System.Web System.Configuration.SettingsBase ASP.NET uses the class to create the class used for the user profile. When an application that has the user profile enabled is started, ASP.NET creates a new class of type ProfileCommon, which inherits from the class. Strongly typed accessors are added to the ProfileCommon class for each property defined in the profile configuration section. The strongly typed accessors of the ProfileCommon class call the and methods of the base class to retrieve and set profile property values, respectively. An instance of the ProfileCommon class is set as the value of the property for the ASP.NET application. To create an instance of a user profile in an ASP.NET application, it is recommended that you use the method. Provides untyped access to profile property values and information. Constructor ASP.NET uses the class to create the class used for the user profile. When an application that has the user profile enabled is started, ASP.NET creates a new class of type ProfileCommon, which inherits from the class. Strongly typed accessors are added to the ProfileCommon class for each property defined in the profile configuration section. The strongly typed accessors of the ProfileCommon class call the and methods of the base class to retrieve and set profile property values, respectively. An instance of the ProfileCommon class is set as the value of the property for the ASP.NET application. The base class used to generate the class stored in the property can be overridden using the inherits attribute of the profile section of the configuration file. In this case you would specify a custom class that inherits from the base class. This constructor is not intended to be used from application code. To create an instance of a user profile, use the method. Creates an instance of the class. Method System.Web.Profile.ProfileBase The method creates and initializes a new profile instance and is useful for applications that use a custom profile object or manage user profiles in a non-ASP.NET environment. This overload of the method assumes that the specified user name is an authenticated user. Used by ASP.NET to create an instance of a profile for the specified user name. An that represents the profile for the specified user. The name of the user to create a profile for. Method System.Web.Profile.ProfileBase The method creates and initializes a new profile instance and is useful for applications that use a custom profile object or manage user profiles in a non-ASP.NET environment. This overload of the method can be used to create a profile for an authenticated user or an anonymous user. Used by ASP.NET to create an instance of a profile for the specified user name. Takes a parameter indicating whether the user is authenticated or anonymous. A object that represents the profile for the specified user. The name of the user to create a profile for. true to indicate the user is authenticated; false to indicate the user is anonymous. Method System.Web.Profile.ProfileGroupBase Profile properties can be separated into groups for better organization. The property can be used to retrieve a group of properties by the group name. You can also access a profile property in a group by specifying the group name as a member of the Profile property available on each page. For example, the ZipCode profile property that is a member of the Address profile group could be accessed using Profile.Address.ZipCode. Gets a group of properties identified by a group name. A object for a group of properties configured with the specified group name. The name of the group of properties. Method System.Object ASP.NET uses the class to create the class used for the user profile. When an application that has the user profile enabled is started, ASP.NET creates a new class of type ProfileCommon, which inherits from the class. Strongly typed accessors are added to the ProfileCommon class for each property defined in the profile configuration section. The strongly typed accessors of the ProfileCommon class call the method to retrieve untyped values from the that the generated accessor then casts as the specified type and returns as the property value. You can use the method to retrieve property values of the user profile for your application by name. Returned values are untyped and must be cast as the specific object type when retrieved. For strongly typed access to profile property values, you can access the property by name as a member of the Profile property available on each page, for example, Profile.CustomerAddress. Gets the value of a profile property. The value of the specified profile property, typed as object. The name of the profile property. Method System.Void This method is not intended to be used from your code. Use one of the overloads to create an instance of the user profile. Initializes the profile property values and information for the current user. The name of the user to initialize the profile for. true to indicate the user is authenticated; false to indicate the user is anonymous. Property System.Boolean To be added. Anonymous access to the user profile is enabled using the anonymousIdentification configuration section and the allowAnonymous attribute of the add configuration element used to specify profile properties. Gets a value indicating whether the user profile is for an anonymous user. Property System.Boolean To be added. The property can be used by a profile provider during the method to determine whether properties that are made up of primitive types, strings, or objects have been changed. Changed properties are then updated by the profile provider in the method. The method is automatically called at the end of page execution if the property is true A profile provider called in the method cannot explicitly determine whether a profile property with a custom class type or a complex type, such as a collection, has changed. You can use the event to determine whether a custom object has been modified and to continue with the automatic save for modified objects or cancel the automatic save if no objects have been modified. The default behavior of the class is to set the property to true for properties that are of a custom or complex type the first time the property is accessed. Gets a value indicating whether any of the profile properties have been modified. Property System.Object To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. Property System.DateTime To be added. This property value is only modified by the default profile provider. Changes made to profile properties by a provider other than the default profile provider do not affect the value of the property. Gets the most recent date and time that the profile was read or modified. Property System.DateTime To be added. This property value is only modified by the default profile provider. Changes made to profile properties by a provider other than the default profile provider do not affect the value of the property. Gets the most recent date and time that the profile was modified. Property System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyCollection To be added. You can use this property to get information about the profile properties configured for an application, including property names and types. You can also reference the of each property. A manages storage and retrieval of property values to and from the data source. Gets a collection of objects for each property in the profile. Method System.Void The method writes modified profile property values to the data source. The profile provider can reduce the amount of activity at the data source by performing updates only when the property is set to true. This is the case for the default . After the method has saved the property values to the data source, is set to false. You can use the event to implement custom logic that determines whether a profile property with a custom type or a complex type has been modified and continue with the automatic save for modified objects or cancel the automatic save if no objects have been modified. Updates the profile data source with changed profile property values. Method System.Void ASP.NET uses the class to create the class used for the user profile. When an application that has the user profile enabled is started, ASP.NET creates a new class of type ProfileCommon, which inherits from the class. Strongly typed accessors are added to the ProfileCommon class for each property defined in the profile configuration section. The strongly typed accessors of the ProfileCommon class call the method to pass property values to the to be stored at the data source. You can use the method to assign property values in the user profile for your application by name. Values are untyped, and type checking will be done at run time, not compile time. For strongly typed access to profile property values, you can access the property by name as a member of the Profile property that is available on each page, for example, Profile.CustomerAddress. Sets the value of a profile property. The name of the property to set. The value to assign to the property. Property System.String To be added. The property returns either the name of the authenticated user that the profile is associated with or the anonymous user identifier assigned to the profile if the property is true. Anonymous access to the user profile is enabled using the anonymousIdentification configuration section and the allowAnonymous attribute of the add configuration element used to specify profile properties. Gets the user name for the profile.