// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Xaml
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Xaml;
    using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
    using System.Runtime;
    using System;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Globalization;
    using XamlBuildTask;

    public sealed class AttributeData 
        static CultureInfo invariantEnglishUS = CultureInfo.ReadOnly(new CultureInfo("en-us", false));
        List<AttributeParameterData> parameters;
        Dictionary<string, AttributeParameterData> properties;        

        public XamlType Type

        public IList<AttributeParameterData> Parameters
                if (this.parameters == null)
                    this.parameters = new List<AttributeParameterData>();
                return parameters;

        public IDictionary<string, AttributeParameterData> Properties
                if (properties == null)
                    properties = new Dictionary<string, AttributeParameterData>();
                return properties;

        // We get here when we are inside x:ClassAttributes or x:Property.Attributes. We expect the first element to be the Attribute SO.
        internal static AttributeData LoadAttributeData(XamlReader reader, NamespaceTable namespaceTable, string rootNamespace)
            AttributeData attributeData = null;
            if (reader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.StartObject)
                attributeData = new AttributeData { Type = reader.Type };

                bool readNext = false;
                while (readNext || reader.Read())
                    readNext = false;
                    if (reader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.StartMember)
                        if (reader.Member == XamlLanguage.Arguments)
                            foreach (AttributeParameterData parameterData in ReadParameters(reader.ReadSubtree(), namespaceTable, rootNamespace))
                            readNext = true;
                        else if (!reader.Member.IsDirective)
                            KeyValuePair<string, AttributeParameterData> propertyInfo = ReadAttributeProperty(reader.ReadSubtree(), namespaceTable, rootNamespace);
                            attributeData.Properties.Add(propertyInfo.Key, propertyInfo.Value);
                            readNext = true;
            return attributeData;

        // Read the Property on the attribute.
        private static KeyValuePair<string, AttributeParameterData> ReadAttributeProperty(XamlReader reader, NamespaceTable namespaceTable, string rootNamespace)
            Fx.Assert(reader.Member != null, "Member element should not be null");
            XamlMember member = reader.Member;

            AttributeParameterData propertyInfo = new AttributeParameterData();

            if (member.Type != null && !member.Type.IsUnknown)
                propertyInfo.Type = member.Type;
            ReadParamInfo(reader, member.Type, namespaceTable, rootNamespace, propertyInfo);
            return new KeyValuePair<string, AttributeParameterData>(member.Name, propertyInfo);

        // Read the parameters on the Attribute. We expect the parameters to be in the order in which they are supposed to appear in the output code.
        // Here we are inside x:Arguments and we expect a list of parameters.
        private static IList<AttributeParameterData> ReadParameters(XamlReader reader, NamespaceTable namespaceTable, string rootNamespace)
            IList<AttributeParameterData> parameters = new List<AttributeParameterData>();
            bool readNext = false;
            while (readNext || reader.Read())
                readNext = false;
                if (reader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.StartObject)
                    AttributeParameterData paramInfo = new AttributeParameterData();
                    ReadParamInfo(reader.ReadSubtree(), null, namespaceTable, rootNamespace, paramInfo);
                    readNext = true;
            return parameters;

        // Read the actual parameter info, i.e. the type of the paramter and its value.
        // The first element could be a V or an SO.
        private static void ReadParamInfo(XamlReader reader, XamlType type, NamespaceTable namespaceTable, string rootNamespace, AttributeParameterData paramInfo)
            bool readNext = false;
                readNext = false;
                if (reader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.StartObject && reader.Type == XamlLanguage.Array)
                    paramInfo.IsArray = true;
                    XamlReader xamlArrayReader = reader.ReadSubtree();
                    while (readNext || xamlArrayReader.Read())
                        readNext = false;
                        if (xamlArrayReader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.StartMember && xamlArrayReader.Member.Name == "Type")
                            if (xamlArrayReader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.Value)
                                XamlType arrayType = XamlBuildTaskServices.GetXamlTypeFromString(xamlArrayReader.Value as string, namespaceTable, xamlArrayReader.SchemaContext);
                                if (arrayType.UnderlyingType != null)
                                    paramInfo.Type = xamlArrayReader.SchemaContext.GetXamlType(arrayType.UnderlyingType.MakeArrayType());
                                    throw FxTrace.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.AttributeParameterTypeUnknown(arrayType)));
                        else if (xamlArrayReader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.StartObject)
                            AttributeParameterData arrayEntry = new AttributeParameterData();
                            ReadParamInfo(xamlArrayReader.ReadSubtree(), null, namespaceTable, rootNamespace, arrayEntry);
                            readNext = true;
                else if (reader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.StartObject || reader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.Value)
                    paramInfo.IsArray = false;
                    string paramVal;
                    object paramObj = null;
                    XamlType paramType;
                    GetParamValueType(reader.ReadSubtree(), type, namespaceTable, rootNamespace, out paramVal, out paramType, out paramObj);
                    paramInfo.TextValue = paramVal;
                    paramInfo.Type = paramType;
                    paramInfo.Value = paramObj;
            } while (readNext || reader.Read());

        // Get the paramter value. If the value is enclosed inside nodes of the type, then get the parameter type as well. 
        // Else infer the type from the type of the property.
        private static void GetParamValueType(XamlReader reader, XamlType type, NamespaceTable namespaceTable, string rootNamespace, out string paramValue, out XamlType paramType, out Object paramObj)
            paramValue = String.Empty;
            paramType = type;
            paramObj = null;
            while (reader.Read())
                if (reader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.Value)
                    if (paramType != null && paramType.UnderlyingType != null)
                        if (!IsSupportedParameterType(paramType.UnderlyingType) || paramType.UnderlyingType.IsArray)
                            throw FxTrace.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.AttributeParamTypeNotSupported(paramType.UnderlyingType.FullName)));

                        paramValue = reader.Value as string;
                        if (typeof(Type).IsAssignableFrom(paramType.UnderlyingType))
                            Tuple<string, Type> result = ParseParameterValueTypeName(paramValue, rootNamespace, reader.SchemaContext, namespaceTable);
                            paramValue = result.Item1;
                            paramObj = result.Item2;
                            paramObj = ParseParameterValue(ref paramValue, paramType);
                        throw FxTrace.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.AttributeParameterTypeUnknown(reader.Value as string)));
                else if (reader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.StartObject)
                    if (reader.Type == XamlLanguage.Null)
                        paramValue = null;
                        paramType = null;
                    else if (reader.Type == XamlLanguage.Type)
                        paramType = reader.SchemaContext.GetXamlType(typeof(Type));
                        paramType = reader.Type;

        internal static bool IsSupportedParameterType(Type type)
            if (type.IsArray)
                return IsSupportedParameterType(type.GetElementType());
            return type.IsEnum || 
                type.IsPrimitive ||
                typeof(string) == type ||

        // Given a live value for an attribute parameter, returns the text that needs to be
        // code-gened for the value.
        internal static string GetParameterText(object value, XamlType paramType)
            Type type = paramType.UnderlyingType;
            if (type.IsEnum)
                // Note: this doesn't support flags enums with multiple flags set, but neither
                // does the existing Dev10 code
                return type.FullName + "." + value.ToString();
            else if (typeof(Type).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                return ((Type)value).FullName;
            else if (type == typeof(String))
                return (string)value;
            else if (type.IsPrimitive)
                TypeConverter typeConverter = paramType.TypeConverter.ConverterInstance;
                Fx.Assert(typeConverter != null, "All primitives have TypeConverters");
                return (string)typeConverter.ConvertTo(null, invariantEnglishUS, value, typeof(string));
                throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("Unexpected attribute parameter type");

        // Given the text for an attribute parameter, parses it to a live value (if possible).
        internal static object GetParameterValue(ref string paramValue, XamlType paramType)
            if (typeof(Type).IsAssignableFrom(paramType.UnderlyingType))
                // We can't convert a CLR type name to a Type because we don't know what assembly it's from
                return null;
            return ParseParameterValue(ref paramValue, paramType);

        // Parses a XAML QName to a CLR Type Name (and the corresponding ROL type, if available)
        private static Tuple<string, Type> ParseParameterValueTypeName(string paramValue, string rootNamespace, XamlSchemaContext schemaContext, NamespaceTable namespaceTable)
            XamlType xamlType = XamlBuildTaskServices.GetXamlTypeFromString(paramValue, namespaceTable, schemaContext);

            string clrTypeName;
            if (!XamlBuildTaskServices.TryGetClrTypeName(xamlType, rootNamespace, out clrTypeName))
                throw FxTrace.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.TypeNameUnknown(XamlBuildTaskServices.GetFullTypeName(xamlType))));
            return Tuple.Create(clrTypeName, xamlType.UnderlyingType);

        // Given a text value for an attribute parameter, attempts to convert it to a live value.
        // Inverse of GetParameterText.
        private static object ParseParameterValue(ref string paramValue, XamlType paramType)
            object valueObj = null;
            paramValue = NormalizeParameterText(paramValue, paramType);
            if (!paramType.UnderlyingType.Assembly.ReflectionOnly)
                TypeConverter typeConverter = paramType.TypeConverter.ConverterInstance;
                if (typeConverter != null && typeConverter.CanConvertFrom(paramValue.GetType()))
                        valueObj = typeConverter.ConvertFrom(null, invariantEnglishUS, paramValue);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (Fx.IsFatal(e))
                        // ----ing exceptions here to avoid throwing on 
                        // a format that we don't recognize, but the compiler
                        // might be able to interpret.

            return valueObj;

        // Get the parameter value that is to be put in the generated code as is.
        private static string NormalizeParameterText(string value, XamlType xamlType)
            string paramValue;
            Type type = xamlType.UnderlyingType;
            Fx.Assert(!typeof(Type).IsAssignableFrom(type), "This method should not be called for Types");

            if (type.IsEnum)
                paramValue = type.FullName + "." + value;
            else if (type == typeof(String))
                paramValue = value;
            else if (type.IsPrimitive)
                value = value.TrimStart('"');
                value = value.TrimEnd('"');

                if (type == typeof(bool))
                    if (string.Compare(value, "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                        paramValue = "true";
                    else if (string.Compare(value, "false", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                        paramValue = "false";
                        throw FxTrace.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.UnknownBooleanValue(value)));
                    paramValue = value;
                throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("Unexpected attribute parameter type");
            return paramValue;