// // MonoBtlsContext.cs // // Author: // Martin Baulig // // Copyright (c) 2016 Xamarin Inc. (http://www.xamarin.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. #if SECURITY_DEP && MONO_FEATURE_BTLS #if MONO_SECURITY_ALIAS extern alias MonoSecurity; #endif using System; using System.IO; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; using System.Security.Authentication; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; #if MONO_SECURITY_ALIAS using MonoSecurity::Mono.Security.Interface; #else using Mono.Security.Interface; #endif using MNS = Mono.Net.Security; namespace Mono.Btls { class MonoBtlsContext : MNS.MobileTlsContext, IMonoBtlsBioMono { X509Certificate remoteCertificate; X509Certificate clientCertificate; X509CertificateImplBtls nativeServerCertificate; X509CertificateImplBtls nativeClientCertificate; MonoBtlsSslCtx ctx; MonoBtlsSsl ssl; MonoBtlsBio bio; MonoBtlsBio errbio; MonoTlsConnectionInfo connectionInfo; bool certificateValidated; bool isAuthenticated; bool connected; public MonoBtlsContext (MNS.MobileAuthenticatedStream parent, MNS.MonoSslAuthenticationOptions options) : base (parent, options) { if (IsServer) nativeServerCertificate = GetPrivateCertificate (LocalServerCertificate); } static X509CertificateImplBtls GetPrivateCertificate (X509Certificate certificate) { var impl = certificate.Impl as X509CertificateImplBtls; if (impl != null) return (X509CertificateImplBtls)impl.Clone (); var password = Guid.NewGuid ().ToString (); using (var handle = new SafePasswordHandle (password)) { var buffer = certificate.Export (X509ContentType.Pfx, password); impl = new X509CertificateImplBtls (); impl.Import (buffer, handle, X509KeyStorageFlags.DefaultKeySet); return impl; } } new public MonoBtlsProvider Provider { get { return (MonoBtlsProvider)base.Provider; } } int VerifyCallback (MonoBtlsX509StoreCtx storeCtx) { using (var chainImpl = new X509ChainImplBtls (storeCtx)) using (var managedChain = new X509Chain (chainImpl)) { var leaf = managedChain.ChainElements[0].Certificate; var result = ValidateCertificate (leaf, managedChain); certificateValidated = true; return result ? 1 : 0; } } int SelectCallback (string[] acceptableIssuers) { Debug ("SELECT CALLBACK!"); /* * Make behavior consistent with AppleTls, which does not call the selection callback after a * certificate has been set. See the comment in AppleTlsContext for details. */ if (nativeClientCertificate != null) return 1; GetPeerCertificate (); var clientCert = SelectClientCertificate (acceptableIssuers); Debug ($"SELECT CALLBACK #1: {clientCert}"); if (clientCert == null) return 1; nativeClientCertificate = GetPrivateCertificate (clientCert); Debug ($"SELECT CALLBACK #2: {nativeClientCertificate}"); clientCertificate = new X509Certificate (nativeClientCertificate); SetPrivateCertificate (nativeClientCertificate); return 1; } public override void StartHandshake () { InitializeConnection (); ssl = new MonoBtlsSsl (ctx); bio = new MonoBtlsBioMono (this); ssl.SetBio (bio); if (IsServer) { SetPrivateCertificate (nativeServerCertificate); } else { ssl.SetServerName (ServerName); } if (Options.AllowRenegotiation) ssl.SetRenegotiateMode (MonoBtlsSslRenegotiateMode.FREELY); } void SetPrivateCertificate (X509CertificateImplBtls privateCert) { Debug ("SetPrivateCertificate: {0}", privateCert); ssl.SetCertificate (privateCert.X509); ssl.SetPrivateKey (privateCert.NativePrivateKey); var intermediate = privateCert.IntermediateCertificates; if (intermediate == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < intermediate.Count; i++) { var impl = (X509CertificateImplBtls)intermediate [i]; Debug ("SetPrivateCertificate - add intermediate: {0}", impl); ssl.AddIntermediateCertificate (impl.X509); } } static Exception GetException (MonoBtlsSslError status) { string file; int line; var error = MonoBtlsError.GetError (out file, out line); if (error == 0) return new MonoBtlsException (status); var reason = MonoBtlsError.GetErrorReason (error); if (reason > 0) return new TlsException ((AlertDescription)reason); var text = MonoBtlsError.GetErrorString (error); string message; if (file != null) message = string.Format ("{0} {1}\n at {2}:{3}", status, text, file, line); else message = string.Format ("{0} {1}", status, text); return new MonoBtlsException (message); } public override bool ProcessHandshake () { var done = false; while (!done) { Debug ("ProcessHandshake"); MonoBtlsError.ClearError (); var status = DoProcessHandshake (); Debug ("ProcessHandshake #1: {0}", status); switch (status) { case MonoBtlsSslError.None: if (connected) done = true; else connected = true; break; case MonoBtlsSslError.WantRead: case MonoBtlsSslError.WantWrite: return false; default: throw GetException (status); } } ssl.PrintErrors (); return true; } MonoBtlsSslError DoProcessHandshake () { if (connected) return ssl.Handshake (); else if (IsServer) return ssl.Accept (); else return ssl.Connect (); } public override void FinishHandshake () { InitializeSession (); isAuthenticated = true; } void InitializeConnection () { ctx = new MonoBtlsSslCtx (); #if MARTIN_DEBUG errbio = MonoBtlsBio.CreateMonoStream (Console.OpenStandardError ()); ctx.SetDebugBio (errbio); #endif MonoBtlsProvider.SetupCertificateStore (ctx.CertificateStore, Settings, IsServer); if (!IsServer || AskForClientCertificate) ctx.SetVerifyCallback (VerifyCallback, false); if (!IsServer) ctx.SetSelectCallback (SelectCallback); ctx.SetVerifyParam (MonoBtlsProvider.GetVerifyParam (Settings, ServerName, IsServer)); TlsProtocolCode? minProtocol, maxProtocol; GetProtocolVersions (out minProtocol, out maxProtocol); if (minProtocol != null) ctx.SetMinVersion ((int)minProtocol.Value); if (maxProtocol != null) ctx.SetMaxVersion ((int)maxProtocol.Value); if (Settings != null && Settings.EnabledCiphers != null) { var ciphers = new short [Settings.EnabledCiphers.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < ciphers.Length; i++) ciphers [i] = (short)Settings.EnabledCiphers [i]; ctx.SetCiphers (ciphers, true); } if (IsServer && Settings?.ClientCertificateIssuers != null) ctx.SetClientCertificateIssuers (Settings.ClientCertificateIssuers); } void GetPeerCertificate () { if (remoteCertificate != null) return; using (var remoteCert = ssl.GetPeerCertificate ()) { if (remoteCert != null) remoteCertificate = MonoBtlsProvider.CreateCertificate (remoteCert); } } void InitializeSession () { GetPeerCertificate (); if (IsServer && AskForClientCertificate && !certificateValidated) { if (!ValidateCertificate (null, null)) throw new TlsException (AlertDescription.CertificateUnknown); } var cipher = (CipherSuiteCode)ssl.GetCipher (); var protocol = (TlsProtocolCode)ssl.GetVersion (); var serverName = ssl.GetServerName (); Debug ("GET CONNECTION INFO: {0:x}:{0} {1:x}:{1} {2}", cipher, protocol, (TlsProtocolCode)protocol); connectionInfo = new MonoTlsConnectionInfo { CipherSuiteCode = cipher, ProtocolVersion = GetProtocol (protocol), PeerDomainName = serverName }; } static TlsProtocols GetProtocol (TlsProtocolCode protocol) { switch (protocol) { case TlsProtocolCode.Tls10: return TlsProtocols.Tls10; case TlsProtocolCode.Tls11: return TlsProtocols.Tls11; case TlsProtocolCode.Tls12: return TlsProtocols.Tls12; default: throw new NotSupportedException (); } } public override void Flush () { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public override (int ret, bool wantMore) Read (byte[] buffer, int offset, int size) { Debug ("Read: {0} {1} {2}", buffer.Length, offset, size); var data = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (size); if (data == IntPtr.Zero) throw new OutOfMemoryException (); try { MonoBtlsError.ClearError (); var status = ssl.Read (data, ref size); Debug ("Read done: {0} {1}", status, size); if (status == MonoBtlsSslError.WantRead) return (0, true); if (status == MonoBtlsSslError.ZeroReturn) return (size, false); if (status != MonoBtlsSslError.None) throw GetException (status); if (size > 0) Marshal.Copy (data, buffer, offset, size); return (size, false); } finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal (data); } } public override (int ret, bool wantMore) Write (byte[] buffer, int offset, int size) { Debug ("Write: {0} {1} {2}", buffer.Length, offset, size); var data = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (size); if (data == IntPtr.Zero) throw new OutOfMemoryException (); try { MonoBtlsError.ClearError (); Marshal.Copy (buffer, offset, data, size); var status = ssl.Write (data, ref size); Debug ("Write done: {0} {1}", status, size); if (status == MonoBtlsSslError.WantWrite) return (0, true); if (status != MonoBtlsSslError.None) throw GetException (status); return (size, false); } finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal (data); } } public override bool CanRenegotiate { get { return false; } } public override void Renegotiate () { throw new NotSupportedException (); } public override void Shutdown () { Debug ("Shutdown!"); if (Settings == null || !Settings.SendCloseNotify) ssl.SetQuietShutdown (); ssl.Shutdown (); } public override bool PendingRenegotiation () { return ssl.RenegotiatePending (); } void Dispose (ref T disposable) where T : class, IDisposable { try { if (disposable != null) disposable.Dispose (); } catch { ; } finally { disposable = null; } } protected override void Dispose (bool disposing) { try { if (disposing) { Dispose (ref ssl); Dispose (ref ctx); Dispose (ref remoteCertificate); Dispose (ref nativeServerCertificate); Dispose (ref nativeClientCertificate); Dispose (ref clientCertificate); Dispose (ref bio); Dispose (ref errbio); } } finally { base.Dispose (disposing); } } int IMonoBtlsBioMono.Read (byte[] buffer, int offset, int size, out bool wantMore) { Debug ("InternalRead: {0} {1}", offset, size); var ret = Parent.InternalRead (buffer, offset, size, out wantMore); Debug ("InternalReadDone: {0} {1}", ret, wantMore); return ret; } bool IMonoBtlsBioMono.Write (byte[] buffer, int offset, int size) { Debug ("InternalWrite: {0} {1}", offset, size); var ret = Parent.InternalWrite (buffer, offset, size); Debug ("InternalWrite done: {0}", ret); return ret; } void IMonoBtlsBioMono.Flush () { ; } void IMonoBtlsBioMono.Close () { ; } public override bool HasContext { get { return ssl != null && ssl.IsValid; } } public override bool IsAuthenticated { get { return isAuthenticated; } } public override MonoTlsConnectionInfo ConnectionInfo { get { return connectionInfo; } } internal override bool IsRemoteCertificateAvailable { get { return remoteCertificate != null; } } internal override X509Certificate LocalClientCertificate { get { return clientCertificate; } } public override X509Certificate RemoteCertificate { get { return remoteCertificate; } } public override TlsProtocols NegotiatedProtocol { get { return connectionInfo.ProtocolVersion; } } } } #endif