// // System.Web.Compilation.AspGenerator // // Authors: // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com) // Marek Habersack // // (C) 2002,2003 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Web.Caching; using System.Web.Configuration; using System.Web.Hosting; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Web.Util; namespace System.Web.Compilation { class BuilderLocation { public ControlBuilder Builder; public ILocation Location; public BuilderLocation (ControlBuilder builder, ILocation location) { this.Builder = builder; this.Location = new Location (location); } } class BuilderLocationStack : Stack { public override void Push (object o) { if (!(o is BuilderLocation)) throw new InvalidOperationException (); base.Push (o); } public virtual void Push (ControlBuilder builder, ILocation location) { BuilderLocation bl = new BuilderLocation (builder, location); Push (bl); } public new BuilderLocation Peek () { return (BuilderLocation) base.Peek (); } public new BuilderLocation Pop () { return (BuilderLocation) base.Pop (); } public ControlBuilder Builder { get { return Peek ().Builder; } } } class ParserStack { Hashtable files; Stack parsers; AspParser current; public ParserStack () { files = new Hashtable (); // may be this should be case sensitive for windows parsers = new Stack (); } public bool Push (AspParser parser) { if (files.Contains (parser.Filename)) return false; files [parser.Filename] = true; parsers.Push (parser); current = parser; return true; } public AspParser Pop () { if (parsers.Count == 0) return null; files.Remove (current.Filename); AspParser result = (AspParser) parsers.Pop (); if (parsers.Count > 0) current = (AspParser) parsers.Peek (); else current = null; return result; } public int Count { get { return parsers.Count; } } public AspParser Parser { get { return current; } } public string Filename { get { return current.Filename; } } } class TagStack { Stack tags; public TagStack () { tags = new Stack (); } public void Push (string tagid) { tags.Push (tagid); } public string Pop () { if (tags.Count == 0) return null; return (string) tags.Pop (); } public bool CompareTo (string tagid) { if (tags.Count == 0) return false; return 0 == String.Compare (tagid, (string) tags.Peek (), true, Helpers.InvariantCulture); } public int Count { get { return tags.Count; } } public string Current { get { return (string) tags.Peek (); } } } enum TextBlockType { Verbatim, Expression, Tag, Comment } sealed class TextBlock { public string Content; public readonly TextBlockType Type; public readonly int Length; public TextBlock (TextBlockType type, string content) { Content = content; Type = type; Length = content.Length; } public override string ToString () { return this.GetType ().FullName + " [" + this.Type + "]"; } } class AspGenerator { const int READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192; internal static Regex DirectiveRegex = new Regex (@"<%\s*@(\s*(?\w[\w:]*(?=\W))(\s*(?=)\s*""(?[^""]*)""|\s*(?=)\s*'(?[^']*)'|\s*(?=)\s*(?[^\s%>]*)|(?)(?\s*?)))*\s*?%>", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); static readonly Regex runatServer = new Regex (@"<[\w:\.]+.*?runat=[""']?server[""']?.*(?:/>|>)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant); static readonly Regex endOfTag = new Regex (@"", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant); static readonly Regex expressionRegex = new Regex (@"<%.*?%>", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant); static readonly Regex clientCommentRegex = new Regex (@"", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant); ParserStack pstack; BuilderLocationStack stack; TemplateParser tparser; StringBuilder text; RootBuilder rootBuilder; bool inScript, javascript, ignore_text; ILocation location; bool isApplication; StringBuilder tagInnerText = new StringBuilder (); static IDictionary emptyHash = new Dictionary (); bool inForm; bool useOtherTags; TagType lastTag; AspComponentFoundry componentFoundry; Stream inputStream; public AspGenerator (TemplateParser tparser, AspComponentFoundry componentFoundry) : this (tparser) { this.componentFoundry = componentFoundry; } public AspGenerator (TemplateParser tparser) { this.tparser = tparser; text = new StringBuilder (); stack = new BuilderLocationStack (); pstack = new ParserStack (); } public RootBuilder RootBuilder { get { return rootBuilder; } } public AspParser Parser { get { return pstack.Parser; } } public string Filename { get { return pstack.Filename; } } PageParserFilter PageParserFilter { get { if (tparser == null) return null; return tparser.PageParserFilter; } } // KLUDGE WARNING // // The kludge to determine the base type of the to-be-generated ASP.NET class is // very unfortunate but with our current parser it is, unfortunately, necessary. The // reason for reading the entire file into memory and parsing it with a regexp is // that we need to read the main directive (i.e. <%@Page %>, <%@Control %> etc), // pass it to the page parser filter if it exists, and finally read the inherits // attribute of the directive to get access to the base type of the class to be // generated. On that type we check whether it is decorated with the // FileLevelControlBuilder attribute and, if yes, use the indicated type as the // RootBuilder. This is necessary for the ASP.NET MVC views using the "generic" // inherits declaration to work properly. Our current parser is not able to parse // the input file out of sequence (i.e. directives first, then the rest) so we need // to do what we do below, alas. IDictionary GetDirectiveAttributesDictionary (string skipKeyName, CaptureCollection names, CaptureCollection values) { var ret = new Dictionary (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); int index = 0; string keyName; foreach (Capture c in names) { keyName = c.Value; if (String.Compare (skipKeyName, keyName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { index++; continue; } ret.Add (c.Value, values [index++].Value); } return ret; } string GetDirectiveName (CaptureCollection names) { string val; foreach (Capture c in names) { val = c.Value; if (Directive.IsDirective (val)) return val; } return tparser.DefaultDirectiveName; } int GetLineNumberForIndex (string fileContents, int index) { int line = 1; char c; bool foundCR = false; for (int pos = 0; pos < index; pos++) { c = fileContents [pos]; if (c == '\n' || foundCR) { line++; foundCR = false; } foundCR = (c == '\r'); } return line; } int GetNumberOfLinesForRange (string fileContents, int index, int length) { int lines = 0; int stop = index + length; char c; bool foundCR = false; for (int pos = index; pos < stop; pos++) { c = fileContents [pos]; if (c == '\n' || foundCR) { lines++; foundCR = false; } foundCR = (c == '\r'); } return lines; } Type GetInheritedType (string fileContents, string filename) { MatchCollection matches = DirectiveRegex.Matches (fileContents); if (matches == null || matches.Count == 0) return null; string wantedDirectiveName = tparser.DefaultDirectiveName.ToLower (Helpers.InvariantCulture); string directiveName; GroupCollection groups; CaptureCollection ccNames; foreach (Match match in matches) { groups = match.Groups; if (groups.Count < 6) continue; ccNames = groups [3].Captures; directiveName = GetDirectiveName (ccNames); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (directiveName)) continue; if (String.Compare (directiveName.ToLower (Helpers.InvariantCulture), wantedDirectiveName, StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0) continue; var loc = new Location (null); int index = match.Index; loc.Filename = filename; loc.BeginLine = GetLineNumberForIndex (fileContents, index); loc.EndLine = loc.BeginLine + GetNumberOfLinesForRange (fileContents, index, match.Length); tparser.Location = loc; tparser.allowedMainDirectives = 2; tparser.AddDirective (wantedDirectiveName, GetDirectiveAttributesDictionary (wantedDirectiveName, ccNames, groups [5].Captures)); return tparser.BaseType; } return null; } string ReadFileContents (Stream inputStream, string filename) { string ret = null; if (inputStream != null) { if (inputStream.CanSeek) { long curPos = inputStream.Position; inputStream.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin); Encoding enc = WebEncoding.FileEncoding; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); byte[] buffer = new byte [READ_BUFFER_SIZE]; int nbytes; while ((nbytes = inputStream.Read (buffer, 0, READ_BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0) sb.Append (enc.GetString (buffer, 0, nbytes)); inputStream.Seek (curPos, SeekOrigin.Begin); ret = sb.ToString (); sb.Length = 0; sb.Capacity = 0; } else { FileStream fs = inputStream as FileStream; if (fs != null) { string fname = fs.Name; try { if (File.Exists (fname)) ret = File.ReadAllText (fname); } catch { // ignore } } } } if (ret == null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty (filename) && String.Compare (filename, "@@inner_string@@", StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0) { try { if (File.Exists (filename)) ret = File.ReadAllText (filename); } catch { // ignore } } return ret; } Type GetRootBuilderType (Stream inputStream, string filename) { Type ret = null; string fileContents; if (tparser != null) fileContents = ReadFileContents (inputStream, filename); else fileContents = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (fileContents)) { Type inheritedType = GetInheritedType (fileContents, filename); fileContents = null; if (inheritedType != null) { FileLevelControlBuilderAttribute attr; try { object[] attrs = inheritedType.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (FileLevelControlBuilderAttribute), true); if (attrs != null && attrs.Length > 0) attr = attrs [0] as FileLevelControlBuilderAttribute; else attr = null; } catch { attr = null; } ret = attr != null ? attr.BuilderType : null; } } if (ret == null) { if (tparser is PageParser) return typeof (FileLevelPageControlBuilder); else if (tparser is UserControlParser) return typeof (FileLevelUserControlBuilder); else return typeof (RootBuilder); } else return ret; } void CreateRootBuilder (Stream inputStream, string filename) { if (rootBuilder != null) return; Type rootBuilderType = GetRootBuilderType (inputStream, filename); rootBuilder = Activator.CreateInstance (rootBuilderType) as RootBuilder; if (rootBuilder == null) throw new HttpException ("Cannot create an instance of file-level control builder."); rootBuilder.Init (tparser, null, null, null, null, null); if (componentFoundry != null) rootBuilder.Foundry = componentFoundry; stack.Push (rootBuilder, null); tparser.RootBuilder = rootBuilder; } BaseCompiler GetCompilerFromType () { Type type = tparser.GetType (); if (type == typeof (PageParser)) return new PageCompiler ((PageParser) tparser); if (type == typeof (ApplicationFileParser)) return new GlobalAsaxCompiler ((ApplicationFileParser) tparser); if (type == typeof (UserControlParser)) return new UserControlCompiler ((UserControlParser) tparser); if (type == typeof(MasterPageParser)) return new MasterPageCompiler ((MasterPageParser) tparser); throw new Exception ("Got type: " + type); } void InitParser (TextReader reader, string filename) { AspParser parser = new AspParser (filename, reader); parser.Error += new ParseErrorHandler (ParseError); parser.TagParsed += new TagParsedHandler (TagParsed); parser.TextParsed += new TextParsedHandler (TextParsed); parser.ParsingComplete += new ParsingCompleteHandler (ParsingCompleted); tparser.AspGenerator = this; CreateRootBuilder (inputStream, filename); if (!pstack.Push (parser)) throw new ParseException (Location, "Infinite recursion detected including file: " + filename); if (filename != "@@inner_string@@") { string arvp = Path.Combine (tparser.BaseVirtualDir, Path.GetFileName (filename)); if (VirtualPathUtility.IsAbsolute (arvp)) arvp = VirtualPathUtility.ToAppRelative (arvp); tparser.AddDependency (arvp); } } void InitParser (string filename) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (filename, WebEncoding.FileEncoding); InitParser (reader, filename); } void CheckForDuplicateIds (ControlBuilder root, Stack scopes) { if (root == null) return; if (scopes == null) scopes = new Stack (); Dictionary ids; if (scopes.Count == 0 || root.IsNamingContainer) { ids = new Dictionary (StringComparer.Ordinal); scopes.Push (ids); } else { ids = scopes.Peek () as Dictionary ; } if (ids == null) return; ControlBuilder cb; string id; ArrayList children = root.Children; if (children != null) { foreach (object o in children) { cb = o as ControlBuilder; if (cb == null) continue; id = cb.ID; if (id == null || id.Length == 0) continue; if (ids.ContainsKey (id)) throw new ParseException (cb.Location, "Id '" + id + "' is already used by another control."); ids.Add (id, true); CheckForDuplicateIds (cb, scopes); } } } public void Parse (string file) { Parse (file, false); } public void Parse (TextReader reader, string filename, bool doInitParser) { try { isApplication = tparser.DefaultDirectiveName == "application"; if (doInitParser) InitParser (reader, filename); pstack.Parser.Parse (); if (text.Length > 0) FlushText (); tparser.MD5Checksum = pstack.Parser.MD5Checksum; pstack.Pop (); #if DEBUG PrintTree (RootBuilder, 0); #endif if (stack.Count > 1 && pstack.Count == 0) throw new ParseException (stack.Builder.Location, "Expecting " + stack.Builder); CheckForDuplicateIds (RootBuilder, null); } finally { if (reader != null) reader.Close (); } } public void Parse (Stream stream, string filename, bool doInitParser) { inputStream = stream; Parse (new StreamReader (stream, WebEncoding.FileEncoding), filename, doInitParser); } public void Parse (string filename, bool doInitParser) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (filename, WebEncoding.FileEncoding); Parse (reader, filename, doInitParser); } public void Parse () { string inputFile = tparser.InputFile; TextReader inputReader = tparser.Reader; try { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (inputFile)) { StreamReader sr = inputReader as StreamReader; if (sr != null) { FileStream fr = sr.BaseStream as FileStream; if (fr != null) inputFile = fr.Name; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (inputFile)) inputFile = "@@inner_string@@"; } if (inputReader != null) { Parse (inputReader, inputFile, true); } else { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (inputFile)) throw new HttpException ("Parser input file is empty, cannot continue."); inputFile = Path.GetFullPath (inputFile); InitParser (inputFile); Parse (inputFile); } } finally { if (inputReader != null) inputReader.Close (); } } internal static void AddTypeToCache (List dependencies, string inputFile, Type type) { if (type == null || inputFile == null || inputFile.Length == 0) return; if (dependencies != null && dependencies.Count > 0) { string [] deps = dependencies.ToArray (); HttpContext ctx = HttpContext.Current; HttpRequest req = ctx != null ? ctx.Request : null; if (req == null) throw new HttpException ("No current context, cannot compile."); for (int i = 0; i < deps.Length; i++) deps [i] = req.MapPath (deps [i]); HttpRuntime.InternalCache.Insert ("@@Type" + inputFile, type, new CacheDependency (deps)); } else HttpRuntime.InternalCache.Insert ("@@Type" + inputFile, type); } public Type GetCompiledType () { Type type = (Type) HttpRuntime.InternalCache.Get ("@@Type" + tparser.InputFile); if (type != null) { return type; } Parse (); BaseCompiler compiler = GetCompilerFromType (); type = compiler.GetCompiledType (); AddTypeToCache (tparser.Dependencies, tparser.InputFile, type); return type; } #if DEBUG static void PrintTree (ControlBuilder builder, int indent) { if (builder == null) return; string i = new string ('\t', indent); Console.Write (i); Console.WriteLine ("b: {0}; naming container: {1}; id: {2}; type: {3}; parent: {4}", builder, builder.IsNamingContainer, builder.ID, builder.ControlType, builder.ParentBuilder); if (builder.Children != null) foreach (object o in builder.Children) { if (o is ControlBuilder) PrintTree ((ControlBuilder) o, indent++); } } static void PrintLocation (ILocation loc) { Console.WriteLine ("\tFile name: " + loc.Filename); Console.WriteLine ("\tBegin line: " + loc.BeginLine); Console.WriteLine ("\tEnd line: " + loc.EndLine); Console.WriteLine ("\tBegin column: " + loc.BeginColumn); Console.WriteLine ("\tEnd column: " + loc.EndColumn); Console.WriteLine ("\tPlainText: " + loc.PlainText); Console.WriteLine (); } #endif void ParseError (ILocation location, string message) { throw new ParseException (location, message); } // KLUDGE WARNING!! // // The code below (ProcessTagsInAttributes, ParseAttributeTag) serves the purpose to work // around a limitation of the current asp.net parser which is unable to parse server // controls inside client tag attributes. Since the architecture of the current // parser does not allow for clean solution of this problem, hence the kludge // below. It will be gone as soon as the parser is rewritten. // // The kludge supports only self-closing tags inside attributes. // // KLUDGE WARNING!! bool ProcessTagsInAttributes (ILocation location, string tagid, TagAttributes attributes, TagType type) { if (attributes == null || attributes.Count == 0) return false; Match match; Group group; string value; bool retval = false; int index, length; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.AppendFormat ("\t<{0}", tagid); foreach (string key in attributes.Keys) { value = attributes [key] as string; if (value == null || value.Length < 16) { // optimization sb.AppendFormat (" {0}=\"{1}\"", key, value); continue; } match = runatServer.Match (attributes [key] as string); if (!match.Success) { sb.AppendFormat (" {0}=\"{1}\"", key, value); continue; } if (sb.Length > 0) { TextParsed (location, sb.ToString ()); sb.Length = 0; } retval = true; group = match.Groups [0]; index = group.Index; length = group.Length; TextParsed (location, String.Format (" {0}=\"{1}", key, index > 0 ? value.Substring (0, index) : String.Empty));; FlushText (); ParseAttributeTag (group.Value, location); if (index + length < value.Length) TextParsed (location, value.Substring (index + length) + "\""); else TextParsed (location, "\""); } if (type == TagType.SelfClosing) sb.Append ("/>"); else sb.Append (">"); if (retval && sb.Length > 0) TextParsed (location, sb.ToString ()); return retval; } void ParseAttributeTag (string code, ILocation location) { AspParser outerParser = location as AspParser; int positionOffset = outerParser != null ? outerParser.BeginPosition : 0; AspParser parser = new AspParser ("@@attribute_tag@@", new StringReader (code), location.BeginLine - 1, positionOffset, outerParser); parser.Error += new ParseErrorHandler (ParseError); parser.TagParsed += new TagParsedHandler (TagParsed); parser.TextParsed += new TextParsedHandler (TextParsed); parser.Parse (); if (text.Length > 0) FlushText (); } void ParsingCompleted () { PageParserFilter pfilter = PageParserFilter; if (pfilter == null) return; pfilter.ParseComplete (RootBuilder); } void CheckIfIncludeFileIsSecure (string filePath) { if (filePath == null || filePath.Length == 0) return; // a bit slow, but fully portable string newdir = null; Exception exception = null; try { string origdir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory (); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory (Path.GetDirectoryName (filePath)); newdir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory (); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory (origdir); if (newdir [newdir.Length - 1] != '/') newdir += "/"; } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { return; // will be converted into 404 } catch (FileNotFoundException) { return; // as above } catch (Exception ex) { // better safe than sorry exception = ex; } if (exception != null || !StrUtils.StartsWith (newdir, HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath)) throw new ParseException (Location, "Files above the application's root directory cannot be included."); } string ChopOffTagStart (ILocation location, string content, string tagid) { string tagstart = '<' + tagid; if (content.StartsWith (tagstart)) { TextParsed (location, tagstart); content = content.Substring (tagstart.Length); } return content; } void TagParsed (ILocation location, TagType tagtype, string tagid, TagAttributes attributes) { bool tagIgnored; this.location = new Location (location); if (tparser != null) tparser.Location = location; if (text.Length != 0) { bool ignoreEmptyString = lastTag == TagType.CodeRender; FlushText (ignoreEmptyString); } if (0 == String.Compare (tagid, "script", true, Helpers.InvariantCulture)) { bool in_script = (inScript || ignore_text); if (in_script) { if (ProcessScript (tagtype, attributes)) return; } else if (ProcessScript (tagtype, attributes)) return; } lastTag = tagtype; switch (tagtype) { case TagType.Directive: if (tagid.Length == 0) tagid = tparser.DefaultDirectiveName; tparser.AddDirective (tagid, attributes.GetDictionary (null)); break; case TagType.Tag: if (ProcessTag (location, tagid, attributes, tagtype, out tagIgnored)) { if (!tagIgnored) useOtherTags = true; break; } if (useOtherTags) { stack.Builder.EnsureOtherTags (); stack.Builder.OtherTags.Add (tagid); } { string plainText = location.PlainText; if (!ProcessTagsInAttributes (location, tagid, attributes, TagType.Tag)) TextParsed (location, ChopOffTagStart (location, plainText, tagid)); } break; case TagType.Close: bool notServer = (useOtherTags && TryRemoveTag (tagid, stack.Builder.OtherTags)); if (!notServer && CloseControl (tagid)) break; TextParsed (location, location.PlainText); break; case TagType.SelfClosing: int count = stack.Count; if (!ProcessTag (location, tagid, attributes, tagtype, out tagIgnored) && !tagIgnored) { string plainText = location.PlainText; if (!ProcessTagsInAttributes (location, tagid, attributes, TagType.SelfClosing)) TextParsed (location, ChopOffTagStart (location, plainText, tagid)); } else if (stack.Count != count) { CloseControl (tagid); } break; case TagType.DataBinding: case TagType.CodeRenderExpression: case TagType.CodeRender: case TagType.CodeRenderEncode: if (isApplication) throw new ParseException (location, "Invalid content for application file."); ProcessCode (tagtype, tagid, location); break; case TagType.Include: if (isApplication) throw new ParseException (location, "Invalid content for application file."); string file = attributes ["virtual"] as string; bool isvirtual = (file != null); if (!isvirtual) file = attributes ["file"] as string; if (isvirtual) { bool parsed = false; VirtualPathProvider vpp = HostingEnvironment.VirtualPathProvider; if (vpp.FileExists (file)) { VirtualFile vf = vpp.GetFile (file); if (vf != null) { Parse (vf.Open (), file, true); parsed = true; } } if (!parsed) Parse (tparser.MapPath (file), true); } else { string includeFilePath = GetIncludeFilePath (tparser.ParserDir, file); CheckIfIncludeFileIsSecure (includeFilePath); tparser.PushIncludeDir (Path.GetDirectoryName (includeFilePath)); try { Parse (includeFilePath, true); } finally { tparser.PopIncludeDir (); } } break; default: break; } //PrintLocation (location); } static bool TryRemoveTag (string tagid, ArrayList otags) { if (otags == null || otags.Count == 0) return false; for (int idx = otags.Count - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) { string otagid = (string) otags [idx]; if (0 == String.Compare (tagid, otagid, true, Helpers.InvariantCulture)) { do { otags.RemoveAt (idx); } while (otags.Count - 1 >= idx); return true; } } return false; } static string GetIncludeFilePath (string basedir, string filename) { if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '/') filename = filename.Replace ("\\", "/"); return Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (basedir, filename)); } delegate bool CheckBlockEnd (string text); bool CheckTagEndNeeded (string text) { return !text.EndsWith ("/>"); } List FindRegexBlocks (Regex rxStart, Regex rxEnd, CheckBlockEnd checkEnd, IList blocks, TextBlockType typeForMatches, bool discardBlocks) { var ret = new List (); foreach (TextBlock block in blocks) { if (block.Type != TextBlockType.Verbatim) { ret.Add (block); continue; } int lastIndex = 0, index; MatchCollection matches = rxStart.Matches (block.Content); bool foundMatches = matches.Count > 0; foreach (Match match in matches) { foundMatches = true; index = match.Index; if (lastIndex < index) ret.Add (new TextBlock (TextBlockType.Verbatim, block.Content.Substring (lastIndex, index - lastIndex))); string value = match.Value; if (rxEnd != null && checkEnd (value)) { int startFrom = index + value.Length; Match m = rxEnd.Match (block.Content, startFrom); if (m.Success) value += block.Content.Substring (startFrom, m.Index - startFrom) + m.Value; } if (!discardBlocks) ret.Add (new TextBlock (typeForMatches, value)); lastIndex = index + value.Length; } if (lastIndex > 0 && lastIndex < block.Content.Length) ret.Add (new TextBlock (TextBlockType.Verbatim, block.Content.Substring (lastIndex))); if (!foundMatches) ret.Add (block); } return ret; } IList SplitTextIntoBlocks (string text) { var ret = new List (); ret.Add (new TextBlock (TextBlockType.Verbatim, text)); ret = FindRegexBlocks (clientCommentRegex, null, null, ret, TextBlockType.Comment, false); ret = FindRegexBlocks (runatServer, endOfTag, CheckTagEndNeeded, ret, TextBlockType.Tag, false); ret = FindRegexBlocks (expressionRegex, null, null, ret, TextBlockType.Expression, false); return ret; } void TextParsed (ILocation location, string text) { if (ignore_text) return; if (inScript) { this.text.Append (text); FlushText (true); return; } IList blocks = SplitTextIntoBlocks (text); foreach (TextBlock block in blocks) { switch (block.Type) { case TextBlockType.Verbatim: this.text.Append (block.Content); break; case TextBlockType.Expression: if (this.text.Length > 0) FlushText (true); CodeRenderParser r = new CodeRenderParser (block.Content, stack.Builder, location); r.AddChildren (this); break; case TextBlockType.Tag: ParseAttributeTag (block.Content, location); break; case TextBlockType.Comment: { if (javascript) { this.text.Append (block.Content); break; } this.text.Append (""); FlushText (true); break; } } } } void FlushText () { FlushText (false); } void FlushText (bool ignoreEmptyString) { string t = text.ToString (); text.Length = 0; if (ignoreEmptyString && t.Trim ().Length == 0) return; if (inScript) { PageParserFilter pfilter = PageParserFilter; if (pfilter != null && !pfilter.ProcessCodeConstruct (CodeConstructType.ScriptTag, t)) return; tparser.Scripts.Add (new ServerSideScript (t, new System.Web.Compilation.Location (tparser.Location))); return; } if (tparser.DefaultDirectiveName == "application" && t.Trim () != "") throw new ParseException (location, "Content not valid for application file."); ControlBuilder current = stack.Builder; current.AppendLiteralString (t); if (current.NeedsTagInnerText ()) { tagInnerText.Append (t); } } bool BuilderHasOtherThan (Type type, ControlBuilder cb) { ArrayList al = cb.OtherTags; if (al != null && al.Count > 0) return true; al = cb.Children; if (al != null) { ControlBuilder tmp; foreach (object o in al) { if (o == null) continue; tmp = o as ControlBuilder; if (tmp == null) { string s = o as string; if (s != null && String.IsNullOrEmpty (s.Trim ())) continue; return true; } if (tmp is System.Web.UI.WebControls.ContentBuilderInternal) continue; if (tmp.ControlType != typeof (System.Web.UI.WebControls.Content)) return true; } } return false; } bool OtherControlsAllowed (ControlBuilder cb) { if (cb == null) return true; if (!typeof (System.Web.UI.WebControls.Content).IsAssignableFrom (cb.ControlType)) return true; if (BuilderHasOtherThan (typeof (System.Web.UI.WebControls.Content), RootBuilder)) return false; return true; } public void AddControl (Type type, IDictionary attributes) { ControlBuilder parent = stack.Builder; ControlBuilder builder = ControlBuilder.CreateBuilderFromType (tparser, parent, type, null, null, attributes, location.BeginLine, location.Filename); if (builder != null) parent.AppendSubBuilder (builder); } bool ProcessTag (ILocation location, string tagid, TagAttributes atts, TagType tagtype, out bool ignored) { ignored = false; if (isApplication) { if (String.Compare (tagid, "object", true, Helpers.InvariantCulture) != 0) throw new ParseException (location, "Invalid tag for application file."); } ControlBuilder parent = stack.Builder; ControlBuilder builder = null; if (parent != null && parent.ControlType == typeof (HtmlTable) && (String.Compare (tagid, "thead", true, Helpers.InvariantCulture) == 0 || String.Compare (tagid, "tbody", true, Helpers.InvariantCulture) == 0)) { ignored = true; return true; } IDictionary htable = (atts != null) ? atts.GetDictionary (null) : emptyHash; if (stack.Count > 1) { try { builder = parent.CreateSubBuilder (tagid, htable, null, tparser, location); } catch (TypeLoadException e) { throw new ParseException (Location, "Type not found.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException (Location, e.Message, e); } } bool runatServer = atts != null && atts.IsRunAtServer (); if (builder == null && runatServer) { string id = htable ["id"] as string; if (id != null && !CodeGenerator.IsValidLanguageIndependentIdentifier (id)) throw new ParseException (Location, "'" + id + "' is not a valid identifier"); try { builder = RootBuilder.CreateSubBuilder (tagid, htable, null, tparser, location); } catch (TypeLoadException e) { throw new ParseException (Location, "Type not found.", e); } catch (HttpException e) { CompilationException inner = e.InnerException as CompilationException; if (inner != null) throw inner; throw new ParseException (Location, e.Message, e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException (Location, e.Message, e); } } if (builder == null) return false; // This is as good as we can do for now - if the parsed location contains // both expressions and code render blocks then we're out of luck... string plainText = location.PlainText; if (!runatServer && plainText.IndexOf ("<%$") == -1&& plainText.IndexOf ("<%") > -1) return false; PageParserFilter pfilter = PageParserFilter; if (pfilter != null && !pfilter.AllowControl (builder.ControlType, builder)) throw new ParseException (Location, "Control type '" + builder.ControlType + "' not allowed."); if (!OtherControlsAllowed (builder)) throw new ParseException (Location, "Only Content controls are allowed directly in a content page that contains Content controls."); builder.Location = location; builder.ID = htable ["id"] as string; if (typeof (HtmlForm).IsAssignableFrom (builder.ControlType)) { if (inForm) throw new ParseException (location, "Only one
allowed."); inForm = true; } if (builder.HasBody () && !(builder is ObjectTagBuilder)) { if (builder is TemplateBuilder) { // push the id list } stack.Push (builder, location); } else { if (!isApplication && builder is ObjectTagBuilder) { ObjectTagBuilder ot = (ObjectTagBuilder) builder; if (ot.Scope != null && ot.Scope.Length > 0) throw new ParseException (location, "Scope not allowed here"); if (tagtype == TagType.Tag) { stack.Push (builder, location); return true; } } parent.AppendSubBuilder (builder); builder.CloseControl (); } return true; } string ReadFile (string filename) { string realpath = tparser.MapPath (filename); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader (realpath, WebEncoding.FileEncoding)) { string content = sr.ReadToEnd (); return content; } } bool ProcessScript (TagType tagtype, TagAttributes attributes) { if (tagtype != TagType.Close) { if (attributes != null && attributes.IsRunAtServer ()) { string language = (string) attributes ["language"]; if (language != null && language.Length > 0 && tparser.ImplicitLanguage) tparser.SetLanguage (language); CheckLanguage (language); string src = (string) attributes ["src"]; if (src != null) { if (src.Length == 0) throw new ParseException (Parser, "src cannot be an empty string"); string content = ReadFile (src); inScript = true; TextParsed (Parser, content); FlushText (); inScript = false; if (tagtype != TagType.SelfClosing) { ignore_text = true; Parser.VerbatimID = "script"; } } else if (tagtype == TagType.Tag) { Parser.VerbatimID = "script"; inScript = true; } return true; } else { if (tagtype != TagType.SelfClosing) { Parser.VerbatimID = "script"; javascript = true; } string content = location.PlainText; /* HACK, HACK, HACK */ if (content.StartsWith (" 0) DoParseExpressions (str); else DoParse (str); } void DoParseExpressions (string str) { int startIndex = 0, index = 0; Regex codeDirective = new Regex ("(<%(?!@)(?(.|\\s)*?)%>)|(<[\\w:\\.]+.*?runat=[\"']?server[\"']?.*?/>)", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant); Match match; int strLen = str.Length; while (index > -1 && startIndex < strLen) { match = codeDirective.Match (str, index); if (match.Success) { string value = match.Value; index = match.Index; if (index > startIndex) TextParsed (null, str.Substring (startIndex, index - startIndex)); DoParse (value); index += value.Length; startIndex = index; } else break; if (index < strLen) index = str.IndexOf ('<', index); else break; } if (startIndex < strLen) TextParsed (null, str.Substring (startIndex)); } void DoParse (string str) { AspParser outerParser = location as AspParser; int positionOffset = outerParser != null ? outerParser.BeginPosition : 0; AspParser parser = new AspParser ("@@code_render@@", new StringReader (str), location.BeginLine - 1, positionOffset, outerParser); parser.Error += new ParseErrorHandler (ParseError); parser.TagParsed += new TagParsedHandler (TagParsed); parser.TextParsed += new TextParsedHandler (TextParsed); parser.Parse (); } void TagParsed (ILocation location, TagType tagtype, string tagid, TagAttributes attributes) { switch (tagtype) { case TagType.CodeRender: builder.AppendSubBuilder (new CodeRenderBuilder (tagid, false, location)); break; case TagType.CodeRenderExpression: builder.AppendSubBuilder (new CodeRenderBuilder (tagid, true, location)); break; case TagType.CodeRenderEncode: builder.AppendSubBuilder (new CodeRenderBuilder (tagid, true, location, true)); break; case TagType.DataBinding: builder.AppendSubBuilder (new DataBindingBuilder (tagid, location)); break; case TagType.Tag: case TagType.SelfClosing: case TagType.Close: if (generator != null) generator.TagParsed (location, tagtype, tagid, attributes); else goto default; break; default: string text = location.PlainText; if (text != null && text.Trim ().Length > 0) builder.AppendLiteralString (text); break; } } void TextParsed (ILocation location, string text) { builder.AppendLiteralString (text); } void ParseError (ILocation location, string message) { throw new ParseException (location, message); } } } }