//--------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // @owner [....] // @backupOwner [....] //--------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Data.Metadata.Edm { using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data.Common; using System.Data.Common.Utils; using System.Data.Entity; using System.Data.EntityModel.SchemaObjectModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; using System.Xml; public sealed partial class StoreItemCollection { private class Loader { private string _provider = null; private string _providerManifestToken = null; private DbProviderManifest _providerManifest; private DbProviderFactory _providerFactory; IList _errors; IList _schemas; bool _throwOnError; public Loader(IEnumerable xmlReaders, IEnumerable sourceFilePaths, bool throwOnError) { _throwOnError = throwOnError; LoadItems(xmlReaders, sourceFilePaths); } public IList Errors { get { return _errors; } } public IList Schemas { get { return _schemas; } } public DbProviderManifest ProviderManifest { get { return _providerManifest; } } public DbProviderFactory ProviderFactory { get { return _providerFactory; } } public string ProviderManifestToken { get { return _providerManifestToken; } } public bool HasNonWarningErrors { get { return !MetadataHelper.CheckIfAllErrorsAreWarnings(_errors); } } private void LoadItems(IEnumerable xmlReaders, IEnumerable sourceFilePaths) { Debug.Assert(_errors == null, "we are expecting this to be the location that sets _errors for the first time"); _errors = SchemaManager.ParseAndValidate(xmlReaders, sourceFilePaths, SchemaDataModelOption.ProviderDataModel, OnProviderNotification, OnProviderManifestTokenNotification, OnProviderManifestNeeded, out _schemas ); if (_throwOnError) { ThrowOnNonWarningErrors(); } } internal void ThrowOnNonWarningErrors() { if (!MetadataHelper.CheckIfAllErrorsAreWarnings(_errors)) { //Future Enhancement: if there is an error, we throw exception with error and warnings. //Otherwise the user has no clue to know about warnings. throw EntityUtil.InvalidSchemaEncountered(Helper.CombineErrorMessage(_errors)); } } private void OnProviderNotification(string provider, Action addError) { string expected = _provider; if (_provider == null) { // Even if the Provider is only now being discovered from the first SSDL file, // it must still match the 'implicit' provider that is implied by the DbConnection // or DbProviderFactory that was used to construct this StoreItemCollection. _provider = provider; InitializeProviderManifest(addError); return; } else { // The provider was previously discovered from a preceeding SSDL file; it is an error // if the 'Provider' attributes in all SSDL files are not identical. if (_provider == provider) { return; } } Debug.Assert(expected != null, "Expected provider name not initialized from _provider or _providerFactory?"); addError(Strings.AllArtifactsMustTargetSameProvider_InvariantName(expected, _provider), ErrorCode.InconsistentProvider, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error); } private void InitializeProviderManifest(Action addError) { if (_providerManifest == null && (_providerManifestToken != null && _provider != null)) { DbProviderFactory factory = null; try { factory = DbProviderServices.GetProviderFactory(_provider); } catch (ArgumentException e) { addError(e.Message, ErrorCode.InvalidProvider, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error); return; } try { DbProviderServices services = DbProviderServices.GetProviderServices(factory); _providerManifest = services.GetProviderManifest(_providerManifestToken); _providerFactory = factory; if (_providerManifest is EdmProviderManifest) { if (_throwOnError) { throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(Strings.OnlyStoreConnectionsSupported); } else { addError(Strings.OnlyStoreConnectionsSupported, ErrorCode.InvalidProvider, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error); } return; } } catch (ProviderIncompatibleException e) { if (_throwOnError) { // we want to surface these as ProviderIncompatibleExceptions if we are "allowed" to. throw; } AddProviderIncompatibleError(e, addError); } } } private void OnProviderManifestTokenNotification(string token, Action addError) { if (_providerManifestToken == null) { _providerManifestToken = token; InitializeProviderManifest(addError); return; } if (_providerManifestToken != token) { addError(Strings.AllArtifactsMustTargetSameProvider_ManifestToken(token, _providerManifestToken), ErrorCode.ProviderManifestTokenMismatch, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error); } } private DbProviderManifest OnProviderManifestNeeded(Action addError) { if (_providerManifest == null) { addError(Strings.ProviderManifestTokenNotFound, ErrorCode.ProviderManifestTokenNotFound, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error); } return _providerManifest; } private void AddProviderIncompatibleError(ProviderIncompatibleException provEx, Action addError) { Debug.Assert(provEx != null); Debug.Assert(addError != null); StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(provEx.Message); if (provEx.InnerException != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(provEx.InnerException.Message)) { message.AppendFormat(" {0}", provEx.InnerException.Message); } addError(message.ToString(), ErrorCode.FailedToRetrieveProviderManifest, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error); } } } }