//------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //------------------------------------------------------------ namespace Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Xaml { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime; using System.Threading; using System.Xaml; using Microsoft.Build.Framework; using Microsoft.Build.Utilities; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Activities; [Fx.Tag.XamlVisible(true)] public class PartialClassGenerationTask : Task { const string DefaultGeneratedSourceExtension = "g"; List generatedResources = new List(); List generatedCodeFiles = new List(); // We will do Dev10 behavior if the new required property MSBuildProjectDirectory is NOT specified. This can happen // if a Dev10 version of the Microsoft.Xaml.Targets file is being used with Dev11 installed. bool supportExtensions = false; string msBuildProjectDirectory; public PartialClassGenerationTask() { this.GeneratedSourceExtension = DefaultGeneratedSourceExtension; } [Fx.Tag.KnownXamlExternal] [Output] public ITaskItem[] ApplicationMarkup { get; set; } public string AssemblyName { get; set; } public string[] KnownReferencePaths { get; set; } [Fx.Tag.KnownXamlExternal] [Output] public ITaskItem[] GeneratedResources { get { return generatedResources.ToArray(); } set { generatedResources = new List(value); } } [Fx.Tag.KnownXamlExternal] [Output] public ITaskItem[] GeneratedCodeFiles { get { return generatedCodeFiles.ToArray(); } set { generatedCodeFiles = new List(value); } } public string GeneratedSourceExtension { get; set; } [Required] public string Language { get; set; } [Required] public string OutputPath { get; set; } // This is Required for Dev11, but to allow things to work with a Dev10 targets file, we are not marking it required. public string MSBuildProjectDirectory { get { return this.msBuildProjectDirectory; } set { this.msBuildProjectDirectory = value; // The fact that this property is being set indicates that a Dev11 version of the targets // file is being used, so we should not do Dev10 behavior. this.supportExtensions = true; } } [Fx.Tag.KnownXamlExternal] public ITaskItem[] References { get; set; } public string RootNamespace { get; set; } [Fx.Tag.KnownXamlExternal] public ITaskItem[] SourceCodeFiles { get; set; } [Output] public bool RequiresCompilationPass2 { get; set; } public string BuildTaskPath { get; set; } public bool IsInProcessXamlMarkupCompile { get; set; } public ITaskItem[] XamlBuildTypeGenerationExtensionNames { get; set; } public ITaskItem[] XamlBuildTypeInspectionExtensionNames { get; set; } private static AppDomain inProcessAppDomain; private static Dictionary referencesTimeStampCache; private Object referencesCacheLock = new Object(); public override bool Execute() { VSDesignerPerfEventProvider perfEventProvider = new VSDesignerPerfEventProvider(); perfEventProvider.WriteEvent(VSDesignerPerfEvents.XamlBuildTaskExecuteStart); try { if (IsInProcessXamlMarkupCompile) { bool acquiredLock = false; try { Monitor.TryEnter(referencesCacheLock, ref acquiredLock); if (acquiredLock) { return ReuseAppDomainAndExecute(); } else { return GetAppDomainAndExecute(); } } finally { if (acquiredLock) { Monitor.Exit(referencesCacheLock); } } } else { return GetAppDomainAndExecute(); } } finally { perfEventProvider.WriteEvent(VSDesignerPerfEvents.XamlBuildTaskExecuteEnd); } } bool ReuseAppDomainAndExecute() { AppDomain appDomain = null; bool createdNewAppDomain = false; try { try { appDomain = GetInProcessAppDomain(out createdNewAppDomain); bool ret = ExecuteInternal(appDomain); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) { throw; } if (createdNewAppDomain) { XamlBuildTaskServices.LogException(this.Log, e.Message); return false; } else { AppDomain.Unload(inProcessAppDomain); inProcessAppDomain = null; return GetAppDomainAndExecute(); } } } finally { if (Log != null) { Log.MarkAsInactive(); } } } bool GetAppDomainAndExecute() { AppDomain appDomain = null; try { appDomain = CreateNewAppDomain(); bool ret = ExecuteInternal(appDomain); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) { throw; } XamlBuildTaskServices.LogException(this.Log, e.Message); return false; } finally { if (appDomain != null) { AppDomain.Unload(appDomain); } } } bool ExecuteInternal(AppDomain appDomain) { PartialClassGenerationTaskInternal wrapper = (PartialClassGenerationTaskInternal)appDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap( Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName, typeof(PartialClassGenerationTaskInternal).FullName); PopulateBuildArtifacts(wrapper); bool ret = wrapper.Execute(); if (ret) { ExtractBuiltArtifacts(wrapper); } return ret; } AppDomain CreateNewAppDomain() { return XamlBuildTaskServices.CreateAppDomain("PartialClassAppDomain_" + Guid.NewGuid(), BuildTaskPath); } // For Intellisense builds, we re-use the AppDomain for successive builds instead of creating a new one every time, // if the references have not changed (there are no new references and they have not been updated since the last build) // This method accesses the static referencesTimeStampCache (indirectly). // To ensure thread safety, this method should be called inside a lock/monitor AppDomain GetInProcessAppDomain(out bool newAppDomain) { newAppDomain = false; if (inProcessAppDomain == null) { inProcessAppDomain = CreateNewAppDomain(); newAppDomain = true; UpdateReferenceCache(); } else if (AreReferencesChanged()) { AppDomain.Unload(inProcessAppDomain); inProcessAppDomain = CreateNewAppDomain(); newAppDomain = true; UpdateReferenceCache(); } return inProcessAppDomain; } // This method accesses the static referencesTimeStampCache. // To ensure thread safety, this method should be called inside a lock/monitor bool AreReferencesChanged() { bool refsChanged = false; if (referencesTimeStampCache == null || referencesTimeStampCache.Count != References.Length) { refsChanged = true; } else { foreach (var reference in References) { string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(reference.ItemSpec); DateTime timeStamp = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(fullPath); if (!referencesTimeStampCache.ContainsKey(fullPath) || timeStamp > referencesTimeStampCache[fullPath] || timeStamp == DateTime.MinValue) { refsChanged = true; break; } } } return refsChanged; } // This method accesses the static referencesTimeStampCache. // To ensure thread safety, this method should be called inside a lock/monitor void UpdateReferenceCache() { referencesTimeStampCache = new Dictionary(); foreach (var reference in References) { string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(reference.ItemSpec); DateTime timeStamp = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(fullPath); referencesTimeStampCache.Add(fullPath, timeStamp); } } void PopulateBuildArtifacts(PartialClassGenerationTaskInternal wrapper) { IList applicationMarkup = null; if (this.ApplicationMarkup != null) { applicationMarkup = this.ApplicationMarkup .Select(i => new DelegatingTaskItem(i) as ITaskItem).ToList(); } wrapper.ApplicationMarkup = applicationMarkup; wrapper.BuildLogger = this.Log; wrapper.References = this.References .Select(i => new DelegatingTaskItem(i) as ITaskItem).ToList(); IList sourceCodeFiles = null; if (this.SourceCodeFiles != null) { sourceCodeFiles = new List(this.SourceCodeFiles.Length); foreach (ITaskItem taskItem in this.SourceCodeFiles) { sourceCodeFiles.Add(taskItem.ItemSpec); } } wrapper.SourceCodeFiles = sourceCodeFiles; wrapper.Language = this.Language; wrapper.AssemblyName = this.AssemblyName; wrapper.OutputPath = this.OutputPath; wrapper.RootNamespace = this.RootNamespace; wrapper.GeneratedSourceExtension = this.GeneratedSourceExtension; wrapper.IsInProcessXamlMarkupCompile = this.IsInProcessXamlMarkupCompile; wrapper.MSBuildProjectDirectory = this.MSBuildProjectDirectory; wrapper.XamlBuildTaskTypeGenerationExtensionNames = XamlBuildTaskServices.GetXamlBuildTaskExtensionNames(this.XamlBuildTypeGenerationExtensionNames); if (this.XamlBuildTypeInspectionExtensionNames != null && this.XamlBuildTypeInspectionExtensionNames.Length > 0) { wrapper.MarkupCompilePass2ExtensionsPresent = true; } wrapper.SupportExtensions = this.supportExtensions; } void ExtractBuiltArtifacts(PartialClassGenerationTaskInternal wrapper) { foreach (string resource in wrapper.GeneratedResources) { this.generatedResources.Add(new TaskItem(resource)); } foreach (string code in wrapper.GeneratedCodeFiles) { this.generatedCodeFiles.Add(new TaskItem(code)); } this.RequiresCompilationPass2 = wrapper.RequiresCompilationPass2 || (this.XamlBuildTypeInspectionExtensionNames != null && this.XamlBuildTypeInspectionExtensionNames.Length > 0); } } }