//------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.ServiceModel.Channels { using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime; using System.ServiceModel; using System.ServiceModel.Description; using System.Threading; class UtilityExtension : IExtension { uint linkUtility; uint updateCount; IOThreadTimer ackTimer; const uint linkUtilityIncrement = 128; const uint maxLinkUtility = 4096; int outTotal; uint inTotal; uint inUseful; IPeerNeighbor owner; object thisLock = new object(); object throttleLock = new object(); public event EventHandler UtilityInfoReceived; public event EventHandler UtilityInfoSent; TypedMessageConverter messageConverter; public const int AcceptableMissDistance = 2; int pendingSends = 0; int checkPointPendingSends = 0; bool isMonitoring = false; int expectedClearance; IOThreadTimer pruneTimer; const int PruneIntervalMilliseconds = 10000; TimeSpan pruneInterval; const int MinimumPendingMessages = 8; public delegate void PruneNeighborCallback(IPeerNeighbor peer); PruneNeighborCallback pruneNeighbor; UtilityExtension() { ackTimer = new IOThreadTimer(new Action(AcknowledgeLoop), null, false); pendingSends = 0; pruneTimer = new IOThreadTimer(new Action(VerifyCheckPoint), null, false); pruneInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(PruneIntervalMilliseconds + new Random(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id).Next(PruneIntervalMilliseconds)); } public bool IsAccurate { get { return updateCount >= 32; } } public uint LinkUtility { get { return linkUtility; } } internal TypedMessageConverter MessageConverter { get { if (messageConverter == null) { messageConverter = TypedMessageConverter.Create(typeof(UtilityInfo), PeerStrings.LinkUtilityAction); } return messageConverter; } } public void Attach(IPeerNeighbor host) { this.owner = host; ackTimer.Set(PeerTransportConstants.AckTimeout); } static public void OnNeighborConnected(IPeerNeighbor neighbor) { Fx.Assert(neighbor != null, "Neighbor must have a value"); neighbor.Extensions.Add(new UtilityExtension()); } static public void OnNeighborClosed(IPeerNeighbor neighbor) { Fx.Assert(neighbor != null, "Neighbor must have a value"); UtilityExtension ext = neighbor.Extensions.Find(); if (ext != null) neighbor.Extensions.Remove(ext); } public void Detach(IPeerNeighbor host) { ackTimer.Cancel(); owner = null; lock (throttleLock) { pruneTimer.Cancel(); } } public object ThisLock { get { return thisLock; } } public static void OnMessageSent(IPeerNeighbor neighbor) { UtilityExtension ext = neighbor.Extensions.Find(); if (ext != null) ext.OnMessageSent(); } void OnMessageSent() { lock (ThisLock) { outTotal++; } Interlocked.Increment(ref pendingSends); } public static void OnEndSend(IPeerNeighbor neighbor, FloodAsyncResult fresult) { if (neighbor.State >= PeerNeighborState.Disconnecting) return; UtilityExtension instance = neighbor.Utility; if (instance == null) return; instance.OnEndSend(fresult); } public void OnEndSend(FloodAsyncResult fresult) { Interlocked.Decrement(ref pendingSends); } void AcknowledgeLoop(object state) { IPeerNeighbor peer = owner; if (peer == null || !peer.IsConnected) return; FlushAcknowledge(); if (owner != null) ackTimer.Set(PeerTransportConstants.AckTimeout); } static public void ProcessLinkUtility(IPeerNeighbor neighbor, UtilityInfo umessage) { Fx.Assert(neighbor != null, "Neighbor must have a value"); UtilityExtension ext = neighbor.Extensions.Find(); if (ext != null) { ext.ProcessLinkUtility(umessage.Useful, umessage.Total); } } // Update link utility for the neighbor. received from the neighbor void ProcessLinkUtility(uint useful, uint total) { uint i = 0; lock (ThisLock) { if (total > PeerTransportConstants.AckWindow || useful > total || (uint)outTotal < total ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.PeerLinkUtilityInvalidValues, useful, total))); } //VERIFY with in this range, we are hoping that the order of useful/useless messages doesnt matter much. for (i = 0; i < useful; i++) { this.linkUtility = Calculate(this.linkUtility, true); } for (; i < total; i++) { this.linkUtility = Calculate(this.linkUtility, false); } outTotal -= (int)total; } if (UtilityInfoReceived != null) { UtilityInfoReceived(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } uint Calculate(uint current, bool increase) { uint utility = 0; // Refer to graph maintenance white paper for explanation of the formula // used to compute utility index. utility = (uint)current * 31 / 32; if (increase) utility += linkUtilityIncrement; if (!(utility <= maxLinkUtility)) { throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("Link utility should not exceed " + maxLinkUtility); } if (!IsAccurate) ++updateCount; return utility; } public static uint UpdateLinkUtility(IPeerNeighbor neighbor, bool useful) { Fx.Assert(neighbor != null, "Neighbor must have a value"); uint linkUtility = 0; UtilityExtension ext = neighbor.Extensions.Find(); if (ext != null) { // Can happen if the neighbor has been closed for instance linkUtility = ext.UpdateLinkUtility(useful); } return linkUtility; } public uint UpdateLinkUtility(bool useful) { lock (ThisLock) { inTotal++; if (useful) inUseful++; linkUtility = Calculate(linkUtility, useful); if (inTotal == PeerTransportConstants.AckWindow) { FlushAcknowledge(); } } return linkUtility; } public void FlushAcknowledge() { if (inTotal == 0) return; uint tempUseful = 0, tempTotal = 0; lock (ThisLock) { tempUseful = inUseful; tempTotal = inTotal; inUseful = 0; inTotal = 0; } SendUtilityMessage(tempUseful, tempTotal); } class AsyncUtilityState { public Message message; public UtilityInfo info; public AsyncUtilityState(Message message, UtilityInfo info) { this.message = message; this.info = info; } } void SendUtilityMessage(uint useful, uint total) { IPeerNeighbor host = owner; if (host == null || !PeerNeighborStateHelper.IsConnected(host.State) || total == 0) return; UtilityInfo umessage = new UtilityInfo(useful, total); IAsyncResult result = null; Message message = MessageConverter.ToMessage(umessage, MessageVersion.Soap12WSAddressing10); bool fatal = false; try { result = host.BeginSend(message, Fx.ThunkCallback(new AsyncCallback(UtilityMessageSent)), new AsyncUtilityState(message, umessage)); if (result.CompletedSynchronously) { host.EndSend(result); EventHandler handler = UtilityInfoSent; if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } catch (Exception e) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) { fatal = true; throw; } if (null != HandleSendException(host, e, umessage)) throw; DiagnosticUtility.TraceHandledException(e, TraceEventType.Information); } finally { if (!fatal && (result == null || result.CompletedSynchronously)) message.Close(); } } void UtilityMessageSent(IAsyncResult result) { if (result == null || result.AsyncState == null) return; IPeerNeighbor host = this.owner; if (host == null || !PeerNeighborStateHelper.IsConnected(host.State)) return; if (result.CompletedSynchronously) return; AsyncUtilityState state = (AsyncUtilityState)result.AsyncState; Fx.Assert(state != null, "IAsyncResult.AsyncState does not contain AsyncUtilityState"); Message message = state.message; UtilityInfo umessage = state.info; bool fatal = false; if (!(umessage != null)) { throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("expecting a UtilityInfo message in the AsyncState!"); } try { host.EndSend(result); } catch (Exception e) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) { fatal = true; throw; } if (null != HandleSendException(host, e, umessage)) throw; DiagnosticUtility.TraceHandledException(e, TraceEventType.Information); } finally { if (!fatal) { Fx.Assert(!result.CompletedSynchronously, "result.CompletedSynchronously"); message.Close(); } } EventHandler handler = UtilityInfoSent; if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty); } Exception HandleSendException(IPeerNeighbor host, Exception e, UtilityInfo umessage) { if ((e is ObjectDisposedException) || (e is TimeoutException) || (e is CommunicationException)) { if (!(!(e.InnerException is QuotaExceededException))) { throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("insufficient quota for sending messages!"); } lock (ThisLock) { this.inTotal += umessage.Total; this.inUseful += umessage.Useful; } return null; } else { return e; } } static internal void ReportCacheMiss(IPeerNeighbor neighbor, int missedBy) { Fx.Assert(missedBy > AcceptableMissDistance, "Call this method for cache misses ONLY!"); Fx.Assert(neighbor != null, "Neighbor must have a value"); if (!neighbor.IsConnected) return; UtilityExtension ext = neighbor.Extensions.Find(); if (ext != null) { ext.ReportCacheMiss(missedBy); } } void ReportCacheMiss(int missedBy) { lock (ThisLock) { for (int i = 0; i < missedBy; i++) { this.linkUtility = Calculate(this.linkUtility, false); } } } public int PendingMessages { get { return this.pendingSends; } } public void BeginCheckPoint(PruneNeighborCallback pruneCallback) { if (this.isMonitoring) return; lock (throttleLock) { if (this.isMonitoring) return; this.checkPointPendingSends = this.pendingSends; this.pruneNeighbor = pruneCallback; this.expectedClearance = this.pendingSends / 2; this.isMonitoring = true; if (owner == null) return; pruneTimer.Set(pruneInterval); } } void VerifyCheckPoint(object state) { int lclPendingSends; int lclCheckPointPendingSends; IPeerNeighbor peer = (IPeerNeighbor)owner; if (peer == null || !peer.IsConnected) return; lock (throttleLock) { lclPendingSends = this.pendingSends; lclCheckPointPendingSends = this.checkPointPendingSends; } if (lclPendingSends <= MinimumPendingMessages) { lock (throttleLock) { isMonitoring = false; } } else if (lclPendingSends + this.expectedClearance >= lclCheckPointPendingSends) { pruneNeighbor(peer); } else { lock (throttleLock) { if (owner == null) return; this.checkPointPendingSends = this.pendingSends; this.expectedClearance = this.expectedClearance / 2; pruneTimer.Set(pruneInterval); } } } } }