared by the type '{1}' from the destination MetadataWorkspace.";
public const string Cqt_Copier_NavPropertyNotFound = "A navigation property named '{0}' is not declared by the type '{1}' from the destination MetadataWorkspace.";
public const string Cqt_Copier_EndNotFound = "A relationship end named '{0}' is not declared by the relationship type '{1}' from the destination MetadataWorkspace.";
public const string Cqt_Copier_TypeNotFound = "The destination MetadataWorkspace does not contain the type '{0}'.";
public const string Cqt_CommandTree_InvalidDataSpace = "The DataSpace is not valid.";
public const string Cqt_CommandTree_InvalidParameterName = "The specified parameter name is not valid: '{0}'.";
public const string Cqt_Validator_InvalidIncompatibleParameterReferences = "The specified expression contains multiple references to the parameter '{0}' that have different result types.";
public const string Cqt_Validator_InvalidOtherWorkspaceMetadata = "The specified expression contains {0} metadata from a workspace other than the target workspace.";
public const string Cqt_Validator_InvalidIncorrectDataSpaceMetadata = "The specified expression contains {0} metadata from a data space other than the target, '{1}'.";
public const string Cqt_Factory_NewCollectionInvalidCommonType = "The specified element expressions cannot be contained by the same collection because no common element type can be inferred from their ResultTypes.";
public const string Cqt_Factory_NoSuchProperty = "No property with the name '{0}' is declared by the type '{1}'.";
public const string Cqt_Factory_NoSuchRelationEnd = "The specified relationship type does not define an end with the specified name";
public const string Cqt_Factory_IncompatibleRelationEnds = "The specified relationship ends are not defined by the same relationship type.";
public const string Cqt_Factory_MethodResultTypeNotSupported = "The method result type '{0}' is not supported for this method argument. A method that produces an instance of a DbExpression-derived type or an anonymous type with DbExpression-derived properties is required.";
public const string Cqt_Aggregate_InvalidFunction = "The specified aggregate function is not valid.";
public const string Cqt_Binding_CollectionRequired = "DbExpressionBinding requires an input expression with a collection ResultType.";
public const string Cqt_Binding_VariableNameNotValid = "The specified variable name is not valid. Variable names cannot be empty.";
public const string Cqt_GroupBinding_CollectionRequired = "DbGroupExpressionBinding requires an input expression with a collection ResultType.";
public const string Cqt_GroupBinding_GroupVariableNameNotValid = "The specified group variable name is not valid. Group variable names cannot be empty.";
public const string Cqt_Binary_CollectionsRequired = "{0} requires arguments with compatible collection ResultTypes.";
public const string Cqt_Unary_CollectionRequired = "{0} requires a collection argument.";
public const string Cqt_And_BooleanArgumentsRequired = "DbAndExpression requires arguments with a common Boolean type.";
public const string Cqt_Apply_DuplicateVariableNames = "DbApplyExpression input and apply arguments cannot have the same variable name.";
public const string Cqt_Arithmetic_NumericCommonType = "DbArithmeticExpression arguments must have a numeric common type.";
public const string Cqt_Arithmetic_InvalidUnsignedTypeForUnaryMinus = "The unsigned type '{0}' cannot be promoted to a signed type.";
public const string Cqt_Case_WhensMustEqualThens = "DbCaseExpression requires an equal number of 'When' and 'Then' expressions.";
public const string Cqt_Case_InvalidResultType = "A valid ResultType could not be inferred from the ResultTypes of the specified 'Then' expressions.";
public const string Cqt_Cast_InvalidCast = "The requested cast is not allowed: from type '{0}' to type '{1}'.";
public const string Cqt_Comparison_ComparableRequired = "DbComparisonExpression requires arguments with comparable types.";
public const string Cqt_Constant_InvalidType = "The specified value is not an instance of a valid constant type.";
public const string Cqt_Constant_InvalidValueForType = "The specified value is not an instance of type '{0}'.";
public const string Cqt_Constant_InvalidConstantType = "Only enumeration or primitive types may be used as constant value types. DbConstantExpression cannot be created using an instance of type '{0}'.";
public const string Cqt_Constant_ClrEnumTypeDoesNotMatchEdmEnumType = "The type '{0}' does not match the EDM enumeration type '{1}' or its underlying type '{2}'.";
public const string Cqt_Distinct_InvalidCollection = "The 'Distinct' operation cannot be applied to the collection ResultType of the specified argument.";
public const string Cqt_DeRef_RefRequired = "DbDerefExpression requires an argument of a reference type.";
public const string Cqt_Element_InvalidArgumentForUnwrapSingleProperty = "When unwrapSingleProperty is specified the argument expression must have the following ResultType: a CollectionType with a structured element type that declares exactly one property.";
public const string Cqt_Function_VoidResultInvalid = "Function metadata used in DbFunctionExpression cannot have a void return type.";
public const string Cqt_Function_NonComposableInExpression = "Function metadata used in DbFunctionExpression must allow composition. Non-composable functions or functions that include command text are not allowed in expressions. Such functions can only be executed independently.";
public const string Cqt_Function_CommandTextInExpression = "Function metadata used in DbFunctionExpression cannot include command text.";
public const string Cqt_Function_CanonicalFunction_NotFound = "No function named 'Edm.{0}' having the specified argument types was found.";
public const string Cqt_Function_CanonicalFunction_AmbiguousMatch = "The specified argument result types matched more than one overload of the function 'Edm.{0}'.";
public const string Cqt_GetEntityRef_EntityRequired = "DbEntityRefExpression requires an argument of an EntityType.";
public const string Cqt_GetRefKey_RefRequired = "DbRefKeyExpression requires an argument of a reference type.";
public const string Cqt_GroupBy_AtLeastOneKeyOrAggregate = "At least one group key or aggregate is required.";
public const string Cqt_GroupBy_KeyNotEqualityComparable = "The specified group key is not valid because equality comparison cannot be performed on its ResultType: '{0}'.";
public const string Cqt_GroupBy_AggregateColumnExistsAsGroupColumn = "An aggregate named '{0}' cannot be used because the specified group keys include a key with the same name.";
public const string Cqt_GroupBy_MoreThanOneGroupAggregate = "At most one DbGroupAggregate can be specified in the list of aggregates of a DbGroupByExpression.";
public const string Cqt_CrossJoin_AtLeastTwoInputs = "DbCrossJoinExpression requires at least two inputs.";
public const string Cqt_CrossJoin_DuplicateVariableNames = "The specified DbCrossJoinExpression inputs contain expression bindings with a duplicate variable name, '{2}'. The first occurrence is at index {0}, the second is at index {1}.";
public const string Cqt_IsNull_CollectionNotAllowed = "The argument to DbIsNullExpression cannot have a CollectionType of a ResultType.";
public const string Cqt_IsNull_InvalidType = "The argument to DbIsNullExpression must refer to a primitive, enumeration or reference type.";
public const string Cqt_InvalidTypeForSetOperation = "A collection of '{0}' is not a valid argument for {1}.";
public const string Cqt_Join_DuplicateVariableNames = "The left and right arguments of a DbJoinExpression cannot have the same variable name.";
public const string Cqt_Limit_ConstantOrParameterRefRequired = "Limit must be a DbConstantExpression or a DbParameterReferenceExpression.";
public const string Cqt_Limit_IntegerRequired = "Limit must have an integer ResultType.";
public const string Cqt_Limit_NonNegativeLimitRequired = "Limit must have a non-negative value.";
public const string Cqt_NewInstance_CollectionTypeRequired = "A CollectionType is required.";
public const string Cqt_NewInstance_StructuralTypeRequired = "A collection, entity or row type is required.";
public const string Cqt_NewInstance_CannotInstantiateMemberlessType = "DbNewInstanceExpression cannot create an instance of the memberless type '{0}'.";
public const string Cqt_NewInstance_CannotInstantiateAbstractType = "DbNewInstanceExpression cannot create an instance of the abstract type '{0}'.";
public const string Cqt_NewInstance_IncompatibleRelatedEntity_SourceTypeNotValid = "The specified related entity is not compatible with this new instance constructor. The constructed instance is not an instance of the EntityType required by the source end of the related entity.";
public const string Cqt_Not_BooleanArgumentRequired = "DbNotExpression requires an argument with a Boolean type.";
public const string Cqt_Or_BooleanArgumentsRequired = "DbOrExpression requires arguments with a common Boolean type.";
public const string Cqt_Property_InstanceRequiredForInstance = "An Instance property of type DbExpression is required for an instance property.";
public const string Cqt_Ref_PolymorphicArgRequired = "DbRefExpression requires an EntityType from the same hierarchy as the EntityType of the referenced EntitySet.";
public const string Cqt_RelatedEntityRef_TargetEndFromDifferentRelationship = "The specified target relationship End is not declared by the same relationship type as the specified source relationship End.";
public const string Cqt_RelatedEntityRef_TargetEndMustBeAtMostOne = "A target relationship End with multiplicity of 'One' or 'ZeroOrOne' is required for this argument.";
public const string Cqt_RelatedEntityRef_TargetEndSameAsSourceEnd = "The specified target relationship End is the same as the source relationship End.";
public const string Cqt_RelatedEntityRef_TargetEntityNotRef = "The target entity reference expression must have a reference ResultType.";
public const string Cqt_RelatedEntityRef_TargetEntityNotCompatible = "The specified target entity reference expression is not valid because it does not produce a reference to an entity of the same type or of a subtype of the EntityType referred to by the specified target End.";
public const string Cqt_RelNav_NoCompositions = "Navigating composition relationships is not supported.";
public const string Cqt_RelNav_WrongSourceType = "The specified navigation requires a navigation source of a type that is compatible with '{0}'.";
public const string Cqt_Skip_ConstantOrParameterRefRequired = "Count must be a DbConstantExpression or a DbParameterReferenceExpression.";
public const string Cqt_Skip_IntegerRequired = "Count must have an integer ResultType.";
public const string Cqt_Skip_NonNegativeCountRequired = "Count must have a non-negative value.";
public const string Cqt_Sort_EmptyCollationInvalid = "Collation specifiers cannot be empty or consist only of white-space characters.";
public const string Cqt_Sort_NonStringCollationInvalid = "A collation specifier is only valid for a sort key with a string ResultType.";
public const string Cqt_Sort_OrderComparable = "DbSortClause expressions must have a type that is order comparable.";
public const string Cqt_UDF_FunctionDefinitionGenerationFailed = "An error occurred while preparing definition of the function '{0}'. See the inner exception for details.";
public const string Cqt_UDF_FunctionDefinitionWithCircularReference = "Definition of the function '{0}' contains a direct or indirect reference to itself. Recursive function definitions are not supported.";
public const string Cqt_UDF_FunctionDefinitionResultTypeMismatch = "The result type '{0}' specified in the declaration of the function '{1}' does not match the result type '{2}' of the function definition.";
public const string Cqt_UDF_FunctionHasNoDefinition = "The function '{0}' has no defining expression. A user-defined function needs a defining expression for successful execution.";
public const string Cqt_Validator_VarRefInvalid = "The referenced variable '{0}' is not defined in the current scope.";
public const string Cqt_Validator_VarRefTypeMismatch = "The ResultType of the referenced variable '{0}' does not match the type specified in this variable reference expression.";
public const string Iqt_General_UnsupportedOp = "The specified Op is of an unsupported type: {0}";
public const string Iqt_CTGen_UnexpectedAggregate = "AggregateOp encountered outside of GroupBy method.";
public const string Iqt_CTGen_UnexpectedVarDefList = "Unexpected VarDefListOp";
public const string Iqt_CTGen_UnexpectedVarDef = "Unexpected VarDefOp";
public const string ADP_MustUseSequentialAccess = "The CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess property must be specified for this command object.";
public const string ADP_ProviderDoesNotSupportCommandTrees = "The ADO.NET Data Provider you are using does not support canonical command trees.";
public const string ADP_ClosedDataReaderError = "The attempted operation is not valid. The data reader is closed.";
public const string ADP_DataReaderClosed = "Calling '{0}' when the data reader is closed is not a valid operation.";
public const string ADP_ImplicitlyClosedDataReaderError = "The attempted operation is not valid. The nested data reader has been implicitly closed because its parent data reader has been read or closed.";
public const string ADP_NoData = "There was an attempt to read, but no data was present.";
public const string ADP_GetSchemaTableIsNotSupported = "The GetSchemaTable method is not supported.";
public const string ADP_InvalidDataReaderFieldCountForScalarType = "The data reader has more than one field. Multiple fields are not valid for EDM primitive or enumeration types.";
public const string ADP_InvalidDataReaderMissingColumnForType = "The data reader is incompatible with the specified '{0}'. A member of the type, '{1}', does not have a corresponding column in the data reader with the same name.";
public const string ADP_InvalidDataReaderMissingDiscriminatorColumn = "The data reader is incompatible with the function mapping '{1}'. The column with the name '{0}' does not exist.";
public const string ADP_InvalidDataReaderUnableToDetermineType = "The data reader is incompatible with the specified function mapping, and the type of a row could not be determined for the type mapping.";
public const string ADP_InvalidDataReaderUnableToMaterializeNonScalarType = "Cannot create a value for property '{0}' of type '{1}'. Only properties of primitive or enumeration types are supported.";
public const string ADP_KeysRequiredForJoinOverNest = "The query attempted to call '{0}' over a nested query, but '{0}' did not have the appropriate keys.";
public const string ADP_KeysRequiredForNesting = "The nested query does not have the appropriate keys.";
public const string ADP_NestingNotSupported = "The nested query is not supported. Operation1='{0}' Operation2='{1}'";
public const string ADP_NoQueryMappingView = "No query mapping view exists for the specified set '{0}.{1}'.";
public const string ADP_InternalProviderError = "Internal .NET Framework Data Provider error {0}.";
public const string ADP_InvalidEnumerationValue = "The {0} enumeration value, {1}, is not valid.";
public const string ADP_InvalidBufferSizeOrIndex = "Buffer offset '{1}' plus the bytes available '{0}' is greater than the length of the passed in buffer.";
public const string ADP_InvalidDataLength = "Data length '{0}' is less than 0.";
public const string ADP_InvalidDataType = "The parameter data type of {0} is not valid.";
public const string ADP_InvalidDestinationBufferIndex = "Destination buffer is not valid (size of {0}) offset: {1}";
public const string ADP_InvalidSourceBufferIndex = "Source buffer is not valid (size of {0}) offset: {1}";
public const string ADP_NonSequentialChunkAccess = "At dataOffset '{0}' {2} attempt is not valid. With CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess, you may only read from dataOffset '{1}' or greater.";
public const string ADP_NonSequentialColumnAccess = "Attempt to read from column ordinal '{0}' is not valid. With CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess, you may only read from column ordinal '{1}' or greater.";
public const string ADP_UnknownDataTypeCode = "Unable to handle an unknown TypeCode {0} returned by Type {1}.";
public const string DataCategory_Data = "Data";
public const string DbParameter_Direction = "Input, output, or bidirectional parameter.";
public const string DbParameter_Size = "Size of variable length data types (string & arrays).";
public const string DataCategory_Update = "Update";
public const string DbParameter_SourceColumn = "When used by a DataAdapter.Update, the source column name that is used to find the DataSetColumn name in the ColumnMappings. This is to copy a value between the parameter and a data row.";
public const string DbParameter_SourceVersion = "When used by a DataAdapter.Update (UpdateCommand only), the version of the DataRow value that is used to update the data source.";
public const string ADP_CollectionParameterElementIsNull = "The element in the collection parameter '{0}' cannot be null.";
public const string ADP_CollectionParameterElementIsNullOrEmpty = "The element in the collection parameter '{0}' cannot be null or empty.";
public const string EntityParameterCollectionInvalidParameterName = "An EntityParameter with ParameterName '{0}' is not contained by this EntityParameterCollection.";
public const string EntityParameterCollectionInvalidIndex = "Invalid index {0} for this EntityParameterCollection with {1} elements.";
public const string InvalidEntityParameterType = "The EntityParameterCollection only accepts non-null EntityParameter type objects, not objects of type {0}.";
public const string EntityParameterContainedByAnotherCollection = "The EntityParameter is already contained by another EntityParameterCollection.";
public const string EntityParameterNull = "The EntityParameterCollection only accepts non-null EntityParameter type objects.";
public const string EntityParameterCollectionRemoveInvalidObject = "Attempted to remove an EntityParameter that is not contained by this EntityParameterCollection.";
public const string ADP_ConnectionStringSyntax = "Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index {0}.";
public const string ADP_InvalidConnectionOptionValue = "Invalid value for key '{0}'.";
public const string ADP_InvalidDataDirectory = "The DataDirectory substitute is not a string.";
public const string ADP_InvalidMultipartNameDelimiterUsage = "Invalid usage of escape delimiters '[' or ']'.";
public const string ADP_InvalidSizeValue = "Invalid parameter Size value '{0}'. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.";
public const string ADP_KeywordNotSupported = "Keyword not supported: '{0}'.";
public const string ConstantFacetSpecifiedInSchema = "Facet '{0}' must not be specified for type '{1}'.";
public const string DuplicateAnnotation = "Annotation '{0}' is already defined in '{1}'.";
public const string EmptyFile = "{0} does not contain a schema definition, or the XmlReader provided started at the end of the file.";
public const string EmptySchemaTextReader = "The source XmlReader does not contain a schema definition or started at the end of the file.";
public const string EmptyName = "{0} is not valid.";
public const string InvalidName = "{1} ({0}) is not valid.";
public const string MissingName = "The name is missing or not valid.";
public const string UnexpectedXmlAttribute = "Unrecognized schema attribute: {0}.";
public const string UnexpectedXmlElement = "Unrecognized schema element: {0}.";
public const string TextNotAllowed = "The current schema element does not support text ({0}).";
public const string UnexpectedXmlNodeType = "Unexpected XmlNode type: {0}.";
public const string MalformedXml = "Malformed XML. Element starting at ({0},{1}) has no closing tag.";
public const string ValueNotUnderstood = "{1} value ({0}) was not understood.";
public const string EntityContainerAlreadyExists = "The EntityContainer name must be unique. An EntityContainer with the name '{0}' is already defined.";
public const string TypeNameAlreadyDefinedDuplicate = "Each type name in a schema must be unique. Type name '{0}' was already defined.";
public const string PropertyNameAlreadyDefinedDuplicate = "Each property name in a type must be unique. Property name '{0}' was already defined.";
public const string DuplicateMemberNameInExtendedEntityContainer = "Each member name in an EntityContainer must be unique. The member '{0}' is already defined in EntityContainer '{1}'. Because EntityContainer '{2}' extends EntityContainer '{1}', you cannot have a member with the same name in EntityContainer '{2}'.";
public const string DuplicateEntityContainerMemberName = "Each member name in an EntityContainer must be unique. A member with name '{0}' is already defined.";
public const string PropertyTypeAlreadyDefined = "{0} property is not valid. A type is already defined for this property.";
public const string InvalidSize = "MaxLength '{0}' is not valid. Length must be between '{1}' and '{2}' for '{3}' type.";
public const string InvalidSystemReferenceId = "SRID '{0}' is not valid. Its value must be between '{1}' and '{2}' for '{3}' type.";
public const string BadNamespaceOrAlias = "Unknown namespace or alias ({0}).";
public const string MissingNamespaceAttribute = "Schema must specify a value for the Namespace attribute.";
public const string InvalidBaseTypeForStructuredType = "BaseType ({0}) is not valid. The BaseType for {1} must be a structured type.";
public const string InvalidPropertyType = "A property cannot be of type {0}. The property type must be an inline type, a scalar type, or an enumeration type.";
public const string InvalidBaseTypeForItemType = "BaseType ({0}) is not valid. The BaseType for {1} must be another EntityType.";
public const string InvalidBaseTypeForNestedType = "BaseType ({0}) is not valid. The BaseType for {1} must be another ComplexType.";
public const string DefaultNotAllowed = "Default values are allowed only for non-spatial primitive types.";
public const string FacetNotAllowed = "{0} facet isn't allowed for properties of type {1}.";
public const string RequiredFacetMissing = "Facet '{0}' must be specified for '{1}' typed properties.";
public const string InvalidDefaultBinaryWithNoMaxLength = "Default value ({0}) is not valid for Binary. Value must be of form 0x123 where 123 stands for a non-empty sequence of hex digits.";
public const string InvalidDefaultIntegral = "Default value ({0}) is not valid. Expected an integer between {1} and {2}.";
public const string InvalidDefaultDateTime = "Default value ({0}) is not valid for DateTime. The value must be in the form '{1}'.";
public const string InvalidDefaultTime = "Default value ({0}) is not valid for Time. The value must be in the form '{1}'.";
public const string InvalidDefaultDateTimeOffset = "Default value ({0}) is not valid for DateTimeOffset. The value must be in the form '{1}'.";
public const string InvalidDefaultDecimal = "Default value ({0}) is not compatible with the facets specified for Decimal. The value must be a decimal number with scale less than or equal to {1} and precision less than or equal to {2}.";
public const string InvalidDefaultFloatingPoint = "Default value ({0}) is not valid. The value must be a floating point number between {1} and {2}.";
public const string InvalidDefaultGuid = "Default value ({0}) is not valid for GUID. The value must be enclosed in single quotes in the form 'dddddddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddddddddddd'.";
public const string InvalidDefaultBoolean = "Default value ({0}) is not valid for Boolean. The value must be true or false.";
public const string DuplicateMemberName = "A member named {0} cannot be defined in class {1}. It is defined in ancestor class {2}.";
public const string GeneratorErrorSeverityError = "error";
public const string GeneratorErrorSeverityWarning = "warning";
public const string GeneratorErrorSeverityUnknown = "unknown";
public const string SourceUriUnknown = "<File Unknown>";
public const string BadPrecisionAndScale = "Precision and Scale combination is not valid. Precision ({0}) must be greater than or equal to Scale ({1}).";
public const string InvalidNamespaceInUsing = "No schema encountered with '{0}' namespace. Make sure the namespace is correct or the schema defining the namespace is specified.";
public const string BadNavigationPropertyRelationshipNotRelationship = "NavigationProperty is not valid. {0} is not a Relationship.";
public const string BadNavigationPropertyRolesCannotBeTheSame = "NavigationProperty is not valid. The FromRole and ToRole are the same.";
public const string BadNavigationPropertyUndefinedRole = "NavigationProperty is not valid. The role {0} is not defined in Relationship {1}.";
public const string BadNavigationPropertyBadFromRoleType = "NavigationProperty '{0}' is not valid. Type '{1}' of FromRole '{2}' in AssociationType '{3}' must exactly match with the type '{4}' on which this NavigationProperty is declared on.";
public const string InvalidMemberNameMatchesTypeName = "Name {0} cannot be used in type {1}. Member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type.";
public const string InvalidKeyKeyDefinedInBaseClass = "Key usage is not valid. {0} cannot define keys because one of its base classes ({1}) defines keys.";
public const string InvalidKeyNullablePart = "Key Part: '{0}' for type {1} is not valid. All parts of the key must be non nullable.";
public const string InvalidKeyNoProperty = "Key: {0} is not valid. {1} is not a valid property name.";
public const string KeyMissingOnEntityType = "EntityType '{0}' has no key defined. Define the key for this EntityType.";
public const string InvalidDocumentationBothTextAndStructure = "Documentation content is not valid. The Documentation element can only contain Summary and LongDescription elements.";
public const string ArgumentOutOfRangeExpectedPostiveNumber = "Value {0} is not valid. Expected a non-negative value.";
public const string ArgumentOutOfRange = "{0} is out of range.";
public const string UnacceptableUri = "URI {0} is not acceptable. URIs must be absolute or specify a file.";
public const string UnexpectedTypeInCollection = "Element of unexpected type {0} was found at index {1}.";
public const string AllElementsMustBeInSchema = "All elements in a schema must be contained in the Schema element.";
public const string AliasNameIsAlreadyDefined = "Each alias in a schema must be unique. Alias '{0}' was already used in this schema.";
public const string NeedNotUseSystemNamespaceInUsing = "The namespace '{0}' is a system namespace and is implicitly referred by every schema. You cannot specify an explicit reference to this namespace.";
public const string CannotUseSystemNamespaceAsAlias = "'{0}' is a system namespace and cannot be used as an Alias. Use some other Alias.";
public const string EntitySetTypeHasNoKeys = "The EntitySet {0} is based on type {1} that has no keys defined.";
public const string TableAndSchemaAreMutuallyExclusiveWithDefiningQuery = "The EntitySet '{0}' has both a Table or Schema attribute and a DefiningQuery element. The Table and Schema attributes on EntitySet are mutually exclusive with the DefiningQuery element. Use only the Table and Schema attributes or the DefiningQuery element.";
public const string UnexpectedRootElement = "The element {1} in namespace {0} was unexpected for the root element. The expected Schema in one of the following namespaces: {2}.";
public const string UnexpectedRootElementNoNamespace = "The element {1} was unexpected for the root element. The expected Schema in one of the following namespaces: {2}.";
public const string ParameterNameAlreadyDefinedDuplicate = "Each parameter name in a function must be unique. The parameter name '{0}' was already defined.";
public const string FunctionWithNonPrimitiveTypeNotSupported = "Type '{0}' is not valid in function '{1}'. The function must have return type and parameters expressed in primitive types.";
public const string FunctionWithNonEdmPrimitiveTypeNotSupported = "Type '{0}' is not valid in function '{1}'. The function must have return type and parameters expressed in conceptual side primitive types.";
public const string FunctionImportWithUnsupportedReturnTypeV1 = "Return type is not valid in FunctionImport '{0}'. The FunctionImport must return a collection of scalar values or a collection of entities.";
public const string FunctionImportWithUnsupportedReturnTypeV1_1 = "Return type is not valid in FunctionImport '{0}'. The FunctionImport must return Scalar, Entity, or ComplexType.";
public const string FunctionImportWithUnsupportedReturnTypeV2 = "Return type is not valid in FunctionImport '{0}'. The FunctionImport can have no return type or return a collection of scalar values, a collection of complex types or a collection of entities.";
public const string FunctionImportUnknownEntitySet = "EntitySet '{0}' is not valid in FunctionImport '{1}'. Unable to find an EntitySet with the name.";
public const string FunctionImportReturnEntitiesButDoesNotSpecifyEntitySet = "FunctionImport '{0}' returns entities but does not specify an EntitySet.";
public const string FunctionImportEntityTypeDoesNotMatchEntitySet = "The function import '{0}' returns entities of type '{1}' that cannot exist in the declared EntitySet '{2}'.";
public const string FunctionImportSpecifiesEntitySetButNotEntityType = "The function import '{0}' specifies an entity set but does not return entities.";
public const string FunctionImportEntitySetAndEntitySetPathDeclared = "The function import '{0}' specifies an entity set and an entity set path. A function import may only specify one of these values but not both.";
public const string FunctionImportComposableAndSideEffectingNotAllowed = "The function import '{0}' is declared as composable and side-effecting. A function import can be either composable or side-effecting, but not both.";
public const string FunctionImportCollectionAndRefParametersNotAllowed = "The function import '{0}' has a parameter of a collection or reference type. Parameters of a collection or reference type are not allowed in function imports.";
public const string FunctionImportNonNullableParametersNotAllowed = "The function import '{0}' has a non-nullable parameter. Only nullable parameters are allowed in function imports.";
public const string TVFReturnTypeRowHasNonScalarProperty = "All properties of the row type returned by a store-defined function must be scalar.";
public const string DuplicateEntitySetTable = "The EntitySet '{0}' with schema '{1}' and table '{2}' was already defined. Each EntitySet must refer to a unique schema and table.";
public const string ConcurrencyRedefinedOnSubTypeOfEntitySetType = "Type '{0}' is derived from the type '{1}' that is the type for EntitySet '{2}'. Type '{0}' defines new concurrency requirements that are not allowed for sub types of base EntitySet types.";
public const string SimilarRelationshipEnd = "In EntityContainer '{4}', Role '{0}' in '{1}' and '{2}' AssociationSet refers to the same EntitySet '{3}'. Make sure that if two or more AssociationSet refer to the same AssociationType, the ends must not refer to the same EntitySet.";
public const string InvalidRelationshipEndMultiplicity = "Relationship {0} is not valid. Multiplicity ({1}) is not valid. Multiplicity must be: '*', '0..1', or '1'.";
public const string EndNameAlreadyDefinedDuplicate = "Each Name and PluralName in a relationship must be unique. '{0}' was already defined.";
public const string InvalidRelationshipEndType = "Relationship {0} is not valid. End type ({1}) is not valid. The End type must be an EntityType.";
public const string BadParameterDirection = "The parameter {0} in function '{1}' in schema '{2}' has an invalid parameter direction {3}. Valid parameter directions are: In, Out, and InOut.";
public const string BadParameterDirectionForComposableFunctions = "The parameter {0} in function '{1}' in schema '{2}' has an invalid parameter direction {3}. The only valid value for this parameter is In.";
public const string InvalidOperationMultipleEndsInAssociation = "OnDelete, OnLock, and other such elements can be specified on only one End of an Association.";
public const string InvalidAction = "The Action {0} on {1} is not recognized. Valid actions are: None, Cascade, and Restrict.";
public const string DuplicationOperation = "Only one {0} element is allowed per relationship.";
public const string NotInNamespaceAlias = "Type {0} is not defined in namespace {1} (Alias={2}).";
public const string NotNamespaceQualified = "The Type {0} is not qualified with a namespace or alias. Only primitive types can be used without qualification.";
public const string NotInNamespaceNoAlias = "Type {0} is not defined in namespace {1}.";
public const string InvalidValueForParameterTypeSemanticsAttribute = "The value {0} is not valid for ParameterTypeSemantics attribute. Valid values are 'ExactMatchOnly', 'AllowImplicitPromotion' or 'AllowImplicitConversion'.";
public const string DuplicatePropertyNameSpecifiedInEntityKey = "Key specified in EntityType '{0}' is not valid. Property '{1}' is referenced more than once in the Key element.";
public const string InvalidEntitySetType = "An EntitySet cannot be of type {0}. The property type must be an EntityType, or an AssociationEntityType.";
public const string InvalidRelationshipSetType = "A RelationshipSet cannot be of type {0}. The property type must be a Relationship.";
public const string InvalidEntityContainerNameInExtends = "No EntityContainer found with name '{0}'.";
public const string InvalidNamespaceOrAliasSpecified = "'{0}' is not a valid namespace or alias name. You must use the current schema namespace or alias to qualify the type.";
public const string InvalidPrecisionAndScaleSpecified = "Maximum value '{0}' for Scale facet must be less than or equal to the maximum value '{1}' for Precision Facet in '{2}' type.";
public const string PrecisionOutOfRange = "Precision '{0}' is not valid. Precision must be between '{1}' and '{2}' for '{3}' type.";
public const string ScaleOutOfRange = "Scale '{0}' is not valid. Scale must be between '{1}' and '{2}' for '{3}' type.";
public const string InvalidEntitySetNameReference = "The referenced EntitySet {0} for End {1} could not be found in the containing EntityContainer.";
public const string InvalidEntityEndName = "The End {0} does not match any Ends on the {1} type.";
public const string DuplicateEndName = "The End Name {0} is already defined.";
public const string AmbiguousEntityContainerEnd = "The EntitySet for the End '{0}' in AssociationSet '{1}'was not specified, and cannot be inferred because the EntitySet is ambiguous. More than one EntitySet could be used; an explicit End element with an EntitySet attribute must be specified.";
public const string MissingEntityContainerEnd = "The EntitySet for the End '{0}' in AssociationSet '{1}' was not specified, and cannot be inferred because none of the EntitySet elements are of the correct type.";
public const string InvalidEndEntitySetTypeMismatch = "The End {0} has a different Type than the EntitySet it refers to.";
public const string InferRelationshipEndFailedNoEntitySetMatch = "In EntityContainer '{4}', the Role for the End with the EntitySet '{0}', in the AssociationSet '{1}' was not supplied, and there were no Ends in the Relationship '{2}' that matched the type '{3}'.";
public const string InferRelationshipEndAmbiguous = "In EntityContainer '{4}', the Role for the End with the EntitySet '{0}' in the AssociationSet '{1}' was not supplied, and there is more than one End in the Relationship '{2}' that could match the type '{3}'. Provide the Role attribute to disambiguate the End.";
public const string InferRelationshipEndGivesAlreadyDefinedEnd = "The Role for the End with the EntitySet {0} in the AssociationSet {1} was not supplied and the End found matches one that is already defined. Change the EntitySet to one which has a type of a different End of the Relationship.";
public const string TooManyAssociationEnds = "The Association {0} is not valid. Associations may only contain two End elements.";
public const string InvalidEndRoleInRelationshipConstraint = "There is no Role with name '{0}' defined in relationship '{1}'. Check and try again.";
public const string InvalidFromPropertyInRelationshipConstraint = "Properties referred by the Principal Role {0} must be exactly identical to the key of the EntityType {1} referred to by the Principal Role in the relationship constraint for Relationship {2}. Make sure all the key properties are specified in the Principal Role.";
public const string InvalidToPropertyInRelationshipConstraint = "Properties referred by the Dependent Role {0} must be a subset of the key of the EntityType {1} referred to by the Dependent Role in the referential constraint for Relationship {2}.";
public const string InvalidPropertyInRelationshipConstraint = "There is no property with name '{0}' defined in type referred by Role '{1}'.";
public const string TypeMismatchRelationshipConstaint = "The types of all properties in the Dependent Role of a referential constraint must be the same as the corresponding property types in the Principal Role. The type of property '{0}' on entity '{1}' does not match the type of property '{2}' on entity '{3}' in the referential constraint '{4}'.";
public const string InvalidMultiplicityFromRoleUpperBoundMustBeOne = "Multiplicity is not valid in role '{0}' in relationship '{1}'. Valid values for multiplicity for Principal Role are '0..1' or '1'.";
public const string InvalidMultiplicityFromRoleToPropertyNonNullableV1 = "Multiplicity conflicts with the referential constraint in Role '{0}' in relationship '{1}'. Because one/all of the properties in the Dependent Role is non-nullable, multiplicity of the Principal Role must be '1'.";
public const string InvalidMultiplicityFromRoleToPropertyNonNullableV2 = "Multiplicity conflicts with the referential constraint in Role '{0}' in relationship '{1}'. Because all of the properties in the Dependent Role are non-nullable, multiplicity of the Principal Role must be '1'.";
public const string InvalidMultiplicityFromRoleToPropertyNullableV1 = "Multiplicity is not valid in Role '{0}' in relationship '{1}'. Because all the properties in the Dependent Role are nullable, multiplicity of the Principal Role must be '0..1'.";
public const string InvalidMultiplicityToRoleLowerBoundMustBeZero = "Multiplicity is not valid in Role '{0}' in relationship '{1}'. The Lower Bound of the multiplicity must be 0.";
public const string InvalidMultiplicityToRoleUpperBoundMustBeOne = "Multiplicity is not valid in Role '{0}' in relationship '{1}'. Because the Dependent Role refers to the key properties, the upper bound of the multiplicity of the Dependent Role must be 1.";
public const string InvalidMultiplicityToRoleUpperBoundMustBeMany = "Multiplicity is not valid in Role '{0}' in relationship '{1}'. Because the Dependent Role properties are not the key properties, the upper bound of the multiplicity of the Dependent Role must be *.";
public const string MismatchNumberOfPropertiesinRelationshipConstraint = "Number of Properties in the Dependent and Principal Role in a relationship constraint must be exactly identical.";
public const string MissingConstraintOnRelationshipType = "The relationship '{0}' does not contain the required referential constraint.";
public const string SameRoleReferredInReferentialConstraint = "In relationship '{0}', the Principal and Dependent Role of the referential constraint refers to the same Role in the relationship type.";
public const string InvalidPrimitiveTypeKind = "The value '{0}' is not a valid PrimitiveTypeKind.";
public const string EntityKeyMustBeScalar = "The property '{0}' in EntityType '{1}' is not valid. All properties that are part of the EntityKey must be of enumeration or primitive type.";
public const string EntityKeyTypeCurrentlyNotSupportedInSSDL = "The property '{0}' in EntityType '{1}' is not valid. Type '{2}' of the property maps to '{3}' and EntityKey properties that are of type '{4}' are currently not supported.";
public const string EntityKeyTypeCurrentlyNotSupported = "The property '{0}' in EntityType '{1}' is not valid. EntityKey properties that are of type '{2}' are currently not supported.";
public const string MissingFacetDescription = "The type '{0}' is of PrimitiveTypeKind {1} which must have the facet description {2}.";
public const string EndWithManyMultiplicityCannotHaveOperationsSpecified = "End '{0}' on relationship '{1}' cannot have operation specified since its multiplicity is '*'. Operations cannot be specified on ends with multiplicity '*'.";
public const string EndWithoutMultiplicity = "End '{0}' on relationship '{1}' must specify multiplicity.";
public const string EntityContainerCannotExtendItself = "EntityContainer '{0}' cannot extend itself. Specify some other EntityContainer name.";
public const string ComposableFunctionOrFunctionImportMustDeclareReturnType = "Functions and function imports that can be composed must declare a return type.";
public const string NonComposableFunctionMustNotDeclareReturnType = "Functions that cannot be composed must not declare a return type.";
public const string CommandTextFunctionsNotComposable = "Functions declaring command text cannot be composed.";
public const string CommandTextFunctionsCannotDeclareStoreFunctionName = "Functions declaring command text cannot also declare a store function name.";
public const string NonComposableFunctionHasDisallowedAttribute = "Functions that cannot be composed may not set the aggregate or built-in function attributes.";
public const string EmptyDefiningQuery = "The DefiningQuery element is empty. Add the query text to the DefiningQuery element.";
public const string EmptyCommandText = "The CommandText element is empty. Add the command text to the CommandText element.";
public const string AmbiguousFunctionOverload = "Function '{0}' with the same {1} space type parameters already exists. Make sure that function overloads are not ambiguous.";
public const string AmbiguousFunctionAndType = "Function '{0}' and {1} space type '{0}' cannot have the same fully qualified name.";
public const string CycleInTypeHierarchy = "A cycle was detected in the type hierarchy of '{0}'.";
public const string IncorrectProviderManifest = "The Provider Manifest is incorrect.";
public const string ComplexTypeAsReturnTypeAndDefinedEntitySet = "The function import '{0}' cannot have ComplexType ReturnType '{1}' and an EntitySet specified at the same time.";
public const string ComplexTypeAsReturnTypeAndNestedComplexProperty = "Nested ComplexType property '{0}' in the ReturnType '{1}' of the function '{2}' is not supported, please consider flattening the nested ComplexType property.";
public const string FacetsOnNonScalarType = "Facets cannot be specified for non-scalar type '{0}'.";
public const string FacetDeclarationRequiresTypeAttribute = "Facet declaration requires type attribute declaration.";
public const string TypeMustBeDeclared = "Type declaration missing for element.";
public const string RowTypeWithoutProperty = "RowType element must have at least one property element.";
public const string TypeDeclaredAsAttributeAndElement = "Type must be declared through attribute or sub-element, but not both.";
public const string ReferenceToNonEntityType = "ReferenceType element can only refer to an EntityType. '{0}' is not declared as an EntityType.";
public const string NoCodeGenNamespaceInStructuralAnnotation = "The '{0}' namespace is reserved for the Entity Framework code generation.";
public const string CannotLoadDifferentVersionOfSchemaInTheSameItemCollection = "All artifacts loaded into an ItemCollection must have the same version. Multiple versions were encountered.";
public const string InvalidEnumUnderlyingType = "The specified type cannot be used as the underlying type of an enumeration type.";
public const string DuplicateEnumMember = "Enumeration members have to have unique names.";
public const string CalculatedEnumValueOutOfRange = "The value of the calculated enumeration type member is not valid according to its data type ''.";
public const string EnumMemberValueOutOfItsUnderylingTypeRange = "The value '{0}' of the enumeration type member '{1}' cannot be converted to '{2}' type.";
public const string SpatialWithUseStrongSpatialTypesFalse = "Currently, spatial types are only supported when used in CSDL files that have the UseStrongSpatialTypes annotation with a false value on their root Schema element.";
public const string ObjectQuery_QueryBuilder_InvalidProjectionList = "You must specify a valid projection list.";
public const string ObjectQuery_QueryBuilder_InvalidSortKeyList = "You must specify a valid key list for sorting the results.";
public const string ObjectQuery_QueryBuilder_InvalidGroupKeyList = "You must specify a valid key list for grouping the results.";
public const string ObjectQuery_QueryBuilder_InvalidSkipCount = "You must specify a valid skip count.";
public const string ObjectQuery_QueryBuilder_InvalidTopCount = "You must specify a valid result count.";
public const string ObjectQuery_QueryBuilder_InvalidFilterPredicate = "You must specify a valid predicate for filtering the results.";
public const string ObjectQuery_QueryBuilder_InvalidResultType = "'{0}' is not a valid type for type filtering operations. Type filtering is only valid on entity types and complex types.";
public const string ObjectQuery_QueryBuilder_InvalidQueryArgument = "The specified ObjectQuery is not valid for this operation because it is associated with a different ObjectContext.";
public const string ObjectQuery_QueryBuilder_NotSupportedLinqSource = "Query builder methods are not supported for LINQ to Entities queries. For more information, see the Entity Framework documentation.";
public const string ObjectQuery_InvalidEmptyQuery = "The command text for an ObjectQuery instance cannot be empty.";
public const string ObjectQuery_InvalidConnection = "A connection must be specified before the query can be executed.";
public const string ObjectQuery_InvalidQueryName = "The specified query name '{0}' is not valid. Query names must begin with a letter and can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores.";
public const string ObjectQuery_UnableToMapResultType = "The result type of the query could not be determined because the required metadata is missing.";
public const string ObjectQuery_UnableToMaterializeArray = "The array type '{0}' cannot be initialized in a query result. Consider using '{1}' instead.";
public const string ObjectQuery_UnableToMaterializeArbitaryProjectionType = "The collection in the projection is of type '{0}'. For a collection to be materialized to a projection, it must be of type ICollection<T>, IList<T>, ISet<T> or of a concrete type that implements ICollection<T> and has a parameterless constructor.";
public const string ObjectParameter_InvalidParameterName = "The specified parameter name '{0}' is not valid. Parameter names must begin with a letter and can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores.";
public const string ObjectParameter_InvalidParameterType = "The specified parameter type '{0}' is not valid. Only scalar types, such as System.Int32, System.Decimal, System.DateTime, and System.Guid, are supported.";
public const string ObjectParameterCollection_ParameterNameNotFound = "A parameter named '{0}' was not found in the parameter collection.";
public const string ObjectParameterCollection_ParameterAlreadyExists = "A parameter '{0}' already exists in the parameter collection. Parameters must be unique in the parameter collection.";
public const string ObjectParameterCollection_DuplicateParameterName = "A parameter named '{0}' already exists in the parameter collection. Parameter names must be unique in the parameter collection.";
public const string ObjectParameterCollection_ParametersLocked = "Parameters cannot be added or removed from the parameter collection, and the parameter collection cannot be cleared after a query has been evaluated or its trace string has been retrieved.";
public const string ProviderReturnedNullForGetDbInformation = "The provider returned null for the informationType '{0}'.";
public const string ProviderReturnedNullForCreateCommandDefinition = "The provider returned null from CreateCommandDefinition.";
public const string ProviderDidNotReturnAProviderManifest = "The provider did not return a ProviderManifest instance.";
public const string ProviderDidNotReturnAProviderManifestToken = "The provider did not return a ProviderManifestToken string.";
public const string ProviderDidNotReturnSpatialServices = "The provider did not return a DbSpatialServices instance.";
public const string ProviderDoesNotSupportType = "The underlying provider does not support the type '{0}'.";
public const string NoStoreTypeForEdmType = "There is no store type corresponding to the conceptual side type '{0}' of primitive type '{1}'.";
public const string ProviderRequiresStoreCommandTree = "This provider does not support the specified command tree. EntityClient should be used to create a command definition from this command tree.";
public const string ProviderShouldOverrideEscapeLikeArgument = "Because the underlying provider had overridden DbProviderManifest.SupportsEscapingLikeArgument to return true, the DbProviderManifest.EscapeLikeArgument method must also be implemented by the provider.";
public const string ProviderEscapeLikeArgumentReturnedNull = "The underlying provider returned null when trying to escape the specified string.";
public const string ProviderDidNotCreateACommandDefinition = "The provider did not create a CommandDefinition.";
public const string ProviderDoesNotSupportCreateDatabaseScript = "CreateDatabaseScript is not supported by the provider.";
public const string ProviderDoesNotSupportCreateDatabase = "CreateDatabase is not supported by the provider.";
public const string ProviderDoesNotSupportDatabaseExists = "DatabaseExists is not supported by the provider.";
public const string ProviderDoesNotSupportDeleteDatabase = "DeleteDatabase is not supported by the provider.";
public const string Spatial_GeographyValueNotCompatibleWithSpatialServices = "The specified DbGeography value is not compatible with this spatial services implementation.";
public const string Spatial_GeometryValueNotCompatibleWithSpatialServices = "The specified DbGeometry value is not compatible with this spatial services implementation.";
public const string Spatial_ProviderValueNotCompatibleWithSpatialServices = "The specified provider value is not compatible with this spatial services implementation.";
public const string Spatial_WellKnownGeographyValueNotValid = "The specified DbWellKnownGeographyValue does not contain either Well-Known Text or Well-Known Binary.";
public const string Spatial_WellKnownGeometryValueNotValid = "The specified DbWellKnownGeometryValue does not contain either Well-Known Text or Well-Known Binary.";
public const string Spatial_WellKnownValueSerializationPropertyNotDirectlySettable = "The WellKnownValue property is intended to support serialization and deserialization and should not be set directly.";
public const string SqlSpatialservices_CouldNotCreateWellKnownGeographyValueNoSrid = "A Spatial Reference System Identifier (SRID) value could not be retrieved from the specified DbGeography value.";
public const string SqlSpatialservices_CouldNotCreateWellKnownGeographyValueNoWkbOrWkt = "The specified DbGeography value did not provide either Well-Known Binary or Well-Known Text.";
public const string SqlSpatialservices_CouldNotCreateWellKnownGeometryValueNoSrid = "A Spatial Reference System Identifier (SRID) value could not be retrieved from the specified DbGeometry value.";
public const string SqlSpatialservices_CouldNotCreateWellKnownGeometryValueNoWkbOrWkt = "The specified DbGeometry value did not provide either Well-Known Binary or Well-Known Text.";
public const string SqlSpatialServices_ProviderValueNotSqlType = "The specified provider value is not compatible with this spatial services implementation. A value is required of type '{0}'.";
public const string EntityConnectionString_Name = "The connection name in the connection string.";
public const string EntityConnectionString_Provider = "The underlying provider invariant name in the connection string.";
public const string EntityConnectionString_Metadata = "The metadata locations in the connection string.";
public const string EntityConnectionString_ProviderConnectionString = "The inner connection string in the connection string.";
public const string EntityDataCategory_Context = "Context";
public const string EntityDataCategory_NamedConnectionString = "Named ConnectionString";
public const string EntityDataCategory_Source = "Source";
public const string ObjectQuery_Span_IncludeRequiresEntityOrEntityCollection = "The result type of the query is neither an EntityType nor a CollectionType with an entity element type. An Include path can only be specified for a query with one of these result types.";
public const string ObjectQuery_Span_NoNavProp = "A specified Include path is not valid. The EntityType '{0}' does not declare a navigation property with the name '{1}'.";
public const string ObjectQuery_Span_SpanPathSyntaxError = "There was an error parsing the Include path. An empty navigation property was found.";
public const string ObjectQuery_Span_WhiteSpacePath = "The path consists only of white space.";
public const string EntityProxyTypeInfo_ProxyHasWrongWrapper = "The entity wrapper stored in the proxy does not reference the same proxy.";
public const string EntityProxyTypeInfo_CannotSetEntityCollectionProperty = "The property '{0}' on type '{1}' cannot be set because the collection is already set to an EntityCollection.";
public const string EntityProxyTypeInfo_ProxyMetadataIsUnavailable = "There is no metadata information available for the proxy type for '{0}'. This exception can be caused when a proxy type for an entity is detached from an ObjectContext. See InnerException for details.";
public const string EntityProxyTypeInfo_DuplicateOSpaceType = "There is already a generated proxy type for the object layer type '{0}'. This occurs when the same object layer type is mapped by two or more different models in an AppDomain.";