// Transport Security Layer (TLS) // Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Carlos Guzman Alvarez // Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; using System.Threading; namespace Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls { #if INSIDE_SYSTEM internal #else public #endif abstract class SslStreamBase: Stream, IDisposable { private delegate void AsyncHandshakeDelegate(InternalAsyncResult asyncResult, bool fromWrite); #region Fields static ManualResetEvent record_processing = new ManualResetEvent (true); internal Stream innerStream; internal MemoryStream inputBuffer; internal Context context; internal RecordProtocol protocol; internal bool ownsStream; private volatile bool disposed; private bool checkCertRevocationStatus; private object negotiate; private object read; private object write; private ManualResetEvent negotiationComplete; #endregion #region Constructors protected SslStreamBase( Stream stream, bool ownsStream) { if (stream == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("stream is null."); } if (!stream.CanRead || !stream.CanWrite) { throw new ArgumentNullException("stream is not both readable and writable."); } this.inputBuffer = new MemoryStream(); this.innerStream = stream; this.ownsStream = ownsStream; this.negotiate = new object(); this.read = new object(); this.write = new object(); this.negotiationComplete = new ManualResetEvent(false); } #endregion #region Handshakes private void AsyncHandshakeCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { InternalAsyncResult internalResult = asyncResult.AsyncState as InternalAsyncResult; try { try { this.EndNegotiateHandshake(asyncResult); } catch (Exception ex) { this.protocol.SendAlert(ref ex); throw new IOException("The authentication or decryption has failed.", ex); } if (internalResult.ProceedAfterHandshake) { //kick off the read or write process (whichever called us) after the handshake is complete if (internalResult.FromWrite) { InternalBeginWrite(internalResult); } else { InternalBeginRead(internalResult); } negotiationComplete.Set(); } else { negotiationComplete.Set(); internalResult.SetComplete(); } } catch (Exception ex) { negotiationComplete.Set(); internalResult.SetComplete(ex); } } internal bool MightNeedHandshake { get { if (this.context.HandshakeState == HandshakeState.Finished) { return false; } else { lock (this.negotiate) { return (this.context.HandshakeState != HandshakeState.Finished); } } } } internal void NegotiateHandshake() { if (this.MightNeedHandshake) { InternalAsyncResult ar = new InternalAsyncResult(null, null, null, 0, 0, false, false); //if something already started negotiation, wait for it. //otherwise end it ourselves. if (!BeginNegotiateHandshake(ar)) { this.negotiationComplete.WaitOne(); } else { this.EndNegotiateHandshake(ar); } } } #endregion #region Abstracts/Virtuals internal abstract IAsyncResult BeginNegotiateHandshake (AsyncCallback callback, object state); internal abstract void EndNegotiateHandshake (IAsyncResult result); internal abstract X509Certificate OnLocalCertificateSelection(X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates, X509Certificate serverCertificate, string targetHost, X509CertificateCollection serverRequestedCertificates); internal abstract bool OnRemoteCertificateValidation(X509Certificate certificate, int[] errors); internal abstract ValidationResult OnRemoteCertificateValidation2 (Mono.Security.X509.X509CertificateCollection collection); internal abstract bool HaveRemoteValidation2Callback { get; } internal abstract AsymmetricAlgorithm OnLocalPrivateKeySelection(X509Certificate certificate, string targetHost); #endregion #region Event Methods internal X509Certificate RaiseLocalCertificateSelection(X509CertificateCollection certificates, X509Certificate remoteCertificate, string targetHost, X509CertificateCollection requestedCertificates) { return OnLocalCertificateSelection(certificates, remoteCertificate, targetHost, requestedCertificates); } internal bool RaiseRemoteCertificateValidation(X509Certificate certificate, int[] errors) { return OnRemoteCertificateValidation(certificate, errors); } internal ValidationResult RaiseRemoteCertificateValidation2 (Mono.Security.X509.X509CertificateCollection collection) { return OnRemoteCertificateValidation2 (collection); } internal AsymmetricAlgorithm RaiseLocalPrivateKeySelection( X509Certificate certificate, string targetHost) { return OnLocalPrivateKeySelection(certificate, targetHost); } #endregion #region Security Properties public bool CheckCertRevocationStatus { get { return this.checkCertRevocationStatus; } set { this.checkCertRevocationStatus = value; } } public CipherAlgorithmType CipherAlgorithm { get { if (this.context.HandshakeState == HandshakeState.Finished) { return this.context.Current.Cipher.CipherAlgorithmType; } return CipherAlgorithmType.None; } } public int CipherStrength { get { if (this.context.HandshakeState == HandshakeState.Finished) { return this.context.Current.Cipher.EffectiveKeyBits; } return 0; } } public HashAlgorithmType HashAlgorithm { get { if (this.context.HandshakeState == HandshakeState.Finished) { return this.context.Current.Cipher.HashAlgorithmType; } return HashAlgorithmType.None; } } public int HashStrength { get { if (this.context.HandshakeState == HandshakeState.Finished) { return this.context.Current.Cipher.HashSize * 8; } return 0; } } public int KeyExchangeStrength { get { if (this.context.HandshakeState == HandshakeState.Finished) { return this.context.ServerSettings.Certificates[0].RSA.KeySize; } return 0; } } public ExchangeAlgorithmType KeyExchangeAlgorithm { get { if (this.context.HandshakeState == HandshakeState.Finished) { return this.context.Current.Cipher.ExchangeAlgorithmType; } return ExchangeAlgorithmType.None; } } public SecurityProtocolType SecurityProtocol { get { if (this.context.HandshakeState == HandshakeState.Finished) { return this.context.SecurityProtocol; } return 0; } } public X509Certificate ServerCertificate { get { if (this.context.HandshakeState == HandshakeState.Finished) { if (this.context.ServerSettings.Certificates != null && this.context.ServerSettings.Certificates.Count > 0) { return new X509Certificate(this.context.ServerSettings.Certificates[0].RawData); } } return null; } } // this is used by Mono's certmgr tool to download certificates internal Mono.Security.X509.X509CertificateCollection ServerCertificates { get { return context.ServerSettings.Certificates; } } #endregion #region Internal Async Result/State Class private class InternalAsyncResult : IAsyncResult { private object locker = new object (); private AsyncCallback _userCallback; private object _userState; private Exception _asyncException; private ManualResetEvent handle; private bool completed; private int _bytesRead; private bool _fromWrite; private bool _proceedAfterHandshake; private byte[] _buffer; private int _offset; private int _count; public InternalAsyncResult(AsyncCallback userCallback, object userState, byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, bool fromWrite, bool proceedAfterHandshake) { _userCallback = userCallback; _userState = userState; _buffer = buffer; _offset = offset; _count = count; _fromWrite = fromWrite; _proceedAfterHandshake = proceedAfterHandshake; } public bool ProceedAfterHandshake { get { return _proceedAfterHandshake; } } public bool FromWrite { get { return _fromWrite; } } public byte[] Buffer { get { return _buffer; } } public int Offset { get { return _offset; } } public int Count { get { return _count; } } public int BytesRead { get { return _bytesRead; } } public object AsyncState { get { return _userState; } } public Exception AsyncException { get { return _asyncException; } } public bool CompletedWithError { get { if (IsCompleted == false) return false; return null != _asyncException; } } public WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle { get { lock (locker) { if (handle == null) handle = new ManualResetEvent (completed); } return handle; } } public bool CompletedSynchronously { get { return false; } } public bool IsCompleted { get { lock (locker) return completed; } } private void SetComplete(Exception ex, int bytesRead) { lock (locker) { if (completed) return; completed = true; _asyncException = ex; _bytesRead = bytesRead; if (handle != null) handle.Set (); } if (_userCallback != null) _userCallback.BeginInvoke (this, null, null); } public void SetComplete(Exception ex) { SetComplete(ex, 0); } public void SetComplete(int bytesRead) { SetComplete(null, bytesRead); } public void SetComplete() { SetComplete(null, 0); } } #endregion #region Stream Overrides and Async Stream Operations private bool BeginNegotiateHandshake(InternalAsyncResult asyncResult) { try { lock (this.negotiate) { if (this.context.HandshakeState == HandshakeState.None) { this.BeginNegotiateHandshake(new AsyncCallback(AsyncHandshakeCallback), asyncResult); return true; } else { return false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { this.negotiationComplete.Set(); this.protocol.SendAlert(ref ex); throw new IOException("The authentication or decryption has failed.", ex); } } private void EndNegotiateHandshake(InternalAsyncResult asyncResult) { if (asyncResult.IsCompleted == false) asyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(); if (asyncResult.CompletedWithError) { throw asyncResult.AsyncException; } } public override IAsyncResult BeginRead( byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { this.checkDisposed(); if (buffer == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("buffer is a null reference."); } if (offset < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset is less than 0."); } if (offset > buffer.Length) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset is greater than the length of buffer."); } if (count < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count is less than 0."); } if (count > (buffer.Length - offset)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count is less than the length of buffer minus the value of the offset parameter."); } InternalAsyncResult asyncResult = new InternalAsyncResult(callback, state, buffer, offset, count, false, true); if (this.MightNeedHandshake) { if (! BeginNegotiateHandshake(asyncResult)) { //we made it down here so the handshake was not started. //another thread must have started it in the mean time. //wait for it to complete and then perform our original operation this.negotiationComplete.WaitOne(); InternalBeginRead(asyncResult); } } else { InternalBeginRead(asyncResult); } return asyncResult; } // bigger than max record length for SSL/TLS private byte[] recbuf = new byte[16384]; private void InternalBeginRead(InternalAsyncResult asyncResult) { try { int preReadSize = 0; lock (this.read) { // If actual buffer is fully read, reset it bool shouldReset = this.inputBuffer.Position == this.inputBuffer.Length && this.inputBuffer.Length > 0; // If the buffer isn't fully read, but does have data, we need to immediately // read the info from the buffer and let the user know that they have more data. bool shouldReadImmediately = (this.inputBuffer.Length > 0) && (asyncResult.Count > 0); if (shouldReset) { this.resetBuffer(); } else if (shouldReadImmediately) { preReadSize = this.inputBuffer.Read(asyncResult.Buffer, asyncResult.Offset, asyncResult.Count); } } // This is explicitly done outside the synclock to avoid // any potential deadlocks in the delegate call. if (0 < preReadSize) { asyncResult.SetComplete(preReadSize); } else if (recordStream.Position < recordStream.Length) { InternalReadCallback_inner (asyncResult, recbuf, new object[] { recbuf, asyncResult }, false, 0); } else if (!this.context.ReceivedConnectionEnd) { // this will read data from the network until we have (at least) one // record to send back to the caller this.innerStream.BeginRead(recbuf, 0, recbuf.Length, new AsyncCallback(InternalReadCallback), new object[] { recbuf, asyncResult }); } else { // We're done with the connection so we need to let the caller know with 0 bytes read asyncResult.SetComplete(0); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.protocol.SendAlert(ref ex); throw new IOException("The authentication or decryption has failed.", ex); } } private MemoryStream recordStream = new MemoryStream(); // read encrypted data until we have enough to decrypt (at least) one // record and return are the records (may be more than one) we have private void InternalReadCallback(IAsyncResult result) { if (this.disposed) return; object[] state = (object[])result.AsyncState; byte[] recbuf = (byte[])state[0]; InternalAsyncResult internalResult = (InternalAsyncResult)state[1]; try { int n = innerStream.EndRead(result); if (n > 0) { // Add the just received data to the waiting data recordStream.Write(recbuf, 0, n); } else { // 0 length data means this read operation is done (lost connection in the case of a network stream). internalResult.SetComplete(0); return; } InternalReadCallback_inner(internalResult, recbuf, state, true, n); } catch (Exception ex) { internalResult.SetComplete(ex); } } // read encrypted data until we have enough to decrypt (at least) one // record and return are the records (may be more than one) we have private void InternalReadCallback_inner(InternalAsyncResult internalResult, byte[] recbuf, object[] state, bool didRead, int n) { if (this.disposed) return; try { bool dataToReturn = false; long pos = recordStream.Position; recordStream.Position = 0; byte[] record = null; // don't try to decode record unless we have at least 5 bytes // i.e. type (1), protocol (2) and length (2) if (recordStream.Length >= 5) { record = this.protocol.ReceiveRecord(recordStream); } // a record of 0 length is valid (and there may be more record after it) while (record != null) { // we probably received more stuff after the record, and we must keep it! long remainder = recordStream.Length - recordStream.Position; byte[] outofrecord = null; if (remainder > 0) { outofrecord = new byte[remainder]; recordStream.Read(outofrecord, 0, outofrecord.Length); } lock (this.read) { long position = this.inputBuffer.Position; if (record.Length > 0) { // Write new data to the inputBuffer this.inputBuffer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); this.inputBuffer.Write(record, 0, record.Length); // Restore buffer position this.inputBuffer.Seek(position, SeekOrigin.Begin); dataToReturn = true; } } recordStream.SetLength(0); record = null; if (remainder > 0) { recordStream.Write(outofrecord, 0, outofrecord.Length); // type (1), protocol (2) and length (2) if (recordStream.Length >= 5) { // try to see if another record is available recordStream.Position = 0; record = this.protocol.ReceiveRecord(recordStream); if (record == null) pos = recordStream.Length; } else pos = remainder; } else pos = 0; } if (!dataToReturn && (!didRead || (n > 0))) { if (context.ReceivedConnectionEnd) { internalResult.SetComplete (0); } else { // there is no record to return to caller and (possibly) more data waiting // so continue reading from network (and appending to stream) recordStream.Position = recordStream.Length; this.innerStream.BeginRead(recbuf, 0, recbuf.Length, new AsyncCallback(InternalReadCallback), state); } } else { // we have record(s) to return -or- no more available to read from network // reset position for further reading recordStream.Position = pos; int bytesRead = 0; lock (this.read) { bytesRead = this.inputBuffer.Read(internalResult.Buffer, internalResult.Offset, internalResult.Count); } internalResult.SetComplete(bytesRead); } } catch (Exception ex) { internalResult.SetComplete(ex); } } private void InternalBeginWrite(InternalAsyncResult asyncResult) { try { // Send the buffer as a TLS record lock (this.write) { byte[] record = this.protocol.EncodeRecord( ContentType.ApplicationData, asyncResult.Buffer, asyncResult.Offset, asyncResult.Count); this.innerStream.BeginWrite( record, 0, record.Length, new AsyncCallback(InternalWriteCallback), asyncResult); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.protocol.SendAlert (ref ex); this.Close(); throw new IOException("The authentication or decryption has failed.", ex); } } private void InternalWriteCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { if (this.disposed) return; InternalAsyncResult internalResult = (InternalAsyncResult)ar.AsyncState; try { this.innerStream.EndWrite(ar); internalResult.SetComplete(); } catch (Exception ex) { internalResult.SetComplete(ex); } } public override IAsyncResult BeginWrite( byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { this.checkDisposed(); if (buffer == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("buffer is a null reference."); } if (offset < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset is less than 0."); } if (offset > buffer.Length) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset is greater than the length of buffer."); } if (count < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count is less than 0."); } if (count > (buffer.Length - offset)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count is less than the length of buffer minus the value of the offset parameter."); } InternalAsyncResult asyncResult = new InternalAsyncResult(callback, state, buffer, offset, count, true, true); if (this.MightNeedHandshake) { if (! BeginNegotiateHandshake(asyncResult)) { //we made it down here so the handshake was not started. //another thread must have started it in the mean time. //wait for it to complete and then perform our original operation this.negotiationComplete.WaitOne(); InternalBeginWrite(asyncResult); } } else { InternalBeginWrite(asyncResult); } return asyncResult; } public override int EndRead(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { this.checkDisposed(); InternalAsyncResult internalResult = asyncResult as InternalAsyncResult; if (internalResult == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("asyncResult is null or was not obtained by calling BeginRead."); } // Always wait until the read is complete if (!asyncResult.IsCompleted) { if (!asyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne ()) throw new TlsException (AlertDescription.InternalError, "Couldn't complete EndRead"); } if (internalResult.CompletedWithError) { throw internalResult.AsyncException; } return internalResult.BytesRead; } public override void EndWrite(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { this.checkDisposed(); InternalAsyncResult internalResult = asyncResult as InternalAsyncResult; if (internalResult == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("asyncResult is null or was not obtained by calling BeginWrite."); } if (!asyncResult.IsCompleted) { if (!internalResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne ()) throw new TlsException (AlertDescription.InternalError, "Couldn't complete EndWrite"); } if (internalResult.CompletedWithError) { throw internalResult.AsyncException; } } public override void Close() { base.Close (); } public override void Flush() { this.checkDisposed(); this.innerStream.Flush(); } public int Read(byte[] buffer) { return this.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { this.checkDisposed (); if (buffer == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException ("buffer"); } if (offset < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset is less than 0."); } if (offset > buffer.Length) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset is greater than the length of buffer."); } if (count < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count is less than 0."); } if (count > (buffer.Length - offset)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count is less than the length of buffer minus the value of the offset parameter."); } if (this.context.HandshakeState != HandshakeState.Finished) { this.NegotiateHandshake (); // Handshake negotiation } lock (this.read) { try { record_processing.Reset (); // do we already have some decrypted data ? if (this.inputBuffer.Position > 0) { // or maybe we used all the buffer before ? if (this.inputBuffer.Position == this.inputBuffer.Length) { this.inputBuffer.SetLength (0); } else { int n = this.inputBuffer.Read (buffer, offset, count); if (n > 0) { record_processing.Set (); return n; } } } bool needMoreData = false; while (true) { // we first try to process the read with the data we already have if ((recordStream.Position == 0) || needMoreData) { needMoreData = false; // if we loop, then it either means we need more data byte[] recbuf = new byte[16384]; int n = 0; if (count == 1) { int value = innerStream.ReadByte (); if (value >= 0) { recbuf[0] = (byte) value; n = 1; } } else { n = innerStream.Read (recbuf, 0, recbuf.Length); } if (n > 0) { // Add the new received data to the waiting data if ((recordStream.Length > 0) && (recordStream.Position != recordStream.Length)) recordStream.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.End); recordStream.Write (recbuf, 0, n); } else { // or that the read operation is done (lost connection in the case of a network stream). record_processing.Set (); return 0; } } bool dataToReturn = false; recordStream.Position = 0; byte[] record = null; // don't try to decode record unless we have at least 5 bytes // i.e. type (1), protocol (2) and length (2) if (recordStream.Length >= 5) { record = this.protocol.ReceiveRecord (recordStream); needMoreData = (record == null); } // a record of 0 length is valid (and there may be more record after it) while (record != null) { // we probably received more stuff after the record, and we must keep it! long remainder = recordStream.Length - recordStream.Position; byte[] outofrecord = null; if (remainder > 0) { outofrecord = new byte[remainder]; recordStream.Read (outofrecord, 0, outofrecord.Length); } long position = this.inputBuffer.Position; if (record.Length > 0) { // Write new data to the inputBuffer this.inputBuffer.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.End); this.inputBuffer.Write (record, 0, record.Length); // Restore buffer position this.inputBuffer.Seek (position, SeekOrigin.Begin); dataToReturn = true; } recordStream.SetLength (0); record = null; if (remainder > 0) { recordStream.Write (outofrecord, 0, outofrecord.Length); recordStream.Position = 0; } if (dataToReturn) { // we have record(s) to return -or- no more available to read from network // reset position for further reading int i = inputBuffer.Read (buffer, offset, count); record_processing.Set (); return i; } } } } catch (TlsException ex) { throw new IOException("The authentication or decryption has failed.", ex); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IOException("IO exception during read.", ex); } } } public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } public override void SetLength(long value) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } public void Write(byte[] buffer) { this.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { this.checkDisposed (); if (buffer == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException ("buffer"); } if (offset < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset is less than 0."); } if (offset > buffer.Length) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset is greater than the length of buffer."); } if (count < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count is less than 0."); } if (count > (buffer.Length - offset)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count is less than the length of buffer minus the value of the offset parameter."); } if (this.context.HandshakeState != HandshakeState.Finished) { this.NegotiateHandshake (); } lock (this.write) { try { // Send the buffer as a TLS record byte[] record = this.protocol.EncodeRecord (ContentType.ApplicationData, buffer, offset, count); this.innerStream.Write (record, 0, record.Length); } catch (Exception ex) { this.protocol.SendAlert(ref ex); this.Close(); throw new IOException("The authentication or decryption has failed.", ex); } } } public override bool CanRead { get { return this.innerStream.CanRead; } } public override bool CanSeek { get { return false; } } public override bool CanWrite { get { return this.innerStream.CanWrite; } } public override long Length { get { throw new NotSupportedException(); } } public override long Position { get { throw new NotSupportedException(); } set { throw new NotSupportedException(); } } #endregion #region IDisposable Members and Finalizer ~SslStreamBase() { this.Dispose(false); } protected override void Dispose (bool disposing) { if (!this.disposed) { if (disposing) { if (this.innerStream != null) { if (this.context.HandshakeState == HandshakeState.Finished && !this.context.SentConnectionEnd) { // Write close notify try { this.protocol.SendAlert(AlertDescription.CloseNotify); } catch { } } if (this.ownsStream) { // Close inner stream this.innerStream.Close(); } } this.ownsStream = false; this.innerStream = null; } this.disposed = true; base.Dispose (disposing); } } #endregion #region Misc Methods private void resetBuffer() { this.inputBuffer.SetLength(0); this.inputBuffer.Position = 0; } internal void checkDisposed() { if (this.disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("The Stream is closed."); } } #endregion } }