//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // [....] //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.Xml.Schema { using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Xml.Serialization; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Xml.XPath; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Globalization; /// internal abstract class FacetsChecker { private struct FacetsCompiler { DatatypeImplementation datatype; RestrictionFacets derivedRestriction; RestrictionFlags baseFlags; RestrictionFlags baseFixedFlags; RestrictionFlags validRestrictionFlags; //Helpers XmlSchemaDatatype nonNegativeInt; XmlSchemaDatatype builtInType; XmlTypeCode builtInEnum; bool firstPattern; StringBuilder regStr; XmlSchemaPatternFacet pattern_facet; public FacetsCompiler(DatatypeImplementation baseDatatype, RestrictionFacets restriction) { firstPattern = true; regStr = null; pattern_facet = null; datatype = baseDatatype; derivedRestriction = restriction; baseFlags = datatype.Restriction != null ? datatype.Restriction.Flags : 0; baseFixedFlags = datatype.Restriction != null ? datatype.Restriction.FixedFlags : 0; validRestrictionFlags = datatype.ValidRestrictionFlags; nonNegativeInt = DatatypeImplementation.GetSimpleTypeFromTypeCode(XmlTypeCode.NonNegativeInteger).Datatype; builtInEnum = !(datatype is Datatype_union || datatype is Datatype_List) ? datatype.TypeCode : 0; builtInType = (int)builtInEnum > 0 ? DatatypeImplementation.GetSimpleTypeFromTypeCode(builtInEnum).Datatype : datatype; } internal void CompileLengthFacet(XmlSchemaFacet facet) { CheckProhibitedFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.Length, Res.Sch_LengthFacetProhibited); CheckDupFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.Length, Res.Sch_DupLengthFacet); derivedRestriction.Length = XmlBaseConverter.DecimalToInt32((decimal)ParseFacetValue(nonNegativeInt, facet, Res.Sch_LengthFacetInvalid, null, null)); if ((baseFixedFlags & RestrictionFlags.Length) != 0) { if (!datatype.IsEqual(datatype.Restriction.Length, derivedRestriction.Length)) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_FacetBaseFixed, facet); } } if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.Length) != 0) { if (datatype.Restriction.Length < derivedRestriction.Length) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_LengthGtBaseLength, facet); } } // If the base has the MinLength facet, check that our derived length is not violating it if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.MinLength) != 0) { if (datatype.Restriction.MinLength > derivedRestriction.Length) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxMinLengthBaseLength, facet); } } // If the base has the MaxLength facet, check that our derived length is not violating it if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.MaxLength) != 0) { if (datatype.Restriction.MaxLength < derivedRestriction.Length) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxMinLengthBaseLength, facet); } } SetFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.Length); } internal void CompileMinLengthFacet(XmlSchemaFacet facet) { CheckProhibitedFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.MinLength, Res.Sch_MinLengthFacetProhibited); CheckDupFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.MinLength, Res.Sch_DupMinLengthFacet); derivedRestriction.MinLength = XmlBaseConverter.DecimalToInt32((decimal)ParseFacetValue(nonNegativeInt, facet, Res.Sch_MinLengthFacetInvalid, null, null)); if ((baseFixedFlags & RestrictionFlags.MinLength) != 0) { if (!datatype.IsEqual(datatype.Restriction.MinLength, derivedRestriction.MinLength)) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_FacetBaseFixed, facet); } } if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.MinLength) != 0) { if (datatype.Restriction.MinLength > derivedRestriction.MinLength) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinLengthGtBaseMinLength, facet); } } if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.Length) != 0) { if (datatype.Restriction.Length < derivedRestriction.MinLength) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxMinLengthBaseLength, facet); } } SetFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.MinLength); } internal void CompileMaxLengthFacet(XmlSchemaFacet facet) { CheckProhibitedFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.MaxLength, Res.Sch_MaxLengthFacetProhibited); CheckDupFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.MaxLength, Res.Sch_DupMaxLengthFacet); derivedRestriction.MaxLength = XmlBaseConverter.DecimalToInt32((decimal)ParseFacetValue(nonNegativeInt, facet, Res.Sch_MaxLengthFacetInvalid, null, null)); if ((baseFixedFlags & RestrictionFlags.MaxLength) != 0) { if (!datatype.IsEqual(datatype.Restriction.MaxLength, derivedRestriction.MaxLength)) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_FacetBaseFixed, facet); } } if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.MaxLength) != 0) { if (datatype.Restriction.MaxLength < derivedRestriction.MaxLength) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxLengthGtBaseMaxLength, facet); } } if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.Length) != 0) { if (datatype.Restriction.Length > derivedRestriction.MaxLength) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxMinLengthBaseLength, facet); } } SetFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.MaxLength); } internal void CompilePatternFacet(XmlSchemaPatternFacet facet) { CheckProhibitedFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.Pattern, Res.Sch_PatternFacetProhibited); if(firstPattern == true) { regStr = new StringBuilder(); regStr.Append("("); regStr.Append(facet.Value); pattern_facet = facet; firstPattern = false; } else { regStr.Append(")|("); regStr.Append(facet.Value); } SetFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.Pattern); } internal void CompileEnumerationFacet(XmlSchemaFacet facet, IXmlNamespaceResolver nsmgr, XmlNameTable nameTable) { CheckProhibitedFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.Enumeration, Res.Sch_EnumerationFacetProhibited); if (derivedRestriction.Enumeration == null) { derivedRestriction.Enumeration = new ArrayList(); } derivedRestriction.Enumeration.Add(ParseFacetValue(datatype, facet, Res.Sch_EnumerationFacetInvalid, nsmgr, nameTable)); SetFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.Enumeration); } internal void CompileWhitespaceFacet(XmlSchemaFacet facet) { CheckProhibitedFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.WhiteSpace, Res.Sch_WhiteSpaceFacetProhibited); CheckDupFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.WhiteSpace, Res.Sch_DupWhiteSpaceFacet); if (facet.Value == "preserve") { derivedRestriction.WhiteSpace = XmlSchemaWhiteSpace.Preserve; } else if (facet.Value == "replace") { derivedRestriction.WhiteSpace = XmlSchemaWhiteSpace.Replace; } else if (facet.Value == "collapse") { derivedRestriction.WhiteSpace = XmlSchemaWhiteSpace.Collapse; } else { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_InvalidWhiteSpace, facet.Value, facet); } if ((baseFixedFlags & RestrictionFlags.WhiteSpace) != 0) { if (!datatype.IsEqual(datatype.Restriction.WhiteSpace, derivedRestriction.WhiteSpace)) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_FacetBaseFixed, facet); } } //Check base and derived whitespace facets XmlSchemaWhiteSpace baseWhitespace; if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.WhiteSpace) != 0) { baseWhitespace = datatype.Restriction.WhiteSpace; } else { baseWhitespace = datatype.BuiltInWhitespaceFacet; } if ( baseWhitespace == XmlSchemaWhiteSpace.Collapse && (derivedRestriction.WhiteSpace == XmlSchemaWhiteSpace.Replace || derivedRestriction.WhiteSpace == XmlSchemaWhiteSpace.Preserve) ) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_WhiteSpaceRestriction1, facet); } if (baseWhitespace == XmlSchemaWhiteSpace.Replace && derivedRestriction.WhiteSpace == XmlSchemaWhiteSpace.Preserve ) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_WhiteSpaceRestriction2, facet); } SetFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.WhiteSpace); } internal void CompileMaxInclusiveFacet(XmlSchemaFacet facet) { CheckProhibitedFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.MaxInclusive, Res.Sch_MaxInclusiveFacetProhibited); CheckDupFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.MaxInclusive, Res.Sch_DupMaxInclusiveFacet); derivedRestriction.MaxInclusive = ParseFacetValue(builtInType, facet, Res.Sch_MaxInclusiveFacetInvalid, null, null); if ((baseFixedFlags & RestrictionFlags.MaxInclusive) != 0) { if (!datatype.IsEqual(datatype.Restriction.MaxInclusive, derivedRestriction.MaxInclusive)) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_FacetBaseFixed, facet); } } CheckValue(derivedRestriction.MaxInclusive, facet); SetFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.MaxInclusive); } internal void CompileMaxExclusiveFacet(XmlSchemaFacet facet) { CheckProhibitedFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.MaxExclusive, Res.Sch_MaxExclusiveFacetProhibited); CheckDupFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.MaxExclusive, Res.Sch_DupMaxExclusiveFacet); derivedRestriction.MaxExclusive = ParseFacetValue(builtInType, facet, Res.Sch_MaxExclusiveFacetInvalid, null, null); if ((baseFixedFlags & RestrictionFlags.MaxExclusive) != 0) { if (!datatype.IsEqual(datatype.Restriction.MaxExclusive, derivedRestriction.MaxExclusive)) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_FacetBaseFixed, facet); } } CheckValue(derivedRestriction.MaxExclusive, facet); SetFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.MaxExclusive); } internal void CompileMinInclusiveFacet(XmlSchemaFacet facet) { CheckProhibitedFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.MinInclusive, Res.Sch_MinInclusiveFacetProhibited); CheckDupFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.MinInclusive, Res.Sch_DupMinInclusiveFacet); derivedRestriction.MinInclusive = ParseFacetValue(builtInType, facet, Res.Sch_MinInclusiveFacetInvalid, null, null); if ((baseFixedFlags & RestrictionFlags.MinInclusive) != 0) { if (!datatype.IsEqual(datatype.Restriction.MinInclusive, derivedRestriction.MinInclusive)) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_FacetBaseFixed, facet); } } CheckValue(derivedRestriction.MinInclusive, facet); SetFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.MinInclusive); } internal void CompileMinExclusiveFacet(XmlSchemaFacet facet) { CheckProhibitedFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.MinExclusive, Res.Sch_MinExclusiveFacetProhibited); CheckDupFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.MinExclusive, Res.Sch_DupMinExclusiveFacet); derivedRestriction.MinExclusive = ParseFacetValue(builtInType, facet, Res.Sch_MinExclusiveFacetInvalid, null, null); if ((baseFixedFlags & RestrictionFlags.MinExclusive) != 0) { if (!datatype.IsEqual(datatype.Restriction.MinExclusive, derivedRestriction.MinExclusive)) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_FacetBaseFixed, facet); } } CheckValue(derivedRestriction.MinExclusive, facet); SetFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.MinExclusive); } internal void CompileTotalDigitsFacet(XmlSchemaFacet facet) { CheckProhibitedFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.TotalDigits, Res.Sch_TotalDigitsFacetProhibited); CheckDupFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.TotalDigits, Res.Sch_DupTotalDigitsFacet); XmlSchemaDatatype positiveInt = DatatypeImplementation.GetSimpleTypeFromTypeCode(XmlTypeCode.PositiveInteger).Datatype; derivedRestriction.TotalDigits = XmlBaseConverter.DecimalToInt32((decimal)ParseFacetValue(positiveInt, facet, Res.Sch_TotalDigitsFacetInvalid, null, null)); if ((baseFixedFlags & RestrictionFlags.TotalDigits) != 0) { if (!datatype.IsEqual(datatype.Restriction.TotalDigits, derivedRestriction.TotalDigits)) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_FacetBaseFixed, facet); } } if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.TotalDigits) != 0) { if(derivedRestriction.TotalDigits > datatype.Restriction.TotalDigits) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_TotalDigitsMismatch, string.Empty); } } SetFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.TotalDigits); } internal void CompileFractionDigitsFacet(XmlSchemaFacet facet) { CheckProhibitedFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.FractionDigits, Res.Sch_FractionDigitsFacetProhibited); CheckDupFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.FractionDigits, Res.Sch_DupFractionDigitsFacet); derivedRestriction.FractionDigits = XmlBaseConverter.DecimalToInt32((decimal)ParseFacetValue(nonNegativeInt, facet, Res.Sch_FractionDigitsFacetInvalid, null, null)); if ((derivedRestriction.FractionDigits != 0) && (datatype.TypeCode != XmlTypeCode.Decimal)) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_FractionDigitsFacetInvalid, Res.GetString(Res.Sch_FractionDigitsNotOnDecimal), facet); } if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.FractionDigits) != 0) { if (derivedRestriction.FractionDigits > datatype.Restriction.FractionDigits) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_TotalDigitsMismatch, string.Empty); } } SetFlag(facet, RestrictionFlags.FractionDigits); } internal void FinishFacetCompile() { //Additional check for pattern facet //If facet is XMLSchemaPattern, then the String built inside the loop //needs to be converted to a RegEx if(firstPattern == false) { if (derivedRestriction.Patterns == null) { derivedRestriction.Patterns = new ArrayList(); } try { regStr.Append(")"); string tempStr = regStr.ToString(); if(tempStr.IndexOf('|') != -1) { // ordinal compare regStr.Insert(0,"("); regStr.Append(")"); } derivedRestriction.Patterns.Add(new Regex(Preprocess(regStr.ToString()), RegexOptions.None)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_PatternFacetInvalid, new string[] {e.Message}, e, pattern_facet.SourceUri, pattern_facet.LineNumber, pattern_facet.LinePosition, pattern_facet); } } } private void CheckValue(object value, XmlSchemaFacet facet) { RestrictionFacets restriction = datatype.Restriction; switch (facet.FacetType) { case FacetType.MaxInclusive: if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.MaxInclusive) != 0) { //Base facet has maxInclusive if (datatype.Compare(value, restriction.MaxInclusive) > 0) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxInclusiveMismatch, string.Empty); } } if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.MaxExclusive) != 0) { //Base facet has maxExclusive if (datatype.Compare(value, restriction.MaxExclusive) >= 0) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxIncExlMismatch, string.Empty); } } break; case FacetType.MaxExclusive: if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.MaxExclusive) != 0) { //Base facet has maxExclusive if (datatype.Compare(value, restriction.MaxExclusive) > 0) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxExclusiveMismatch, string.Empty); } } if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.MaxInclusive) != 0) { //Base facet has maxInclusive if (datatype.Compare(value, restriction.MaxInclusive) > 0) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxExlIncMismatch, string.Empty); } } break; case FacetType.MinInclusive: if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.MinInclusive) != 0) { //Base facet has minInclusive if (datatype.Compare(value, restriction.MinInclusive) < 0) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinInclusiveMismatch, string.Empty); } } if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.MinExclusive) != 0) { //Base facet has minExclusive if (datatype.Compare(value, restriction.MinExclusive) < 0) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinIncExlMismatch, string.Empty); } } if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.MaxExclusive) != 0) { //Base facet has maxExclusive if (datatype.Compare(value, restriction.MaxExclusive) >= 0) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinIncMaxExlMismatch, string.Empty); } } break; case FacetType.MinExclusive: if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.MinExclusive) != 0) { //Base facet has minExclusive if (datatype.Compare(value, restriction.MinExclusive) < 0) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinExclusiveMismatch, string.Empty); } } if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.MinInclusive) != 0) { //Base facet has minInclusive if (datatype.Compare(value, restriction.MinInclusive) < 0) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinExlIncMismatch, string.Empty); } } if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.MaxExclusive) != 0) { //Base facet has maxExclusive if (datatype.Compare(value, restriction.MaxExclusive) >= 0) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinExlMaxExlMismatch, string.Empty); } } break; default: Debug.Assert(false); break; } } internal void CompileFacetCombinations() { RestrictionFacets baseRestriction = datatype.Restriction; //They are not allowed on the same type but allowed on derived types. if ( (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxInclusive) != 0 && (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxExclusive) != 0 ) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxInclusiveExclusive, string.Empty); } if ( (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.MinInclusive) != 0 && (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.MinExclusive) != 0 ) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinInclusiveExclusive, string.Empty); } if ( (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.Length) != 0 && (derivedRestriction.Flags & (RestrictionFlags.MinLength|RestrictionFlags.MaxLength)) != 0 ) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_LengthAndMinMax, string.Empty); } CopyFacetsFromBaseType(); // Check combinations if ( (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.MinLength) != 0 && (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxLength) != 0 ) { if (derivedRestriction.MinLength > derivedRestriction.MaxLength) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinLengthGtMaxLength, string.Empty); } } // if ( (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.MinInclusive) != 0 && (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxInclusive) != 0 ) { if (datatype.Compare(derivedRestriction.MinInclusive, derivedRestriction.MaxInclusive) > 0) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinInclusiveGtMaxInclusive, string.Empty); } } if ( (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.MinInclusive) != 0 && (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxExclusive) != 0 ) { if (datatype.Compare(derivedRestriction.MinInclusive, derivedRestriction.MaxExclusive) > 0) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinInclusiveGtMaxExclusive, string.Empty); } } if ( (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.MinExclusive) != 0 && (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxExclusive) != 0 ) { if (datatype.Compare(derivedRestriction.MinExclusive, derivedRestriction.MaxExclusive) > 0) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinExclusiveGtMaxExclusive, string.Empty); } } if ( (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.MinExclusive) != 0 && (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxInclusive) != 0 ) { if (datatype.Compare(derivedRestriction.MinExclusive, derivedRestriction.MaxInclusive) > 0) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinExclusiveGtMaxInclusive, string.Empty); } } if ((derivedRestriction.Flags & (RestrictionFlags.TotalDigits|RestrictionFlags.FractionDigits)) == (RestrictionFlags.TotalDigits|RestrictionFlags.FractionDigits)) { if (derivedRestriction.FractionDigits > derivedRestriction.TotalDigits) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_FractionDigitsGtTotalDigits, string.Empty); } } } private void CopyFacetsFromBaseType() { RestrictionFacets baseRestriction = datatype.Restriction; // Copy additional facets from the base type if ( (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.Length) == 0 && (baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.Length) != 0 ) { derivedRestriction.Length = baseRestriction.Length; SetFlag(RestrictionFlags.Length); } if ( (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.MinLength) == 0 && (baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.MinLength) != 0 ) { derivedRestriction.MinLength = baseRestriction.MinLength; SetFlag(RestrictionFlags.MinLength); } if ( (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxLength) == 0 && (baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.MaxLength) != 0 ) { derivedRestriction.MaxLength = baseRestriction.MaxLength; SetFlag(RestrictionFlags.MaxLength); } if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.Pattern) != 0) { if (derivedRestriction.Patterns == null) { derivedRestriction.Patterns = baseRestriction.Patterns; } else { derivedRestriction.Patterns.AddRange(baseRestriction.Patterns); } SetFlag(RestrictionFlags.Pattern); } if ((baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.Enumeration) != 0) { if (derivedRestriction.Enumeration == null) { derivedRestriction.Enumeration = baseRestriction.Enumeration; } SetFlag(RestrictionFlags.Enumeration); } if ( (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.WhiteSpace) == 0 && (baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.WhiteSpace) != 0 ) { derivedRestriction.WhiteSpace = baseRestriction.WhiteSpace; SetFlag(RestrictionFlags.WhiteSpace); } if ( (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxInclusive) == 0 && (baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.MaxInclusive) != 0 ) { derivedRestriction.MaxInclusive = baseRestriction.MaxInclusive; SetFlag(RestrictionFlags.MaxInclusive); } if ( (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxExclusive) == 0 && (baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.MaxExclusive) != 0 ) { derivedRestriction.MaxExclusive = baseRestriction.MaxExclusive; SetFlag(RestrictionFlags.MaxExclusive); } if ( (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.MinInclusive) == 0 && (baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.MinInclusive) != 0 ) { derivedRestriction.MinInclusive = baseRestriction.MinInclusive; SetFlag(RestrictionFlags.MinInclusive); } if ( (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.MinExclusive) == 0 && (baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.MinExclusive) != 0 ) { derivedRestriction.MinExclusive = baseRestriction.MinExclusive; SetFlag(RestrictionFlags.MinExclusive); } if ( (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.TotalDigits) == 0 && (baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.TotalDigits) != 0 ) { derivedRestriction.TotalDigits = baseRestriction.TotalDigits; SetFlag(RestrictionFlags.TotalDigits); } if ( (derivedRestriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.FractionDigits) == 0 && (baseFlags & RestrictionFlags.FractionDigits) != 0 ) { derivedRestriction.FractionDigits = baseRestriction.FractionDigits; SetFlag(RestrictionFlags.FractionDigits); } } private object ParseFacetValue(XmlSchemaDatatype datatype, XmlSchemaFacet facet, string code, IXmlNamespaceResolver nsmgr, XmlNameTable nameTable) { object typedValue; Exception ex = datatype.TryParseValue(facet.Value, nameTable, nsmgr, out typedValue); if (ex == null) { return typedValue; } else { throw new XmlSchemaException(code, new string[] {ex.Message} , ex, facet.SourceUri, facet.LineNumber, facet.LinePosition, facet); } } private struct Map { internal Map(char m, string r) { match = m; replacement = r; } internal char match; internal string replacement; }; private static readonly Map[] c_map = { new Map('c', "\\p{_xmlC}"), new Map('C', "\\P{_xmlC}"), new Map('d', "\\p{_xmlD}"), new Map('D', "\\P{_xmlD}"), new Map('i', "\\p{_xmlI}"), new Map('I', "\\P{_xmlI}"), new Map('w', "\\p{_xmlW}"), new Map('W', "\\P{_xmlW}"), }; private static string Preprocess(string pattern) { StringBuilder bufBld = new StringBuilder(); bufBld.Append("^"); char[] source = pattern.ToCharArray(); int length = pattern.Length; int copyPosition = 0; for (int position = 0; position < length - 2; position ++) { if (source[position] == '\\') { if (source[position + 1] == '\\') { position ++; // skip it } else { char ch = source[position + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < c_map.Length; i++) { if (c_map[i].match == ch) { if (copyPosition < position) { bufBld.Append(source, copyPosition, position - copyPosition); } bufBld.Append(c_map[i].replacement); position ++; copyPosition = position + 1; break; } } } } } if (copyPosition < length) { bufBld.Append(source, copyPosition, length - copyPosition); } bufBld.Append("$"); return bufBld.ToString(); } private void CheckProhibitedFlag(XmlSchemaFacet facet, RestrictionFlags flag, string errorCode) { if ((validRestrictionFlags & flag) == 0) { throw new XmlSchemaException(errorCode, datatype.TypeCodeString, facet); } } private void CheckDupFlag(XmlSchemaFacet facet, RestrictionFlags flag, string errorCode) { if ((derivedRestriction.Flags & flag) != 0) { throw new XmlSchemaException(errorCode, facet); } } private void SetFlag(XmlSchemaFacet facet, RestrictionFlags flag) { derivedRestriction.Flags |= flag; if (facet.IsFixed) { derivedRestriction.FixedFlags |= flag; } } private void SetFlag(RestrictionFlags flag) { derivedRestriction.Flags |= flag; if ((baseFixedFlags & flag) != 0) { derivedRestriction.FixedFlags |= flag; } } } internal virtual Exception CheckLexicalFacets(ref string parseString, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { CheckWhitespaceFacets(ref parseString, datatype); return CheckPatternFacets(datatype.Restriction, parseString); } internal virtual Exception CheckValueFacets(object value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return null; } internal virtual Exception CheckValueFacets(decimal value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return null; } internal virtual Exception CheckValueFacets(Int64 value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return null; } internal virtual Exception CheckValueFacets(Int32 value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return null; } internal virtual Exception CheckValueFacets(Int16 value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return null; } internal virtual Exception CheckValueFacets(byte value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return null; } internal virtual Exception CheckValueFacets(DateTime value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return null; } internal virtual Exception CheckValueFacets(double value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return null; } internal virtual Exception CheckValueFacets(float value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return null; } internal virtual Exception CheckValueFacets(string value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return null; } internal virtual Exception CheckValueFacets(byte[] value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return null; } internal virtual Exception CheckValueFacets(TimeSpan value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return null; } internal virtual Exception CheckValueFacets(XmlQualifiedName value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return null; } internal void CheckWhitespaceFacets(ref string s, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { // before parsing, check whitespace facet RestrictionFacets restriction = datatype.Restriction; switch (datatype.Variety) { case XmlSchemaDatatypeVariety.List: s = s.Trim(); break; case XmlSchemaDatatypeVariety.Atomic: if (datatype.BuiltInWhitespaceFacet == XmlSchemaWhiteSpace.Collapse) { s = XmlComplianceUtil.NonCDataNormalize(s); } else if (datatype.BuiltInWhitespaceFacet == XmlSchemaWhiteSpace.Replace) { s = XmlComplianceUtil.CDataNormalize(s); } else if (restriction != null && (restriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.WhiteSpace) != 0) { //Restriction has whitespace facet specified if (restriction.WhiteSpace == XmlSchemaWhiteSpace.Replace) { s = XmlComplianceUtil.CDataNormalize(s); } else if (restriction.WhiteSpace == XmlSchemaWhiteSpace.Collapse) { s = XmlComplianceUtil.NonCDataNormalize(s); } } break; default: break; } } internal Exception CheckPatternFacets(RestrictionFacets restriction, string value) { if (restriction != null && (restriction.Flags & RestrictionFlags.Pattern) != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < restriction.Patterns.Count; ++i) { Regex regex = (Regex)restriction.Patterns[i]; if (!regex.IsMatch(value)) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_PatternConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } } return null; } internal virtual bool MatchEnumeration(object value, ArrayList enumeration, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return false; } //Compile-time Facet Checking internal virtual RestrictionFacets ConstructRestriction(DatatypeImplementation datatype, XmlSchemaObjectCollection facets, XmlNameTable nameTable) { //Datatype is the type on which this method is called RestrictionFacets derivedRestriction = new RestrictionFacets(); FacetsCompiler facetCompiler = new FacetsCompiler(datatype, derivedRestriction); for (int i = 0; i < facets.Count; ++i) { XmlSchemaFacet facet = (XmlSchemaFacet)facets[i]; if (facet.Value == null) { throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_InvalidFacet, facet); } IXmlNamespaceResolver nsmgr = new SchemaNamespaceManager(facet); switch(facet.FacetType) { case FacetType.Length: facetCompiler.CompileLengthFacet(facet); break; case FacetType.MinLength: facetCompiler.CompileMinLengthFacet(facet); break; case FacetType.MaxLength: facetCompiler.CompileMaxLengthFacet(facet); break; case FacetType.Pattern: facetCompiler.CompilePatternFacet(facet as XmlSchemaPatternFacet); break; case FacetType.Enumeration: facetCompiler.CompileEnumerationFacet(facet, nsmgr, nameTable); break; case FacetType.Whitespace: facetCompiler.CompileWhitespaceFacet(facet); break; case FacetType.MinInclusive: facetCompiler.CompileMinInclusiveFacet(facet); break; case FacetType.MinExclusive: facetCompiler.CompileMinExclusiveFacet(facet); break; case FacetType.MaxInclusive: facetCompiler.CompileMaxInclusiveFacet(facet); break; case FacetType.MaxExclusive: facetCompiler.CompileMaxExclusiveFacet(facet); break; case FacetType.TotalDigits: facetCompiler.CompileTotalDigitsFacet(facet); break; case FacetType.FractionDigits: facetCompiler.CompileFractionDigitsFacet(facet); break; default: throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_UnknownFacet, facet); } } facetCompiler.FinishFacetCompile(); facetCompiler.CompileFacetCombinations(); return derivedRestriction; } internal static decimal Power(int x, int y) { //Returns X raised to the power Y decimal returnValue = 1m; decimal decimalValue = (decimal)x; if ( y > 28 ) { //CLR decimal cannot handle more than 29 digits (10 power 28.) return decimal.MaxValue; } for (int i = 0; i < y; i++) { returnValue = returnValue * decimalValue; } return returnValue; } } internal class Numeric10FacetsChecker : FacetsChecker { static readonly char[] signs = new char[] {'+', '-'}; decimal maxValue; decimal minValue; internal Numeric10FacetsChecker(decimal minVal, decimal maxVal) { minValue = minVal; maxValue = maxVal; } internal override Exception CheckValueFacets(object value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { decimal decimalValue = datatype.ValueConverter.ToDecimal(value); return CheckValueFacets(decimalValue, datatype); } internal override Exception CheckValueFacets(decimal value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { RestrictionFacets restriction = datatype.Restriction; RestrictionFlags flags = restriction != null ? restriction.Flags : 0; XmlValueConverter valueConverter = datatype.ValueConverter; //Check built-in facets if (value > maxValue || value < minValue) { return new OverflowException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlConvert_Overflow, value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), datatype.TypeCodeString)); } //Check user-defined facets if (flags != 0) { if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxInclusive) != 0) { if (value > valueConverter.ToDecimal(restriction.MaxInclusive)) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxInclusiveConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxExclusive) != 0) { if (value >= valueConverter.ToDecimal(restriction.MaxExclusive)) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxExclusiveConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MinInclusive) != 0) { if (value < valueConverter.ToDecimal(restriction.MinInclusive)) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinInclusiveConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MinExclusive) != 0) { if (value <= valueConverter.ToDecimal(restriction.MinExclusive)) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinExclusiveConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.Enumeration) != 0) { if (!MatchEnumeration(value, restriction.Enumeration, valueConverter)) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_EnumerationConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } return CheckTotalAndFractionDigits(value, restriction.TotalDigits, restriction.FractionDigits, ((flags & RestrictionFlags.TotalDigits) != 0), ((flags & RestrictionFlags.FractionDigits) != 0)); } return null; } internal override Exception CheckValueFacets(Int64 value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { decimal decimalValue = (decimal)value; return CheckValueFacets(decimalValue, datatype); } internal override Exception CheckValueFacets(Int32 value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { decimal decimalValue = (decimal)value; return CheckValueFacets(decimalValue, datatype); } internal override Exception CheckValueFacets(Int16 value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { decimal decimalValue = (decimal)value; return CheckValueFacets(decimalValue, datatype); } internal override Exception CheckValueFacets(byte value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { decimal decimalValue = (decimal)value; return CheckValueFacets(decimalValue, datatype); } internal override bool MatchEnumeration(object value, ArrayList enumeration, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return MatchEnumeration(datatype.ValueConverter.ToDecimal(value), enumeration, datatype.ValueConverter); } internal bool MatchEnumeration(decimal value, ArrayList enumeration, XmlValueConverter valueConverter) { for (int i = 0; i < enumeration.Count; ++i) { if (value == valueConverter.ToDecimal(enumeration[i])) { return true; } } return false; } internal Exception CheckTotalAndFractionDigits(decimal value, int totalDigits, int fractionDigits, bool checkTotal, bool checkFraction) { decimal maxValue = FacetsChecker.Power(10, totalDigits) - 1; //(decimal)Math.Pow(10, totalDigits) - 1 ; int powerCnt = 0; if (value < 0) { value = Decimal.Negate(value); //Need to compare maxValue allowed against the absolute value } while (Decimal.Truncate(value) != value) { //Till it has a fraction value = value * 10; powerCnt++; } if (checkTotal && (value > maxValue || powerCnt > totalDigits)) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_TotalDigitsConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } if (checkFraction && powerCnt > fractionDigits) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_FractionDigitsConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } return null; } } internal class Numeric2FacetsChecker : FacetsChecker { internal override Exception CheckValueFacets(object value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { double doubleValue = datatype.ValueConverter.ToDouble(value); return CheckValueFacets(doubleValue, datatype); } internal override Exception CheckValueFacets(double value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { RestrictionFacets restriction = datatype.Restriction; RestrictionFlags flags = restriction != null ? restriction.Flags : 0; XmlValueConverter valueConverter = datatype.ValueConverter; if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxInclusive) != 0) { if (value > valueConverter.ToDouble(restriction.MaxInclusive)) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxInclusiveConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxExclusive) != 0) { if (value >= valueConverter.ToDouble(restriction.MaxExclusive)) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxExclusiveConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MinInclusive) != 0) { if (value < (valueConverter.ToDouble(restriction.MinInclusive))) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinInclusiveConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MinExclusive) != 0) { if (value <= valueConverter.ToDouble(restriction.MinExclusive)) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinExclusiveConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.Enumeration) != 0) { if (!MatchEnumeration(value, restriction.Enumeration, valueConverter)) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_EnumerationConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } return null; } internal override Exception CheckValueFacets(float value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { double doubleValue = (double)value; return CheckValueFacets(doubleValue, datatype); } internal override bool MatchEnumeration(object value, ArrayList enumeration, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return MatchEnumeration(datatype.ValueConverter.ToDouble(value), enumeration, datatype.ValueConverter); } private bool MatchEnumeration(double value, ArrayList enumeration, XmlValueConverter valueConverter) { for (int i = 0; i < enumeration.Count; ++i) { if (value == valueConverter.ToDouble(enumeration[i])) { return true; } } return false; } } internal class DurationFacetsChecker: FacetsChecker { internal override Exception CheckValueFacets(object value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { TimeSpan timeSpanValue = (TimeSpan)datatype.ValueConverter.ChangeType(value, typeof(TimeSpan)); return CheckValueFacets(timeSpanValue, datatype); } internal override Exception CheckValueFacets(TimeSpan value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { RestrictionFacets restriction = datatype.Restriction; RestrictionFlags flags = restriction != null ? restriction.Flags : 0; if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxInclusive) != 0) { if (TimeSpan.Compare(value, (TimeSpan)restriction.MaxInclusive) > 0) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxInclusiveConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxExclusive) != 0) { if (TimeSpan.Compare(value, (TimeSpan)restriction.MaxExclusive) >= 0) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxExclusiveConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MinInclusive) != 0) { if (TimeSpan.Compare(value, (TimeSpan)restriction.MinInclusive) < 0) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinInclusiveConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MinExclusive) != 0) { if (TimeSpan.Compare(value, (TimeSpan)restriction.MinExclusive) <= 0) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinExclusiveConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.Enumeration) != 0) { if (!MatchEnumeration(value, restriction.Enumeration)) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_EnumerationConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } return null; } internal override bool MatchEnumeration(object value, ArrayList enumeration, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return MatchEnumeration((TimeSpan)value, enumeration); } private bool MatchEnumeration(TimeSpan value, ArrayList enumeration) { for (int i = 0; i < enumeration.Count; ++i) { if (TimeSpan.Compare(value, (TimeSpan)enumeration[i]) == 0) { return true; } } return false; } } internal class DateTimeFacetsChecker: FacetsChecker { internal override Exception CheckValueFacets(object value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { DateTime dateTimeValue = datatype.ValueConverter.ToDateTime(value); return CheckValueFacets(dateTimeValue, datatype); } internal override Exception CheckValueFacets(DateTime value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { RestrictionFacets restriction = datatype.Restriction; RestrictionFlags flags = restriction != null ? restriction.Flags : 0; if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxInclusive) != 0) { if (datatype.Compare(value, (DateTime)restriction.MaxInclusive) > 0) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxInclusiveConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxExclusive) != 0) { if (datatype.Compare(value, (DateTime)restriction.MaxExclusive) >= 0) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxExclusiveConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MinInclusive) != 0) { if (datatype.Compare(value, (DateTime)restriction.MinInclusive) < 0) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinInclusiveConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MinExclusive) != 0) { if (datatype.Compare(value, (DateTime)restriction.MinExclusive) <= 0) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinExclusiveConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.Enumeration) != 0) { if (!MatchEnumeration(value, restriction.Enumeration, datatype)) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_EnumerationConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } return null; } internal override bool MatchEnumeration(object value, ArrayList enumeration, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return MatchEnumeration(datatype.ValueConverter.ToDateTime(value), enumeration, datatype); } private bool MatchEnumeration(DateTime value, ArrayList enumeration, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { for (int i = 0; i < enumeration.Count; ++i) { if (datatype.Compare(value, (DateTime)enumeration[i]) == 0) { return true; } } return false; } } internal class StringFacetsChecker : FacetsChecker { //All types derived from string & anyURI static Regex languagePattern; static Regex LanguagePattern { get { if (languagePattern == null) { Regex langRegex = new Regex("^([a-zA-Z]{1,8})(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*$", RegexOptions.None); Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref languagePattern, langRegex, null); } return languagePattern; } } internal override Exception CheckValueFacets(object value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { string stringValue = datatype.ValueConverter.ToString(value); return CheckValueFacets(stringValue, datatype, true); } internal override Exception CheckValueFacets(string value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return CheckValueFacets(value, datatype, true); } internal Exception CheckValueFacets(string value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype, bool verifyUri) { //Length, MinLength, MaxLength int length = value.Length; RestrictionFacets restriction = datatype.Restriction; RestrictionFlags flags = restriction != null ? restriction.Flags : 0; Exception exception; exception = CheckBuiltInFacets(value, datatype.TypeCode, verifyUri); if (exception != null) return exception; if (flags != 0) { if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.Length) != 0) { if (restriction.Length != length) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_LengthConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MinLength) != 0) { if (length < restriction.MinLength) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinLengthConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxLength) != 0) { if (restriction.MaxLength < length) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxLengthConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.Enumeration) != 0) { if (!MatchEnumeration(value, restriction.Enumeration, datatype)) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_EnumerationConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } } return null; } internal override bool MatchEnumeration(object value, ArrayList enumeration, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return MatchEnumeration(datatype.ValueConverter.ToString(value), enumeration, datatype); } private bool MatchEnumeration(string value, ArrayList enumeration, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { if (datatype.TypeCode == XmlTypeCode.AnyUri) { for (int i = 0; i < enumeration.Count; ++i) { if (value.Equals(((Uri)enumeration[i]).OriginalString)) { return true; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < enumeration.Count; ++i) { if (value.Equals((string)enumeration[i])) { return true; } } } return false; } private Exception CheckBuiltInFacets(string s, XmlTypeCode typeCode, bool verifyUri) { Exception exception = null; switch (typeCode) { case XmlTypeCode.AnyUri: if (verifyUri) { Uri uri; exception = XmlConvert.TryToUri(s, out uri); } break; case XmlTypeCode.NormalizedString: exception = XmlConvert.TryVerifyNormalizedString(s); break; case XmlTypeCode.Token: exception = XmlConvert.TryVerifyTOKEN(s); break; case XmlTypeCode.Language: if (s == null || s.Length == 0) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_EmptyAttributeValue, string.Empty); } if (!LanguagePattern.IsMatch(s)) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_InvalidLanguageId, string.Empty); } break; case XmlTypeCode.NmToken: exception = XmlConvert.TryVerifyNMTOKEN(s); break; case XmlTypeCode.Name: exception = XmlConvert.TryVerifyName(s); break; case XmlTypeCode.NCName: case XmlTypeCode.Id: case XmlTypeCode.Idref: case XmlTypeCode.Entity: exception = XmlConvert.TryVerifyNCName(s); break; default: break; } return exception; } } internal class QNameFacetsChecker : FacetsChecker { internal override Exception CheckValueFacets(object value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { XmlQualifiedName qualifiedNameValue = (XmlQualifiedName)datatype.ValueConverter.ChangeType(value, typeof(XmlQualifiedName)); return CheckValueFacets(qualifiedNameValue, datatype); } internal override Exception CheckValueFacets(XmlQualifiedName value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { RestrictionFacets restriction = datatype.Restriction; RestrictionFlags flags = restriction != null ? restriction.Flags : 0; if (flags != 0) { //If there are facets defined string strValue = value.ToString(); int length = strValue.Length; if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.Length) != 0) { if (restriction.Length != length) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_LengthConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MinLength) != 0) { if (length < restriction.MinLength) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinLengthConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxLength) != 0) { if (restriction.MaxLength < length) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxLengthConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.Enumeration) != 0) { if (!MatchEnumeration(value, restriction.Enumeration)) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_EnumerationConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } } return null; } internal override bool MatchEnumeration(object value, ArrayList enumeration, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return MatchEnumeration((XmlQualifiedName)datatype.ValueConverter.ChangeType(value, typeof(XmlQualifiedName)), enumeration); } private bool MatchEnumeration(XmlQualifiedName value, ArrayList enumeration) { for (int i = 0; i < enumeration.Count; ++i) { if (value.Equals((XmlQualifiedName)enumeration[i])) { return true; } } return false; } } internal class MiscFacetsChecker : FacetsChecker { //For bool, anySimpleType } internal class BinaryFacetsChecker : FacetsChecker { //hexBinary & Base64Binary internal override Exception CheckValueFacets(object value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { byte[] byteArrayValue = (byte[])value; return CheckValueFacets(byteArrayValue, datatype); } internal override Exception CheckValueFacets(byte[] value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { //Length, MinLength, MaxLength RestrictionFacets restriction = datatype.Restriction; int length = value.Length; RestrictionFlags flags = restriction != null ? restriction.Flags : 0; if (flags != 0) { //if it has facets defined if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.Length) != 0) { if (restriction.Length != length) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_LengthConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MinLength) != 0) { if (length < restriction.MinLength) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinLengthConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxLength) != 0) { if (restriction.MaxLength < length) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxLengthConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.Enumeration) != 0) { if (!MatchEnumeration(value, restriction.Enumeration, datatype)) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_EnumerationConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } } return null; } internal override bool MatchEnumeration(object value, ArrayList enumeration, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { return MatchEnumeration((byte[])value, enumeration, datatype); } private bool MatchEnumeration(byte[] value, ArrayList enumeration, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { for (int i = 0; i < enumeration.Count; ++i) { if (datatype.Compare(value, (byte[])enumeration[i]) == 0) { return true; } } return false; } } internal class ListFacetsChecker : FacetsChecker { internal override Exception CheckValueFacets(object value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { //Check for facets allowed on lists - Length, MinLength, MaxLength Array values = value as Array; Debug.Assert(values != null); RestrictionFacets restriction = datatype.Restriction; RestrictionFlags flags = restriction != null ? restriction.Flags : 0; if ((flags & (RestrictionFlags.Length|RestrictionFlags.MinLength|RestrictionFlags.MaxLength)) != 0) { int length = values.Length; if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.Length) != 0) { if (restriction.Length != length) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_LengthConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MinLength) != 0) { if (length < restriction.MinLength) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MinLengthConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.MaxLength) != 0) { if (restriction.MaxLength < length) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MaxLengthConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } } if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.Enumeration) != 0) { if (!MatchEnumeration(value, restriction.Enumeration, datatype)) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_EnumerationConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } return null; } internal override bool MatchEnumeration(object value, ArrayList enumeration, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { for (int i = 0; i < enumeration.Count; ++i) { if (datatype.Compare(value, enumeration[i]) == 0) { return true; } } return false; } } internal class UnionFacetsChecker : FacetsChecker { internal override Exception CheckValueFacets(object value, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { RestrictionFacets restriction = datatype.Restriction; RestrictionFlags flags = restriction != null ? restriction.Flags : 0; if ((flags & RestrictionFlags.Enumeration) != 0) { if (!MatchEnumeration(value, restriction.Enumeration, datatype)) { return new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_EnumerationConstraintFailed, string.Empty); } } return null; } internal override bool MatchEnumeration(object value, ArrayList enumeration, XmlSchemaDatatype datatype) { for (int i = 0; i < enumeration.Count; ++i) { if (datatype.Compare(value, enumeration[i]) == 0) { //Compare on Datatype_union will compare two XsdSimpleValue return true; } } return false; } } }