namespace System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Design { using System; using System.ComponentModel.Design; [Obsolete("The System.Workflow.* types are deprecated. Instead, please use the new types from System.Activities.*")] public sealed class WorkflowMenuCommands : StandardCommands { //Debugger commmands in \\cpvsbuild\drops\whidbey\pd6\raw\current\sources\debugger\vsdebug\resource\VSDbgCmdBase.ctc public static readonly Guid WorkflowCommandSetId = new Guid("9aeb9524-82c6-40b9-9285-8d85d3dbd4c4"); public static readonly Guid DebugCommandSetId = new Guid("C9DD4A59-47FB-11d2-83E7-00C04F9902C1"); public static readonly Guid DebugWorkflowGroupId = new Guid("{e186451b-2313-42bd-84b9-815f1c923aef}"); //standard vs command set ids internal static readonly Guid StandardCommandSet97Id = new Guid("{5efc7975-14bc-11cf-9b2b-00aa00573819}"); internal static readonly Guid StandardCommandSet2kId = new Guid("{1496A755-94DE-11D0-8C3F-00C04FC2AAE2}"); //toolbar public const int WorkflowToolBar = 0x050C; // command ids //Debug menu ids private const int cmdidInsertBreakpoint = 0x00000177; private const int cmdidInsertTracepoint = 0x00000041; private const int cmdidEnableBreakpoint = 0x00000178; private const int cmdidToggleBreakpoint = 0x000000FF; private const int cmdidShowNextStatement = 0x00000103; private const int cmdidRunToCursor = 0x000000FB; private const int cmdidSetNextStatement = 0x00000102; private const int cmdidGoToDisassembly = 0x00000107; private const int cmdidNewFileTracepoint = 0x00000140; private const int cmdidNewDataBreakpoint = 0x00000139; private const int cmdidClearBreakpoints = 0x00000100; private const int cmdidBreakpointLocation = 0x00000142; private const int cmdidBreakpointCondition = 0x00000143; private const int cmdidBreakpointHitCount = 0x00000144; private const int cmdidBreakpointConstraints = 0x00000145; private const int cmdidBreakpointAction = 0x00000146; private const int cmdidShowExecutionState = 0x00001002; //standard print command ids private const int cmdidPrint = 0x001b; //27 private const int cmdidPageSetup = 0x00e3; //227 private const int cmdidPrintPreview = 0x00e4; //228 //Properties command id private const int cmdidProperties = 0x1001; // zoom private const int cmdidWOEZoom400 = 0x3100; private const int cmdidWOEZoom300 = 0x3101; private const int cmdidWOEZoom200 = 0x3102; private const int cmdidWOEZoom150 = 0x3103; private const int cmdidWOEZoom100 = 0x3104; private const int cmdidWOEZoom75 = 0x3105; private const int cmdidWOEZoom50 = 0x3106; private const int cmdidWOEShowAll = 0x3107; public const int FirstZoomCommand = cmdidWOEZoom400; //the first and last zoom commands public const int LastZoomCommand = cmdidWOEShowAll; //should be in [....] with the \private\Core\Tools\OrchestrationDesignerUI\PkgCmdID.h // page layout private const int cmdidDefaultPage = 0x3110; private const int cmdidAutoWidthPage = 0x3111; private const int cmdidAutoHeightPage = 0x3112; // Common commands private const int cmdidExpand = 0x3113; private const int cmdidCollapse = 0x3114; // pan / zoom in/out private const int cmdidZoomIn = 0x3119; private const int cmdidZoomOut = 0x311A; private const int cmdidPan = 0x311B; private const int cmdidDefaultFilter = 0x311C; private const int cmdidDisable = 0x3115; private const int cmdidEnable = 0x3116; private const int cmdidChangeTheme = 0x3117; private const int cmdidCreateTheme = 0x3118; private const int cmdidZoomLevelCombo = 0x311F; private const int cmdidZoomLevelListHandler = 0x3120; //non-toggling print preview (for the layout menu in the right bottom corner) private const int cmdidPrintPreviewPage = 0x3121; private const int cmdidSaveWorkflowAsImage = 0x3124; private const int cmdidCopyWorkflowToClipboard = 0x3125; private const int cmdidDebugWorkflowSteppingInstance = 0x3201; private const int cmdidDebugWorkflowSteppingBranch = 0x3202; private const int cmdidPageUp = 0x001B; private const int cmdidPageDn = 0x001D; // menu ids private const int mnuidSelection = 0x0500; private const int mnuidZoom = 0x0507; private const int mnuidPageLayout = 0x0508; private const int mnuidDesignerActions = 0x0509; private const int mnuidPan = 0x050B; public WorkflowMenuCommands() { } //verbids public static readonly int VerbGroupGeneral = StandardCommands.VerbFirst.ID; public static readonly int VerbGroupView = StandardCommands.VerbFirst.ID + 25; public static readonly int VerbGroupEdit = StandardCommands.VerbFirst.ID + 50; public static readonly int VerbGroupOptions = StandardCommands.VerbFirst.ID + 75; public static readonly int VerbGroupActions = StandardCommands.VerbFirst.ID + 100; public static readonly int VerbGroupMisc = StandardCommands.VerbFirst.ID + 125; public static readonly int VerbGroupDesignerActions = StandardCommands.VerbFirst.ID + 150; //Menuids public static readonly Guid MenuGuid = WorkflowCommandSetId; public static readonly CommandID SelectionMenu = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, mnuidSelection); public static readonly CommandID DesignerActionsMenu = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, mnuidDesignerActions); //debug public static readonly CommandID InsertBreakpointMenu = new CommandID(StandardCommandSet97Id, cmdidInsertBreakpoint); public static readonly CommandID EnableBreakpointMenu = new CommandID(StandardCommandSet97Id, cmdidEnableBreakpoint); public static readonly CommandID ToggleBreakpointMenu = new CommandID(StandardCommandSet97Id, cmdidToggleBreakpoint); public static readonly CommandID ClearBreakpointsMenu = new CommandID(StandardCommandSet97Id, cmdidClearBreakpoints); public static readonly CommandID ShowNextStatementMenu = new CommandID(StandardCommandSet97Id, cmdidShowNextStatement); public static readonly CommandID RunToCursorMenu = new CommandID(StandardCommandSet97Id, cmdidRunToCursor); public static readonly CommandID SetNextStatementMenu = new CommandID(StandardCommandSet97Id, cmdidSetNextStatement); public static readonly CommandID GotoDisassemblyMenu = new CommandID(DebugCommandSetId, cmdidGoToDisassembly); public static readonly CommandID NewFileTracePointMenu = new CommandID(DebugCommandSetId, cmdidNewFileTracepoint); public static readonly CommandID NewDataBreakpointMenu = new CommandID(DebugCommandSetId, cmdidNewDataBreakpoint); public static readonly CommandID InsertTracePointMenu = new CommandID(DebugCommandSetId, cmdidInsertTracepoint); public static readonly CommandID BreakpointLocationMenu = new CommandID(DebugCommandSetId, cmdidBreakpointLocation); public static readonly CommandID BreakpointConditionMenu = new CommandID(DebugCommandSetId, cmdidBreakpointCondition); public static readonly CommandID BreakpointHitCountMenu = new CommandID(DebugCommandSetId, cmdidBreakpointHitCount); public static readonly CommandID BreakpointConstraintsMenu = new CommandID(DebugCommandSetId, cmdidBreakpointConstraints); public static readonly CommandID BreakpointActionMenu = new CommandID(DebugCommandSetId, cmdidBreakpointAction); public static readonly CommandID ExecutionStateMenu = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidShowExecutionState); public static readonly CommandID DebugStepInstanceMenu = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidDebugWorkflowSteppingInstance); public static readonly CommandID DebugStepBranchMenu = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidDebugWorkflowSteppingBranch); //print public static readonly CommandID Print = new CommandID(StandardCommandSet97Id, cmdidPrint); public static readonly CommandID PageSetup = new CommandID(StandardCommandSet97Id, cmdidPageSetup); public static readonly CommandID PrintPreview = new CommandID(StandardCommandSet97Id, cmdidPrintPreview); public static readonly CommandID PageUp = new CommandID(StandardCommandSet2kId, cmdidPageUp); public static readonly CommandID PageDown = new CommandID(StandardCommandSet2kId, cmdidPageDn); //Properties public static readonly CommandID DesignerProperties = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidProperties); // zoom menu public static readonly CommandID ZoomMenu = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, mnuidZoom); public static readonly CommandID PageLayoutMenu = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, mnuidPageLayout); public static readonly CommandID PanMenu = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, mnuidPan); // zoom commands public static readonly CommandID Zoom400Mode = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidWOEZoom400); public static readonly CommandID Zoom300Mode = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidWOEZoom300); public static readonly CommandID Zoom200Mode = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidWOEZoom200); public static readonly CommandID Zoom150Mode = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidWOEZoom150); public static readonly CommandID Zoom100Mode = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidWOEZoom100); public static readonly CommandID Zoom75Mode = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidWOEZoom75); public static readonly CommandID Zoom50Mode = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidWOEZoom50); public static readonly CommandID ShowAll = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidWOEShowAll); // page layout public static readonly CommandID DefaultPage = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidDefaultPage); public static readonly CommandID PrintPreviewPage = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidPrintPreviewPage); //Common commands public static readonly CommandID Expand = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidExpand); public static readonly CommandID Collapse = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidCollapse); public static readonly CommandID Disable = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidDisable); public static readonly CommandID Enable = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidEnable); public static readonly CommandID ChangeTheme = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidChangeTheme); public static readonly CommandID CreateTheme = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidCreateTheme); // zoom In/Out and panning public static readonly CommandID ZoomIn = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidZoomIn); public static readonly CommandID ZoomOut = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidZoomOut); public static readonly CommandID Pan = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidPan); public static readonly CommandID DefaultFilter = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidDefaultFilter); //zoom level combo public static readonly CommandID ZoomLevelCombo = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidZoomLevelCombo); public static readonly CommandID ZoomLevelListHandler = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidZoomLevelListHandler); //Save workflow commands public static readonly CommandID SaveAsImage = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidSaveWorkflowAsImage); public static readonly CommandID CopyToClipboard = new CommandID(WorkflowCommandSetId, cmdidCopyWorkflowToClipboard); } }