// // System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkChange // // Authors: // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (LinuxNetworkChange) (gonzalo@novell.com) // Aaron Bockover (MacNetworkChange) (abock@xamarin.com) // // Copyright (c) 2006,2011 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com) // Copyright (c) 2013 Xamarin, Inc. (http://www.xamarin.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; #if NETWORK_CHANGE_STANDALONE namespace NetworkInformation { public class NetworkAvailabilityEventArgs : EventArgs { public bool IsAvailable { get; set; } public NetworkAvailabilityEventArgs (bool available) { IsAvailable = available; } } public delegate void NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler (object sender, EventArgs args); public delegate void NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler (object sender, NetworkAvailabilityEventArgs args); #else namespace System.Net.NetworkInformation { #endif internal interface INetworkChange : IDisposable { event NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler NetworkAddressChanged; event NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler NetworkAvailabilityChanged; bool HasRegisteredEvents { get; } } public sealed class NetworkChange { static INetworkChange networkChange; public static event NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler NetworkAddressChanged { add { lock (typeof (INetworkChange)) { MaybeCreate (); if (networkChange != null) networkChange.NetworkAddressChanged += value; } } remove { lock (typeof (INetworkChange)) { if (networkChange != null) { networkChange.NetworkAddressChanged -= value; MaybeDispose (); } } } } public static event NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler NetworkAvailabilityChanged { add { lock (typeof (INetworkChange)) { MaybeCreate (); if (networkChange != null) networkChange.NetworkAvailabilityChanged += value; } } remove { lock (typeof (INetworkChange)) { if (networkChange != null) { networkChange.NetworkAvailabilityChanged -= value; MaybeDispose (); } } } } static void MaybeCreate () { #if MONOTOUCH_WATCH || ORBIS throw new PlatformNotSupportedException ("NetworkInformation.NetworkChange is not supported on the current platform."); #else if (networkChange != null) return; try { networkChange = new MacNetworkChange (); } catch { #if !NETWORK_CHANGE_STANDALONE && !MONOTOUCH networkChange = new LinuxNetworkChange (); #endif } #endif // MONOTOUCH_WATCH } static void MaybeDispose () { if (networkChange != null && networkChange.HasRegisteredEvents) { networkChange.Dispose (); networkChange = null; } } } #if !MONOTOUCH_WATCH && !ORBIS internal sealed class MacNetworkChange : INetworkChange { const string DL_LIB = "/usr/lib/libSystem.dylib"; const string CORE_SERVICES_LIB = "/System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/SystemConfiguration"; const string CORE_FOUNDATION_LIB = "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation"; [UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute (CallingConvention.Cdecl)] delegate void SCNetworkReachabilityCallback (IntPtr target, NetworkReachabilityFlags flags, IntPtr info); [DllImport (DL_LIB)] static extern IntPtr dlopen (string path, int mode); [DllImport (DL_LIB)] static extern IntPtr dlsym (IntPtr handle, string symbol); [DllImport (DL_LIB)] static extern int dlclose (IntPtr handle); [DllImport (CORE_FOUNDATION_LIB)] static extern void CFRelease (IntPtr handle); [DllImport (CORE_FOUNDATION_LIB)] static extern IntPtr CFRunLoopGetMain (); [DllImport (CORE_SERVICES_LIB)] static extern IntPtr SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress (IntPtr allocator, ref sockaddr_in sockaddr); [DllImport (CORE_SERVICES_LIB)] static extern bool SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags (IntPtr reachability, out NetworkReachabilityFlags flags); [DllImport (CORE_SERVICES_LIB)] static extern bool SCNetworkReachabilitySetCallback (IntPtr reachability, SCNetworkReachabilityCallback callback, ref SCNetworkReachabilityContext context); [DllImport (CORE_SERVICES_LIB)] static extern bool SCNetworkReachabilityScheduleWithRunLoop (IntPtr reachability, IntPtr runLoop, IntPtr runLoopMode); [DllImport (CORE_SERVICES_LIB)] static extern bool SCNetworkReachabilityUnscheduleFromRunLoop (IntPtr reachability, IntPtr runLoop, IntPtr runLoopMode); [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 28)] struct sockaddr_in { [FieldOffset (0)] public byte sin_len; [FieldOffset (1)] public byte sin_family; public static sockaddr_in Create () { return new sockaddr_in { sin_len = 28, sin_family = 2 // AF_INET }; } } [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] struct SCNetworkReachabilityContext { public IntPtr version; public IntPtr info; public IntPtr retain; public IntPtr release; public IntPtr copyDescription; } [Flags] enum NetworkReachabilityFlags { None = 0, TransientConnection = 1 << 0, Reachable = 1 << 1, ConnectionRequired = 1 << 2, ConnectionOnTraffic = 1 << 3, InterventionRequired = 1 << 4, ConnectionOnDemand = 1 << 5, IsLocalAddress = 1 << 16, IsDirect = 1 << 17, IsWWAN = 1 << 18, ConnectionAutomatic = ConnectionOnTraffic } IntPtr handle; IntPtr runLoopMode; SCNetworkReachabilityCallback callback; bool scheduledWithRunLoop; NetworkReachabilityFlags flags; event NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler networkAddressChanged; event NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler networkAvailabilityChanged; public event NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler NetworkAddressChanged { add { value (null, EventArgs.Empty); networkAddressChanged += value; } remove { networkAddressChanged -= value; } } public event NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler NetworkAvailabilityChanged { add { value (null, new NetworkAvailabilityEventArgs (IsAvailable)); networkAvailabilityChanged += value; } remove { networkAvailabilityChanged -= value; } } bool IsAvailable { get { return (flags & NetworkReachabilityFlags.Reachable) != 0 && (flags & NetworkReachabilityFlags.ConnectionRequired) == 0; } } public bool HasRegisteredEvents { get { return networkAddressChanged != null || networkAvailabilityChanged != null; } } public MacNetworkChange () { var sockaddr = sockaddr_in.Create (); handle = SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress (IntPtr.Zero, ref sockaddr); if (handle == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Exception ("SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress returned NULL"); callback = new SCNetworkReachabilityCallback (HandleCallback); var info = new SCNetworkReachabilityContext { info = GCHandle.ToIntPtr (GCHandle.Alloc (this)) }; SCNetworkReachabilitySetCallback (handle, callback, ref info); scheduledWithRunLoop = LoadRunLoopMode () && SCNetworkReachabilityScheduleWithRunLoop (handle, CFRunLoopGetMain (), runLoopMode); SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags (handle, out flags); } bool LoadRunLoopMode () { var cfLibHandle = dlopen (CORE_FOUNDATION_LIB, 0); if (cfLibHandle == IntPtr.Zero) return false; try { runLoopMode = dlsym (cfLibHandle, "kCFRunLoopDefaultMode"); if (runLoopMode != IntPtr.Zero) { runLoopMode = Marshal.ReadIntPtr (runLoopMode); return runLoopMode != IntPtr.Zero; } } finally { dlclose (cfLibHandle); } return false; } public void Dispose () { lock (this) { if (handle == IntPtr.Zero) return; if (scheduledWithRunLoop) SCNetworkReachabilityUnscheduleFromRunLoop (handle, CFRunLoopGetMain (), runLoopMode); CFRelease (handle); handle = IntPtr.Zero; callback = null; flags = NetworkReachabilityFlags.None; scheduledWithRunLoop = false; } } [Mono.Util.MonoPInvokeCallback (typeof (SCNetworkReachabilityCallback))] static void HandleCallback (IntPtr reachability, NetworkReachabilityFlags flags, IntPtr info) { if (info == IntPtr.Zero) return; var instance = GCHandle.FromIntPtr (info).Target as MacNetworkChange; if (instance == null || instance.flags == flags) return; instance.flags = flags; var addressChanged = instance.networkAddressChanged; if (addressChanged != null) addressChanged (null, EventArgs.Empty); var availabilityChanged = instance.networkAvailabilityChanged; if (availabilityChanged != null) availabilityChanged (null, new NetworkAvailabilityEventArgs (instance.IsAvailable)); } } #endif // !MONOTOUCH_WATCH #if !NETWORK_CHANGE_STANDALONE && !MONOTOUCH && !ORBIS internal sealed class LinuxNetworkChange : INetworkChange { [Flags] enum EventType : int { Availability = 1 << 0, Address = 1 << 1, } object _lock = new object (); Socket nl_sock; SocketAsyncEventArgs nl_args; EventType pending_events; Timer timer; NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler AddressChanged; NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler AvailabilityChanged; public event NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler NetworkAddressChanged { add { Register (value); } remove { Unregister (value); } } public event NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler NetworkAvailabilityChanged { add { Register (value); } remove { Unregister (value); } } public bool HasRegisteredEvents { get { return AddressChanged != null || AvailabilityChanged != null; } } public void Dispose () { } //internal Socket (AddressFamily family, SocketType type, ProtocolType proto, IntPtr sock) bool EnsureSocket () { lock (_lock) { if (nl_sock != null) return true; IntPtr fd = CreateNLSocket (); if (fd.ToInt64 () == -1) return false; var safeHandle = new SafeSocketHandle (fd, true); nl_sock = new Socket (0, SocketType.Raw, ProtocolType.Udp, safeHandle); nl_args = new SocketAsyncEventArgs (); nl_args.SetBuffer (new byte [8192], 0, 8192); nl_args.Completed += OnDataAvailable; nl_sock.ReceiveAsync (nl_args); } return true; } // _lock is held by the caller void MaybeCloseSocket () { if (nl_sock == null || AvailabilityChanged != null || AddressChanged != null) return; CloseNLSocket (nl_sock.Handle); GC.SuppressFinalize (nl_sock); nl_sock = null; nl_args = null; } bool GetAvailability () { NetworkInterface [] adapters = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces (); foreach (NetworkInterface n in adapters) { // TODO: also check for a default route present? if (n.NetworkInterfaceType == NetworkInterfaceType.Loopback) continue; if (n.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up) return true; } return false; } void OnAvailabilityChanged (object unused) { NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler d = AvailabilityChanged; if (d != null) d (null, new NetworkAvailabilityEventArgs (GetAvailability ())); } void OnAddressChanged (object unused) { NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler d = AddressChanged; if (d != null) d (null, EventArgs.Empty); } void OnEventDue (object unused) { EventType evts; lock (_lock) { evts = pending_events; pending_events = 0; timer.Change (-1, -1); } if ((evts & EventType.Availability) != 0) ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (OnAvailabilityChanged); if ((evts & EventType.Address) != 0) ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (OnAddressChanged); } void QueueEvent (EventType type) { lock (_lock) { if (timer == null) timer = new Timer (OnEventDue); if (pending_events == 0) timer.Change (150, -1); pending_events |= type; } } unsafe void OnDataAvailable (object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs args) { if (nl_sock == null) // Recent changes in Mono cause MaybeCloseSocket to be called before OnDataAvailable return; EventType type; fixed (byte *ptr = args.Buffer) { type = ReadEvents (nl_sock.Handle, new IntPtr (ptr), args.BytesTransferred, 8192); } nl_sock.ReceiveAsync (nl_args); if (type != 0) QueueEvent (type); } void Register (NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler d) { EnsureSocket (); AddressChanged += d; } void Register (NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler d) { EnsureSocket (); AvailabilityChanged += d; } void Unregister (NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler d) { lock (_lock) { AddressChanged -= d; MaybeCloseSocket (); } } void Unregister (NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler d) { lock (_lock) { AvailabilityChanged -= d; MaybeCloseSocket (); } } #if MONODROID [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] static extern IntPtr CreateNLSocket (); [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] static extern EventType ReadEvents (IntPtr sock, IntPtr buffer, int count, int size); [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] static extern IntPtr CloseNLSocket (IntPtr sock); #else [DllImport ("MonoPosixHelper", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr CreateNLSocket (); [DllImport ("MonoPosixHelper", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern EventType ReadEvents (IntPtr sock, IntPtr buffer, int count, int size); [DllImport ("MonoPosixHelper", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr CloseNLSocket (IntPtr sock); #endif } #endif }