// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // Copyright (c) 2008 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com) // // Authors: // Alan McGovern (amcgovern@novell.com) // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.IO.Packaging; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using NUnit.Framework; using System.Xml; namespace MonoTests.System.IO.Packaging { [TestFixture] public class PackagePartTest : TestBase { const string PackagePropertiesType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.core-properties+xml"; //static void Main (string [] args) //{ // PackagePartTest t = new PackagePartTest (); // t.FixtureSetup (); // t.Setup (); // t.AddThreeParts (); //} [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void AddAbsoluteUri () { package.CreatePart (new Uri ("file://lo/asd.asm", UriKind.Absolute), "aa/aa"); } [Test] [Category ("NotWorking")] [Ignore ("This is a bug in the MS implementation. I don't think i can/should replicate it")] public void AddInvalidPartTwice () { try { package.CreatePart (new Uri ("/file1.bmp", UriKind.Relative), "bmp"); } catch (ArgumentException) { try { package.CreatePart (new Uri ("/file1.bmp", UriKind.Relative), "bmp"); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { Assert.AreEqual (1, package.GetParts ().Count (), "Need to be buggy and return null"); Assert.AreEqual (null, package.GetParts ().ToArray () [0], "Be buggy and add null to the internal list"); return; // Success } } Assert.Fail ("Should have thrown an ArgumentException then InvalidOperationException"); } [Test] public void AddThreeParts () { foreach (Uri u in uris) package.CreatePart (u, "mime/type"); Assert.AreEqual (3, package.GetParts ().Count (), "Should be three parts"); PackagePartCollection c1 = package.GetParts (); package.CreatePart (new Uri ("/asdasdas", UriKind.Relative), "asa/s"); PackagePartCollection c2 = package.GetParts (); bool eq = c1 == c2; Assert.IsNotNull (package.GetPart (new Uri (uris[0].ToString ().ToUpper (), UriKind.Relative))); } [Test] public void CheckPartProperties () { package.CreatePart (new Uri ("/first", UriKind.Relative), "my/a"); package.CreatePart (new Uri ("/second", UriKind.Relative), "my/b", CompressionOption.Maximum); package.CreatePart (new Uri ("/third", UriKind.Relative), "test/c", CompressionOption.SuperFast); package.Close (); package = Package.Open (new MemoryStream (stream.ToArray ()), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); PackagePart[] parts = package.GetParts ().ToArray (); Assert.AreEqual (3, parts.Length); PackagePart part = parts[0]; Assert.AreEqual (CompressionOption.NotCompressed, part.CompressionOption, "Compress option wrong1"); Assert.AreEqual ("my/a", part.ContentType, "Content type wrong1"); Assert.AreEqual (package, part.Package, "Wrong package1"); Assert.AreEqual ("/first", part.Uri.ToString (), "Wrong package selected1"); part = parts[1]; Assert.AreEqual (CompressionOption.Maximum, part.CompressionOption, "Compress option wrong2"); Assert.AreEqual ("my/b", part.ContentType, "Content type wrong2"); Assert.AreEqual (package, part.Package, "Wrong package2"); Assert.AreEqual ("/second", part.Uri.OriginalString, "Wrong package selected2"); part = parts[2]; Assert.AreEqual (CompressionOption.SuperFast, part.CompressionOption, "Compress option wrong3"); Assert.AreEqual ("test/c", part.ContentType, "Content type wrong3"); Assert.AreEqual (package, part.Package, "Wrong package3"); Assert.AreEqual ("/third", part.Uri.ToString (), "Wrong package selected3"); } [Test] public void CheckPartExtensions () { package.CreatePart (new Uri ("/first", UriKind.Relative), "my/a"); package.CreatePart (new Uri ("/second", UriKind.Relative), "my/b", CompressionOption.Maximum); package.CreatePart (new Uri ("/third", UriKind.Relative), "test/c", CompressionOption.SuperFast); package.CreatePart (new Uri ("/fourth.txt", UriKind.Relative), "test/d"); package.Close (); using (var archive = new global::System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive (stream, global::System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveMode.Read)) { var contentTypes = archive.GetEntry ("[Content_Types].xml"); var reader = new StreamReader (contentTypes.Open ()); var expected = ""; Assert.AreEqual (expected, reader.ReadToEnd ()); } } [Test] public void SameExtensionDifferentContentTypeTest () { // FIXME: Ideally we should be opening the zip and checking // exactly what was written to verify it's correct using (var stream = new MemoryStream ()) { var package = Package.Open (stream, FileMode.OpenOrCreate); package.CreatePart (uris [0], contentType + "1"); package.CreatePart (uris [1], contentType + "2"); package.CreatePart (uris [2], contentType + "2"); package.Close (); package = Package.Open (new MemoryStream (stream.ToArray ())); Assert.AreEqual (contentType + "1", package.GetPart (uris [0]).ContentType, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (contentType + "2", package.GetPart (uris [1]).ContentType, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (contentType + "2", package.GetPart (uris [2]).ContentType, "#3"); } } [Test] public void SameExtensionSameContentTypeTest () { // FIXME: Ideally we should be opening the zip and checking // exactly what was written to verify it's correct using (var stream = new MemoryStream ()) { var package = Package.Open (stream, FileMode.OpenOrCreate); package.CreatePart (uris [0], contentType); package.CreatePart (uris [1], contentType); package.CreatePart (uris [2], contentType); package.Close (); package = Package.Open (new MemoryStream (stream.ToArray ())); Assert.AreEqual (contentType, package.GetPart (uris [0]).ContentType, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (contentType, package.GetPart (uris [1]).ContentType, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (contentType, package.GetPart (uris [2]).ContentType, "#3"); } } [Test] public void CheckPartRelationships () { AddThreeParts (); Assert.AreEqual (4, package.GetParts ().Count (), "#a"); PackagePart part = package.GetPart (uris [0]); PackageRelationship r1 = part.CreateRelationship (part.Uri, TargetMode.Internal, "self"); PackageRelationship r2 = package.CreateRelationship (part.Uri, TargetMode.Internal, "fake"); PackageRelationship r3 = package.CreateRelationship (new Uri ("/fake/uri", UriKind.Relative), TargetMode.Internal, "self"); Assert.AreEqual (6, package.GetParts ().Count (), "#b"); Assert.AreEqual (1, part.GetRelationships ().Count (), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (1, part.GetRelationshipsByType ("self").Count (), "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (r1, part.GetRelationship (r1.Id), "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (2, package.GetRelationships ().Count (), "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (1, package.GetRelationshipsByType ("self").Count (), "#5"); Assert.AreEqual (r3, package.GetRelationship (r3.Id), "#6"); Assert.AreEqual (6, package.GetParts ().Count (), "#c"); Assert.AreEqual (part.Uri, r1.SourceUri, "#7"); Assert.AreEqual (new Uri ("/", UriKind.Relative), r3.SourceUri, "#8"); PackageRelationship r4 = part.CreateRelationship (uris [2], TargetMode.Internal, "other"); Assert.AreEqual (part.Uri, r4.SourceUri); PackageRelationshipCollection relations = package.GetPart (uris [2]).GetRelationships (); Assert.AreEqual (0, relations.Count ()); Assert.AreEqual (6, package.GetParts ().Count (), "#d"); } [Test] public void CheckIndividualRelationships () { PackagePart part = package.CreatePart (uris [0], contentType); part.CreateRelationship (uris [1], TargetMode.Internal, "relType"); part.CreateRelationship (uris [2], TargetMode.External, "relType"); package.Flush (); Assert.AreEqual (2, package.GetParts ().Count(), "#1"); part = package.GetPart (new Uri ("/_rels" + uris [0].ToString () + ".rels", UriKind.Relative)); Assert.IsNotNull (part); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] public void DeletePartsAfterAddingRelationships () { CheckPartRelationships (); foreach (PackagePart p in new List (package.GetParts ())) package.DeletePart (p.Uri); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] public void DeleteRelsThenParts () { CheckPartRelationships (); foreach (PackageRelationship r in new List (package.GetRelationships ())) package.DeleteRelationship (r.Id); foreach (PackagePart p in new List (package.GetParts ())) package.DeletePart (p.Uri); } [Test] public void CreateValidPart () { PackagePart part = package.CreatePart (uris [0], "img/bmp"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] public void CreateDuplicatePart () { CreateValidPart (); CreateValidPart (); } [Test] public void CreateValidPartTwice () { CreateValidPart (); package.DeletePart (uris [0]); CreateValidPart (); Assert.AreEqual (1, package.GetParts ().Count (), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (uris [0], package.GetParts ().ToArray () [0].Uri, "#2"); package.DeletePart (uris [0]); package.DeletePart (uris [0]); package.DeletePart (uris [0]); } [Test] public void IterateParts () { List parts = new List (); parts.Add (package.CreatePart (new Uri ("/a", UriKind.Relative), "mime/type")); parts.Add (package.CreatePart (new Uri ("/b", UriKind.Relative), "mime/type")); List found = new List (package.GetParts ()); Assert.AreEqual (parts.Count, found.Count, "Invalid number of parts"); Assert.IsTrue (found.Contains (parts [0]), "Doesn't contain first part"); Assert.IsTrue (found.Contains (parts [1]), "Doesn't contain second part"); Assert.IsTrue (found [0] == parts [0] || found [0] == parts [1], "Same object reference should be used"); Assert.IsTrue (found [1] == parts [0] || found [1] == parts [1], "Same object reference should be used"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void NoStartingSlashPartialUri () { PackagePart part = package.CreatePart (new Uri ("file1.bmp", UriKind.Relative), "bmp"); } [Test] public void PackagePropertiesTest () { package.PackageProperties.Category = "category"; package.PackageProperties.ContentStatus = "status"; package.PackageProperties.ContentType = "contentttype"; package.PackageProperties.Created = new DateTime (2008, 12, 12, 2, 3, 4); package.PackageProperties.Creator = "mono"; package.PackageProperties.Description = "description"; package.PackageProperties.Identifier = "id"; package.PackageProperties.Keywords = "key words"; package.PackageProperties.Language = "english"; package.PackageProperties.LastModifiedBy = "modified"; package.PackageProperties.LastPrinted = new DateTime (2007, 12, 12, 2, 3, 4); package.PackageProperties.Modified = new DateTime (2008, 12, 12, 3, 4, 5); package.PackageProperties.Revision = "reviison"; package.PackageProperties.Subject = "subject"; package.PackageProperties.Title = "title"; package.PackageProperties.Version = "version"; Assert.AreEqual (0, package.GetParts ().Count (), "#1"); package.Flush (); Assert.AreEqual (2, package.GetParts ().Count (), "#2"); var part = package.GetParts ().Where (p => p.ContentType == PackagePropertiesType).ToList ().First (); Assert.IsNotNull (part); Assert.IsTrue (part.Uri.OriginalString.StartsWith ("/package/services/metadata/core-properties/"), "#3"); Assert.IsTrue (part.Uri.OriginalString.EndsWith (".psmdcp"), "#4"); package.Close (); package = Package.Open (new MemoryStream (stream.ToArray ())); Assert.AreEqual (package.PackageProperties.Category, "category", "#5"); Assert.AreEqual (package.PackageProperties.ContentStatus, "status", "#6"); Assert.AreEqual (package.PackageProperties.ContentType, "contentttype", "#7"); Assert.AreEqual (package.PackageProperties.Created, new DateTime (2008, 12, 12, 2, 3, 4), "#8"); Assert.AreEqual (package.PackageProperties.Creator, "mono", "#9"); Assert.AreEqual (package.PackageProperties.Description, "description", "#10"); Assert.AreEqual (package.PackageProperties.Identifier, "id", "#11"); Assert.AreEqual (package.PackageProperties.Keywords, "key words", "#12"); Assert.AreEqual (package.PackageProperties.Language, "english", "#13"); Assert.AreEqual (package.PackageProperties.LastModifiedBy, "modified", "#14"); Assert.AreEqual (package.PackageProperties.LastPrinted, new DateTime (2007, 12, 12, 2, 3, 4), "#15"); Assert.AreEqual (package.PackageProperties.Modified, new DateTime (2008, 12, 12, 3, 4, 5), "#16"); Assert.AreEqual (package.PackageProperties.Revision, "reviison", "#17"); Assert.AreEqual (package.PackageProperties.Subject, "subject", "#18"); Assert.AreEqual (package.PackageProperties.Title, "title", "#19"); Assert.AreEqual (package.PackageProperties.Version, "version", "#20"); } [Test] public void PackagePropertiestest2 () { package.PackageProperties.Title = "TITLE"; package.Close (); package = Package.Open (new MemoryStream (stream.ToArray ())); Assert.AreEqual (null, package.PackageProperties.Category, "#1"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (IOException))] public void PackagePropertiesReadonly () { PackagePropertiesTest (); package.PackageProperties.Title = "Title"; } [Test] public void PartExists () { CreateValidPart (); Assert.IsNotNull (package.GetPart (uris [0]), "Part could not be found"); Assert.IsTrue (package.PartExists (uris [0]), "Part didn't exist"); Assert.AreEqual (1, package.GetParts ().Count (), "Only one part"); } [Test] public void RemoveThreeParts () { AddThreeParts (); foreach (PackagePart p in new List (package.GetParts ())) package.DeletePart (p.Uri); Assert.AreEqual (0, package.GetParts ().Count (), "Should contain no parts"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] public void RemoveThreePartsBreak () { AddThreeParts (); foreach (PackagePart p in package.GetParts ()) package.DeletePart (p.Uri); } [Test] public void CheckContentTypes () { Assert.IsFalse (package.PartExists(new Uri ("[Content_Types].xml", UriKind.Relative))); } [Test] public void CheckCanGetRelationshipsIfReadOnly () { using (var stream = new MemoryStream ()) { var package = Package.Open (stream, FileMode.OpenOrCreate); var part = package.CreatePart (uris [0], contentType); part.CreateRelationship (part.Uri, TargetMode.Internal, "self"); package.Close (); package = Package.Open (new MemoryStream (stream.ToArray ()), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); part = package.GetPart (uris [0]); part.GetRelationships (); } } } }