// Bridges the Mono and CoreFX FileSystemWatcher types. using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using C = System.IO.CoreFX.FileSystemWatcher; using M = System.IO.FileSystemWatcher; using Handle = System.Object; namespace System.IO { internal class CoreFXFileSystemWatcherProxy : IFileWatcher { static IFileWatcher instance; // Mono FSW objects -> this static IDictionary<Handle, C> internal_map; // this -> CoreFX FSW objects static ConditionalWeakTable<Handle, M> external_map; // this -> Mono FSW objects static IDictionary<object, Handle> event_map; // CoreFX FSW events -> this const int INTERRUPT_MS = 300; protected void Operation (Action<IDictionary<object, C>, ConditionalWeakTable<object, M>, IDictionary<object, object>, Handle> map_op = null, Action<C, M> object_op = null, object handle = null, Action<C, M> cancel_op = null) { C internal_fsw = null; M fsw = null; bool live, havelock; if (cancel_op != null) { // highest priority and must not lock havelock = Monitor.TryEnter (instance, INTERRUPT_MS); live = (handle != null && (internal_map.TryGetValue (handle, out internal_fsw) || external_map.TryGetValue (handle, out fsw))) ; if (live && havelock) try { cancel_op (internal_fsw, fsw); } catch (Exception) { }; if (havelock) Monitor.Exit (instance); if (live && !havelock) try { var t = Task<bool>.Run( () => { cancel_op (internal_fsw, fsw); return true;}); t.Wait (INTERRUPT_MS); } catch (Exception) { }; return; } if (map_op != null && handle == null) { lock (instance) { try { map_op (internal_map, external_map, event_map, null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InvalidOperationException (nameof(map_op), e); } } return; } if (handle == null) return; lock (instance) { live = (internal_map.TryGetValue (handle, out internal_fsw) && external_map.TryGetValue (handle, out fsw)) ; if (live && map_op != null) { try { map_op (internal_map, external_map, event_map, handle); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InvalidOperationException (nameof(map_op), e); }; } } if (!live || object_op == null) return; try { object_op (internal_fsw, fsw); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InvalidOperationException (nameof(object_op), e); }; } protected void ProxyDispatch (object sender, FileAction action, FileSystemEventArgs args) { RenamedEventArgs renamed = action == FileAction.RenamedNewName ? (RenamedEventArgs) args : null; object handle = null; Operation (map_op: (in_map, out_map, event_map, h) => event_map.TryGetValue (sender, out handle)); Operation (object_op: (_, fsw) => { if (!fsw.EnableRaisingEvents) return; fsw.DispatchEvents (action, args.Name, ref renamed); if (fsw.Waiting) { fsw.Waiting = false; System.Threading.Monitor.PulseAll (fsw); } }, handle: handle); } protected void ProxyDispatchError (object sender, ErrorEventArgs args) { object handle = null; Operation (map_op: (in_map, out_map, event_map, _) => event_map.TryGetValue (sender, out handle)); Operation (object_op: (_, fsw) => fsw.DispatchErrorEvents (args), handle: handle); } public object NewWatcher (M fsw) { var handle = new object (); var result = new C (); result.Changed += (object o, FileSystemEventArgs args) => Task.Run (() => ProxyDispatch (o, FileAction.Modified, args)); result.Created += (object o, FileSystemEventArgs args) => Task.Run (() => ProxyDispatch (o, FileAction.Added, args)); result.Deleted += (object o, FileSystemEventArgs args) => Task.Run (() => ProxyDispatch (o, FileAction.Removed, args)); result.Renamed += (object o, RenamedEventArgs args) => Task.Run (() => ProxyDispatch (o, FileAction.RenamedNewName, args)); result.Error += (object o, ErrorEventArgs args) => Task.Run (() => ProxyDispatchError (handle, args)); Operation (map_op: (in_map, out_map, event_map, _) => { in_map.Add (handle, result); out_map.Add (handle, fsw); event_map.Add (result, handle); }); return handle; } public void StartDispatching (object handle) { if (handle == null) return; Operation (object_op: (internal_fsw, fsw) => { internal_fsw.Path = fsw.Path; internal_fsw.Filter = fsw.Filter; internal_fsw.IncludeSubdirectories = fsw.IncludeSubdirectories; internal_fsw.InternalBufferSize = fsw.InternalBufferSize; internal_fsw.NotifyFilter = fsw.NotifyFilter; internal_fsw.Site = fsw.Site; internal_fsw.EnableRaisingEvents = true; }, handle: handle); } public void StopDispatching (object handle) { if (handle == null) return; Operation (handle: handle, cancel_op: (internal_fsw, fsw) => { if (internal_fsw != null) internal_fsw.EnableRaisingEvents = false; }); } public void Dispose (object handle) { if (handle == null) return; Operation (handle: handle, cancel_op: (internal_fsw, fsw) => { if (internal_fsw != null) internal_fsw.Dispose (); var inner_key = internal_map [handle]; internal_map.Remove (handle); external_map.Remove (handle); event_map.Remove (inner_key); handle = null; }); } public static bool GetInstance (out IFileWatcher watcher) { if (instance != null) { watcher = instance; return true; } internal_map = new ConcurrentDictionary <object, C> (); external_map = new ConditionalWeakTable <object, M> (); event_map = new ConcurrentDictionary <object, object> (); instance = watcher = new CoreFXFileSystemWatcherProxy (); return true; } } }