// Part of the mdoc(7) suite of tools. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Mono.Options; namespace Mono.Documentation { class MDoc { private static bool debug; private static void Main (string[] args) { MDoc d = new MDoc (); try { d.Run (args); } catch (Exception e) { if (debug) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("mdoc: {0}", e.ToString ()); } else { Console.Error.WriteLine ("mdoc: {0}", e.Message); } Console.Error.WriteLine ("See `mdoc help' for more information or use --debug to diagnose."); Environment.ExitCode = 1; } } int verbosity = 2; internal Dictionary<string, MDocCommand> subcommands; private void Run (string[] args) { subcommands = new Dictionary<string, MDocCommand> () { { "assemble", new MDocAssembler () }, { "dump-tree", new MDocTreeDumper () }, { "export-html", new MDocToHtmlConverter () }, { "export-html-webdoc", new MDocExportWebdocHtml () }, { "export-msxdoc", new MDocToMSXDocConverter () }, { "help", new MDocHelpCommand (this) }, { "update", new MDocUpdater () }, { "update-ecma-xml", new MDocUpdateEcmaXml () }, { "validate", new MDocValidator () }, { "index", new MDocIndex () }, { "fx-bootstrap", new MDocFrameworksBootstrapper () } }; bool showVersion = false; bool showHelp = false; var p = new OptionSet () { { "version", v => showVersion = v != null }, { "v:", (int? v) => verbosity = v.HasValue ? v.Value : verbosity+1 }, { "debug", v => debug = v != null }, { "h|?|help", v => showHelp = v != null }, new ResponseFileSource (), }; var extra = p.Parse (args); if (showVersion) { Console.WriteLine ("mdoc {0}", Consts.MonoVersion); return; } if (extra.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine ("Use `mdoc help' for usage."); return; } if (showHelp) { extra.Add ("--help"); } switch (extra [0]) { case "x-msitomsx": new MsidocToMsxdocConverter ().Run (extra); break; default: GetCommand (extra [0]).Run (extra); break; } } internal MDocCommand GetCommand (string command) { MDocCommand h; if (!subcommands.TryGetValue (command, out h)) { Error ("Unknown command: {0}.", command); } h.TraceLevel = (TraceLevel) verbosity; h.DebugOutput = debug; return h; } private static void Error (string format, params object[] args) { throw new Exception (string.Format (format, args)); } } public abstract class MDocCommand { public TraceLevel TraceLevel { get; set; } public bool DebugOutput { get; set; } public abstract void Run (IEnumerable<string> args); protected List<string> Parse (OptionSet p, IEnumerable<string> args, string command, string prototype, string description) { bool showHelp = false; p.Add ("h|?|help", "Show this message and exit.", v => showHelp = v != null ); List<string> extra = null; if (args != null) { extra = p.Parse (args.Skip (1)); } if (args == null || showHelp) { Console.WriteLine ("usage: mdoc {0} {1}", args == null ? command : args.First(), prototype); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (description); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("Available Options:"); p.WriteOptionDescriptions (Console.Out); return null; } return extra; } public void Error (string format, params object[] args) { throw new Exception (string.Format (format, args)); } public void Message (TraceLevel level, string format, params object[] args) { if ((int) level > (int) TraceLevel) return; if (level == TraceLevel.Error) Console.Error.WriteLine (format, args); else Console.WriteLine (format, args); } } class MDocHelpCommand : MDocCommand { MDoc instance; public MDocHelpCommand (MDoc instance) { this.instance = instance; } public override void Run (IEnumerable<string> args) { if (args != null && args.Count() > 1) { foreach (var arg in args.Skip (1)) { instance.GetCommand (arg).Run (new string[]{arg, "--help"}); } return; } Message (TraceLevel.Warning, "usage: mdoc COMMAND [OPTIONS]\n" + "Use `mdoc help COMMAND' for help on a specific command.\n" + "\n" + "Available commands:\n\n " + string.Join ("\n ", instance.subcommands.Keys.OrderBy (v => v).ToArray()) + "\n\n" + "mdoc is a tool for documentation management.\n" + "For additional information, see http://www.mono-project.com/" ); } } }