T: :Summary

Mono Implementation Note:

See Also: T /* Members


T: :Signature [ ]
[return: ]
enum delegate , : , ,
< [ ] , >
where : class struct , , , , new()

Mono Implementation Note:


Minimum iOS version:
Minimum iOS version:

This is the default property for this class.

[ ]
[return: ]
event operator+ operator- operator! operator~ operator++ operator-- operator true operator false operator+ operator- operator* operator/ operator% operator& operator| operator^ operator<< operator>> operator== operator!= operator> operator< operator>= operator<= this ( [ , ) ] { }
[ ] params
F: . Namespace:
Assembly: (in .dll)

Assembly Versions: ,

Since: ;

Since: ;
object bool byte char decimal double short int long sbyte float string ushort uint ulong void < . C M P F E ( ) . . ( ) , , < > Extension Methods Constructors Properties Methods Fields Events Operators Explicitly Implemented Interface Members extension methods constructors properties methods fields events operators explicitly implemented interface members Class Enumeration Structure Delegate Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.

Note to Inheritors


¼ π θ
[The '' type of list has not been implemented in the ECMA stylesheet.] [The '' type of list has not been implemented in the ECMA stylesheet.] , , Protected Public
# ( Inherited from . ) [read-only] [write-only]
default property
, , :
Conversion From to (Implicit) (Explicit) ,
() .
: . . # `` ` 1 !WTF? arglist=; rest= !WTF 2? arglist=; rest= SkipTypeArgument: invalid type substring '' , ! WTF3: s=; r= > SkipGenericArgument: invalid type substring '' ( , ) ~ & @ > } < { public private protected internal static abstract const readonly override new sealed virtual extern checked unsafe volatile explicit operator implicit operator class interface struct delegate enum Class Interface Struct Delegate Enum

Note: This namespace, class, or member is supported only in version and later.

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