//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; /// /// Creates a column and is the base class for all column types. /// [ TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter)) ] public abstract class DataGridColumn : IStateManager { private DataGrid owner; private TableItemStyle itemStyle; private TableItemStyle headerStyle; private TableItemStyle footerStyle; private StateBag statebag; private bool marked; /// /// Initializes a new instance of the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Column class. /// protected DataGridColumn() { statebag = new StateBag(); } /// /// [To be supplied.] /// protected bool DesignMode { get { if (owner != null) { return owner.DesignMode; } return false; } } /// /// Gets the style properties for the footer item. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGridColumn_FooterStyle), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty) ] public virtual TableItemStyle FooterStyle { get { if (footerStyle == null) { footerStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)footerStyle).TrackViewState(); } return footerStyle; } } /// /// internal TableItemStyle FooterStyleInternal { get { return footerStyle; } } /// /// Gets or sets the text displayed in the footer of the /// System.Web.UI.WebControls.Column. /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGridColumn_FooterText) ] public virtual string FooterText { get { object o = ViewState["FooterText"]; if (o != null) return(string)o; return String.Empty; } set { ViewState["FooterText"] = value; OnColumnChanged(); } } /// /// Gets or sets the URL reference to an image to display /// instead of text on the header of this System.Web.UI.WebControls.Column /// . /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), UrlProperty(), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGridColumn_HeaderImageUrl) ] public virtual string HeaderImageUrl { get { object o = ViewState["HeaderImageUrl"]; if (o != null) return(string)o; return String.Empty; } set { ViewState["HeaderImageUrl"] = value; OnColumnChanged(); } } /// /// Gets the style properties for the header of the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Column. This property is read-only. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGridColumn_HeaderStyle), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty) ] public virtual TableItemStyle HeaderStyle { get { if (headerStyle == null) { headerStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)headerStyle).TrackViewState(); } return headerStyle; } } /// /// internal TableItemStyle HeaderStyleInternal { get { return headerStyle; } } /// /// Gets or sets the text displayed in the header of the /// System.Web.UI.WebControls.Column. /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGridColumn_HeaderText) ] public virtual string HeaderText { get { object o = ViewState["HeaderText"]; if (o != null) return(string)o; return String.Empty; } set { ViewState["HeaderText"] = value; OnColumnChanged(); } } /// /// Gets the style properties of an item within the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Column. This property is read-only. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGridColumn_ItemStyle), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty) ] public virtual TableItemStyle ItemStyle { get { if (itemStyle == null) { itemStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)itemStyle).TrackViewState(); } return itemStyle; } } /// /// internal TableItemStyle ItemStyleInternal { get { return itemStyle; } } /// /// Gets the System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid that the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Column is a part of. This property is read-only. /// protected DataGrid Owner { get { return owner; } } /// /// Gets or sets the expression used when this column is used to sort the data source> by. /// [ WebCategory("Behavior"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGridColumn_SortExpression) ] public virtual string SortExpression { get { object o = ViewState["SortExpression"]; if (o != null) return(string)o; return String.Empty; } set { ViewState["SortExpression"] = value; OnColumnChanged(); } } /// /// Gets the statebag for the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Column. This property is read-only. /// protected StateBag ViewState { get { return statebag; } } /// /// Gets or sets a value to indicate whether the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Column is visible. /// [ WebCategory("Behavior"), DefaultValue(true), WebSysDescription(SR.DataGridColumn_Visible) ] public bool Visible { get { object o = ViewState["Visible"]; if (o != null) return(bool)o; return true; } set { ViewState["Visible"] = value; OnColumnChanged(); } } /// /// public virtual void Initialize() { } /// /// Initializes a cell in the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Column. /// public virtual void InitializeCell(TableCell cell, int columnIndex, ListItemType itemType) { switch (itemType) { case ListItemType.Header: { WebControl headerControl = null; bool sortableHeader = true; string sortExpression = null; if ((owner != null) && (owner.AllowSorting == false)) { sortableHeader = false; } if (sortableHeader) { sortExpression = SortExpression; if (sortExpression.Length == 0) sortableHeader = false; } string headerImageUrl = HeaderImageUrl; if (headerImageUrl.Length != 0) { if (sortableHeader) { ImageButton sortButton = new ImageButton(); sortButton.ImageUrl = HeaderImageUrl; sortButton.CommandName = DataGrid.SortCommandName; sortButton.CommandArgument = sortExpression; sortButton.CausesValidation = false; headerControl = sortButton; } else { Image headerImage = new Image(); headerImage.ImageUrl = headerImageUrl; headerControl = headerImage; } } else { string headerText = HeaderText; if (sortableHeader) { LinkButton sortButton = new DataGridLinkButton(); sortButton.Text = headerText; sortButton.CommandName = DataGrid.SortCommandName; sortButton.CommandArgument = sortExpression; sortButton.CausesValidation = false; headerControl = sortButton; } else { if (headerText.Length == 0) { // the browser does not render table borders for cells with nothing // in their content, so we add a non-breaking space. headerText = " "; } cell.Text = headerText; } } if (headerControl != null) { cell.Controls.Add(headerControl); } } break; case ListItemType.Footer: { string footerText = FooterText; if (footerText.Length == 0) { // the browser does not render table borders for cells with nothing // in their content, so we add a non-breaking space. footerText = " "; } cell.Text = footerText; } break; } } /// /// Determines if the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Column is marked to save its state. /// protected bool IsTrackingViewState { get { return marked; } } /// /// Loads the state of the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Column. /// protected virtual void LoadViewState(object savedState) { if (savedState != null) { object[] myState = (object[])savedState; if (myState[0] != null) ((IStateManager)ViewState).LoadViewState(myState[0]); if (myState[1] != null) ((IStateManager)ItemStyle).LoadViewState(myState[1]); if (myState[2] != null) ((IStateManager)HeaderStyle).LoadViewState(myState[2]); if (myState[3] != null) ((IStateManager)FooterStyle).LoadViewState(myState[3]); } } /// /// Marks the starting point to begin tracking and saving changes to the /// control as part of the control viewstate. /// protected virtual void TrackViewState() { marked = true; ((IStateManager)ViewState).TrackViewState(); if (itemStyle != null) ((IStateManager)itemStyle).TrackViewState(); if (headerStyle != null) ((IStateManager)headerStyle).TrackViewState(); if (footerStyle != null) ((IStateManager)footerStyle).TrackViewState(); } /// /// Raises the ColumnChanged event for a System.Web.UI.WebControls.Column. /// protected virtual void OnColumnChanged() { if (owner != null) { owner.OnColumnsChanged(); } } /// /// Saves the current state of the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Column. /// protected virtual object SaveViewState() { object propState = ((IStateManager)ViewState).SaveViewState(); object itemStyleState = (itemStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)itemStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object headerStyleState = (headerStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)headerStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object footerStyleState = (footerStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)footerStyle).SaveViewState() : null; if ((propState != null) || (itemStyleState != null) || (headerStyleState != null) || (footerStyleState != null)) { return new object[4] { propState, itemStyleState, headerStyleState, footerStyleState }; } return null; } /// /// internal void SetOwner(DataGrid owner) { this.owner = owner; } /// /// Converts the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Column to string. /// public override string ToString() { return String.Empty; } /// /// /// Return true if tracking state changes. /// bool IStateManager.IsTrackingViewState { get { return IsTrackingViewState; } } /// /// /// Load previously saved state. /// void IStateManager.LoadViewState(object state) { LoadViewState(state); } /// /// /// Start tracking state changes. /// void IStateManager.TrackViewState() { TrackViewState(); } /// /// /// Return object containing state changes. /// object IStateManager.SaveViewState() { return SaveViewState(); } } }