using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Reflection; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections.Generic; using Mono.Cecil; using Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter; namespace Symbolicate { struct Location { public string FileName; public int Line; } class LocationProvider { class AssemblyLocationProvider { Assembly assembly; MonoSymbolFile symbolFile; string seqPointDataPath; public AssemblyLocationProvider (Assembly assembly, MonoSymbolFile symbolFile, string seqPointDataPath) { this.assembly = assembly; this.symbolFile = symbolFile; this.seqPointDataPath = seqPointDataPath; } public bool TryGetLocation (string methodStr, string typeFullName, int offset, bool isOffsetIL, uint methodIndex, out Location location) { location = default (Location); if (symbolFile == null) return false; var type = assembly.GetTypes().FirstOrDefault (t => t.FullName == typeFullName); if (type == null) return false; var bindingflags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic; var method = type.GetMethods(bindingflags).FirstOrDefault (m => GetMethodFullName (m) == methodStr); if (method == null) return false; int ilOffset = (isOffsetIL)? offset : GetILOffsetFromFile (method.MetadataToken, methodIndex, offset); if (ilOffset < 0) return false; var methodSymbol = symbolFile.Methods [(method.MetadataToken & 0x00ffffff) - 1]; var lineNumbers = methodSymbol.GetLineNumberTable ().LineNumbers; var lineNumber = lineNumbers.FirstOrDefault (l => l.Offset >= ilOffset) ?? lineNumbers.Last (); location.FileName = symbolFile.Sources [lineNumber.File-1].FileName; location.Line = lineNumber.Row; return true; } static MethodInfo methodGetIL; private int GetILOffsetFromFile (int methodToken, uint methodIndex, int nativeOffset) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (seqPointDataPath)) return -1; if (methodGetIL == null) methodGetIL = typeof (StackFrame).GetMethod ("GetILOffsetFromFile", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); if (methodGetIL == null) throw new Exception ("System.Diagnostics.StackFrame.GetILOffsetFromFile could not be found, make sure you have an updated mono installed."); return (int) methodGetIL.Invoke (null, new object[] {seqPointDataPath, methodToken, methodIndex, nativeOffset}); } static MethodInfo methodGetMethodFullName; private string GetMethodFullName (MethodBase m) { if (methodGetMethodFullName == null) methodGetMethodFullName = typeof (StackTrace).GetMethod ("GetFullNameForStackTrace", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); if (methodGetMethodFullName == null) throw new Exception ("System.Exception.GetFullNameForStackTrace could not be found, make sure you have an updated mono installed."); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); methodGetMethodFullName.Invoke (null, new object[] {sb, m}); return sb.ToString (); } } Dictionary assemblies; HashSet directories; public LocationProvider () { assemblies = new Dictionary (); directories = new HashSet (); } public void AddAssembly (string assemblyPath) { assemblyPath = Path.GetFullPath (assemblyPath); if (assemblies.ContainsKey (assemblyPath)) return; if (!File.Exists (assemblyPath)) throw new ArgumentException ("assemblyPath does not exist: "+ assemblyPath); var assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom (assemblyPath); MonoSymbolFile symbolFile = null; var symbolPath = assemblyPath + ".mdb"; if (!File.Exists (symbolPath)) Debug.WriteLine (".mdb file was not found for " + assemblyPath); else symbolFile = MonoSymbolFile.ReadSymbolFile (assemblyPath + ".mdb"); var seqPointDataPath = assemblyPath + ".msym"; if (!File.Exists (seqPointDataPath)) seqPointDataPath = null; assemblies.Add (assemblyPath, new AssemblyLocationProvider (assembly, symbolFile, seqPointDataPath)); directories.Add (Path.GetDirectoryName (assemblyPath)); foreach (var assemblyRef in assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies ()) { string refPath = null; foreach (var dir in directories) { refPath = Path.Combine (dir, assemblyRef.Name); if (File.Exists (refPath)) break; refPath = Path.Combine (dir, assemblyRef.Name + ".dll"); if (File.Exists (refPath)) break; refPath = Path.Combine (dir, assemblyRef.Name + ".exe"); if (File.Exists (refPath)) break; refPath = null; } if (refPath != null) AddAssembly (refPath); } } public void AddDirectory (string directory) { directory = Path.GetFullPath (directory); if (!Directory.Exists (directory)) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("Directory " + directory + " does not exist."); return; } directories.Add (directory); } public bool TryGetLocation (string method, string typeFullName, int offset, bool isOffsetIL, uint methodIndex, out Location location) { location = default (Location); foreach (var assembly in assemblies.Values) { if (assembly.TryGetLocation (method, typeFullName, offset, isOffsetIL, methodIndex, out location)) return true; } return false; } } }