/* * resgen: convert between the resource formats (.txt, .resources, .resx). * * Copyright (c) 2002 Ximian, Inc * * Authors: * Paolo Molaro (lupus@ximian.com) * Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com) */ using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Resources; using System.Reflection; using System.Xml; class ResGen { static Assembly swf; static Type resxr; static Type resxw; /* * We load the ResX format stuff on demand, since the classes are in * System.Windows.Forms (!!!) and we can't depend on that assembly in mono, yet. */ static void LoadResX () { if (swf != null) return; try { swf = Assembly.Load (Consts.AssemblySystem_Windows_Forms); resxr = swf.GetType ("System.Resources.ResXResourceReader"); resxw = swf.GetType ("System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception ("Cannot load support for ResX format: " + e.Message); } } static void Usage () { string Usage = @"Mono Resource Generator version " + Consts.MonoVersion + @" Usage: resgen source.ext [dest.ext] resgen [options] /compile source.ext[,dest.resources] [...]"; Usage += @" Convert a resource file from one format to another. The currently supported formats are: '.txt' '.resources' '.resx' '.po'. If the destination file is not specified, source.resources will be used."; Usage += @" Options: -compile, /compile takes a list of .resX or .txt files to convert to .resources files in one bulk operation, replacing .ext with .resources for the output file name (if not set). -usesourcepath, /useSourcePath to resolve relative file paths, use the directory of the resource file as current directory."; Usage += @" "; Console.WriteLine( Usage ); } static IResourceReader GetReader (Stream stream, string name, bool useSourcePath) { string format = Path.GetExtension (name); switch (format.ToLower (System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { case ".po": return new PoResourceReader (stream); case ".txt": case ".text": return new TxtResourceReader (stream); case ".resources": return new ResourceReader (stream); case ".resx": LoadResX (); IResourceReader reader = (IResourceReader) Activator.CreateInstance ( resxr, new object[] {stream}); if (useSourcePath) { // only possible on 2.0 profile, or higher PropertyInfo p = reader.GetType ().GetProperty ("BasePath", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); if (p != null && p.CanWrite) { p.SetValue (reader, Path.GetDirectoryName (name), null); } } return reader; default: throw new Exception ("Unknown format in file " + name); } } static IResourceWriter GetWriter (Stream stream, string name) { string format = Path.GetExtension (name); switch (format.ToLower ()) { case ".po": return new PoResourceWriter (stream); case ".txt": case ".text": return new TxtResourceWriter (stream); case ".resources": return new ResourceWriter (stream); case ".resx": LoadResX (); return (IResourceWriter)Activator.CreateInstance (resxw, new object[] {stream}); default: throw new Exception ("Unknown format in file " + name); } } static int CompileResourceFile (string sname, string dname, bool useSourcePath) { FileStream source = null; FileStream dest = null; IResourceReader reader = null; IResourceWriter writer = null; try { source = new FileStream (sname, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); reader = GetReader (source, sname, useSourcePath); dest = new FileStream (dname, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); writer = GetWriter (dest, dname); int rescount = 0; foreach (DictionaryEntry e in reader) { rescount++; object val = e.Value; if (val is string) writer.AddResource ((string)e.Key, (string)e.Value); else writer.AddResource ((string)e.Key, e.Value); } Console.WriteLine( "Read in {0} resources from '{1}'", rescount, sname ); reader.Close (); writer.Close (); Console.WriteLine("Writing resource file... Done."); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("Error: {0}", e.Message); Exception inner = e.InnerException; // under 2.0 ResXResourceReader can wrap an exception into an XmlException // and this hides some helpful message from the original exception XmlException xex = (inner as XmlException); if (xex != null) { // message is identical to the inner exception (from MWF ResXResourceReader) Console.WriteLine ("Position: Line {0}, Column {1}.", xex.LineNumber, xex.LinePosition); inner = inner.InnerException; } if (inner is TargetInvocationException && inner.InnerException != null) inner = inner.InnerException; if (inner != null) Console.WriteLine ("Inner exception: {0}", inner.Message); if (reader != null) reader.Dispose (); if (source != null) source.Close (); if (writer != null) writer.Dispose (); if (dest != null) dest.Close (); // since we're not first reading all entries in source, we may get a // read failure after we're started writing to the destination file // and leave behind a broken resources file, so remove it here try { File.Delete (dname); } catch { } return 1; } return 0; } static int Main (string[] args) { bool compileMultiple = false; bool useSourcePath = false; ArrayList inputFiles = new ArrayList (); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { switch (args [i].ToLower ()) { case "-h": case "/h": case "-?": case "/?": Usage (); return 1; case "/compile": case "-compile": if (inputFiles.Count > 0) { // the /compile option should be specified before any files Usage (); return 1; } compileMultiple = true; break; case "/usesourcepath": case "-usesourcepath": if (compileMultiple) { // the /usesourcepath option should not appear after the // /compile switch on the command-line Console.WriteLine ("ResGen : error RG0000: Invalid " + "command line syntax. Switch: \"/compile\" Bad value: " + args [i] + ". Use ResGen /? for usage information."); return 1; } useSourcePath = true; break; default: if (!IsFileArgument (args [i])) { Usage (); return 1; } ResourceInfo resInf = new ResourceInfo (); if (compileMultiple) { string [] pair = args [i].Split (','); switch (pair.Length) { case 1: resInf.InputFile = Path.GetFullPath (pair [0]); resInf.OutputFile = Path.ChangeExtension (resInf.InputFile, "resources"); break; case 2: if (pair [1].Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine (@"error: You must specify an input & outfile file name like this:"); Console.WriteLine ("inFile.txt,outFile.resources."); Console.WriteLine ("You passed in '{0}'.", args [i]); return 1; } resInf.InputFile = Path.GetFullPath (pair [0]); resInf.OutputFile = Path.GetFullPath (pair [1]); break; default: Usage (); return 1; } } else { if ((i + 1) < args.Length) { resInf.InputFile = Path.GetFullPath (args [i]); // move to next arg, since we assume that one holds // the name of the output file i++; resInf.OutputFile = Path.GetFullPath (args [i]); } else { resInf.InputFile = Path.GetFullPath (args [i]); resInf.OutputFile = Path.ChangeExtension (resInf.InputFile, "resources"); } } inputFiles.Add (resInf); break; } } if (inputFiles.Count == 0) { Usage (); return 1; } foreach (ResourceInfo res in inputFiles) { int ret = CompileResourceFile (res.InputFile, res.OutputFile, useSourcePath); if (ret != 0 ) return ret; } return 0; } private static bool RunningOnUnix { get { // check for Unix platforms - see FAQ for more details // http://www.mono-project.com/FAQ:_Technical#How_to_detect_the_execution_platform_.3F int platform = (int) Environment.OSVersion.Platform; return ((platform == 4) || (platform == 128) || (platform == 6)); } } private static bool IsFileArgument (string arg) { if ((arg [0] != '-') && (arg [0] != '/')) return true; // cope with absolute filenames for resx files on unix, as // they also match the option pattern // // `/home/test.resx' is considered as a resx file, however // '/test.resx' is considered as error return (RunningOnUnix && arg.Length > 2 && arg.IndexOf ('/', 2) != -1); } } class TxtResourceWriter : IResourceWriter { StreamWriter s; public TxtResourceWriter (Stream stream) { s = new StreamWriter (stream); } public void AddResource (string name, byte[] value) { throw new Exception ("Binary data not valid in a text resource file"); } public void AddResource (string name, object value) { if (value is string) { AddResource (name, (string)value); return; } throw new Exception ("Objects not valid in a text resource file"); } public void AddResource (string name, string value) { s.WriteLine ("{0}={1}", name, Escape (value)); } // \n -> \\n ... static string Escape (string value) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder (); for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) { switch (value [i]) { case '\n': b.Append ("\\n"); break; case '\r': b.Append ("\\r"); break; case '\t': b.Append ("\\t"); break; case '\\': b.Append ("\\\\"); break; default: b.Append (value [i]); break; } } return b.ToString (); } public void Close () { s.Close (); } public void Dispose () {} public void Generate () {} } class TxtResourceReader : IResourceReader { Hashtable data; Stream s; public TxtResourceReader (Stream stream) { data = new Hashtable (); s = stream; Load (); } public virtual void Close () { } public IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return data.GetEnumerator (); } void Load () { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (s); string line, key, val; int epos, line_num = 0; while ((line = reader.ReadLine ()) != null) { line_num++; line = line.Trim (); if (line.Length == 0 || line [0] == '#' || line [0] == ';') continue; epos = line.IndexOf ('='); if (epos < 0) throw new Exception ("Invalid format at line " + line_num); key = line.Substring (0, epos); val = line.Substring (epos + 1); key = key.Trim (); val = val.Trim (); if (key.Length == 0) throw new Exception ("Key is empty at line " + line_num); val = Unescape (val); if (val == null) throw new Exception (String.Format ("Unsupported escape character in value of key '{0}'.", key)); data.Add (key, val); } } // \\n -> \n ... static string Unescape (string value) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder (); for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) { if (value [i] == '\\') { if (i == value.Length - 1) return null; i++; switch (value [i]) { case 'n': b.Append ('\n'); break; case 'r': b.Append ('\r'); break; case 't': b.Append ('\t'); break; case 'u': int ch = int.Parse (value.Substring (++i, 4), NumberStyles.HexNumber); b.Append (char.ConvertFromUtf32 (ch)); i += 3; break; case '\\': b.Append ('\\'); break; default: return null; } } else { b.Append (value [i]); } } return b.ToString (); } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () { return ((IResourceReader) this).GetEnumerator(); } void IDisposable.Dispose () {} } class PoResourceReader : IResourceReader { Hashtable data; Stream s; int line_num; public PoResourceReader (Stream stream) { data = new Hashtable (); s = stream; Load (); } public virtual void Close () { s.Close (); } public IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return data.GetEnumerator (); } string GetValue (string line) { int begin = line.IndexOf ('"'); if (begin == -1) throw new FormatException (String.Format ("No begin quote at line {0}: {1}", line_num, line)); int end = line.LastIndexOf ('"'); if (end == -1) throw new FormatException (String.Format ("No closing quote at line {0}: {1}", line_num, line)); return line.Substring (begin + 1, end - begin - 1); } void Load () { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (s); string line; string msgid = null; string msgstr = null; bool ignoreNext = false; while ((line = reader.ReadLine ()) != null) { line_num++; line = line.Trim (); if (line.Length == 0) continue; if (line [0] == '#') { if (line.Length == 1 || line [1] != ',') continue; if (line.IndexOf ("fuzzy") != -1) { ignoreNext = true; if (msgid != null) { if (msgstr == null) throw new FormatException ("Error. Line: " + line_num); data.Add (msgid, msgstr); msgid = null; msgstr = null; } } continue; } if (line.StartsWith ("msgid ")) { if (msgid == null && msgstr != null) throw new FormatException ("Found 2 consecutive msgid. Line: " + line_num); if (msgstr != null) { if (!ignoreNext) data.Add (msgid, msgstr); ignoreNext = false; msgid = null; msgstr = null; } msgid = GetValue (line); continue; } if (line.StartsWith ("msgstr ")) { if (msgid == null) throw new FormatException ("msgstr with no msgid. Line: " + line_num); msgstr = GetValue (line); continue; } if (line [0] == '"') { if (msgid == null || msgstr == null) throw new FormatException ("Invalid format. Line: " + line_num); msgstr += GetValue (line); continue; } throw new FormatException ("Unexpected data. Line: " + line_num); } if (msgid != null) { if (msgstr == null) throw new FormatException ("Expecting msgstr. Line: " + line_num); if (!ignoreNext) data.Add (msgid, msgstr); } } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () { return GetEnumerator(); } void IDisposable.Dispose () { if (data != null) data = null; if (s != null) { s.Close (); s = null; } } } class PoResourceWriter : IResourceWriter { TextWriter s; bool headerWritten; public PoResourceWriter (Stream stream) { s = new StreamWriter (stream); } public void AddResource (string name, byte [] value) { throw new InvalidOperationException ("Binary data not valid in a po resource file"); } public void AddResource (string name, object value) { if (value is string) { AddResource (name, (string) value); return; } throw new InvalidOperationException ("Objects not valid in a po resource file"); } StringBuilder ebuilder = new StringBuilder (); public string Escape (string ns) { ebuilder.Length = 0; foreach (char c in ns){ switch (c){ case '"': case '\\': ebuilder.Append ('\\'); ebuilder.Append (c); break; case '\a': ebuilder.Append ("\\a"); break; case '\n': ebuilder.Append ("\\n"); break; case '\r': ebuilder.Append ("\\r"); break; default: ebuilder.Append (c); break; } } return ebuilder.ToString (); } public void AddResource (string name, string value) { if (!headerWritten) { headerWritten = true; WriteHeader (); } s.WriteLine ("msgid \"{0}\"", Escape (name)); s.WriteLine ("msgstr \"{0}\"", Escape (value)); s.WriteLine (""); } void WriteHeader () { s.WriteLine ("msgid \"\""); s.WriteLine ("msgstr \"\""); s.WriteLine ("\"MIME-Version: 1.0\\n\""); s.WriteLine ("\"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\n\""); s.WriteLine ("\"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n\""); s.WriteLine ("\"X-Generator: Mono resgen 0.1\\n\""); s.WriteLine ("#\"Project-Id-Version: FILLME\\n\""); s.WriteLine ("#\"POT-Creation-Date: yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM+zzzz\\n\""); s.WriteLine ("#\"PO-Revision-Date: yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM+zzzz\\n\""); s.WriteLine ("#\"Last-Translator: FILLME\\n\""); s.WriteLine ("#\"Language-Team: FILLME\\n\""); s.WriteLine ("#\"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \\n\""); s.WriteLine (); } public void Close () { s.Close (); } public void Dispose () { } public void Generate () {} } class ResourceInfo { public string InputFile; public string OutputFile; }