System.Xml System.Xml.XPath.XPathItem System.ICloneable To be added. Represents the typed value of a validated XML element or attribute. The class cannot be inherited. Method System.Xml.Schema.XmlAtomicValue To be added. Returns a copy of this object. An object copy of this object. Property System.Boolean To be added. The property always returns false. Gets a value indicating whether the validated XML element or attribute is an XPath node or an atomic value. Method System.Object This member is an explicit interface member implementation. It can be used only when the instance is cast to an interface. For a description of this member, see . Returns a copy of this object. Method System.String To be added. Gets the string value of the validated XML element or attribute. The string value of the validated XML element or attribute. Property System.Object To be added. If the value of the item is not valid according to its specified schema type, the value of the property is equivalent to the value of the property. For more information about type support in the namespace, see Type Support in the System.Xml Classes. Gets the current validated XML element or attribute as a boxed object of the most appropriate Microsoft .NET Framework type according to its schema type. Property System.String To be added. To be added. Gets the string value of the validated XML element or attribute. Method System.Object The method attempts to convert the value of the validated XML element or attribute to the Microsoft .NET Framework type specified. The object is used to resolve namespace prefixes related to type conversions. For example, when converting an xs:QName to an xs:string. For more information about type support in the namespace, see Type Support in the System.Xml Classes. Returns the validated XML element or attribute's value as the type specified using the object specified to resolve namespace prefixes. The value of the validated XML element or attribute as the type requested. The type to return the validated XML element or attribute's value as. The object used to resolve namespace prefixes. Property System.Boolean To be added. The property attempts to convert the value of the validated XML element or attribute to the Microsoft .NET Framework type according to the XPath 2.0 rules for casting the item's type. For more information about type support in the namespace, see Type Support in the System.Xml Classes. Gets the validated XML element or attribute's value as a . Property System.DateTime To be added. The property attempts to convert the value of the validated XML element or attribute to the Microsoft .NET Framework type according to the XPath 2.0 rules for casting the item's type. For more information about type support in the namespace, see Type Support in the System.Xml Classes. Gets the validated XML element or attribute's value as a . Property System.Decimal To be added. To be added. To be added. Property System.Double To be added. The property attempts to convert the value of the validated XML element or attribute to the Microsoft .NET Framework type according to the XPath 2.0 rules for casting the item's type. For more information about type support in the namespace, see Type Support in the System.Xml Classes. Gets the validated XML element or attribute's value as a . Property System.Int32 To be added. The property attempts to convert the value of the validated XML element or attribute to the Microsoft .NET Framework type according to the XPath 2.0 rules for casting the item's type. For more information about type support in the namespace, see Type Support in the System.Xml Classes. Gets the validated XML element or attribute's value as an . Property System.Int64 To be added. The property attempts to convert the value of the validated XML element or attribute to the Microsoft .NET Framework type according to the XPath 2.0 rules for casting the item's type. For more information about type support in the namespace, see Type Support in the System.Xml Classes. Gets the validated XML element or attribute's value as an . Property System.Type To be added. The property gets the .NET Framework type of the typed value of the validated XML element or attribute. For example, an element of type xs:int would have a of by default. However, the could be any one of the valid types that can be mapped to xs:int, such as or . For more information about type support in the namespace, see Type Support in the System.Xml Classes. Gets the Microsoft .NET Framework type of the validated XML element or attribute. Property System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType To be added. The property gets the for the validated XML element or attribute. For example, the or . Gets the for the validated XML element or attribute.