//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.Web.UI { using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Globalization; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; // using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Web.Util; /// /// [To be supplied.] /// public class Html32TextWriter : HtmlTextWriter { private const int NOTHING = 0x0000; private const int FONT_AROUND_CONTENT = 0x0001; private const int FONT_AROUND_TAG = 0x0002; private const int TABLE_ATTRIBUTES = 0x0004; private const int TABLE_AROUND_CONTENT = 0x0008; private const int FONT_PROPAGATE = 0x0010; private const int FONT_CONSUME = 0x0020; private const int SUPPORTS_HEIGHT_WIDTH = 0x0040; private const int SUPPORTS_BORDER = 0x0080; private const int SUPPORTS_NOWRAP = 0x0100; private StringBuilder _afterContent; private StringBuilder _afterTag; private StringBuilder _beforeContent; private StringBuilder _beforeTag; private string _fontColor; private string _fontFace; private string _fontSize; // private Stack _fontStack; private bool _shouldPerformDivTableSubstitution; private bool _renderFontTag; private bool _supportsBold = true; private bool _supportsItalic = true; private int _tagSupports; /// /// [To be supplied.] /// public Html32TextWriter(TextWriter writer) : this(writer, DefaultTabString) { } /// /// [To be supplied.] /// public Html32TextWriter(TextWriter writer, string tabString) : base(writer, tabString) { // The initial capacities should be set up such that they are at least twice what // we expect for the maximum content we're going to stuff in into the builder. // This gives the best perf when using the Length property to reset the builder. _beforeTag = new StringBuilder(256); _beforeContent = new StringBuilder(256); _afterContent = new StringBuilder(128); _afterTag = new StringBuilder(128); } /// /// /// [To be supplied.] /// protected Stack FontStack { get { if (_fontStack == null) { _fontStack = new Stack(3); } return _fontStack; } } internal override bool RenderDivAroundHiddenInputs { get { return false; } } public bool ShouldPerformDivTableSubstitution { get { return _shouldPerformDivTableSubstitution; } set { _shouldPerformDivTableSubstitution = value; } } /// /// [To be supplied.] /// public bool SupportsBold { get { return _supportsBold; } set { _supportsBold = value; } } /// /// [To be supplied.] /// public bool SupportsItalic { get { return _supportsItalic; } set { _supportsItalic = value; } } private void AppendFontTag(StringBuilder sbBegin,StringBuilder sbEnd) { AppendFontTag(_fontFace, _fontColor, _fontSize, sbBegin, sbEnd); } private void AppendFontTag(string fontFace, string fontColor, string fontSize, StringBuilder sbBegin,StringBuilder sbEnd) { // append font begin tag sbBegin.Append(TagLeftChar); sbBegin.Append("font"); if (fontFace != null) { sbBegin.Append(" face"); sbBegin.Append(EqualsDoubleQuoteString); sbBegin.Append(fontFace); sbBegin.Append(DoubleQuoteChar); } if (fontColor != null) { sbBegin.Append(" color="); sbBegin.Append(DoubleQuoteChar); sbBegin.Append(fontColor); sbBegin.Append(DoubleQuoteChar); } if (fontSize != null) { sbBegin.Append(" size="); sbBegin.Append(DoubleQuoteChar); sbBegin.Append(fontSize); sbBegin.Append(DoubleQuoteChar); } sbBegin.Append(TagRightChar); // insert font end tag sbEnd.Insert(0,EndTagLeftChars + "font" + TagRightChar); } private void AppendOtherTag(string tag) { if (Supports(FONT_AROUND_CONTENT)) AppendOtherTag(tag,_beforeContent,_afterContent); else AppendOtherTag(tag,_beforeTag,_afterTag); } private void AppendOtherTag(string tag,StringBuilder sbBegin,StringBuilder sbEnd) { // append begin tag sbBegin.Append(TagLeftChar); sbBegin.Append(tag); sbBegin.Append(TagRightChar); // insert end tag sbEnd.Insert(0,EndTagLeftChars + tag + TagRightChar); } private void AppendOtherTag(string tag, object[] attribs, StringBuilder sbBegin, StringBuilder sbEnd) { // append begin tag sbBegin.Append(TagLeftChar); sbBegin.Append(tag); for (int i = 0; i < attribs.Length; i++) { sbBegin.Append(SpaceChar); sbBegin.Append(((string[])attribs[i])[0]); sbBegin.Append(EqualsDoubleQuoteString); sbBegin.Append(((string[])attribs[i])[1]); sbBegin.Append(DoubleQuoteChar); } sbBegin.Append(TagRightChar); // insert end tag sbEnd.Insert(0,EndTagLeftChars + tag + TagRightChar); } private void ConsumeFont(StringBuilder sbBegin, StringBuilder sbEnd) { if (FontStack.Count > 0) { string fontFace = null; string fontColor = null; string fontSize = null; bool underline = false; bool italic = false; bool bold = false; bool strikeout = false; IEnumerator e = FontStack.GetEnumerator(); while(e.MoveNext()) { FontStackItem fontInfo = (FontStackItem) e.Current; if (fontFace == null) { fontFace = fontInfo.name; } if (fontColor == null) { fontColor = fontInfo.color; } if (fontSize == null) { fontSize = fontInfo.size; } if (!underline) { underline = fontInfo.underline; } if (!italic) { italic = fontInfo.italic; } if (!bold) { bold = fontInfo.bold; } if (!strikeout) { strikeout = fontInfo.strikeout; } } if ((fontFace != null) || (fontColor != null) || (fontSize != null)) { AppendFontTag(fontFace, fontColor, fontSize, sbBegin, sbEnd); } if (underline) { AppendOtherTag("u", sbBegin, sbEnd); } if (italic && SupportsItalic) { AppendOtherTag("i", sbBegin, sbEnd); } if (bold && SupportsBold) { AppendOtherTag("b", sbBegin, sbEnd); } if (strikeout) { AppendOtherTag("strike", sbBegin, sbEnd); } } } private string ConvertToHtmlFontSize(string value) { FontUnit fu = new FontUnit(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if ((int)(fu.Type) > 3) return((int)(fu.Type)-3).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (fu.Type == FontSize.AsUnit) { if (fu.Unit.Type == UnitType.Point) { if (fu.Unit.Value <= 8) return "1"; else if (fu.Unit.Value <= 10) return "2"; else if (fu.Unit.Value <= 12) return "3"; else if (fu.Unit.Value <= 14) return "4"; else if (fu.Unit.Value <= 18) return "5"; else if (fu.Unit.Value <= 24) return "6"; else return "7"; } } return null; } private string ConvertToHtmlSize(string value) { Unit u = new Unit(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (u.Type == UnitType.Pixel) { return u.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (u.Type == UnitType.Percentage) { return value; } return null; } /// /// [To be supplied.] /// protected override bool OnStyleAttributeRender(string name,string value, HtmlTextWriterStyle key) { string s; if (Supports(FONT_AROUND_CONTENT)) { // tag supports downlevel fonts switch (key) { case HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontFamily: _fontFace = value; _renderFontTag = true; break; case HtmlTextWriterStyle.Color: _fontColor = value; _renderFontTag = true; break; case HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontSize: _fontSize = ConvertToHtmlFontSize(value); if (_fontSize != null) _renderFontTag = true; break; case HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontWeight: if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, "bold") && SupportsBold) { AppendOtherTag("b"); } break; case HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontStyle: if (!StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, "normal") && SupportsItalic) { AppendOtherTag("i"); } break; case HtmlTextWriterStyle.TextDecoration: s = value.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (s.IndexOf("underline", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1) { AppendOtherTag("u"); } if (s.IndexOf("line-through", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1) { AppendOtherTag("strike"); } break; } } else if (Supports(FONT_PROPAGATE)) { FontStackItem font = (FontStackItem)FontStack.Peek(); switch (key) { case HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontFamily: font.name = value; break; case HtmlTextWriterStyle.Color: font.color = value; break; case HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontSize: font.size = ConvertToHtmlFontSize(value); break; case HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontWeight: if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, "bold")) { font.bold = true; } break; case HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontStyle: if (!StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, "normal")) { font.italic = true; } break; case HtmlTextWriterStyle.TextDecoration: s = value.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (s.IndexOf("underline", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1) { font.underline = true; } if (s.IndexOf("line-through", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1) { font.strikeout = true; } break; } } if (Supports(SUPPORTS_BORDER) && key == HtmlTextWriterStyle.BorderWidth) { s = ConvertToHtmlSize(value); if (s != null) AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Border,s); } if (Supports(SUPPORTS_NOWRAP) && key == HtmlTextWriterStyle.WhiteSpace) { AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Nowrap, value); } if (Supports(SUPPORTS_HEIGHT_WIDTH)) { switch (key) { case HtmlTextWriterStyle.Height : s = ConvertToHtmlSize(value); if (s != null) AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Height,s); break; case HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width : s = ConvertToHtmlSize(value); if (s != null) AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Width,s); break; } } if (Supports(TABLE_ATTRIBUTES) || Supports(TABLE_AROUND_CONTENT)) { // tag supports downlevel table attributes switch (key) { case HtmlTextWriterStyle.BorderColor: switch (TagKey) { case HtmlTextWriterTag.Div: if (ShouldPerformDivTableSubstitution) { AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Bordercolor, value); } break; } break; case HtmlTextWriterStyle.BackgroundColor : switch (TagKey) { case HtmlTextWriterTag.Table : case HtmlTextWriterTag.Tr : case HtmlTextWriterTag.Td : case HtmlTextWriterTag.Th : case HtmlTextWriterTag.Body : AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Bgcolor,value); break; // div->table substitution. case HtmlTextWriterTag.Div: if (ShouldPerformDivTableSubstitution) { AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Bgcolor,value); } break; } break; case HtmlTextWriterStyle.BackgroundImage : switch (TagKey) { case HtmlTextWriterTag.Table : case HtmlTextWriterTag.Td : case HtmlTextWriterTag.Th : case HtmlTextWriterTag.Body : // strip url(...) from value if (StringUtil.StringStartsWith(value, "url(")) value = value.Substring(4,value.Length-5); AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Background,value); break; // div->table substitution. case HtmlTextWriterTag.Div: if (ShouldPerformDivTableSubstitution) { if (StringUtil.StringStartsWith(value, "url(")) value = value.Substring(4,value.Length-5); AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Background,value); } break; } break; } } switch (key) { case HtmlTextWriterStyle.ListStyleType: switch (value) { case "decimal": AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Type, "1"); break; case "lower-alpha": AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Type, "a"); break; case "upper-alpha": AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Type, "A"); break; case "lower-roman": AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Type, "i"); break; case "upper-roman": AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Type, "I"); break; case "disc": case "circle": case "square": AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Type, value); break; default: AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Type, "disc"); Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid BulletStyle for HTML32."); break; } break; case HtmlTextWriterStyle.TextAlign: AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Align, value); break; case HtmlTextWriterStyle.VerticalAlign: AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Valign, value); break; // Netscape 4.72 can properly handle the Display style attribute, so allow it // to be rendered. case HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display: return true; } return false; } /// /// [To be supplied.] /// protected override bool OnTagRender(string name, HtmlTextWriterTag key) { // handle any tags that do not work downlevel SetTagSupports(); if (Supports(FONT_PROPAGATE)) { FontStack.Push(new FontStackItem()); } // div->table substitution. // Make tag look like a table. This must be done after we establish tag support. if (key == HtmlTextWriterTag.Div && ShouldPerformDivTableSubstitution) { TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.Table; } return base.OnTagRender(name,key); } /// /// [To be supplied.] /// protected override string GetTagName(HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey) { // div->table substitution. if (tagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.Div && ShouldPerformDivTableSubstitution) { return "table"; } return base.GetTagName(tagKey); } /// /// [To be supplied.] /// public override void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey) { // flush string buffers to build new tag _beforeTag.Length = 0; _beforeContent.Length = 0; _afterContent.Length = 0; _afterTag.Length = 0; _renderFontTag = false; _fontFace = null; _fontColor = null; _fontSize = null; // div->table substitution. if (ShouldPerformDivTableSubstitution) { if (tagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.Div) { AppendOtherTag("tr", _beforeContent, _afterContent); string alignment; if (IsAttributeDefined(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Align, out alignment)) { string[] attribs = new string[] { GetAttributeName(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Align), alignment}; AppendOtherTag("td", new object[]{ attribs}, _beforeContent, _afterContent); } else { AppendOtherTag("td", _beforeContent, _afterContent); } if (!IsAttributeDefined(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Cellpadding)) { AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Cellpadding, "0"); } if (!IsAttributeDefined(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Cellspacing)) { AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Cellspacing, "0"); } if (!IsStyleAttributeDefined(HtmlTextWriterStyle.BorderWidth)) { AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Border, "0"); } if (!IsStyleAttributeDefined(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width)) { AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Width, "100%"); } } } base.RenderBeginTag(tagKey); } /// /// [To be supplied.] /// protected override string RenderBeforeTag() { if (_renderFontTag && Supports(FONT_AROUND_TAG)) AppendFontTag(_beforeTag,_afterTag); if (_beforeTag.Length > 0) return(_beforeTag.ToString()); return base.RenderBeforeTag(); } /// /// [To be supplied.] /// protected override string RenderBeforeContent() { if (Supports(FONT_CONSUME)) { ConsumeFont(_beforeContent, _afterContent); } else if (_renderFontTag && Supports(FONT_AROUND_CONTENT)) { AppendFontTag(_beforeContent,_afterContent); } if (_beforeContent.Length > 0) return(_beforeContent.ToString()); return base.RenderBeforeContent(); } /// /// [To be supplied.] /// protected override string RenderAfterContent() { if (_afterContent.Length > 0) return(_afterContent.ToString()); return base.RenderAfterContent(); } /// /// [To be supplied.] /// protected override string RenderAfterTag() { if (_afterTag.Length > 0) return(_afterTag.ToString()); return base.RenderAfterTag(); } /// /// [To be supplied.] /// public override void RenderEndTag() { base.RenderEndTag(); SetTagSupports(); if (Supports(FONT_PROPAGATE)) { FontStack.Pop(); } } private void SetTagSupports() { // determine what downlevel tag supports _tagSupports = NOTHING; switch (TagKey) { case HtmlTextWriterTag.A : case HtmlTextWriterTag.Label : case HtmlTextWriterTag.P : case HtmlTextWriterTag.Span : _tagSupports |= FONT_AROUND_CONTENT; break; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Li: _tagSupports |= FONT_AROUND_CONTENT | FONT_CONSUME; break; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Div : _tagSupports |= FONT_AROUND_CONTENT | FONT_PROPAGATE; break; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Ul: case HtmlTextWriterTag.Ol: case HtmlTextWriterTag.Table: case HtmlTextWriterTag.Tr: _tagSupports |= FONT_PROPAGATE; break; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Td : case HtmlTextWriterTag.Th : _tagSupports |= FONT_PROPAGATE | FONT_CONSUME; break; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Input : _tagSupports |= SUPPORTS_BORDER; break; } switch (TagKey) { // div->table substitution. case HtmlTextWriterTag.Div: if (ShouldPerformDivTableSubstitution) { _tagSupports |= SUPPORTS_HEIGHT_WIDTH | SUPPORTS_BORDER; } _tagSupports |= SUPPORTS_NOWRAP; break; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Img: _tagSupports |= SUPPORTS_HEIGHT_WIDTH | SUPPORTS_BORDER; break; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Table: _tagSupports |= SUPPORTS_HEIGHT_WIDTH; break; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Th: case HtmlTextWriterTag.Td: _tagSupports |= SUPPORTS_NOWRAP | SUPPORTS_HEIGHT_WIDTH; break; } //switch (TagKey) { // case HtmlTextWriterTag.INPUT : // _tagSupports |= FONT_AROUND_TAG; // break; //} switch (TagKey) { case HtmlTextWriterTag.Table : case HtmlTextWriterTag.Tr : case HtmlTextWriterTag.Td : case HtmlTextWriterTag.Th : case HtmlTextWriterTag.Body : _tagSupports |= TABLE_ATTRIBUTES; break; } switch (TagKey) { // div->table substitution. case HtmlTextWriterTag.Div : if (ShouldPerformDivTableSubstitution) { _tagSupports |= TABLE_AROUND_CONTENT; } break; } } private bool Supports(int flag) { return(_tagSupports & flag) == flag; } /// /// Contains information about a font placed on the stack of font information. /// private sealed class FontStackItem { public string name; public string color; public string size; public bool bold; public bool italic; public bool underline; public bool strikeout; } } }