// ParallelEnumerableTests.cs // // Copyright (c) 2008 Jérémie "Garuma" Laval // // Based on Enumerable test suite by Jb Evain (jbevain@novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // // using System; using System.Threading; using System.Linq; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using NUnit.Framework; namespace MonoTests.System.Linq { internal static class AsParallelHelper { internal static ParallelQuery AsReallyParallel (this IEnumerable source) { return source.AsParallel ().WithExecutionMode (ParallelExecutionMode.ForceParallelism); } } [TestFixtureAttribute] public class ParallelEnumerableTests { IEnumerable baseEnumerable; [SetUpAttribute] public void Setup () { baseEnumerable = Enumerable.Range(1, 1000); } static void AreEquivalent (IEnumerable syncEnumerable, IEnumerable async_resEnumerable) { Assert.That (async_resEnumerable, new NUnit.Framework.Constraints.CollectionEquivalentConstraint (syncEnumerable)); } static void AssertAreSame (IEnumerable expected, IEnumerable actual) { if (expected == null) { Assert.IsNull (actual); return; } Assert.IsNotNull (actual); int index = -1; IEnumerator ee = expected.GetEnumerator (); IEnumerator ea = actual.GetEnumerator (); while (ee.MoveNext ()) { Assert.IsTrue (ea.MoveNext (), "'" + ee.Current + "' expected at index '"+ ++index + "'."); Assert.AreEqual (ee.Current, ea.Current, "at index '" + index + "'"); } if (ea.MoveNext ()) Assert.Fail ("Unexpected element: " + ea.Current); } public static void AssertException (Action action) where T : Exception { try { action (); } catch (T) { return; } Assert.Fail ("Expected: " + typeof (T).Name); } static void AssertAreSame (K expectedKey, IEnumerable expectedValues, IGrouping actual) { if (expectedValues == null) { Assert.IsNull (actual); return; } Assert.IsNotNull (actual); Assert.AreEqual (expectedKey, actual.Key); var ee = expectedValues.GetEnumerator (); var ea = actual.GetEnumerator (); while (ee.MoveNext ()) { Assert.IsTrue (ea.MoveNext (), "'" + ee.Current + "' expected."); Assert.AreEqual (ee.Current, ea.Current); } if (ea.MoveNext ()) Assert.Fail ("Unexpected element: " + ee.Current); } static void AssertAreSame (IDictionary> expected, IEnumerable> actual) { if (expected == null) { Assert.IsNull (actual); return; } Assert.IsNotNull (actual); var ee = expected.GetEnumerator (); var ea = actual.GetEnumerator (); while (ee.MoveNext ()) { Assert.IsTrue (ea.MoveNext (), "'" + ee.Current.Key + "' expected."); AssertAreSame (ee.Current.Key, ee.Current.Value, ea.Current); } if (ea.MoveNext ()) Assert.Fail ("Unexpected element: " + ee.Current.Key); } static void AssertAreSame (IDictionary> expected, ILookup actual) { if (expected == null) { Assert.IsNull (actual); return; } Assert.IsNotNull (actual); var ee = expected.GetEnumerator (); var ea = actual.GetEnumerator (); while (ee.MoveNext ()) { Assert.IsTrue (ea.MoveNext (), "'" + ee.Current.Key + "' expected."); AssertAreSame (ee.Current.Key, ee.Current.Value, ea.Current); } if (ea.MoveNext ()) Assert.Fail ("Unexpected element: " + ee.Current.Key); } static void AssertAreSame (IDictionary expected, IDictionary actual) { if (expected == null) { Assert.IsNull (actual); return; } Assert.IsNotNull (actual); var ee = expected.GetEnumerator (); var ea = actual.GetEnumerator (); while (ee.MoveNext ()) { Assert.IsTrue (ea.MoveNext (), "'" + ee.Current.Key + ", " + ee.Current.Value + "' expected."); Assert.AreEqual (ee.Current.Key, ea.Current.Key); Assert.AreEqual (ee.Current.Value, ea.Current.Value); } if (ea.MoveNext ()) Assert.Fail ("Unexpected element: " + ee.Current.Key + ", " + ee.Current.Value); } [Test] public void SelectTestCase () { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { IEnumerable sync = baseEnumerable.Select (i => i * i); IEnumerable async_res = baseEnumerable.AsParallel ().Select (i => i * i); AreEquivalent(sync, async_res); }); } [Test] public void WhereTestCase () { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { IEnumerable sync = baseEnumerable.Where(i => i % 2 == 0); IEnumerable async_res = baseEnumerable.AsParallel().Where(i => i % 2 == 0); AreEquivalent(sync, async_res); }); } [Test] public void CountTestCase () { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { int sync = baseEnumerable.Count(); int async_res = baseEnumerable.AsParallel().Count(); Assert.AreEqual(sync, async_res, "#1"); }); } [Test] public void AggregateTestCase () { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { ParallelQuery range = ParallelEnumerable.Repeat (5, 2643); double average = range.Aggregate(() => new double[2], (acc, elem) => { acc[0] += elem; acc[1]++; return acc; }, (acc1, acc2) => { acc1[0] += acc2[0]; acc1[1] += acc2[1]; return acc1; }, acc => acc[0] / acc[1]); Assert.AreEqual(5.0, average, "#1"); }); } [Test] public void TestSimpleExcept () { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { int [] first = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; int [] second = {2, 4, 6}; int [] result = {0, 1, 3, 5}; AreEquivalent (result, first.AsReallyParallel ().Except (second.AsParallel ())); }); } [Test] public void TestSimpleIntersect () { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { int [] first = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; int [] second = {2, 4, 6}; int [] result = {2, 4}; AreEquivalent (result, first.AsReallyParallel ().Intersect (second.AsParallel ())); }); } [Test] public void TestSimpleUnion () { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { int [] first = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; int [] second = {2, 4, 6}; int [] result = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; AreEquivalent (result, first.AsReallyParallel ().Union (second.AsParallel ())); }); } [Test] public void TestBigUnion () { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { int [] first = Enumerable.Range (1, 10000).ToArray (); int [] second = Enumerable.Range (323, 757).ToArray (); var expected = first; var actual = first.AsReallyParallel ().Union (second.AsParallel ()).ToArray (); // Work around quadratic behavior in NUnitLite's CollectionTally class Array.Sort (expected); Array.Sort (actual); AreEquivalent (expected, actual); }); } [Test] public void TestBigIntersect () { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { int [] first = Enumerable.Range (1, 10000).ToArray (); int [] second = Enumerable.Range (323, 757).ToArray (); AreEquivalent (second, first.AsReallyParallel ().Intersect (second.AsParallel ())); }); } class Foo {} class Bar : Foo {} [Test] public void TestCast () { Bar a = new Bar (); Bar b = new Bar (); Bar c = new Bar (); Foo [] foos = new Foo [] {a, b, c}; Bar [] result = new Bar [] {a, b, c}; AreEquivalent (result, foos.AsReallyParallel ().Cast ()); } [Test] public void TestSkip () { int [] data = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; int [] result = {3, 4, 5}; AssertAreSame (result, data.AsParallel ().AsOrdered ().Skip (3).ToArray ()); } [Test] public void TestSkipIterating () { int [] data = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; int [] result = {3, 4, 5}; AssertAreSame (result, data.AsParallel ().AsOrdered ().Skip (3)); } [Test] public void TestSkipWhile () { int [] data = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; int [] result = {3, 4, 5}; AssertAreSame (result, data.AsParallel ().AsOrdered ().SkipWhile (i => i < 3)); } [Test] public void TestTake () { int [] data = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; int [] result = {0, 1, 2}; AssertAreSame (result, data.AsParallel ().AsOrdered ().Take (3)); } [Test] public void TestTakeWhile () { int [] data = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; int [] result = {0, 1, 2}; AssertAreSame (result, data.AsParallel ().AsOrdered ().TakeWhile (i => i < 3)); } [Test] public void SelectManyTest () { IEnumerable initial = Enumerable.Range (1, 50); IEnumerable expected = initial.SelectMany ((i) => Enumerable.Range (1, i)); ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { var actual = initial.AsReallyParallel ().SelectMany ((i) => Enumerable.Range (1, i)); AreEquivalent (expected, actual); }); } [Test] public void SelectManyOrderedTest () { IEnumerable initial = Enumerable.Range (1, 50); IEnumerable expected = initial.SelectMany ((i) => Enumerable.Range (1, i)); ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { var actual = initial.AsParallel ().AsOrdered ().SelectMany ((i) => Enumerable.Range (1, i)); AssertAreSame (expected, actual); }); } [Test] public void TestLast () { int [] data = {1, 2, 3}; Assert.AreEqual (3, data.AsParallel ().AsOrdered ().Last ()); } [Test] public void TestLastOrDefault () { int [] data = {}; Assert.AreEqual (default (int), data.AsParallel ().AsOrdered ().LastOrDefault ()); } [Test] public void TestFirst () { int [] data = {1, 2, 3}; Assert.AreEqual (1, data.AsParallel ().AsOrdered ().First ()); } [Test] public void TestFirstOrDefault () { int [] data = {}; Assert.AreEqual (default (int), data.AsParallel ().AsOrdered ().FirstOrDefault ()); } [Test] public void TestReverse () { int [] data = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}; int [] result = {4, 3, 2, 1, 0}; AssertAreSame (result, ((IEnumerable)data).Select ((i) => i).AsParallel ().AsOrdered ().Reverse ()); AssertAreSame (result, ParallelEnumerable.Range (0, 5).AsParallel ().AsOrdered ().Reverse ()); } [Test] public void TestOrderBy () { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { int [] array = { 14, 53, 3, 9, 11, 14, 5, 32, 2 }; var q = array.AsReallyParallel ().OrderBy ((i) => i); AssertIsOrdered (q, array.Length); }); } class Baz { string name; int age; public string Name { get { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (name)) return Age.ToString (); return name + " (" + Age + ")"; } } public int Age { get { return age + 1; } } public Baz (string name, int age) { this.name = name; this.age = age; } public override int GetHashCode () { return this.Age ^ this.Name.GetHashCode (); } public override bool Equals (object obj) { Baz b = obj as Baz; if (b == null) return false; return b.Age == this.Age && b.Name == this.Name; } public override string ToString () { return this.Name; } } static IEnumerable CreateBazCollection () { return new [] { new Baz ("jb", 25), new Baz ("ana", 20), new Baz ("reg", 28), new Baz ("ro", 25), new Baz ("jb", 7), }; } [Test] public void TestOrderByAgeAscendingTheByNameDescending () { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { var q = from b in CreateBazCollection ().AsReallyParallel () orderby b.Age ascending, b.Name descending select b; var expected = new [] { new Baz ("jb", 7), new Baz ("ana", 20), new Baz ("ro", 25), new Baz ("jb", 25), new Baz ("reg", 28), }; AssertAreSame (expected, q); }); } class Data { public int ID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public override string ToString () { return ID + " " + Name; } } IEnumerable CreateData () { return new [] { new Data { ID = 10, Name = "bcd" }, new Data { ID = 20, Name = "Abcd" }, new Data { ID = 20, Name = "Ab" }, new Data { ID = 10, Name = "Zyx" }, }; } [Test] [Category ("ManagedCollator")] public void TestOrderByIdDescendingThenByNameAscending () { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { var q = from d in CreateData ().AsReallyParallel () orderby d.ID descending, d.Name ascending select d; var list = new List (q); Assert.AreEqual ("Ab", list [0].Name); Assert.AreEqual ("Abcd", list [1].Name); Assert.AreEqual ("bcd", list [2].Name); Assert.AreEqual ("Zyx", list [3].Name); }); } static void AssertIsOrdered (IEnumerable e, int count) { int f = int.MinValue; int c = 0; foreach (int i in e) { Assert.IsTrue (f <= i, string.Format ("{0} <= {1}", f, i)); f = i; c++; } Assert.AreEqual (count, c); } [Test] public void ElementAtTestCase() { //ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { Assert.AreEqual(1, baseEnumerable.AsParallel ().AsOrdered ().ElementAt(0), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual(51, baseEnumerable.AsParallel ().AsOrdered ().ElementAt(50), "#2"); Assert.AreEqual(489, baseEnumerable.AsParallel ().AsOrdered ().ElementAt(488), "#3"); //}); } [Test] public void TestJoin () { int num = 100; Tuple[] outer = Enumerable.Range (1, 50).Select ((i) => Tuple.Create (i, num - 2 * i)).ToArray (); Tuple[] inner = Enumerable.Range (1, 50).Reverse ().Select ((i) => Tuple.Create (i, 2 * i)).ToArray (); IEnumerable expected = outer.Join (inner, (e) => e.Item1, (e) => e.Item1, (e1, e2) => e1.Item2 + e2.Item2, EqualityComparer.Default); ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { ParallelQuery actual = outer.AsReallyParallel ().Join (inner.AsParallel (), (e) => e.Item1, (e) => e.Item1, (e1, e2) => e1.Item2 + e2.Item2, EqualityComparer.Default); AreEquivalent (expected, actual); }); } [Test] public void SmallJoinTest () { var items = new [] { 1, 2, 3 }; var items2 = new [] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; var actual = items.AsReallyParallel ().Join (items2.AsParallel (), i => i, i => i, (e1, e2) => e1 + e2); AreEquivalent (new[] { 2, 4, 6 }, actual); } [Test] public void TestGroupBy () { int num = 100; Tuple[] source = Enumerable.Range (0, num).Select ((i) => Tuple.Create (i / 10, i)).ToArray (); ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { ParallelQuery> actual = source.AsReallyParallel ().GroupBy ((e) => e.Item1, (e) => e.Item2, EqualityComparer.Default); foreach (var group in actual) { Assert.IsTrue (group.Key >= 0); Assert.IsTrue (group.Key < num / 10); int count = 0; foreach (var e in group) { count++; Assert.IsTrue (e >= group.Key * 10); Assert.IsTrue (e < (group.Key + 1) * 10); } Assert.AreEqual (10, count, "count"); } }); } [Test] public void TakeTestCase() { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { ParallelQuery async_res = baseEnumerable.AsParallel ().AsOrdered ().Take(800); IEnumerable sync = baseEnumerable.Take(800); AreEquivalent(sync, async_res); async_res = baseEnumerable.AsParallel ().AsOrdered ().Take(100); sync = baseEnumerable.Take(100); AreEquivalent(sync, async_res); }); } [TestAttribute] public void UnorderedTakeTestCase() { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { ParallelQuery async_res = baseEnumerable.AsReallyParallel ().Take(800); IEnumerable sync = baseEnumerable.Take (800); Assert.AreEqual (sync.Count (), async_res.Count (), "#1"); async_res = baseEnumerable.AsReallyParallel ().Take(100); sync = baseEnumerable.Take(100); Assert.AreEqual (sync.Count (), async_res.Count (), "#2"); }); } [Test] public void SkipTestCase() { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { ParallelQuery async_res = baseEnumerable.AsParallel ().AsOrdered().Skip (800); IEnumerable sync = baseEnumerable.Skip (800); AreEquivalent (sync, async_res); }); } [Test] public void SkipTestCaseSmall () { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { var async_res = baseEnumerable.AsReallyParallel ().Skip(100); var sync = baseEnumerable.Skip(100); Assert.AreEqual (sync.Count (), async_res.Count ()); }); } [Test] public void ZipTestCase() { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { ParallelQuery async_res1 = ParallelEnumerable.Range(0, 10000); ParallelQuery async_res2 = ParallelEnumerable.Repeat(1, 10000).Zip(async_res1, (e1, e2) => e1 + e2); int[] expected = Enumerable.Range (1, 10000).ToArray (); var actual = Enumerable.ToArray (async_res2); // Work around quadratic behavior in NUnitLite's CollectionTally class Array.Sort (expected); Array.Sort (actual); AreEquivalent(expected, actual); }); } [Test] public void Range () { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { IEnumerable sync = Enumerable.Range(1, 1000); IEnumerable async_res = ParallelEnumerable.Range(1, 1000); AreEquivalent (sync, async_res); }); } [Test] public void Range_StartOffset () { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { IEnumerable sync = Enumerable.Range (30, 10); IEnumerable async_res = ParallelEnumerable.Range (30, 10); AreEquivalent (sync, async_res); }); } [Test] public void RepeatTestCase () { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (() => { IEnumerable sync = Enumerable.Repeat(1, 1000); IEnumerable async_res = ParallelEnumerable.Repeat(1, 1000); AreEquivalent (sync, async_res); }); } [Test] public void TestSum () { int [] data = {1, 2, 3, 4}; Assert.AreEqual (10, data.AsReallyParallel ().Sum ()); } [Test] public void SumOnEmpty () { int [] data = {}; Assert.AreEqual (0, data.AsReallyParallel ().Sum ()); } [Test] public void TestMax () { int [] data = {1, 3, 5, 2}; Assert.AreEqual (5, data.AsReallyParallel ().Max ()); } [Test] public void TestMin () { int [] data = {3, 5, 2, 6, 1, 7}; Assert.AreEqual (1, data.AsReallyParallel ().Min ()); } [Test] public void TestToListOrdered () { int [] data = { 2, 3, 5 }; var list = data.AsParallel().AsOrdered().WithExecutionMode (ParallelExecutionMode.ForceParallelism).ToList (); AssertAreSame (data, list); AssertIsOrdered (list, data.Length); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (List), list.GetType ()); } [Test] public void TestToArrayOrdered () { ICollection coll = new List (); coll.Add (0); coll.Add (1); coll.Add (2); int [] result = {0, 1, 2}; var array = coll.AsParallel ().AsOrdered().ToArray (); AssertAreSame (result, array); AssertIsOrdered (array, result.Length); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (int []), array.GetType ()); array = Enumerable.Range (1, 100).Select ((i) => i).AsParallel ().AsOrdered().ToArray (); result = Enumerable.Range (1, 100).ToArray (); AssertAreSame (result, array); AssertIsOrdered (array, result.Length); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (int []), array.GetType ()); } [Test] public void TestToList () { int [] data = {3, 5, 2}; var list = data.AsReallyParallel ().ToList (); AreEquivalent (data, list); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (List), list.GetType ()); } [Test] public void TestToArray () { ICollection coll = new List (); coll.Add (0); coll.Add (1); coll.Add (2); int [] result = {0, 1, 2}; var array = coll.AsReallyParallel ().ToArray (); AreEquivalent (result, array); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (int []), array.GetType ()); } [Test] public void TestAverageOnInt32 () { Assert.AreEqual (23.25, (new int [] { 24, 7, 28, 34 }).Average ()); } [Test] public void TestAverageOnInt64 () { Assert.AreEqual (23.25, (new long [] { 24, 7, 28, 34 }).Average ()); } [Test] public void AnyArgumentNullTest () { string [] data = { "2", "1", "5", "3", "4" }; // Any () AssertException (delegate () { ((IEnumerable) null).AsReallyParallel ().Any (); }); // Any (Func) AssertException (delegate () { ((IEnumerable) null).AsReallyParallel ().Any (x => true); }); AssertException (delegate () { data.AsReallyParallel ().Any ((Func) null); }); } [Test] public void AnyTest () { int [] data = { 5, 2, 3, 1, 6 }; int [] empty = { }; // Any () Assert.IsTrue (data.AsReallyParallel ().Any ()); Assert.IsFalse (empty.AsReallyParallel ().Any ()); // Any (Func) Assert.IsTrue (data.AsReallyParallel ().Any (x => x == 5)); Assert.IsFalse (data.AsReallyParallel ().Any (x => x == 9)); Assert.IsFalse (empty.AsReallyParallel ().Any (x => true)); } [Test] public void AllArgumentNullTest () { string [] data = { "2", "1", "5", "3", "4" }; AssertException (delegate () { ((IEnumerable) null).AsReallyParallel ().All (x => true); }); AssertException (delegate () { data.AsReallyParallel ().All ((Func) null); }); } [Test] public void AllTest () { int [] data = { 5, 2, 3, 1, 6 }; int [] empty = { }; Assert.IsTrue (data.AsReallyParallel ().All (x => true)); Assert.IsFalse (data.AsReallyParallel ().All (x => x != 1)); Assert.IsTrue (empty.AsReallyParallel ().All (x => false)); } [Test] public void SequenceEqualsTest () { var data1 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }; var data2 = new int[] { 1, 2, 4 }; var data3 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; Assert.IsTrue (data1.AsParallel ().SequenceEqual (data1.AsParallel ())); Assert.IsTrue (data2.AsParallel ().SequenceEqual (data2.AsParallel ())); Assert.IsTrue (data3.AsParallel ().SequenceEqual (data3.AsParallel ())); Assert.IsFalse (data1.AsParallel ().SequenceEqual (data2.AsParallel ())); Assert.IsFalse (data1.AsParallel ().SequenceEqual (data3.AsParallel ())); Assert.IsFalse (data2.AsParallel ().SequenceEqual (data3.AsParallel ())); } [Test] public void ContainsTest () { var data1 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }; var data2 = new int[] { 1, 2, 4 }; var data3 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; Assert.IsTrue (data1.AsReallyParallel ().Contains (3)); Assert.IsFalse (data2.AsReallyParallel ().Contains (3)); Assert.IsTrue (data3.AsReallyParallel ().Contains (3)); Assert.IsFalse (data3.AsReallyParallel ().Contains (5)); Assert.IsTrue (data2.AsReallyParallel ().Contains (2)); } } }