System.Web System.Configuration.ConfigurationConverterBase The attribute applied to this class has the following property value: . The does not affect desktop applications (which are typically started by double-clicking an icon, typing a command, or entering a URL in a browser). For more information, see the class or SQL Server Programming and Host Protection Attributes. Provides methods for converting objects to and from strings. Constructor To be added. Initializes a new instance of the class. Method System.Object This method will throw an exception if the parameter does not refer to one of the following strings: SHA1 MD5 3DES AES Converts a string to the equivalent value. The equivalent value. This parameter is not used. This parameter is not used. The string to convert. Method System.Object To be added. Converts a value to the string representation of that value. A string representing a value. This parameter is not used. This parameter is not used. The to be converted. This parameter is not used.