//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // <copyright file="MobileControlsSection.cs" company="Microsoft Corporation"> // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // </copyright> //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Configuration; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; namespace System.Web.UI.MobileControls { [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=157231.")] public sealed class MobileControlsSection : ConfigurationSection { private ControlsConfig _controlConfig; private object _lock = new object(); internal static readonly TypeConverter StdTypeNameConverter = new MobileTypeNameConverter(); internal static readonly ConfigurationValidatorBase NonEmptyStringValidator = new StringValidator( 1 ); private static ConfigurationPropertyCollection _properties; #region Property Declarations private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propHistorySize = new ConfigurationProperty( "sessionStateHistorySize", typeof( int ), Constants.DefaultSessionsStateHistorySize, null, new IntegerValidator( 0 ,int.MaxValue), ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None ); private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propDictType = new ConfigurationProperty( "cookielessDataDictionaryType", typeof( Type ), typeof( System.Web.Mobile.CookielessData ), MobileControlsSection.StdTypeNameConverter, new SubclassTypeValidator( typeof( IDictionary ) ), ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None ); private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propAllowCustomAttributes = new ConfigurationProperty( "allowCustomAttributes", typeof( bool ), false, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None ); private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propDevices = new ConfigurationProperty( null, typeof( DeviceElementCollection ), null, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsDefaultCollection ); #endregion static MobileControlsSection() { // Property initialization _properties = new ConfigurationPropertyCollection(); _properties.Add( _propHistorySize ); _properties.Add( _propDevices ); _properties.Add( _propDictType ); _properties.Add( _propAllowCustomAttributes ); } public MobileControlsSection() { } // VSWhidbey 450801. Only create one ControlsConfig per MobileControlsSection instance. internal ControlsConfig GetControlsConfig() { if (_controlConfig == null) { lock (_lock) { if (_controlConfig == null) { _controlConfig = MobileControlsSectionHelper.CreateControlsConfig(this); } } } return _controlConfig; } protected override ConfigurationPropertyCollection Properties { get { return _properties; } } [ConfigurationProperty("sessionStateHistorySize", DefaultValue = 6)] [IntegerValidator(MinValue = 0)] public int SessionStateHistorySize { get { return (int)base[ _propHistorySize ]; } set { base[ _propHistorySize ] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty("cookielessDataDictionaryType", DefaultValue = typeof(System.Web.Mobile.CookielessData))] [TypeConverter(typeof(MobileTypeNameConverter))] [SubclassTypeValidator(typeof(IDictionary))] public Type CookielessDataDictionaryType { get { return (Type)base[ _propDictType ]; } set { base[ _propDictType ] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty("allowCustomAttributes", DefaultValue = false)] public bool AllowCustomAttributes { get { return (bool)base[ _propAllowCustomAttributes ]; } set { base[ _propAllowCustomAttributes ] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty("", IsDefaultCollection = true)] public DeviceElementCollection Devices { get { return (DeviceElementCollection)base[ _propDevices ]; } } } [ConfigurationCollection(typeof(DeviceElement), AddItemName="device")] [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=157231.")] public sealed class DeviceElementCollection : ConfigurationElementCollection { private static readonly ConfigurationPropertyCollection _properties; static DeviceElementCollection() { _properties = new ConfigurationPropertyCollection(); } public DeviceElementCollection() { } protected override ConfigurationPropertyCollection Properties { get { return _properties; } } public object[] AllKeys { get { return BaseGetAllKeys(); } } public void Add( DeviceElement deviceElement ) { BaseAdd( deviceElement ); } public void Remove( string name ) { BaseRemove( name ); } public void Remove( DeviceElement deviceElement ) { BaseRemove( GetElementKey( deviceElement ) ); } public void RemoveAt( int index ) { BaseRemoveAt( index ); } public new DeviceElement this[ string name ] { get { return (DeviceElement)BaseGet( name ); } } public DeviceElement this[ int index ] { get { return (DeviceElement)BaseGet( index ); } set { if ( BaseGet( index ) != null) { BaseRemoveAt( index ); } BaseAdd( index, value ); } } public void Clear() { BaseClear(); } protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement() { return new DeviceElement(); } protected override Object GetElementKey( ConfigurationElement element ) { return ( (DeviceElement)element ).Name; } protected override string ElementName { get { return "device"; } } protected override bool ThrowOnDuplicate { get { return true; } } public override ConfigurationElementCollectionType CollectionType { get { return ConfigurationElementCollectionType.BasicMapAlternate; } } } [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=157231.")] public sealed class DeviceElement : ConfigurationElement { private static readonly ConfigurationElementProperty s_elemProperty = new ConfigurationElementProperty( new CallbackValidator( typeof( DeviceElement ), ValidateElement ) ); private static ConfigurationPropertyCollection _properties; #region Property Declarations private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propName = new ConfigurationProperty( "name", typeof( string ), null, null, MobileControlsSection.NonEmptyStringValidator, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsRequired | ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsKey ); private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propInheritsFrom = new ConfigurationProperty( "inheritsFrom", typeof( string ), null, null, MobileControlsSection.NonEmptyStringValidator, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None ); private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propPredicateClass = new ConfigurationProperty( "predicateClass", typeof( Type ), null, MobileControlsSection.StdTypeNameConverter, null, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None ); private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propPredicateMethod = new ConfigurationProperty( "predicateMethod", typeof( string ), null, null, MobileControlsSection.NonEmptyStringValidator, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None ); private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propPageAdapter = new ConfigurationProperty( "pageAdapter", typeof( Type ), null, MobileControlsSection.StdTypeNameConverter, new SubclassTypeValidator( typeof( IPageAdapter ) ), ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None ); private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propControls = new ConfigurationProperty( null, typeof(ControlElementCollection), null, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsDefaultCollection ); #endregion static DeviceElement() { // Property initialization _properties = new ConfigurationPropertyCollection(); _properties.Add( _propName ); _properties.Add( _propInheritsFrom ); _properties.Add( _propPredicateClass ); _properties.Add( _propPredicateMethod ); _properties.Add( _propPageAdapter ); _properties.Add( _propControls ); } internal DeviceElement() { } public DeviceElement( string name, string inheritsFrom ) { base[ _propName ] = name; base[ _propInheritsFrom ] = inheritsFrom; } public DeviceElement( string name, Type predicateClass, string predicateMethod, Type pageAdapter ) { base[ _propName] = name; base[ _propPredicateClass] = predicateClass; base[ _propPredicateMethod] = predicateMethod; base[ _propPageAdapter ] = pageAdapter; } public DeviceElement(string name, string inheritsFrom, Type predicateClass, string predicateMethod, Type pageAdapter) { base[ _propName] = name; base[ _propInheritsFrom ] = inheritsFrom; base[ _propPredicateClass] = predicateClass; base[ _propPredicateMethod] = predicateMethod; base[ _propPageAdapter ] = pageAdapter; } protected override ConfigurationPropertyCollection Properties { get { return _properties; } } [ConfigurationProperty("name", IsRequired = true, IsKey = true)] [StringValidator(MinLength = 1)] public string Name { get { return (string)base[ _propName ]; } set { base[ _propName ] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty("inheritsFrom")] [StringValidator(MinLength = 1)] public string InheritsFrom { get { return (string)base[ _propInheritsFrom ]; } set { base[ _propInheritsFrom ] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty("predicateClass")] [TypeConverter(typeof(MobileTypeNameConverter))] public Type PredicateClass { get { return (Type)base[ _propPredicateClass ]; } set { base[ _propPredicateClass ] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty("predicateMethod")] [StringValidator(MinLength = 1)] public string PredicateMethod { get { return (string)base[ _propPredicateMethod ]; } set { base[ _propPredicateMethod ] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty("pageAdapter")] [TypeConverter(typeof(MobileTypeNameConverter))] [SubclassTypeValidator(typeof(IPageAdapter))] public Type PageAdapter { get { return (Type)base[_propPageAdapter]; } set { base[_propPageAdapter] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty("", IsDefaultCollection = true)] public ControlElementCollection Controls { get { return (ControlElementCollection)base[ _propControls ]; } } protected override ConfigurationElementProperty ElementProperty { get { return s_elemProperty; } } internal IndividualDeviceConfig.DeviceQualifiesDelegate GetDelegate() { try { return (IndividualDeviceConfig.DeviceQualifiesDelegate)IndividualDeviceConfig.DeviceQualifiesDelegate.CreateDelegate( typeof(IndividualDeviceConfig.DeviceQualifiesDelegate), PredicateClass, PredicateMethod ); } catch { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( SR.GetString(SR.MobileControlsSectionHandler_CantCreateMethodOnClass, PredicateMethod, PredicateClass.FullName), ElementInformation.Source, ElementInformation.LineNumber); } } static private void ValidateElement( object value ) { Debug.Assert( ( value != null ) && ( value is DeviceElement ) ); DeviceElement elem = (DeviceElement)value; // If there is no inheritance the properties must exists and be valid if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty(elem.InheritsFrom) ) { if ( elem.PredicateClass == null ) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( SR.GetString(SR.ConfigSect_MissingValue, "predicateClass"), elem.ElementInformation.Source, elem.ElementInformation.LineNumber ); } if ( elem.PageAdapter == null ) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( SR.GetString(SR.ConfigSect_MissingValue, "pageAdapter"), elem.ElementInformation.Source, elem.ElementInformation.LineNumber ); } // Resolve the method elem.GetDelegate(); } } } [ConfigurationCollection(typeof(ControlElement), AddItemName = "control")] [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=157231.")] public sealed class ControlElementCollection : ConfigurationElementCollection { private static readonly ConfigurationPropertyCollection _properties; static ControlElementCollection() { _properties = new ConfigurationPropertyCollection(); } public ControlElementCollection() { } protected override ConfigurationPropertyCollection Properties { get { return _properties; } } public object[] AllKeys { get { return BaseGetAllKeys(); } } public void Add( ControlElement controlElement ) { BaseAdd( controlElement ); } public void Remove( string name ) { BaseRemove( name ); } public void Remove( ControlElement controlElement ) { BaseRemove( GetElementKey( controlElement ) ); } public void RemoveAt( int index ) { BaseRemoveAt( index ); } public new ControlElement this[ string name ] { get { return (ControlElement)BaseGet( name ); } } public ControlElement this[ int index ] { get { return (ControlElement)BaseGet( index ); } set { if ( BaseGet( index ) != null) { BaseRemoveAt( index ); } BaseAdd( index, value ); } } public void Clear() { BaseClear(); } protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement() { return new ControlElement(); } protected override Object GetElementKey( ConfigurationElement element ) { return ( (ControlElement)element ).Name; } protected override string ElementName { get { return "control"; } } protected override bool ThrowOnDuplicate { get { return true; } } public override ConfigurationElementCollectionType CollectionType { get { return ConfigurationElementCollectionType.BasicMap; } } } [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=157231.")] public sealed class ControlElement : ConfigurationElement { private static readonly ConfigurationElementProperty s_elemProperty = new ConfigurationElementProperty( new CallbackValidator( typeof( ControlElement ), ValidateElement ) ); private static readonly ConfigurationValidatorBase s_SubclassTypeValidator = new SubclassTypeValidator( typeof( MobileControl ) ); private static ConfigurationPropertyCollection _properties; #region Property Declarations private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propName = new ConfigurationProperty( "name", typeof( string ), null, null, MobileControlsSection.NonEmptyStringValidator, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsRequired | ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsKey ); private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propAdapter = new ConfigurationProperty( "adapter", typeof( Type ), null, MobileControlsSection.StdTypeNameConverter, new SubclassTypeValidator( typeof( IControlAdapter ) ), ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsRequired ); #endregion static ControlElement() { // Property initialization _properties = new ConfigurationPropertyCollection(); _properties.Add( _propName ); _properties.Add( _propAdapter ); } internal ControlElement() { } public ControlElement( string name, Type adapter ) { base[ _propName] = name; base[ _propAdapter ] = adapter; } protected override ConfigurationPropertyCollection Properties { get { return _properties; } } [ConfigurationProperty("name", IsRequired = true, IsKey = true)] [StringValidator(MinLength = 1)] public string Name { get { return (string)base[ _propName ]; } set { base[ _propName ] = value; } } public Type Control { get { return Type.GetType( Name ); } set { if ( value == null ) { throw new ArgumentNullException( "value" ); } s_SubclassTypeValidator.Validate( value ); Name = value.FullName; } } [ConfigurationProperty("adapter", IsRequired = true)] [TypeConverter(typeof(MobileTypeNameConverter))] [SubclassTypeValidator(typeof(IControlAdapter))] public Type Adapter { get { return (Type)base[ _propAdapter ]; } set { base[ _propAdapter ] = value; } } protected override ConfigurationElementProperty ElementProperty { get { return s_elemProperty; } } static private void ValidateElement( object value ) { Debug.Assert( ( value != null ) && ( value is ControlElement ) ); ControlElement elem = (ControlElement)value; // Make sure Name is a valid type // This will throw if the type cannot be resolved Type tp = MobileControlsSection.StdTypeNameConverter.ConvertFromInvariantString( elem.Name ) as Type; // Validate that tp inherits from MobileControl s_SubclassTypeValidator.Validate( tp ); } } // From old versions the default type names specified in mobile control config // section do not associate with assembly names. So we cannot use // System.Configuration.TypeNameConverter as it wouldn't look up the type // names in the mobile assembly. To workaround it, we create the same // converter here to be used in the mobile assembly. [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=157231.")] public sealed class MobileTypeNameConverter : ConfigurationConverterBase { public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext ctx, CultureInfo ci, object value, Type targetType) { Debug.Assert(targetType != null); Type valueType = value as Type; if (valueType == null) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.MobileTypeNameConverter_UnsupportedValueType, ((value == null) ? String.Empty : value.ToString()), targetType.FullName)); } return valueType.FullName; } public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext ctx, CultureInfo ci, object data) { Debug.Assert(data is string); Type result = Type.GetType((string)data); if (result == null) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( SR.GetString(SR.MobileTypeNameConverter_TypeNotResolved, (string)data)); } return result; } } }