Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.
XML Web service discovery is the process of locating, or discovering, one or more related documents that describe available XML Web services. It is through XML Web services discovery that XML Web service clients learn about the available XML Web services at a given URL and how to use them. XML Web services discovery works from the premise that you have already obtained the URL to a discovery document, possibly through a directory service, such as, however, you do not have the details about the XML Web services offered. Through XML Web services discovery, you can discover the details about the XML Web services listed in a at a specific URL.
An XML Web service client starts XML Web services discovery by supplying a URL to either the or methods. Typically, this URL refers to a discovery document, which in turn refers to documents that describe one or more XML Web services, which are added to the property. At that point, only that document is downloaded and verified to point to valid information about XML Web services. However, the references contained in that document are not verified at this stage. Instead they are added to the property. To verify that the references are valid, invoke the or methods, which add valid referenced documents to the property. Last, if a client wants to save the discovery results to disk, invoke the method.
If programmatic access to XML Web services discovery is not needed, the winsdklong ships the Web Services Discovery tool (Disco.exe) for discovering XML Web services within a command prompt. For more details, see [<topic://cpgrfwebservicesdiscoverytooldiscoexe>].
Provides support for programmatically invoking XML Web services discovery.
To be added
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The property primarily contains SOAP bindings, represented by the class, defined in the discovery document.
Gets information in addition to references found in the discovery document.
The method expects that the supplied URL is a discovery document. If the URL refers to a service description or an XML schema an exception is thrown. To discover an XML schema or a service description invoke the method.
If the supplied URL points to a valid discovery document, the discovery document at the supplied URL is added to the and collection. Additionally, references within the discovery document are added to the collection, but not verified to point to valid discovery documents. To verify the references, point to valid discovery documents to invoke the or methods.
Discovers the supplied URL to determine if it is a discovery document.
A containing the results of XML Web services discovery at the supplied URL.
The URL where XML Web services discovery begins.
The method discovers whether the supplied URL is a discovery document, service description or XSD schema. If it is known that the URL only refers to a discovery document, the method might be invoked.
If the supplied URL points to a valid discovery document, XSD schema, or service description, the discovery document at the supplied URL is added to the and collections. When the supplied URL refers to an XSD schema or Service Description a is created in memory and added to the and collections. Additionally, references within the discovery document are added to the collection, but not verified to point to valid discovery documents. To verify that references point to valid discovery documents, invoke the or methods.
Discovers the supplied URL to determine if it is a discovery document, service description or an XML Schema Definition (XSD) schema.
A containing the results of XML Web services discovery at the supplied URL. If the parameter refers to a service description or an XSD Schema, a is created in memory for it.
The URL where XML Web services discovery begins.
To be added: an object of type 'DiscoveryClientDocumentCollection'
The collection is populated during invocations to the , , and methods. During invocations to the and methods, if the supplied URL is a valid discovery document, that document is added to the collection. During invocations to the and methods, valid discovery document references in the collection are added to the collection.
Gets a collection of discovery documents.
To be added
To be added
To be added
To be added
To be added: an object of type 'DiscoveryExceptionDictionary'
The collection is populated with exceptions that occurred during invocations to the , , , and methods. The is cleared on invocation of these methods.
Gets a collection of exceptions that occurred during invocation of method from this class.
System.Obsolete("This method will be removed from a future version. The method call is no longer required for resource discovery", false)
To be added.
Instructs the object to load any external references.
A file containing a map of saved discovery documents can be created by the method or Disco.exe.
The parameter must include the fully qualified path if the file does not exist in the current directory.
Reads in a file containing a map of saved discovery documents populating the and properties, with discovery documents, XML Schema Definition (XSD) schemas, and service descriptions referenced in the file.
A containing the results found in the file with the map of saved discovery documents. The file format is a class serialized into XML; however, one would typically create the file using only the method or Disco.exe.
Name of file to read in, containing the map of saved discovery documents.
To be added: an object of type 'DiscoveryClientReferenceCollection'
The collection is populated during invocations to the , , and methods. During invocations to the and methods, if the supplied URL is a valid discovery document, that document is added to the collection together with references found in the discovery document. References added during invocations to the and methods are not necessarily valid discovery documents. During invocations to and references within the collection are verified as being valid discovery documents. If they are valid and contain references, they are also added to the collection.
A collection of references founds in resolved discovery documents.
resolves all valid references it finds and places them in the property. Both and download and verify XSD schemas and service descriptions in the property. However, the two methods differ in how they handle discovery documents. resolves all references in discovery documents within the property; if a discovery document contains references to other discovery documents, resolves just those discovery documents. Discovery documents found in those discovery documents nested one level deep are not resolved by ; whereas resolves them all. continues to resolve references in nested discovery documents until there are no more references.
Errors occurring during the verification process done by are not thrown at the time of occurrence, but rather collected and added to the property.
Resolves all references to discovery documents, XML Schema Definition (XSD) schemas, and service descriptions in the property, as well as references found in referenced discovery documents.
resolves all valid references it finds and places them in the property. Both and download and verify XSD schemas and service descriptions in the property. However, the two methods differ in how they handle discovery documents. resolves all references in discovery documents within the property. If a discovery document contains references to other discovery documents, resolves just those discovery documents. Discovery documents found in those discovery documents nested one level deep are not resolved by ; whereas resolve them all. continues to resolve references in nested discovery documents until there are no more references.
Errors occurring during the verification process done by are not thrown at the time of occurrence, but rather collected and added to the property.
Resolves all references to discovery documents, XML Schema Definition (XSD) schemas and service descriptions in , as well as references found in those discovery documents.
The file created with the name of the parameter in the directory specified by the directory parameter contains a map of saved discovery documents, XML Schema Definition (XSD) schemas and service descriptions. This file can be read in using the method to populate the and properties. The format of the file is XML containing an serialized version of the class.
If a file exists with the same name as the parameter in the parameter, that file is overwritten by the method. The parameter must include the fully qualified path if the file does not exist in the current directory.
Writes all discovery documents, XML Schema Definition (XSD) schemas, and Service Descriptions in the property to the supplied directory and creates a file in that directory.
A containing the results of all files saved.
The directory in which to save all documents currently in the property.
The name of the file to create or overwrite containing a map of all documents saved.